Welcome to New Era…

The New Era Newsletter, July 2021 | Volume #01

Trisha Dunbar (She/Her)
A New Era
3 min readJun 28, 2021


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Hey Reading and Writing community or ‘New Eraens’

This is the very first edition of what will be our new monthly newsletter to showcase wonderful writers and to get feedback from YOU, our awesome readers. Do let us know in the comments section what you would like to read more of in the coming months?

We are currently seeking new regular writers, but also supportive of anyone doing the 30-Day Challenge. Please see our guidelines for what we accept in this publication.

We hope you have a fantastic month and look forward to having you in this community!

Happy reading and writing!

Popular Stories

Writers really do appreciate those who read their work so do clap, respond highlight and share on social media ❤

Twitter: @NewEra_Pub #NewEraPub

Emily Barbara on why she will never stop eating donuts!

At first, I wanted to write this because I had a great theory about doughnut as the pastry of populism. I was going to delve into immigrants receiving them upon arrival at Ellis Island, the surge of artisanal doughnuts in the last decade and they’re general appeal across socio-economic classes. And while that is still a very valid idea, I realized doughnuts are important to me because I can track my life by them.

Justiss Goode gives us some practical advice on how to keep our temper in check.

Do you ever find that you have a hard time holding your temper? Perhaps you know someone that always has a tendency to fly off the handle and say the wrong thing whenever they are mad.

Trisha Dunbar on the important life lessons she learned from gaming!

Gaming does not always get a positive rap, blamed for increasing violence in the younger generations. However, the reality is if used in moderation gaming can have many useful benefits for all ages. From enabling us to switch off, reducing our stress levels to helping improve our memories and problem solving skills too. It also has the potential to teach us many important life lessons.

Non-Fiction Pick of the Month

Photo by Ján Jakub Naništa on Unsplash

The House at the End of the Street | by Trisha Dunbar | New Era

Inspired by the popular ‘choose your own adventure stories’ of the 1980s-1990s. This is slightly different from the normal flash-fiction posts. YOU get a choice on what happens and these choices may have consequences. Give it ago if you dare and let me know what ending you get?

New Publication

This is a brand new publication and we are really excited to have you onboard. Do spread the word and help lift the stories of the awesome writers in this community and if you haven’t done so already follow us on Twitter!

A shout out to all our newest members — do welcome them onboard!

Rambling Rose, David Montore, Jessie Waddell, Cat Stravino, Rachel Maree, Justiss Goode, Miles Etherton,



Trisha Dunbar (She/Her)
A New Era

🧠 Sharing my journey #100daysof... challenges 💪 Fitness & Health 📖Reading for Growth | ✍ Writing for Self-Expression 🦣@trishadunbar@me.dm