Consciousness, Energy, and Matter

An insight into the three-fold (yet United) nature of the Universe

Henry Muli
New Earth Consciousness


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Everything is one.

Everything is Spirit, or Consciousness. But from an ego perspective, the Universe is obviously not one thing.

There are many things. There is that wall and this chair, and then there's me, being very different from those ‘other things’.

But, how is this for a perspective… What if that wall and this chair are actually inside of me?

In this article, we will delve into the nature of the One thing by categorizing it into three. Then we’ll explore how the three things interact with each other, in relation to the infinite Universe, and the individual self.

The three things that are one are;

⁛ Matter

⁛ Energy

⁛ Infinite Spirit/ Consciousness

Below is an illustration showing Energy and Matter as polarities of the One thing.

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There is no matter. Everything that exists in the Universe is energetic. It is vibrating, and nothing is ever as solid or tactile as it looks.

In this article, however, we assume that energy and matter are distinct from each other, only to postulate them as polarities. As the Yin and the Yang.

Matter here is therefore everything in the observable Universe. it is the Stars, the planets, and the galaxies.

It is the rocks, the oceans, the mountains, the trees, the walls, the chairs, and the physical bodies.


The Energy side of the Universe to me is what we assume to be ‘empty space’. Space is not empty or blank, it is a presence of energies invisible to the naked eye. (More on that here)

It is the Ether, which is the platform on which varieties of invisible energy frequencies and forms exist and rage like the waves of the Ocean. It is the realm of endless potentiality, from which any creation of form can be crafted.

Physicists have referred to this mysterious presence behind all observable phenomena with terms such as dark matter and dark energy.

This ethereal plane is the vibrational and energetic base of everything we can see and interact with in the Universe. All observable phenomena are like the tip of the iceberg, since the real reality of the Universe is internal, or mental.

The All is mind; The Universe is mental

The Kybalion

This plane is ineffable, unmeasurable, and INFINITE. But it is not the Ultimate.


Here, even the term INFINITE is itself finite. Because it has limits, that's how the mind can understand its concept. It is ‘something’, and yet Consciousness is not something. It’s not anything.

It’s no-thing.

It is difficult to conceptualize, and so to even call it infinite would be to label it. And labels are limitations.

As far as mysteries go, Consciousness has been and still is the biggest mystery in the world.

We cannot explain it, we cannot understand it, and yet we are IT. The best we can do is work with the limited conceptions of it that we presently hold.

And here are some.

It is Source. All that is emanates from it.

Energy and Matter are expressions of it. They protrude out of it, and the interesting part is that they still exist inside of it, and IT exists inside of them.

Energy is not separate from Spirit, and neither is matter. Energy is Spirit, Matter is Spirit.

Yet, on the flip side, Spirit is both Energy and Matter, and none of them at the same time.

Is every individual a little Universe?

The Universe is not outside of I. The Universe is I.

But how?

The Universe, as described in this article, is made up of three aspects… Consciousness/ Spirit, Energy, and Matter.

Well, so am I. So are you.

I am Consciousness, I have an energy aspect, and I have a material aspect, just like the Universe. So in essence, I am a little Universe.

Consciousness is my true being, or true self. Energy and Matter are vessels, veils, or bodies that I am wearing.

My energy vessel is my mind. It helps me navigate and interact with energy forms called thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It is my link to the ethereal realm and through its eye, I can see and interact with energy.

My material vessel is my body. With it, I can see, touch, smell, hear, and taste. It helps me navigate the material realm, and through it, I can interact with matter in all its forms.

Below is an illustration of how we, as little Universes, look like with our three aspects.

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More reading on the anatomy of being here.

Yeshua said…

I am in the father, and the father is in me

To me, that means I exist inside of the Universe, and the Universe exists inside of me.

That we, as little Universes, have our being inside of the whole, and whether we may be conscious of it or not, the whole has its being inside of each and every one of us.

So you see, in the end, this wall and this chair that I thought were other things ‘outside’ of me.

Are actually existing inside of me.

Because… since this wall exists inside the Universe, and the Universe exists inside of me, then this wall exists inside of me. And not ‘outside’ as it seems.

Image by Daniel Hannah from Pixabay

Sending Love, and thank you for reading.

©2022, Henry Muli.

