Top Stories published by next media accelerator in 2016

Welcome batch 3 #winterbatch ❄️

Our third class started last September, right after our Demo Day 2. Today we are proud to present you officially the four teams who joined our accelerator for this winter batch.

6 learnings from organizing hackathons with next media accelerator

I’ve been working as program manager at next media accelerator for the last months and during this time we have had the opportunity of co-organizing two media hackathons: one together with NDR and ARD-Aktuell in…

Spectrm receives $1.5 million investment

TechCrunch made it official:

Spectrm has raised a total of $1.5 million from North Base Media, Lerer Hippeau Ventures, Axel Springer, BDMI and German angel investor Jens Schumann.