An Outlook on Nexo Dividends and Beyond

4 min readMay 24, 2018


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In our pursuit of transparency and for the benefit of our investors’ better understanding, we would like to shed light on some fascinating developments at Nexo and explain how dividends are paid out. This is of the utmost importance as it helps set the proper expectations.

Financing $1+ Billion of Loan Requests

As you are aware, Nexo completed a highly oversubscribed and successful Private Sale. Investors had plenty of reasons to choose Nexo, we were therefore able to raise $52.5 million and, as promised, the overwhelming part of these funds is now finding its way back to the community in the form of the world’s first instant crypto-backed loans, available in 40+ fiat currencies in more than 200 countries around the world.

This, however, is only the beginning as the Nexo team is constantly and tirelessly working on securing additional funding to meet the enormous demand. The management continues to have a busy schedule with meetings throughout Europe and the United States. We will share in due course news about exciting partnerships and business prospects in the pipeline resulting from our recent encounters and efforts.

The Nexo Team is working on multiple fronts to raise additional financing:

  • Acquiring an FDIC-insured US chartered bank
    The team’s endeavors to add a US commercial bank to Nexo’s operations are progressing well. Not only does this provide Nexo with a strong foothold in the US market but, more importantly, with access to additional cost-efficient financing. The latter, in turn, allows a rapid expansion of the loan portfolio to meet the constantly growing demand. Other market leaders like Circle and Coinbase have also chosen Nexo’s path.
  • Securitization of the loan portfolio
    We are working on structuring a fixed-income financial instrument based on our asset-backed loan portfolio, which is a familiar investment vehicle to our institutional partners looking for regular yields. This also provides Wall Street with an entry into crypto.
  • Accepting new crypto assets as collateral
    Nexo has over 38 applications from different blockchain companies who want their tokens/coins accepted as collateral on the Nexo platform. This opens up further growth opportunities as many of those companies have expressed interest in providing financing for Nexo to issue loans backed by their respective tokens.

Our goal is nothing short of meeting the demand for crypto-backed loans. This creates an enormous revenue boost and results in larger dividends for NEXO Token holders.

Ensuring Further Growth

But even with the massive demand for Nexo’s current product, we see much more room for growth. Nexo is enabling loan issuance in new fiat currencies, tapping into new and unexplored markets and gaining additional market share. We aim to empower our clients to spend their cash through the comfort of their free Nexo Credit Card, while institutional partnerships add multiple new service capabilities and propel Nexo well beyond lending.

Nexo Dividends Explained

Delivering vs. Just Talking

Finally, we would like to assure all our clients, investors and supporters that we are a very vibrant and driven company, working zealously on the management and constant improvement of our product.

Ask yourself honestly — how many of the hundreds of “ICO” projects out there have launched a live product? How many of them are earning real revenues as is Nexo already?

If you do not hear from us for a number of days, do not take it personally. This means that we are hard at work issuing loans, building new products, securing new financing, improving the customer experience and implementing new platform features, etc. Unlike other participants in the blockchain arena who spend their energy sharing every idea they generate or every event they attend, we promise to spare you the mundane details and inform you only of the practical and real, yet groundbreaking advances, which we have made for the benefit of Nexo’s continuous expansion, our investors and that of the community as a whole.

We do not pursue, nor do we promise instant gratification. As our 10-year success story with Credissimo of servicing millions of people throughout Europe unequivocally proves, we know how to execute and deliver results, especially when compared to the majority of other offerings in our domain. In the case of Nexo, our investors can expect regular, growing dividends and superior long-term returns.

Do check out our earlier blog posts, share them with your friends and let them too be part of the Nexo success story!

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