Nilo Attributes

Intelligence, Protection, and Luck

Nilo official
2 min readFeb 14, 2024


These attributes — Intelligence, Protection, and Luck — play a crucial role in shaping your brushing experience and maximizing your rewards.

When a Nilo is first hatched from its egg, these attribute points are distributed at random. Then after each level up, the owner of the Nilo avatar will allocate the earned points to the attribute of their choice. The Nilo attributes are permanent once the level up is confirmed and this makes each Nilo unique in how they impact the ecosystem.

Let’s delve into each attribute and discover how they can elevate your oral care routine:

1. Intelligence (I):

Intelligence is the key to unlocking greater rewards in the Nilo ecosystem. If you want to earn more Brushing Experience Points (BXP) after each brushing session, boosting your Intelligence attribute is essential.

2. Protection (P):

Missing a brushing session can reduce your avatar’s Health Points (HP), leading to fewer BXP earned. But with Protection, your BXP earnings won’t decrease even if your HP does. Higher Protection ensures you maintain maximum BXP rewards no matter your health status.

3. Luck (L):

With higher Luck, the chances of receiving reward boxes after each brushing session increase. Users can boost their Nilo’s Luck attribute to unlock greater opportunities for rare items and gears, adding excitement to every brushing routine.

In conclusion, Nilo Attributes are more than just features — they’re the secret ingredients for mastering your oral care routine and maximizing rewards. Users can strategically allocate attribute points to tailor their Nilo’s abilities, contributing to a healthier and rewarding smile. Embrace the power of attributes to unlock your Nilo avatar’s full potential.

Read about BXP here.

Read about Items here.

Read about Gears here.

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