Go to Nothing Works
Nothing Works
Creative generosity, self organising since 2010
Note from the editor

Reflections, ideas and journeys of creative generosity, giving and gifting what you’re good at, civic participation, social change and doing good for nothing. Self-organising since 2010.

Go to the profile of dan burgess
dan burgess
Change Strategist//Co-Designer//Creative Catalyst/Activist//Dad dreaming a new dream, @g00dfornothing, @wearewildlabs www.thespaceship.earth
Go to the profile of Good for Nothing
Good for Nothing
A rebellion of the heart. Creative generosity. Gift your gifts. #DoGoodinYourHood #Giftivism #GoodforNothing #Rebellionoftheheart
Go to the profile of dan burgess
dan burgess
Change Strategist//Co-Designer//Creative Catalyst/Activist//Dad dreaming a new dream, @g00dfornothing, @wearewildlabs www.thespaceship.earth
Go to the profile of Good for Nothing
Good for Nothing
A rebellion of the heart. Creative generosity. Gift your gifts. #DoGoodinYourHood #Giftivism #GoodforNothing #Rebellionoftheheart
Go to the profile of Stephen King
Stephen King
Partner, new dad, making the 'jump' into social business. Strategy, business planning and financial modelling for your entreprise: stephen@socialbusiness.org
Go to the profile of tom farrand
tom farrand
Wannabe game-park ranger: coach x catalyst w/Human Energy Co & Swarm: Helping pioneers & teams learn, innovate with purpose, collaborate. Love @g00dfornothing
Go to the profile of Laurie Grandi
Laurie Grandi
Sometimes it’s important to wash your hands all the way up to the elbow.
Go to the profile of Hannah Rose Fox
Hannah Rose Fox
Interested in: Arts, Cities, Design, People
Go to the profile of Marvin Amankwa-Dei
Go to the profile of Jennifer Cromar
Go to the profile of Evva K. Semenowicz
Evva K. Semenowicz
Facilitator & learning experience designer | into myth & the unseen
Go to the profile of Good for Nothing Chester
Good for Nothing Chester
Chester Chapter of @g00dfornothing led by Holly, Rhiannon, Nicola and Jon; bringing like minded folks together for hi-energy creative collaborations.