Dear “Medians”,

This is a modified version of my writing for the week

Chinedu V. Onyema
New Pub Welcome


Photo by Frank Alarcon on Unsplash


The Medians is an apparently creative way of referring to the Medium community of admins, writers, and readers. Interestingly, I stumbled upon this in the past few hours and thought it proper to infuse it into my weekly report.

Firstly, did you find it interesting, innovative, catchy, exciting, boring, or plainly ordinary? Secondly, what do you make of my proposition to add a suffix “-ites” to the term thereby modifying it to become: Medianites?

To find out how that poignantly appropriate expression came about, could you click below to read the story: “It Happened on Medium: March roundup”?⬇️

The story was written by Medium Staff and published in the Medium Blog. Kudos to Amy Widdowson, VP Communications, and the Medium team for that sumptuous one.

The Power of Imagination

As I pick and type these letters from the keyboard, I imagine myself as the President of a no-small entity addressing my compatriots: ‘Medians’ and ‘Medianites’— used interchangeably here, thus:

Dear Medianites,

“It is my pleasure and privilege to bring to your notice the latest events in our most memorable march towards the continual development of this noble platform in particular, and the community in general.

“These events which took place in the past one week (Saturday, April 20th to Friday, April 26th, 2024) are in continuation of our objectives to make the Medianites the happiest people on the planet.

The Events Proper

First, The story: “I Was Off the Medium for a Day but it Seemed Like One Week” was published by the Wake. Write. Win. team led by amiable Creator/Editor Janis Gross. Kudos to them.

The story explored the daunting challenges of writing consistently on Medium from a typical developing country with myriads of economic and public infrastructural deficiencies.

Click to read below.⬇️

Second, the story was written: “How I Stammered and Stuttered While in Primary School”. It was published by the Write A Catalyst team led by inspirational Editor Bin Jiang. Kudos to them.

It narrated how the author passed through one of the most humiliating experiences as a pupil in an elementary school and of course, how he miraculously, mysteriously came out of it.

Click below to read.

Third, the story: “The Dangers of Being Honest in a World of Flagrant Falsehood” was accepted and published by the Spot On Pub led by the articulate Editor Frankie Pendles. Kudos to her.

The story enumerated the risks involved in being honest in a rather frustratingly increasing dishonest world.

Click below to read.⬇️

Fourth, the story: “How a $2 Gift Miraculously Brought Me Back to the Medium” was also published by the Wake. Write. Win. team. Kudos to them once again.

It effectively conveyed the message that a gift might be small but its effect is not.

Click below to read.⬇️

Fifth, came the unprecedented “four in one”. They were actually entries for the contest being organized by the Write A Catalyst Publication.

In the contest, the sponsor, Editor Bin Jiang graciously volunteered a well defined percentage of his April earnings to three ‘would -be’ winners in the ongoing competition.

Click here to read about the contest.⬇️

The entries were as follows:

  1. My Favourite Colleague
  2. When Sleep Knocks
  3. When Poverty Whips You With Hunger
  4. She Was ‘Married’ To A Ghost For Years Without Knowing It

They are all made for an exciting reading experience individually and collectively.

Sixth, came yet another story in a completely busy week entitled: “Knowledgeable But Not Wise”. It was published by Express Impact founded by enterprising Editor, Sompa Mensah. Kudos to him and his new pub.

Click to read:⬇️

In the story, twenty examples were listed as to why there are more knowledgeable than wise people in the world. This is a must read.

Click below to read.⬇️

Click here to read this unusual story:

Seventh, which is also the last but not least, came the story: “There are Levels of Love”. It was published by the Reaching Hearts Pub and her indefatigable Founder/Editor, Mike Sansone. Kudos to him.

In the story, love is indispensable as far as the readers, writers on Medium and the entire world are concerned.

Finally …

Kudos to Bin Jiang and the New Pub Welcome team for the publication of this report in anticipation.

Thanks for reading.

Support my work literally, figuratively, financially, and or otherwise.



Chinedu V. Onyema
New Pub Welcome

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."