“I would suggest that you listen to the words within this very carefully because the message is not a slight one.

“Now we say unto you, peace be with you, and peace be with your world”


(Part 2 of 2) – by the spiritual messengers of God, Aka

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, continue their loving, prophetic guidance from 1977 to 1989 to those who live in the United States of America (and other parts of our world).

Also read part 1 of 2, which they spoke from 1970 to 1976.

The events of which they speak may bring to mind what Jesus said in Matthew 24:3–8:

“Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?’

“And Jesus answered and said to them…

“‘And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.’”

As the new year begins, January 21, 1977, the spiritual messengers of God compassionately warn: A time of famine shall come upon the earth, worse than you have ever known before. If you do not see this, look yonder unto the eastern seaboard of your land. All around you the ground freezes. It goes into the deepest of sleeps.

Remember that springtime shall come and the harvest from your desert can feed the multitudes.

But we say unto you, all things within your governmental processes are yet to be turned right. New and vicious scandals shall come forth.

We say again, beware of the wind that should come from the south.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. The first question I have is in regards to the meaning of, ‘Beware of the wind that should come from the south,’ are you talking about storm winds, or radioactivity, or what?”

We say unto you, as the winds should shift, and once again pass over, in the storm activities radioactive material gathered with that of what you would know as nerve gas, has been implanted into this. It is affecting your minds. It was done as an experimental purpose, at a time when the change of powers in this land, to see the vulnerability of this nation at that time.

This photo shows trails of chemicals and unknown ingredients put aloft by jets. Geoengineering, weather warfare, and chemtrails are well known in our skies worldwide now. Some say that in addition to the aluminum, barium and magnesium usually contained in these man-made trails that disperse as clouds and gradually fall upon the land, there can be many other ingredients. One proposal was to vaccinate populations by airborne dispersal rather than my vaccinations. Another thought was to spread viruses in the air for warfare. Much has progressed in military research since Aka spoke these words in 1977.

The second wind that should come from the south is that of revolution and warfare, and the march of communists, which could come closer to your doorway. And soon, if it is not weakened, it shall come into fulfillment. But it cannot be defeated with straw swords.

You have other questions, ask….”

“Aka, I have a question from [9–357–2]. She asks, ‘Please tell me what is to happen in the area I live in when the earthquake hits. Will there be any safe place in Northern California to be?’” [Note: numbers are substituted for names and addresses to respect privacy.]

Yes, there are safe places. There are places in the Yosemite valley. There are also other places in that that is known as the Lake Tahoe region, but it would be wise to be on the higher proportion or higher side of this, that we would say, closer toward Reno, Nevada, or that proportion known as Truckee, California.

Truckee River

The problem with all of these places is the ability to raise or harvest food, for there is none there. This is the problem with most of the high, mountainous regions. They do not bring forth a bountiful enough fruit, or food, as you would say, to feed the multitudes as is needed. Next, the tools you would need to survive. And most important, that that would keep you from freezing to death. Take in account that of the Donner party. Look into its history. Those who were there have yet to restore themselves from this. Even through incarnation they bear the scars of the eating of human flesh.

Where shall we begin, and where shall we end? Where shall you run to, and where shall you hide?

We say unto you, the Imperial Valley will go first — gradual, slow.

The Salton Sea lies in the Imperil Valley. This was created accidentally in 1905 when the Colorado river changed its course. Over millions of years, the Colorado River has flowed into the Imperial Valley and deposited soil (creating fertile farmland), building up the terrain and constantly changing the course of the river. For thousands of years, the river has flowed into and out of the valley alternately, creating a freshwater lake, an increasingly saline lake, and a dry desert basin, depending on river flows and the balance between inflow and evaporative loss. The cycle of filling has been about every 400–500 years and has repeated itself many times. The latest natural cycle occurred around 1600–1700 as remembered by Native Americans who talked with the first European settlers. Fish traps still exist at many locations, and the Native Americans evidently moved the traps depending upon the cycle. The most recent inflow of water from the now heavily controlled Colorado River was accidentally created by the engineers of the California Development Company in 1905. In an effort to increase water flow into the area for farming, irrigation canals were dug from the Colorado River into the valley. The canals suffered silt buildup, so a cut was made in the bank of the Colorado River to further increase the water flow. The resulting outflow overwhelmed the engineered canal, and the river flowed into the Salton Basin for two years, filling the historic dry lake bed and creating the modern sea, before repairs were completed.

But it shall fill, and the river shall change its course.

The Colorado River has been routed into the Imperial Valley in Southestern California near Yuma, Arizona.

Then, from Eureka, California, downward, almost as you would draw a straight line ––

Eureka is the principal city and county seat of Humboldt County in the Redwood Empire region of California. The city is located on U.S. Route 101 on the shores of Humboldt Bay, 270 miles (430 km) north of San Francisco and 100 miles (160 km) south of the Oregon border. The area regularly experiences large earthquakes as it is situated on the southern end the Cascadia subduction zone and near the San Andreas Fault.
This USGS diagram shows the San Andreas Fault, where the Pacific and North American Continental plates collide. It runs south of Eureka past the San Bernardino mountains to the Salton Sea in southeastern California.

to San Bernardino, downward into the Gulf of Mexico ––

From the San Bernardino Mountains in this map, the San Andreas fault continues southeast to the Salton Sea in the Imperial Valley, California.

or to the Gulf of California, as you would call it –– the splitting away of land. Land shall rise, yet fall again. Islands shall be made.

The Salton Sea can be seen at the top right just above the Imperial Valley that continues southward to the Gulf of California.

Then should come another splitting away. This should go farther over. You may draw a line from Reno, up into Oregon, down toward Kingman, and through your great dam there. This shall be the next breaking away.

Reno to Phoenix — Map showing proposed Interstate 11 in red. Officially designated segment from Phoenix, AZ to Las Vegas, NV (replacing current US-93) is shown in solid red. Las Vegas to Reno (replacing US-95, 395 and NV-208) and Phoenix to Nogales (concurrent/parallel with I-10 and I-19) are shown as dashed red. Map by Shannon1 — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=46564603
Hoover dam is shown from the Arizona side. Kingman, Arizona, lies 76 miles southeast of Hoover dam. Also see the Glenn Canyon dam near Page, Arizona.

Then, should come the breaking away of part of the Mediterranean area, and then the breaking away of the European area, but before this should happen, the breaking away of that that you call the New York peninsula. And it shall not form islands, for it should go beneath the sea.

New York state, U.S.A. A peninsula is “a portion of land nearly surrounded by water and connected with a larger body by an isthmus; also: a piece of land jutting out into the water whether with or without a well-defined isthmus.”

You think in terms of fear. You have the knowledge. We have given you the information before every earthquake or hurricane or tornado-type storm, or any other thing that might harm you. All you have had to do is to listen and to utilize this information. In the readings you will find a great multitude of information on this subject. Bring it together, now, that it can be prepared and used by all of the people.

But remember, the earth has shifted itself many times. Man has lived. The manner unto which he should to survive is the question.

Survival is not the only thing. To survive without knowledge is to climb back into caves which you came out of. And how many times have you come from theses caves? How many times has your civilization [disappeared]? To not heed the warnings, [ignore what] is built upon our knowledge, what a great thing [has been] taken. That of your written words, that of how to do things — mineralogy, electronics, every one of your technologies should be preserved. Instead of putting riff-raff quite often in your time capsules, why do you not place technology, and [maps] to these, so that the people, and when the time comes, that these could be recovered?

We have told you to store of the food, to store of tools, but without knowledge, you shall survive, but for what — so that your race can go on?

In this day and this time of yours, when you are beginning to learn that the color and creed or another person’s religion is not what makes the person, it is what they are. Understand them. The time will come when you shall live together. Or shall you be as the last time, each separating into your separate races, each ready to make war upon the other, mistrust? You of the American people are the melting pot. You are that place where the best steel has been forged. Yet you have become weak. It is not how strong a man may hold a sword should be his weakness, but the lack of knowledge, that is he weakness — the knowledge to know when to use the sword and when to lay it down and use it no more.

Store, but do not be as a rodent to run and hide in the ground. It is written that “woe be on man,” for when this time comes, whatever you are doing, do not go back for your coast or your hat, but flee unto the mountains. And let it be said that it is also written, that pray that if it cannot be in the winter time, when the mothers are pregnant and heavy with child. (See Matthew 24:15–22.)

Each of you have thought in your minds of what kind of catastrophe could strike in such a way in this time that all of these things could be lost?

We would say unto you, the earth has been changing upon its axis since 1932. The earth’s shift is inevitable. War shall come, but it shall be stopped by natural catastrophe.

But the Spartans of war, the rumors of war, wars in Quebec, wars in Mexico, all of these are made to weaken your nation, to weaken your people. Which shall you choose?

You are a free people. But the only reason you can remain so is of a government by the people, for the people. Through free enterprise, control your own lives. Do not let a government control you or you will have lost that freedom. Do not heed to all of these new things that people shall say unto you shall be the best for you. Look at them deeply, and then decide.

The Constitution of the United States of America

For those who shall make decisions to move to different areas, make the decision in a wise manner, that of means of making a living, providing for your families. All of these things must come first.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of a Messiah.

February 4, 1977: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. As we have said before, the great Sword stands ready to strike. The Fifth Angel walks upon your land.

That that should plague the eastern part of your country has not yet finished. The atmospheric changes shall now come rapidly. We have told you before of the famine, and to prepare a way for these things. Your nation shall stand in the end. But famines and pestilence is upon you.

