Archive of stories published by Nolan’s Internet House

How Secure is my Dropbox?

The answer to this is: Secure as any other “private” content uploaded to the Internet, which is “not very.”

Dropbox is a widely-used service that lets you keep a specific directory in sync across many computers. Copy a file into the Dropbox folder on your…

Hello, Slack

Two weeks ago, I started at Tiny Speck as their engineering manager, working on Slack. Slack is getting bigger in almost every way that matters and I’m excited about getting to take part in it.

So what does taking this particular role at this particular company mean to me? It…

SICP and

I’ve been wanting to read SICP for awhile, but with lots of other books on my to-read list, as well as the $50 dollar price tag for a used copy, I’ve put it on hold. The price, while relatively steep, usually doesn’t stop me from picking up a highly-desired book, but I held off mainly as the book…

These were the top 10 stories published by Nolan’s Internet House; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2021.

Nolan’s Internet House
Sporadic series of essays and rambling thoughts about management, leadership, business, strategy and software
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