Go to No Wrong Notes
No Wrong Notes
Typing about listening
Note from the editor

This is a publication for those who read to listen. There are no submission guidelines other than that your article must be about music in some way, shape, or form, and we must love it. We reserve the right to publish or reject anything and everything that is submitted to us. To be added as a writer, please email: nowrongnotes@preacherboy.com. Please format your subject line exactly as follows: [Author Name] Medium Writer Request.

Go to the profile of Christopher Watkins/Preacher Boy
Christopher Watkins/Preacher Boy
Songwriter, poet. Author of "Famished" (Pine Row Press). New Preacher Boy album "Ghost Notes" due Fall 2024 (Coast Road Records).
Go to the profile of Michael
Writer & documentary filmmaker. Collector of sad stories and master of the false narrative. @bsidesnarrative. / www.bsidesnarrative.com
Go to the profile of James David Patrick
James David Patrick
A writer with a movie problem. Host of the Cinema Shame podcast and slayer of literary journals.
Go to the profile of James David Patrick
James David Patrick
A writer with a movie problem. Host of the Cinema Shame podcast and slayer of literary journals.