We have told you before of the safe lands. And for those who should prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah, a way shall be provided for all. We will see to your needs — not your wants, but your needs.

Now you must come together as one. Let all groups come together as one. Let all religions come together as one. Let all races come together as one. In this the land shall survive and prosper in the end. The earth shall change its form, as we have told you before. But man’s knowledge must come in such a manner that you should share unto all.

There shall be many who shall take advantage of this crisis, of this famine. For those we should say, woe unto thee.

Yet for those who should find brotherhood and a deeper understanding of each other, they shall find a deeper understanding of God, our Father. It is hard in your minds to understand, as the darkest days loom before you, that brotherhood can be born from the worst of things. Yet there is more to come. That that should come from the south shall swarm upon you like locusts. If you meet these crises with fear or panic you shall perish, and your land shall perish. If you meet these things in love and brotherhood, your land shall come forth and blossom.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, when you say that that shall come from the south as locusts, are you talking about people attacking from the south, or are you talking about people seeking refuge from the south?”

You shall find those, not only from Mexico, but from South America — all shall seek refuge. War is but a step away. They shall seek refuge, but some should come forth to bring their war into your own land. There is still time that a joining of hands, from the north in Canada, and from the south of Mexico and your South American countries.

The U.S.-Mexico border fence at Douglas, Arizona. Read more of what Aka said in “Beware of the Brown Horse.”

We shall say unto you, that of Cuba should take advantage. They shall enter Panama as they already have. They shall enter Mexico, as they already have. But arms shall come forth.

Do not become an armed camp. Though diplomatic relations, and a true republic that could emerge throughout the North and South American continents, a joining of hands that should become one mighty arm.

If the people voice their opinions to the government, these things can still be stilled.

There are those who seek profit and a gain at the expense of their own countrymen. Within your own land, those of the east should soon swarm upon this land. Factories shall close. If the energy needs, which you already have the means for, are not brought forth, worse crises yet shall instill themselves — worse shortages, higher prices. These things, if a joining of hands were put together, would not be necessary….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, how best can our group store books to protect our knowledge, and is there a preference as to types of subject material?”

We have told you before the knowledge of mineralogy, science, of all natures, should be stored. Not only of books, but knowledge of the mind, of knowing and doing, is important. Knowledge stored in the mind is of great value. Knowledge stored in book form is of great value. In the completion of your new storehouse, you shall have vast storage areas where you can store more than you ever stored before. Divide it into sections, and store.

But do not store the knowledge so that your people cannot reach it.

February 18, 1977: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord.

And we should say unto thee the parable of those who should dream dreams, yet put no effort into their dreams.

In the days of Pharaoh, he did dream the same dreams over and over. And he did search far and wide for an interpretation of his dreams. A young lad came forth, and he did interpret the dream. There would be seven good years of bountiful harvest, and seven lean years. And he did prepare for such.

Across the land there were other dreamers and other men who interpreted the dreams. But none of the other nations did make ready, nor did they prepare for this time. As a result, all turned to Egypt for food. And Egypt did feed the lands and the people. But many sold themselves into slavery to obtain food. [See Genesis, chapters 40–50.]

Now we say unto you, once again you were told of the coming of the famine, the lean years. And you did have bountiful years before this. And none could heed the words. And much as in the time of Egyptan, there were many who should take and make a profit, and enslave those who did not heed these words. Across your land lays a blight of cold. Yet in this land, where great harvests could be obtained, the time that land should have been plowed and seed put forward, those who thought otherwise did not do so.

There have been many who should say unto us, “When is this time of famine?” And we say unto you, it is upon you. We have told you before that the Fifth Angel walks upon the earth, and one third of the earth should be blighted. Look unto the eastern part of your United States. Then, look into Europe.

We have said before that rain should fall, and what was deserts would turn into gardens, and what was gardens should turn into desert. And we have told you the purpose for deserts upon the land. And we have told you the purpose of the oasis in the desert.[See A Rose without Thorns, pages 83–84].

Sparse rains shall be land upon this land, or that of the western and northwestern parts of the United States. Water shall be a precious commodity.

We say unto you, as we have said before, to dream is a wonderful thing, but to build toward the fulfillment of a dream, to place aside those things that should be needed. There are those who have hoarded gold. Gold you cannot eat, nor will they heal the sick, nor still the cries of the young ones when they are hungry.

We have said before that we would provide those things that were needed for those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, and we shall. For once again upon this land you call a desert, we shall bring forth a bountiful amount of food. But if you do not store this time, it shall not come again.

Trees that blossom too soon shall freeze. Trees that blossom too late shall not bear fruit.

But all shall not come as a cloud of reaping sorrow. Much you shall learn from that that is before you. Brotherhood shall be a renewed knowledge, the ability to share with one another.

Your country, nor no other country, can long feed nor endure from those who should not work to earn food. As Rome did fall from within, so you are the modern Romans. You still have a choice. As proud people you did come upon this land, and you did meet proud people who had knowledge of the land, and they did teach you to live upon the land. But we say unto you, you have changed and altered nature. You have brought forth the Fifth Angel. Do not bring forth the Sixth and the Seventh.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. When might we expect adequate moisture in this area to replenish the ground water?”

There shall not be that. You shall have storms in the first and later part of March, but then not again until that of late July. The groundwater as such shall not be replenished for two years.

As the cold has swept unto the eastern part of your country, it shall switch and turn, and sweep the western part of the country. But it will be too little, too late.

On March 25, 1977, the warnings seemed to take a turn. But did they, for Aka spoke of the red horse since 1970? Are these warnings about part of the same plan of those who seek to destroy America and control the world––by causing chaos, war, famine, disease, fear and death to rule in Lucifer’s way? Did we see the “first tremors” of the works of the Anti-Christ in 1977?

The spiritual messengers of God said: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

We have said unto thee before of the Black September. And we shall give thee the date, and it should be that that should be easily turned into your numerology, September the 6th, 1977. From this, and this information, shall answer many questions you have asked before.

Note: What is the Black September? Seven years before Aka spoke these words, Aka had warned us––even before September 6, 1970, when two passenger jets bound from Europe to New York were simultaneously hijacked by Palestinian terrorist members of PFLP and taken to Dawson’s Field in Jordan. A third, bound for Beirut, was diverted to Cairo. An attempt to hijack an Israeli plane in Amsterdam was averted and one of the terrorists killed. The terrorists pronounce the north of Jordan as liberated territory and blow up the airliner in Cairo, after evacuation of its passengers.

The Black September movement was named after a bloody battle in September 1970 by these radical fundamentalist militants led by the Father of Modern-day Terrorism, Palestinian Yasser Arafat, who sought to overthrow the King of Jordan. When the Black September war was lost a year later, many militants dispersed to other countries, to gradually become a worldwide network of professional assassins, or terrorists. But Arafat’s dream for a Palestinian state and the annihilation of Israel only grew through time with the perceived weakness of Israel and the U.S.; he gathered many terrorist organizations and leaders in support of this “Palestinian cause”.

The spiritual messengers of God continued: And you say unto this, “How can we bring forth love when each man should stand only for himself? How can these things be accomplished?”

And we say unto you, it can be accomplished. You are like the core, the center, of a tree which branches may extend from. The tree in its maturity and its growth shall have lean years and full years. Love shall be as the tree. The faith that must go into the love for the growth, without it the roots have no place to go. The hope shall be part of the faith.

Man shall begot man. Civilizations shall rise and fall. But once you have put together strong links, one at a time, there is no boundary that can hold you any longer, for you shall reach out into eternity — for it shall not be you, but the spirits bound together in eternal love.

You have that that is called understanding. That in itself is but a half truth. We only understand the truth as it stands before us today. The truth is a changeable flexible thing.

It is like the young tree. It must reach upward into the heavens. The farther and the higher it may grow, the greater the understanding. Yet, the tallest limb must send back unto the roots understanding. And the roots must know the height of the tree so that the wind may not blow it over, and so it may receive the proper nou­rishment for the whole tree.

So is your group; so can be your nation. Your nation is like a tree with so many branches the roots know not what nor where it is needed to nourish the rest of the tree.

Most of you in your thoughts of the parable of Jesus and the olive tree, when he did wither forth this tree you said, “What point did it prove?” [See Mark 11:12–33.]

For he did not destroy anything. He rapidly brought forth full maturity into the tree. He showed you that the tree was rotten at the core so it could not fully develop.

Your group and those of other organizations that should join you should join in such a manner that they bring representation, as you have set aside in the growth of your country, that if they should desire to join with you let them participate in full by bringing their representatives into the Board of Directors, becoming part, a working part of all things.

You say unto us, “How can these things you have said be of spiritual growth?”

Any growth is spiritual growth. Nothing may stand still. It is always changing. The oldest things on the world, on your continent know this. The oldest things of your plant life understand this. Why cannot you? Why cannot you know that the earth has changed many times? It is man who has lost his knowledge along the way. Yet some know­ledge, even though he has altered and changed the meaning, has remained.

The scientific knowledge is as important as knowing how to meditate or anything else. Without this, and without these things, your continent cannot prepare for the coming of the Messiah.

Shall it be that he should come and go, and never be known?

We have said before to bring forth public relations, people within your organiza­tion to deal with the press and television and radio media. We have prepared the way many times for you. You have shunned them aside because you cannot work together. Your right hand and your left hand must know what you are doing.

We said in the beginning we would provide for your needs, the needs of your spiri­tual growth, and the needs for the material things that were needed, not only for the growth and maturity of your organization, but for the growth and the maturity of the individual. And for all those who are willing to work for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, so it shall be.

