Go to No Company Policy
No Company Policy
Featuring pieces on entertainment, healthy living, organic products, current issues, technology, personal stories and more.
Note from the editor

Featuring pieces on entertainment, healthy living, organic products, technology, politics, personal stories and more. Submissions are open to various types of writing. As the title says, there's no company policy. Only good writing! See https://medium.com/no-company-policy to submit.

Go to the profile of Nancy O. Greene
Go to the profile of Chrissy M.
Chrissy M.
BA Psychology, MA in Criminology. Lover of Film. Published Writer, Blogger & Labyrinth of Mysteries. Dark Humor. Here to Spread Laughter and Wisdom.
Go to the profile of Brooke Moore
Brooke Moore
Full time IT Career Woman, Mom of 3, Autism Mom, Writer of All Things, Health Junkie, Bow Hunter, Introvert, Survivor, Advocate, & Feminist!
Go to the profile of Traverse Davies
Traverse Davies
I do survival, self-publishing consultation, and writing. Check out my blog: https://dreamtime.logic11.com
Go to the profile of Claudio Lintunen
Claudio Lintunen
I write to encourage people to live a better life and to take care of our dear planet | 👨🏻‍🎓 Experience and Service Design | 🌍 Finland