Novo SGA v2.0.0 released

After a long long time of hard work I’m proud to announce the Novo SGA v2.0.0.

Notable changes:

  • App structure: the main project was rewritten using Symfony 4.1 (PHP 7.1) and they modules are now Symfony bundles.


Help us to translate Novo SGA v2.0 to your language. Create an user on Transifex and join to NovoSGA teams.

Available resources to translate:

  • Novo SGA default
  • Attendance module

Novo SGA v2.0 BETA

Update (Nov 20, 2017)

After recent changes on docker image (thanks to Marco Antonio Martins Junior) database creation/update is executed automatically!

New website

Continuing the development of the next version of Novo SGA (v2.0) I’ve released the new frontpage, a simple and pretty page using Bulma framework.

Leave a comment about the new website and/or new features for Novo SGA v2.0.