But it cannot be done in silence. Let your voices be heard unto the Lord. Let your voices be heard unto one another. If your desire is to reach toward your Lord, if you should reach alone you have accomplished nothing. If you shall reach together, your heart, your soul, your spirit, and you immortal body shall all be as one.

In that hidden place within your mind you shall find the quiet pool. There you shall find a candle that shall always be lit. And there within yourself you shall find God.

But be as a mirror. Let that part of you reflect out.

If you should go unto the forest, and there you shall find all the beautiful flowers and share them with no one, then love is nothing unless it is shared. It is an impulse felt at the time, nothing more.

There are those who should speak forth in anger to one another. And after they have spoken, they would like to remove the words that they have spoken. It is not enough to say you are sorry. Put into practice what you should preach. Be not as a hypocrite.

Man shall rise and fall. It is not the falling that shall be the sin; it is his inabi­lity to get up, to rise. And in rising he shall lend a hand for others. If one should take it upon himself to bring ten, and each of those ten should bring ten more, and each of those ten should bring ten more, and all should function with one idea — love, unity, hope, faith — then you shall find eternity.

April 8, 1977: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

We should say unto thee the parable of the two farmers.

Between the two farmers ran an abundant full creek, which both extracted water from and farmed their lands. The one farmer came unto the other and said unto him, “If we should go to the head of our land and build a dam — ”

The other farmer did not let him finish, but immediately began to find fault. “If we built such a dam, the waters would back up, and during the heavy rainy season would pour over and destroy our fields.”

The first farmer said, “Nay, for we shall build the dam in such a way that through the normal flow there shall be spillways.”

The second farmer said, “Well, who should distribute the water?”

The first said unto him, “Both of us can.”

The second farmer thought long and hard. He was not the type of a man to look forth into the future, and he said unto the first farmer, “Build your dam, but I shall not pay the cost.”

The first farmer went ahead and he built his dam. And as he was building the dam, he built a diversion route for the creek. And he built the dam strong. And he did build into it equal-size distribution for each person.

As the years went by, both farmers reaped benefits of the dam. And then came a year of a bountiful runoff. And, as the water grew higher and came over the spillways, the creek did rise. It did not rise above its normal run that it had before the dam was placed into place. But the second farmer, who was afraid to cross the creek, shouted across to his neighbor and said, “Look at the damnation you have brought upon me. It shall cut away my farm, and I cannot cross the creek to venture forth for supplies.”

The first farmer said, “We can cross the creek. We shall help you. We shall build a bridge across the creek.”

Once again, the second farmer said, “Build your bridge.”

And the first farmer did labor long and hard, and he did build the bridge. And for those supplies that the farmer on the other side did need, he did bring them to him.

When the bridge was completed, the second farmer said, “How should I know that this bridge is strong enough to go across?”

And the first farmer said, “You do not. You have gambled nothing. You have thought only of yourself. The bridge is there. It is strong. We have no reason to cross it, and we have no reason to bring you supplies.”

And the first farmer went back to his farm. And in the dam, he did place, therefore, within those substances that would generate electricity. He did improve his farm a hundredfold.

Yet the farmer on the other side, fearful to cross, his land soon became a wasteland. He became even afraid to open the gates that allowed the water to irrigate his land. And the fear built day by day, until he did come to the edge of the creek and call across. And he did say unto the first farmer, “If you shall help me across, I shall sell you my land.”

And the first farmer said unto him, “I have no desire for your land. I have never wanted your land or any of your possessions. I have only asked to help myself and help you.” And he did walk away.

Then one day the [second] farmer came again, and he said, “If you will bring me and all of mine across, and what few flock and stock that I possessed, then I shall give you the land.”

The first farmer said unto him, “Nay, I do not want to covet anything you own. But you must be strong enough within yourself to cross this bridge.”

The second farmer waited and waited, and yet his fear did grow. And finally his sons and his wife did cross the bridge. And when he saw it safe, then he began to gather his things and cross the bridge. And then he went into the local town and he placed his farm up for sale.

The first farmer bought the land.

The second farmer stayed in the town and he did tell foul stories about the first farmer, that he built the dam and then built the bridge, all to drive him from his land and that he had cheated him.

The first farmer did not reply. He went on improving his land.

And then, one day the second farmer brought a suit against the first farmer, and he was brought into court. The first farmer stood before his peers and said, “I have been brought here this day to answer for those things I have done. I have turned the right cheek. I have turned the left cheek. Now I shall turn no more.” And he brought those upon the jury to the farm and he did show them the dam and the bridge that he had built for his neighbor to cross. He showed them that equal water was being dispensed unto both farms, that equal farms now was growing and multiplying.

Even those on the jury, some after they had seen with their own eyes, some, the majority voted to exonerate the first farmer; the others did not.­

We say unto you that this parable is much like the preparation for the coming famine. There shall always be those who should criticize those with dreams, those [who] should find solutions, those who should not come or have to come out of the caves in the future that shall prepare themselves for the day of the Anti-Christ and for the day that his reign should end. They should prepare themselves for the hundred years, the thousand years of peace. And their peace shall begin now.

And for those who should wear the mark of the Beast, they should come unto you and they should say, “If you do not take unto the Lord, Jesus Christ, as your savior, then you are for damnation, and you are a false prophet and what you do is false.”

Yes, we know of these things. But that that is good shall stand. As we have told you in the beginning of all of this that we would provide for the needs, that the time would come when unity, understanding, would link you with other organizations. You must prepare for these times, for it is only in the joint effort of all things shall you all prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. ­

Fear not. There shall be days of darkness; there shall be tornados and hurricanes. There shall be floods and destruction; there shall be earthquakes and volcanoes, and the earth shall shift. But for those who truly believe, they shall not carry the mark of the Beast. They shall not worship the Anti-Christ. But they shall not crawl in a hole and pull it in after them, for they shall have the foresightedness to look to the future and future times. You do not need to run and hide.

All of the things that now we have laid into soul Ray’s mind, we have placed there for a purpose, that it shall give you the substances needed that you may sustain life; not only sustaining life during all of this, but you shall gain momentum and knowledge, and your civilization shall rise beneath it all. And the new heaven and the new earth that has been promised unto you shall come into fulfillment.

Which shall you be — as the first farmer, or the second? If you were on the jury that should try this case, how would you vote? When you have decided the way you should vote, do not alter or change your mind. Remember, the life you save may not only be your own, but your children’s children; that that you preserve shall be your pathway to return.

We have told you of different things to store, but do not forget the flowers, for they are the most important of all.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [6–281–1]. She asks, ‘Aka, will you please explain the first part of the reading of March 25, 1977, referring to understanding? How would you have us approach other groups? Were you referring to a specific group? Can you give us guidelines to go by? What is truth and half-truth?’”

We shall say unto you, this we have tried to explain already. The words and the understanding lie in the parable of the two farmers. The half-truths lie in the parable of the two farmers. There shall be rumors. There shall be threats. If you believe today, why should you not believe tomorrow?

If more understanding and truth is placed within the substance, it is only like a flower in growth. When you first see the flower, it has attracted your attention for its unusual beauty. If you find a flower in the desert alone, you stop to examine it. At first it may be from curiosity. But if you stand and watch the flower long enough, you shall understand why and how it has come about.

We say unto you, understanding must begin at home. It cannot be with lies. It cannot be with those who are hypocrites who should put on their flock and their best to walk into your churches one day a week and say before all, “Iworship God; Iaccept Jesus as my savior.”

Understanding is in the knowledge that Jesus walked this land in many places. And he did appear in many forms, not all by the same name. Understanding is the realization that the Jewish nation, the Jewish people, do look upon Jesus as a prophet. They do look upon Mohammed as a prophet. But all is part of a whole. Yet they wait with you for the second coming. Do you think that God, nor the Messiah, because one man should call a man, Jesus, and another, Buddha, it would make any difference?

Yet there shall be those of false prophets; this is true. They will come among you and they will say, “I have a whole truth.” This is not true. Our Lord, God, has learned from His children. He could not learn if He had closed His mind and said, “I have a whole truth.”

Our Lord, God, would have looked upon the human race and walked away from it a long time ago if it was not for the hope, the dream, that within time His children would cease to squabble.

We have told you of lost souls. There are many of such who shall raise false prophets, who shall join the ranks of the Anti-Christ, for without them, he could gather no strength. And he shall say, “I come in the name of the Lord; I come in the name of Jesus of Nazara.” And he shall perform many miracles. But he shall come as a man. But even he shall come with the hope that his reign shall last. The length of his reign shall depend upon you.

At a time that the Eagle has pulled back his wings — and we speak of the American nation — the Bear, Russia, has strengthened his arms and his reach. And the Dragon [China] shall wait a playing [play a waiting] game.

Yes, you may prevail. But as other organizations come unto you, as we have said, let them meet with your Board of Directors. Let them state what they bring with them. Let them bring representation into your organization. Join hands. Link together. Strength.

If upon this day, every one of the people upon the earth who believe in the Second Coming link their hands together, in no way could this Anti-Christ rule. It is only in your strength shall mean the shortness of his time.

And he [the Anti-Christ] shall come from the Eternal Sea, the political [whirl, world].

We have said unto you, September the 6th, 1977 — Black September.

But remember, as we came unto you seven years ago, and unto this year, also shall come forth a new beginning, for in these numbers you shall find and take from April 3rd, 1977. And from it, in your numerology, you shall find its strength.

The Lord, God, shall provide the needs. You must join in unity, in understanding — in strength. But come together. Waste not your funds in printing many magazines and many pamphlets. Bring forth all of this unto the Rays of Philosophy. [Note: This is the newsletter of the Association of Universal Philosophy.] Bring forth writings from other organizations as you link together, and bring forth your strengths.

