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some travel stories and various bumps along the road
Note from the editor

This story began when we left Seattle in January 2017. The thought was to travel and search for anything that would be different than living in a city that was becoming increasingly gloomy with growth. I had lived on the West coast most of my life. My husband John was born in Seattle. We left behind a successful bakery that I thought I would have forever. We sold our house. And with great sadness, we let go of our poor old dog Betty. We got rid of 95% of our belongings and moved into a 190 SF Airstream travel trailer with our two cats, George and Lance. I still bake in the tiny oven, only now I get to do it with all new ingredients from every town we visit, no place or no where in particular, just what feels right. Feel free to drop me a line, steph@noplacenowhere.com

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stephanie crocker
Connecting the dots through the written word.