Writing an op-ed: Targeting an audience and deciding on the call to action

An audio version is available at SoundCloud.

Holly: If you plan to write an op-ed, it is important to have a goal in mind. Are you trying to influence policymakers? Local…

Writing an op-ed: Writing the “to be sure” and dealing with possible backlash

An audio version is available at SoundCloud.

Holly: You have decided to write an op-ed, you have your argument and evidence and newshook, but you are worried about the…

Writing an op-ed: Crafting the argument and deciding on your evidence

An audio version is available at SoundCloud.

Holly: If you find yourself thinking as you watch or read the news, “Noo!! That is so wrong” or “That won’t work” or “I know a better way…

Writing an op-ed: Getting an idea and making the piece timely

An audio version is available on SoundCloud.

Holly: It’s a Sunday evening and you have a few hours alone, without any other obligations. You want to write an op-ed, but what should you write about…

New Voices From the Global South
New Voices From the Global South
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