And beware of those who should say unto you, “For I should keep the seventh day holy.” There are seven days as there are Seven Spirits. [See The Revelation 1:4]

And this is the seventh year. Keep each day holy.

Changes shall now come forth.

There shall be many who shall control orthodox, as you would call it, religions, who shall and are there to prepare a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ.

They shall succeed. But you must succeed in seeing that his reign is short.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. When the Anti-Christ is apparent, how can we effectively work to shorten his reign?”

By the unity of your work; by collecting forth in all forms the preparation in heaven and earth, an army of minds. We have told you the parable, that we have prepared you not only for the storage of grains, the preparation of your minds. Within your mind shall be the answer. Within light and sound shall be the answer. As it may heal, it may also heal the world. [See the parable of the Time of Preparation.]

April 15, l977: Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, blessed be the name of the Lord; blessed be the name of His children.

Declaration of Independence, a painting by John Trumbull depicting the Committee of Five presenting their draft to the Congress on June 28, 1776

For we shall say unto thee the parable of a town. This town, as it stood, lived in harmony. It was made up of all the races and all the people. And the people stood as neighbors, one unto another. And if there was sickness in their town, they did aid one unto another. And soon, the people grew used to their harmony and their peace.

And then came those into their town who made themselves politicians. The people said unto themselves, “This is good, for we are now a city and we need of this.”

At first there were good politicians, and they did give servitude unto the people.

And soon, they began to take from the people. Yet, the people looked unto them and said, “This cannot be; this cannot happen to us. We are a city. There are those who we have elected who should protect our rights.” Yet the rights were further violated and the people did nothing.

And then one day an old man came into the town. He stood and he looked for a long time. And he said unto them, “For if a tree is rotten at the core, it shall soon wither and die. And so it is with your town.”

And the people said, “This cannot be so, for we are a city.”

And the old man looked at them and said, “Nay. For there were evil cities, and God did look upon it, and He did send messages, and they did not change their ways. And therefore, the cities were destroyed.” But God did not destroy them. They were destroyed from within. But the people, those who would hear of the Lord, those who would look unto their neighbors, were not destroyed. They were given new cities and new towns.

If you should plant a seed in the earth and care for it not, it shall not grow. It shall wither in the vine, in the seed, and rot away. And this is the way with your civilization. For those who should care, for those who should look unto one another as mirrors and reflect out, they should soon build the love and compassion that shall build a city, that shall build a country. But should they ever forget that the responsibility to look after their city is their own, then they shall get those that they shall deserve.

We shall bring forth into your mind a country, that that you would call of Germany. And it did bring forth and give power unto one man who gave power unto others, as Beasts, and through that power they did mutilate and destroy millions of people upon the earth. They did persecute those of the Jewish faith, not because of their faith, but because of their nationality. They did not stop and ask them, “Are you good Germans? Do you love your country?” Nay. They just destroyed them. They mutilated them. They raped the land as they raped the women.

Before this time, you had a Roman Empire.

And then you, you of the Americans, with the rest of your world standing in bondage as Christians, did murder and enslave millions because they were black. You took the name of Jesus and you did defile it. You take the name of the Lord and profaned it.

We have come to bring forth the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And we say unto those who should defile and use the Lord’s name in vain, woe be upon them, and woe be upon the nations who should worship the Beast. For the Beast’s life shall be short-lived.

We have said before that nothing from either side shall interfere in this work.

And the land shall be smitten. And the Sword shall strike. And the mightiest shall fall aside.

The Lord came unto you through Abraham, and Moses, and Isaiah, and John, and Jesus, and Buddha, and Mohammed — not to separate you, but to give each of you, as you have built our Father’s many mansions, knowledge.

For those of you who would say that a man should curse and use the Lord’s name in vain, that, in itself, is not an unforgivable sin. It is when you commit an act, and say, “This is the will of the Lord; this is what my Lord, God, would have me do. I am doing as God would have directed,” we say, nay, unto you. For you of, those of you who should put words in the Lord’s mouth, He shall spit them out upon the earth. For those of you who should put words in the one known as Jesus of Nazara, Jesus the Christ, he shall spit them out.

We say unto you, these are the later days. If the work we have come to do is successful, a thousand years of peace and harmony shall come upon the earth, but not as you count, for each day shall be as a thousand years, and each half-day shall be as a hundred years. But we say unto you, the half-times are over. Fulfillment of the prophecies are at hand — full fulfillment.

You have asked us before, “When is the time to prepare?” We say unto you, as we have said in the beginning, the time to prepare for the coming is now. The time to prepare for your famine is now.

We have spoken unto you unto many ways. We have given unto you all the knowledge that you have asked for.

May 6, 1977: We say unto you, unto all of you, this is the same. We have brought unto you a prophet. Many things have been placed beneath the foundation. If what we have placed there is destroyed and ripped away by your silly prejudice, then all we have come for shall wither with it.

A city, a person — a man, a woman, a child — a state, a country, a nation, an earth, is all but the same.

Look into our words. Give them birth and meaning. Place wings to them, and let them coveth the four corners of your earth.

June 1, 1977: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For within thy hearts they say unto us, “Where shall I find spiritual substance to apply into my daily life?” Or very simply, “How do I find peace of mind?”

We say unto you that the thousand years of peace our Father has promised you may start at any time thy desire, within thy heart and thy soul and thy body. We say unto you, love unto thy self. Forgive thyself. Bring hope unto thyself and faith unto thyself. If you may do this, then you shall bring the hope, the love, the faith, into the Father, and you shall also bring it into thy brother and into thine sister.

For within all things, and unto the smallest thing, our Father does dwell. And none should fall unless He should see. But the sun and the rain shall shine upon all. For does not a Father love all of his children the same.

But we say unto you, look into your hearts, and look unto the heart of the person who you dislike. Within that person you shall find many parts of yourself. The reason you dislike this person, you have said, is karma. This in itself could be basically true, but only in part, because you are all parts of everything you have ever been, and so are they. So when you see someone else, you see them as a mirror, reflecting back unto yourself. And that part of yourself that you do not like, you will not like in another.

It is said, “If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” (See Matthew 5:29–30.)

It is also said, “Physician, heal thyself.” But there is a greater saying, “Those who should be their own physician should have a fool for a physician, and a fool for a patient.” In the cleansing of the mind and body, quite often you will throw the better part of yourself away, and dominate it, throw it down because someone else has told you that this is a bad thing, that this is a bad karma. There are many herbs upon your earth. Some herbs will heal some people. The same herb could kill another. No two things upon the face of this earth are identical.

If you cannot love thyself, then think of yourself in this manner. God brought forth you of one kind, of one likeness. There shall never be another exactly like you again ever, because you shall either evolve or fall down. But where you stand at this moment, at this precise second, you are one of a kind. You protect many endangered species. Why do you not take the time to protect yourselves, for you are endangered species. For once that flicker of light, that shell that you live in is gone, that shell is gone forever, not to be repeated, nor a likeness given forth, precisely to the last molecule that your body possesses at this time. It will evolve, the spirit shall evolve, the soul shall evolve, the immortal body shall evolve.

Take the time to love yourselves. If you can do this, you will find that quiet place within your mind where the still pool, the quiet pool lies, and where the candle burns forever, eternally. You shall find God within yourself.

Not one day should pass without these thoughts. “Within me, within this one small person, lies God.”

You have many questions, ask….

“Thank you, Aka. [9–366–7…Phoenix] asks, ‘Will the Laetrille program, as discussed today, need extra advice that you can give us now?’”

Yes. We say unto you unto this manner. There are those who are involved in a national plot. They control the narcotics flow into your country. They also control the flow of the Laetrille into your country. If quick measures are taken now in the manner which was just discussed, this would cast them out of your country — first your state, and then your country. These people, as we have said before, are what you would call parts of your Syndicate. They live from the blood of man. They leach the blood of man.

You may stop them. You have brought forth the legalization of the manufacturing without guidelines. We would say in this manner, if your legislature shall not provide funds, let the manufacturers provide the funds to lay the standards down. [If] they are not willing, they should not manufacture. In this manner they should come forth in truth.

But there should also be a truth in production. In other words, we say unto you, if you should buy a house, you should know what it is built of, what each cost of material that goes into the building of the house is. This should be true within the production — in other words, a declaration of truth. This would separate the thieves from the honest.

June 11, 1977: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Was the moon used as a weapons test site, and if so when and by whom?”

(Sigh) The moon has been used as a weapon test site by many planetary substances.

(Deeper sigh) In this day and in this time it has been used both by the Russian, the Chinese, and the American governments.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–316–1…Yuma] asks, ‘What other artifacts in this part of the country should be brought forth to supplement those of the hill of the skull? And when should the records of time be opened — Arizona Repository?’ He asks for guidance and says, ‘Thank you.’”

The records of time will be opened at the proper time. The artifacts that should be brought forth should only be needed as proof. You have that proof now. Look unto the heart of your group and the love therein and there you shall find the greatest artifact, for within it is the history of all mankind, throughout all galaxies.

We know the importance to you in your search. We shall say unto you that your ful­fillment and needs shall come forth. Go, therefore, unto the Black Hills [note: in Arizona]. There you shall find the remains of the Agua Caliente. Travel forth into the saddle of the mountain. From Agua Caliente you will see this; it should look a saddle as you look unto the west. There you shall find other artifacts to supplement these things we have spoken about.

Ten feet beneath the surface, there in the saddle, you shall find three large boulders that shall lay on the right-hand side of the pathway. Go unto the third boulder. Wait until the sun should cast the fullest shadow upon the boulder. At the peak of the shadow, therefore, dig and you shall find what you seek….

We say unto you, look back into the readings we have given you. [Note: Also see the December 9, 1972, reading.]

Yes, the Fifth Angel still walks upon your earth. You are a stubborn lot, but you are learning.

July 8, 1977: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5–206–2] asks, ‘When the sons of God who left to populate other planets come back to earth, where will they be coming from, and also, where will they land on earth?’”

Were the Nasca lines in Peru made for landing?

Some have already landed on your earth in the land of Peru, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa. Your pyramids are still functioning. Their cortex is still a guidance system. It is still being used, and still functioning, even though some need repair.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. What is the origin of the green glassy modules they call, tektites, found around the earth in desert areas?”

(Sadly) These are that which was left over from a great atomic war upon the earth once before.

You shall find that some of these shall date back two million years. A civilization once stood there….

Photo of a moldavite tektite by Mp — The file was originally uploaded to Finnish Wikipedia as Tektiitti moldaviitti.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0

And we say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon the earth. Pray unto the Lord that this seventh year of yours is not the year when the Seventh Angel shall walk.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

New earthquakes shall occur — first, off the coast of Oregon, inland, and then a chain reaction shall occur from Sacramento through Blythe, into Arizona, across through Los Angeles, San Bernardino.

New tornadoes shall grow — through Albuquerque. And we say unto those from there, one is happening at this moment.

More and more shall come. Greater destruction shall come forth. Make your homes sturdy. Protect against this. Now is the time.

July 22, 1977: We say unto you, we shall bring the many philosophies together.

But which shall you react as?

We are here but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

War may reign the land. Earthquakes, hurricane, tornado, flood, heat, cold, all of these things may happen. But if you react as adults, then in truth, you shall enter your Father’s house as a child, in truth.

He said unto them, “For I shall go now. And I shall prepare a way in my Father’s many mansions.” [See John, chapters 15-17.]

You shall say unto us once again, we have spoken unto you as into riddles. We say unto you, nay. Study our words. Linger upon them, and you shall find the truth within yourself.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, Ray [1–1–1] would like to know about the significance of the artifacts that his sister, J_____, brought with her.”

Yes, see they need, and we shall say unto you, as we have said before that records were kept from the days of Atlantis and before; the people you speak of are the Oltec [Olmec?], or the interpretation of the same, the Atlanteans. You shall find the records of time within these chambers. As we have said before, all that was buried shall came forth in truth.

The pots, as you would call them, are not ceremonial pots, these are records. Each has the date, the time and the knowledge you seek. It shall tell you of the time that Atlantis and Laboria [Lemuria?] both disappeared from the face of your earth. It shall tell of the time of the rising of the new earths. Both, in medical knowledge and in scientific knowledge, is all there. It shall also tell you, and give proof unto you, that the man known as Jesus of Nazara did walk upon this land. It shall give you further information that your birth of civilization did not come from Egypt, but from the Americans. As we have said before, Atlantis, or civilizations in their golden ages, has risen and fallen before.

Here are the records of your times, all times. You shall find that they shall date back over four billion years in all, if they were all brought together. If they are separated, much as most of the knowledge brought from Egypt had been separated, much as your Lost Sea Scrolls were separated, then, once again, you shall have lost the knowledge that was stored for you.

Yes, you will find that the people who left these were the last of their kind. Yet they have been reborn within you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have one other question. In regard to these artifacts, how should we seek to interpret or understand the knowledge that they represent?”

Soul Ray, if all were brought before and with him, together with you archaeologists and proper dating methods, all could be substantiated. It would also be suggested, strongly suggested, that some of the knowledge should come from that of your Mormon Church. You shall find it shall substantiate both your Old, your New Testaments. Yes, it should change your thoughts of your own historical beginnings. But it is said, “To know where you have been is to know where you are going.”

August 5, 1977: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. What is the significance at this time of the date, ‘the 6th of September — Black September,’ as you spoke of earlier? What will occur, and what should we do in preparation?”

We should say unto you, there are those who call themselves Palestenes, Palestines. They should seek a country of their own. This is not all they seek, for within them and among them they harbor the Anti-Christ. Should the Eagle [U.S.A.] not spread its wings and protect Israel, woe be your land, for his reign shall be four and one-half years.

We have told you that both the Anti-Christ and the Christ, the true Christ, is upon your land.

Upon that date you shall feel the tremors of his first works.

And many shall call him messiah. And many shall follow him. And he shall perform miracles unto you. And he shall come unto you and say, “I shall teach you miracles.” And there will be those who will come unto you and say, “I shall teach you miracles.” And we say, nay. Beware, for these are false prophets. Beware. For those who follow him shall bear the mark of the Beast.

At the same time you shall feel the presence begin to grow among you of the Messiah.

It is not yet time that the Eagle shall spread his wings, for we are not through with our work. But your country, the Eagle, should coveth Israel — not in such a manner that would harm her, but that would giver her strength. For remember, in their greatest time of need, they shall kneel before the Messiah.

September 2, 1977: Now is the time of the Cherubim. Tornados and hurricanes shall strike the earth. From the Gulf of California, that you would call Baja, across Mexico — from the Gulf of Mexico inland throughout the mid-parts of your United States and Canada, north — shall come new earthquakes. As it was called, the Ring of Fire shall come alive once again. From the Mediterranean to the Alaskans, to the tip of Mexico into South America; these things shall come rapid. For those who wait and have waited for the moisture, this shall come, but the winters shall be harsh. Prepare, therefore, for it.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

On September 7, 1977, U.S. President Jimmy Carter met with the Panamanian leader to sign a treaty to give away land, the Panama Canal. Within a month, in November 1977, Carter led peace talks for Israel to give away land for peace in negotiations with Egypt in the Camp David Accords. A Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1978 to the Israeli Prime Minister and Egyptian President who was later assassinated by radical fundamentalist militants in Egypt for dealing with Israel. Peace negotiations continued for many years, as Israel gave away land for peace at the urging of America. But Palestinian Authority leader, Arafat, did not fulfill his promise for peace in return, nor did he remove the clause in the 1974 Palestinian Charter for the hoped-for statehood that calls for the abolishment of Zionism, or the destruction of Israel. In the photo are Menachem Begin, Jimmy Carter and Anwar Sadat at Camp David, for the peace accords in 1978, preceding the 1979 Arab-Israeli Peace Treaty.

What happened on September 6, 1977? The New York Times reported this:

September 6, 1977 — Israel’s Prime Minister, Menaham Begin, drafted a proposed peace agreement showing what Israel would expect from such a document, at the request of U.S. President Jimmy Carter after a peace process meeting in Washington D.C. when Carter first encouraged Israel to give away land for peace.

— Jordan’s King Hussein warned of war in the Middle East in a summit meeting in Paris with France’s FaleryGiscardd’Estaing.

End of a four-day meeting of the Arab League in Cairo, opposing Israel’s annexation of occupied lands.

––September 7, 1977 — U. S. President Carter and Panama General Torrijos sign the Panama Canal Treaty, in which the U.S.A. gives away the canal to Panama.

September 21, 1977, the spiritual messengers of God spoke: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be name of the Lord, thy God; glory be name of His children.

And we shall say unto you, now is the time of the Anti-Christ and the preparation for his reign upon your earth. And all things shall be done for his coming, for he walks your earth now.

We have told you before, of the Black September, and now we shall tell thee of its beginning. We told you before, unless the Eagle [U. S. A.] spread its wings and did protect — we say unto you that as the Eagle gives away its land, as the Eagle ceases to protect Israel, then woe be man. Yet we say unto you, the temptation shall be great. But for those who should resist the mark of the Beast, the reign shall be short, four and one-half years.

The preparation — as we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, so are those that are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. The giving away of the land of Panama shall show your first weakness; the granting unto the Palestinians that that they wish shall be second.

But the Lord has said unto you, “FEAR NOT.” For there shall come a breaking away of the land, and so it shall commence. Through earthquake, tornado, volcano, hurricane, all shall strican [note: Middle English for stike] the earth and blighten it. Yet good cheer shall be found in all. Man shall know his neighbor, and learn not only to love him, but to trust him. Father and children shall be brought together. Mother and children shall be brought together. As there has been a tearing away, so shall there be a mending.

We shall say unto you, the things that are about to happen upon the earth should look as though a storm should arrive upon your doorstep. But have the faith to know that the sun shall shine again.

Put yourselves together. Let not race or religion interfere.

If you can learn this simple lesson, to respect each other’s religion, that in itself shall be the first step to your thousand years of peace. That will be the first step toward the end of your wars.

The things we have spoke of, you shall soon forget until they happen.

New earthquakes shall occur off the coast of Oregon, and then, into the Oregon peninsula. There shall be another greater earthquake from San Francisco, down, and shall strike parts of Arizona. This shall commence at the end of October. New earthquakes shall strike China and Russia, Siberia. You weather conditions shall once again be radical. With the exploding again by the People’s Republic of China of another nuclear bomb which has allowed fallout throughout the United States, it shall create a new and changing weather condition as it did last year when the same plight was put upon your earth.

Yet, through all of these things, each of you may survive by using common sense and love for your fellow man. And you shall rise and be the people of the Lord.

December 2, 1977, during the Advent season when many celebrate the prophecies of the birth of Jesus, Aka said: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

For at this time you shall prepare to celebrate the birth of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. And we should say unto you, let this day ring through your hearts, not for [but] one day, but for all.

Let the day come when each of your faiths can stand together and love one another for your belief in God.

For those who should kill, and say they have done so in the name of God, nay.

For those who should steal, and say they have done so in the name of the Lord, nay.

For those who would take from the Ten Commandments given unto you by Moses from the Lord, your God, for you shall not add to nor take away, and they shall be the laws of both heaven and earth forever and ever.

We are here but for one purpose; that purpose is the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Let those who have eyes to see, let them see. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear. But we say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord.

And glory be the peacemakers upon the earth.

There shall be those in the best of times who shall bear false witness. If this is all you can see, then you have seen not. If this is all you have heard, you have heard not. For the sun and the rain shall shine upon all, but not the smallest thing shall fall from this earth without our Father’s knowledge. Pick up the gift and give it with love….

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. [5–206–2] asks, ‘Why is Israel so important to Russia and Red China? You mentioned they would attack Israel in the future. Do you have a probable date for that attack?’” [Listen to these words.]

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer it in this manner, your year of 1885 [1985]. If they cannot achieve that by that they have done with the financing of the Palestinians, and the armament of the Palestinians, then they should come into open conflict. Should this be so, your earth shall run red within blood. And not one corner of the earth shall not be touched.

Speak of peace; pray for peace. But in the realization, realize that both of these countries have but one thought, the total annihilation of free people, of those who should worship God in any manner. Their conflict in the Arabian world has been the people’s belief in God — and within their hearts, their knowledge of knowing that the Israelites are their cousins.

But even Cain slayed Abel.

October 6, 1978: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I ask specifically for physical healing for those members of our group that are in need tonight.”

We have seen this. And it shall come forth in a manner that we have just described. It shall come forth in such a manner that shall be glorious unto the Lord, God. It shall come forth in a manner that shall be glorious unto those who truly prepare for the coming of the Messiah.

We shall say unto you unto these words. For within your churches now, those of the Anti-Christ shall move through and take positions of authority, through all of your churches.

Now is the time when the mark shall be placed.

For those who are truly compassionate for their fellow man, they shall stand. For those who have truly love for their fellow man, they shall stand. For those who in truth shall prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah shall stand. Those who are preparing a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ shall stand but a short while, and then they shall be swept away.

We shall say unto you these words, of this peace, this peace that your President [Jimmy Carter] has hid behind. Egypt now prepares to make war as she pleads for peace − and she shall make it in such a manner that it shall look as though the Israelians are at fault.

Aka words were prophetic. A year later, the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty was signed in Washington, D.C., United States on March 26, 1979, following the 1978 Camp David Accords. The Egypt–Israel treaty was signed by Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, and witnessed by United States president Jimmy Carter. As President, Sadat had led Egypt in the Yom Kippur War of 1973 to regain Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, which Israel had occupied since the Six-Day War of 1967, making him a hero in Egypt and, for a time, the wider Arab World. Afterwards, he engaged in negotiations with Israel, culminating in the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty; this won him and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin the Nobel Peace Prize, making Sadat the first Muslim Nobel laureate. Though reaction to the treaty — which resulted in the return of Sinai to Egypt — was generally favorable among Egyptians, it was rejected by the country’s Muslim Brotherhood and the left, which felt Sadat had abandoned efforts to ensure a Palestinian state. With the exception of Sudan, the Arab world and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) strongly opposed Sadat’s efforts to make a separate peace with Israel without prior consultations with the Arab states. His refusal to reconcile with them over the Palestinian issue resulted in Egypt being suspended from the Arab League from 1979 to 1989. The peace treaty was also one of the primary factors that led to his assassination; on 6 October 1981, militants led by Khalid Islambouli opened fire on Sadat with automatic rifles during the 6 October parade in Cairo, killing Sadat, ten others and injuring several people;

But we say unto this lands that the Eagle [U.S.A.] shall spread his wings and coveth − beware of Egypt. Beware of the Palestinians who now plan to destroy your cities. Beware of the Arabian gold which now is buying its way into your country. All is part.

For those who shall take control for the Anti-Christ, none other than them may barter or sell.

It has been written. We said before, look unto Daniel, of the four beasts, and the last beast was made of iron. That beast was Rome. [See The Revelation 13:16–18 and Daniel, chapter 7.]

November 10, 1978: And we shall tell unto thee the parable of the Landowner.

He owned vast parcels of land.

And as people came forth unto him they would say, “May I settle upon your land?”

And He would say, “YES, BUT TAKE THESE THINGS I GIVE YOU.” And He did place unto them all things they needed to feed themselves, to clothe themselves, to build with, to light their homes, to warm their homes, and sent them each unto a separate part of the land.

Soon they began to realize that in certain regions of the Landowner’s land, each one had different materials that they could trade. At first they traded with each other in great harmony. And soon they began to build cities and villages upon the land. And all these things the Landowner saw, and said, “THIS IS GOOD.”

But then, some became greedy, and instead of trading for merchandise, they wanted to steal it. And they became greedy and wanted to own that land that the Landowner owned. So they made war upon the other villages. And soon they called themselves nations, and they made war upon the nations.

The Landowner saw this.

The beautiful streams and rivers and oceans were becoming polluted.

They stripped the timber from the land, and planted naught in its place.

This went on for a considerable time. And the Landowner said unto all of the people, speaking not just to the leaders, but to all the people, “I HAVE GIVEN UNTO YOUR KEEPING ALL THE THINGS TO MAKE THE LAND EXIST IN HARMONY. I HAVE TAKEN NONE OF THESE BACK. I HAVE LOVED YOU AND CHERISHED YOU FROM THE BEGINNING, AND I HAVE TAKEN NONE OF THESE BACK.”

And the people heard Him not.

And then, one day the Landowner sent His son forth unto the people. And the people did destroy His son. And still the Landowner was patient.

And then the Landowner decided that the only way that He would get the attention of the people was to cause earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornados, and volcanoes to erupt upon the land, and this He began to do. And they still paid Him no mind.

And then He spoke once more unto the people, for He picked one among each of them into the nations and said these words, “FOR SOON I SHALL SEND UPON THE EARTH ANOTHER OF MY SONS, YET IT SHALL BE THE SAME, OF ALL THE SONS THAT HAVE COME BEFORE. AND I SHALL WALK UPON YOUR LAND, THE LAND I HAVE GIVEN UNTO YOUR KEEPING.”

And still the people did not hear Him.

And then He spoke once again, and He sent forth unto the multitudes a council, that they may give guidance and learning unto all the people and prepare the way for the coming.

We have told you this in the form of a parable.

The Landowner is God. You are the people who moved in on His land. And He gave unto your hands to be the keepers of the land, the air, the ocean. And He looked beyond all this and laid the galaxies out before you. As you reach into the stars and the stars shall reach back, what shall you exchange — war once again?

Half of your world not tells their people that the Landowner no longer exists, and never existed.

Each has said to the Landowner, “Give me this; give me that.” As soon as they receive it, they forgot from which it has come.

Each of you has that choice to make.

Each of you shall go back unto many places, into the many cities of this land. If each one in this room this night vowed unto themselves, “I shall take the message of the Lord and contact ten people, and they shall contact ten more,” in less than one year, your world would live in peace, and would ensure that your children’s children’s children would continue to live upon the land.

We have told you many times to count your blessings. We say unto you, stop this day and take pencil and paper in hand, and think from the beginning of your lifespan into where you stand now, on this plane, the many gifts God has given unto you. And then, on the opposite side of the page, write what you have given God. Do this once a day, and soon you will feel the ever-enduring love that the Father has for His children.

December 8, 1978: Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner — glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

We should say unto thee this parable [see video]:

The parable of the young lad who could not decide, as he grew up, that which he wished to become.

His father was a shepherd; his one uncle was a merchant; another was a fisherman; another farmed the land, and did bring forth, through all these things, an abundance back into the family. But as he looked, one into the other, he could not make up his mind. And therefore, unlike his brothers, he went from uncle to uncle, working in each place for a while and then leaving.

His father’s brothers did meet to discuss this one, for all their other children had all followed in the family line of work. And each had found their niche in life. And each asked the other, “What should be done?”

It was finally decided that they should take this one before the priesthood, for he was now reaching the age of manhood, for his 13th birthday was before him. All the brothers left their work, and all their children left their work, and all went unto their temple of worship, and said unto the priest therein, “We seek your advice for this one.”

And the priest said unto them, “This is a decision that I must take up with wiser men than I. I go, therefore, into the Holy Land, where wise men shall gather. Let me take the lad with me.” And so, they did venture forth.

As they crossed the great deserts and neared the town of Bethlehem, each night they saw this beautiful star, this beautiful light from the heavens.

And the lad kept asking the priest, “What was this light? What was this beautiful light from the heavens? What made it so?”

The priest knew some of astronomy and astrology, but he could not account for this.

And they did meet in their travel the three Magi. And the Magi told of their journey to that that would be the birthplace of a new Messiah.

When they did reach Bethlehem, and all came forth unto the Christ child to bring forth their gifts, the young lad stayed back. He looked through all of his possessions, and they were few.

And then he heard the angel[s] say unto him, “Take forth the gift of thyself.”

And so the lad brought himself up from his knees, leaving all his worldly possessions behind, and went forth. And among all the glittering gifts that were to be given, there, in the manger, he did lay himself and say, “I shall be thy slave.”

Both Joseph and Mary looked upon the lad. What need would they have for a slave? But it was a gift given.

And the priest had his answer to take back to the father, and the uncles, and all the kin therein.


At first, those around had laughed at the young lad’s gift. But they were to see that he had given the greatest gift of all, himself.

We say unto you, who are artists, we have painted a picture for you unlike any that exists, for we have reached back in time, that this may come forth into your time and shall go forward. Let it be a symbol for all those who wish to give. For you are here, as we, but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And as you prepare for your worship, as Jesus of Nazara, the Christ child, let new birth come into you. Let it be born in you. And each day, as you rise, let it become a new day and a new world. And as you close your eyes at night, thank the Lord that He has placed you at this time where you are, in the time of the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

Let that gift be given freely, as it was from the lad. And all in abundance shall come back unto you tenfold.

Yes, we see thy need, [7–317–1], and we shall say unto you, there is another story, of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the city that could have been made righteous had there been ten righteous men [who]could have stepped forward.

This land into which you are thinking of, Tucson, go forth and find these ten righteous men.

If you do not become lost in its tangling web, you shall succeed — only if you can give the gift as the lad did. And your needs shall be taken care of.

And now, we shall say unto those who say, “How could the Lord have such as this that went on in this place called Georgetown?”

We say unto you, the workings of evil are about you. We told you that the preparation for the coming of the Anti-Christ was mighty, and his weapons were mighty.

You shall find two governments, in this case, with unclean hands.

But first and foremost there had to be greed, greed of one man — one man who was like Judas, who started with a good heart, and then sold his people for silver. When those who would know [of] this did destroy him — this is the reason he did not die as the others, but was shot.

We have told you of light and sound, and how it may be used for healing. And soul Paul warned at a time that it could be used for destruction. This is true. But remember, they only have in their possession two of the basic tones.

There is but yet another part unfolding.

You now have two key members, one dead, one near dead. In their place shall be placed people and a plot to take over both the Congress and the Senate of your country.

This dream has not died for a madman who did rise in the sea to lose his head, and was fallen, yet the head was healed. [See The Revelation 13:1–18.]

We have shown you one step farther into something we made quite clear, a long time ago, to you. We should say unto you, use the alphabet in sequence of sevens, multiplying each seven and the numeral into the same, and you shall spell the name of the beast who has lost his head. It shall also spell and show you the mark of the Beast that lies upon the man. Beware.

We shall say also unto you, prepare in all the ways that we shall place in the mind of the prophet for shortages in many areas, from fuel that you may run your vehicles with, to food. You have the means to make your own electricity, to store of the fuel. The greenhouses must be built in many places, that extra food substances may be grown. The solar unit, which was started and not completed yet, must be completed. All these things are happening rapidly now. Store wood in more abundance; each family should have at least seven cord. Each family should now store extra food substance in their homes. But the greenhouses must be built. The design we are now implanting more and more into Soul Ray’s mind.

We shall say unto [10–393–1]these words. The message we gave tonight was in answer to your question. Blessed be the children of the Lord. Blessed be unto the gift given, for they are the future. Guard unto this one well.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, God. Blessed be the Spirit. Blessed be the children and the spirit, and the temple of God.

In your Christmas services, let this story, this parable we have told you tonight, be told.

And let preparation be made that all your people shall know — and now — that they may stand together in prayer and unity. Bind together. Make your prayers as one unto the Lord. Remember that which we told you, of those who had set the fire to the fields, and the people did stop the fire with their minds….

Let the Christmas spirit be not only the Christmas Spirit; let it reach unto all religions of all faiths. Let brotherhood bind unto you.

For that which you celebrate is the love he left upon your Earth in birth and in death.

Amen, oh Lord, amen. [Kay-ah, kay-ah. Yay, kay-na so mora. Ay, ay.]

January 12, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee this parable, of this great nation, who stood as a nation before nations and a nation before God, and did proclaim unto all of its freedom and its citizens’ freedom.

And it brought forth unto it a leader who promised great things. And he did promise peace unto the Earth and good will unto men. And during his reign, at first he gave all appearances of bringing peace and good will unto men. And then, he did turn his back upon his neighbors and the friends of his nation, one by one. And he did turn them away. And he did say unto his enemies, “Come and be friends with me.” And still he went into the house of the Lord among his people, so that his people would think that he was a man of God. And he did forsake unto the land of Israel, and forsake her in a time of times.

And when floods came, he did forsake his own people and turn his back upon them. And as the weathers began to change, he looked not into the meaning of the same, but gave away the storehouses of the people, and gave away of all their precious metals, and gave away their natural resources. For this man sought power. He sought power, not unto the Lord, God, but only unto himself. He sought riches, not unto his people, but unto himself.

And then, when earthquake and tornado did ravish the land, he did change the laws into such a way that soon he would own all the land for himself.

Instead of “the land of the free and the home of the brave,” the land gradually became a prison for all, but a weak prison.

And the neighbor unto this nation, they were used. And thousands upon thousands of people from their country came into this country. They came in the disguise of workers; yet they came to destroy, not to build back. They took from the land and took from the people, and gave nothing back in return. And still, this man did nothing. [See Beware of the Brown Horse.]

We say unto thee, beware of the Dragon [China]. Beware of the Beast. Beware of those of the Palestinians, and those who would support the Palestinians, for they should bring forth your Black September, and they shall do the work of the Anti-Christ.

And the host of Lords [Lord of hosts] did say unto these, “AND FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT WEAR THE MARK OF THE BEAST, FEAR NOT.”For it is written that they say now, “How long, oh Lord; how long?” [The Revelation6:9–11.]

The Fifth Angel now walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim. Radical changes shall take forth in your weather, and the land itself.

Yet, a greater fear lays before you, for those who should make friendly gestures into this nation prepare for war against it, an atomic holocaust that should lay waste unto the land….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11–394–2] and who is here tonight asks, ‘Have my husband and I been led to Globe for a specific reason besides health?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. It is not by chance the name this place where this work was chosen to begin bears the name it does, for from it shall reach unto the four corners of the globe. From here, through each of your hearts, shall come that day when one can respect another’s religion or faith, and understand, and be glad for the same, for here is the beginning of learning and sharing and giving. But here also shall be a safe zone in the later days ahead.

For within your mind you asked of this new greenhouse and its purpose. It shall be the first of many, for from it shall come many more.

February 2, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Father; glory be the name of His children.

And we should say unto thee the parable of the land of Atlantis.

For as the time before the great destruction of the land occurred, there lived there a prophet. And the prophet said unto them, “Heed my words, and let us prepare for this time. Let us take our food and our storages into a safe land, and let us prepare all the islands, therefore, upon the Earth, and place, therefore, within the safest land where our people may survive, that our knowledge might survive.”

Yet none would heed their words.

Yet the priests, Ra-Tai and Ar-Tan [Arcan?]went about their work. And the greater of knowledge was transferred into the land, as you would know it now as Egyptan, and that that you know now as the southern part of the American continent. And they did take the knowledge forth unto the people upon these continents.

And [these] people upon these continents did defy them, and say, “Why should we take your burden? You, who have ruled the Earth, why should we help you now?”

And then, close to the later days, all knew that if the knowledge that they possessed, the full knowledge, fell into the wrong hands, there would be a complete destruction of mankind by warfare. And so they did bury this knowledge in three places upon the world. Yet the grain and provisions, that too was placed into safe hands.

Yet, it was not a hundred years after the destruction that mankind did fall away from all knowledge.

It was not until the one you know as Jesus of Nazara did walk upon this continent, and the continent and lands of the European countries, was the fullness of the knowledge that had been, known unto man. But even yet, it was rejected, as he walked forth upon the land, and made way, and did bring forth disciples. And yet there were many who came forth to kill his disciples and proclaim that they were the disciples. And they did change and alter and profane all things.

We say unto you, once again you are facing a time when great destruction shall become forth upon your Earth. We have spoken to you in many words, and in many parables, to prepare you for these things. We have told you to bind together and grow in strength. We have told you that the great Sword hovers above you; where no water flowed water shall flow, and the desert[s] shall become green and bountiful, and land shall alter and change its shape. All of this is about you.

There is the Sword that should cut two ways. One shall cut away and reshape the earth; the other shall cut away and reshape mankind.

At first it shall seem for the worst of all things, for it shall be the best of times and the worst of times. And many gratifying substances shall come from the same. But as we have promised, for those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, their needs shall be fulfilled.

We have told you the parables of the food and wine that was provided by God, but left behind. Now we tell you, now is the time. Prepare this way now––

for those who should approach your country in peace shall soon strike forth with their sabers and their daggers upon the backs of mankind.

The weather changes that are occurring are both of nature and man-made. Yet they shall, as you would say, get out of hand.

See “The Winter of Discontent” at https://www.gavsweathervids.com/winter1979.php, “Brutal winter of 1978–1979” at https://www.weather.gov/dvn/01011979_brutalwinter, “10 April 1979 Wichita Falls, Texas Tornado Damage Photos’” at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/oun/?n=events-19790410-damage-wfalls, and “Hurricane Frederick — September 12, 1979 at https://www.weather.gov/mob/frederic.

The time shall come when God shall place all things in righteous[ness].

Many of those of the Anti-Christ shall take advantage of this time, and they shall say, “For look, I am your savior, follow me.”

We say unto you, we have come unto you in peace. We have come unto you with the love of our Father. We have come with the only riches we have to bear — the love, the understanding, the hope, the compassion of God.

We asked you, now, take haste. But within the haste, do not cast away good judgment….

We shall also answer your question in this manner. The preparation to move the people from the land of the Tucsons shall be soon at hand. Many shall not leave this land. And this land must be made ready in such a manner that both bomb shelters and food storage shall be made available. You must remember, there are greater weapons at this time than atomic power. Soundproofing of these should be of a great importance.

The [newer] weaponry of laser, ultrasound, shall all be brought forth in this new conflict.

An NYPD officer stands ready with the Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) 500X at an Occupy Wall Street protest on November 17, 2011 near the city hall.

Plan well. Organize well, for those who should organize. And then, it should come time soon when also you should make ready that your families shall be moved. Soon, land shall be made available in the Globe region. Further information on this shall be given as it is needed. You should use your own judgment.

[We should say unto Luke and James, it is now apparent that as the new, as you would call them, greenhouses shall be made available, both foliage for animal and man may be grown. We would also suggest that this also soon should be made a time. But we should say unto you, rely now on the prophet and the knowledge we shall place within his mind, that all things shall come together. [See Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.]

For those who should live within the land of the El Paso regions, therefore, within the same, first, as you would know it, a natural catastrophe shall strike the land. Provisions and readiness should be made ready in these regions, from twofold. You shall gather knowledge from the first of this reading.

For those who should live within the land of the Phoenix, there shall be land in this area that shall stand even after the destruction. That land shall be in the land of the Queen Creek and Gilbert regions, and in certain proportions, therefore, in what is known as Peoria.

In that land of the California region, take from all these that we have said, and land shall be made available for you also. But remember, you shall all live together in peace, or you shall die in a wasted land separately. And your children’s children shall perish before they are born.

We say, therefore, unto Paul and Ruth, continue with these of the restoration plans that soul Ray has in his mind, and the land you dwell upon shall be made safe.

We see many questions in all of your minds.

And the biggest question shall be in those who shall not believe, and how you shall convince them. These people will only believe after it happens to them. There is no way they shall believe before. For some, we shall try to place signs in their mind, as we have placed a sign in the mind of the brother of soul Ray. We shall come into your dreams, but do not misinterpret your dreams, for “there shall be those who shall dream and those who shall interpret.”

March 9, 1979: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–398–3…Mesquite, New Mexico] asks, ‘I have always had a great love of animals. My husband and I are making our horses our livelihood. Is this a correct path for us, or is there another we should pursue? Thank you.’”

Man has used the horse as a means of burden throughout time. He has used them to plow his fields, to gather his food, to carry him. At the present rate of the destruction of the fossil fuel it would be wisely suggested that the horse remain, and not become [extinct]. We would also suggest that the wild burros which roam your land shall one day become quite useful once again. Therefore, the Government who should lay waste unto them, to the wild horses and to the wild beasts of burden, should wash their hands, for they have no knowledge of what they do.

Feral, wild horses

But we say unto you, each shall bring unto one another a completeness. For the baker shall bake bread — and there shall be those who shall raise horses to provide both transportation and beasts of burden, for they shall serve man once again.

But that that you seek at the present time, without the full means necessary, and the place — for the time shall come when different sanctuaries and lands shall be islands within themselves, and trading shall slowly come forth, and bartering, much as nations barter today, shall happen. But build a foundation beneath that which you wish to do, for there is a time for all things. Take from the first of this reading, and you shall have in truth your answer.

March 16, 1979: Talk unto the Lord, God, and say unto Him, “Forgive us of our sins.”

We say unto you, the sins of one may not be the sins of another. For did not your Lord, Jesus, say unto you that only you could harm yourselves? No one else can harm you, only yourselves. The temple of God is within you. It burns brightly. Destroy it, and you shall rebuild it in three days. That is the body of man and woman. Have joy in your hearts, for you, each of you, are special.

Because a person should reach high political or professional position does not mean they are wise, does not mean they cannot make mistakes. Love cannot be bought nor sold, nor bartered for. It must be given freely. Trust cannot be bought in any manner. Faith and hope — all of these things must come and be given freely.

Your President has made such a mistake, which your nation shall pay for.

Ten days after Aka spoke these words, the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty was signed in Washington, D.C., United States on 26 March 1979. In the photo (left) Menachem Begin, Jimmy Carter and Anwar Sadat are shown in Camp David in 1978. (Right) President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin acknowledge applause during joint session of Congress in Washington, D.C., during which President Jimmy Carter announced the results of the Camp David Accords, 18 September 1978, which led to the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty signed on March 26, 1979. President Carter encouraged the giving away of land for peace.

We say unto you, unto these words — bring forth and prepare your Shepherds’ Fund. Bind together; become as one. Make your plans with love and care for each person. And soon will be the time to build.

There are many of our words that we have spoken tonight that some of you do not fully understand, and never will.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [6–274–3…who is here tonight], and she asks, ‘All things considered, physiologically and physically, can I wisely have this predicted child now? Please explain in detail the ramifications pro and con.’”

At a different time the child could have been born unto you and your husband in a graceful manner. Now it would be much more difficult, both psychological and physical. But the choice is yours to make. In the next three-year period, the life as you know it, financial, shall greatly change. It shall become a necessity that small communities come forth and bind together. This will change your way of living up to this point. It shall change the child you have now, and this one that you shall ask for. Times shall almost reverse themselves.

We have explained in the earlier part of this reading, you cannot pay a blackmailer, for they shall only return for more. You cannot pay murderers to go away, for they shall only come back and slay more of you. The Palestinians shall bring havoc upon the earth. They now have the support of those that you would know as the international Nazi party. They now have the support of the Communist world. They now have the support of what you would call your Ku Klux Klan. They now have the support of the John Birch Society. And some of these have become unwilling partners.

Haj Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler on 28 November 1941. See “Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world.” Photo by By Bundesarchiv, Bild 146–1987–004–09A / Heinrich Hoffmann / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5483348

And many of these people, much as the Nazi party of Germany did spread itself upon the earth in blackness before and engulf innocent people to do their bidding, so this shall be once again, and it shall spread north, east, south, and west. The treason that shall take place in Israel shall light the fuse. It has already been lit from France to Iran. Now it spreads forth as a plague upon your earth. [See The Psychic Light, Predictions.]

More earthquakes shall occur, in the Houston area, in the Dallas area, in the Fort Worth area. And soon, as you have been blaming the weather upon the Russians, soon, as the earthquake and the tornados and the hurricanes, and those of natural events should occur, shall soon be blamed upon those of the Israelites.

But as these things come forth, if you should prepare yourselves in a binding manner before the Lord, then those of the Lord’s children shall not wear the mark of the Beast, and their children’s children shall wear the mark of God.

And that of the Christ child’s safety shall be assured, and the reign of the Lord shall be upon the earth.

You say unto us that we have gone, as you would say, a long way around, explaining, answering your question. At this time the choice is yours. You must make the decision. But remember, as we make ready now to provide the needs of the people, who should come forth in the preparation of the Messiah, and the needs for their protection, we say unto you, remember the Dead Sea Scrolls? Remember unto that place that the Romans did defile?

The Dead Sea scrolls were found in caves near the northwest coast of the Dead Sea, and were probably placed there after Qumran, the cliff top abode where the Essene group that was preparing the way for the Messiah, came under lengthy seige by Roman soldiers. After their drinking water ran out, the Jewish sect killed themselves rather than to be taken prisoners.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Firstly, you made a comment about the Russians being blamed for manipulating the weather. Have they been manipulating the weather, or is this a false accusation?”

(Chuckle) I should say unto you, manipulation of the weather has been a four-sided event. Four nations are [involved], including your own. The one who should have such information as this time now wallows in Iranian oil, and sets themselves in the Israeli embassy….

Flooding in Tennessee.

And we should say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of the children ofthe Lord.

And [from] those who should come in quest from the land of the Californians, we should say unto you, look forth unto this land as a haven and a protector. But we shall protect you now where you stand, where you live. For those who should seek safe passage from that of Texas, we should say unto you, we shall make that of a safe passage at the present time. Each of you should come unto soul Ray for consultation, that the knowledge that we shall put in his mind shall be given unto you.

May 11, 1979: Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee, as we have said before, your atmospheric conditions are changing. Where no water flowed water now flows, and the desert[s] shall bloom and become whole unto the people. These things we have said unto you before. Now you shall see the fulfillment of the same.

We have told you of the sword that should cut two ways, that that should cut away land and people. And the sword on one side shall slice down, and those who possess no souls and the spiritual substance of the same, shall be slain from the Earth, and the heavens, and they shall be no more. And the land shall split away, and tornados and hurricane[s] and volcanoes, and earthquake shall ravish the land. But the Lord, God, shall lay down His hand and place the protection for the people.

For those who should walk in the righteousness of the Lord, and should seek, in truth, to live in peace and harmony with their neighbors, so shall they be spared. For those who should seek vengeance, and should make war and plan war, at first it should seem as though they shall succeed, and then, the Lord’s hand shall come forth again, and the land shall be split away. All, of these things that we have told you before, is before you….

There are those of you who should ask of the Dallas area. And we say unto you, as each stone, rock, as each town, city, state, country, has within it its own karma, so has this land of Dallas, for there a great wrong was done.

And many of you shall say, “I had no part in this wrong.” And we say unto you, then leave it for those who should pay the karma. Or correct the karma. Insist that the truth be known, and it shall wipe away the karma.

Is Aka referring to the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy (JFK) in Dallas, Texas? On November 22, 1963, at 12:30 p.m., Kennedy was murdered while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza. (This Polaroid photo by Mary Moorman taken a fraction of a second after the fatal shot.) Fifty-three years later, in 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump declassified the JFK assassination papers, indicating there were multiple shooters, not the lone gunman reported in the corporate-owned media.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth.

February 1, 1980: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this way, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

It came upon the Earth that nations made war upon nations. And this did exist for many, many years.

And then it came upon the Earth when three great nations emerged from all the others. At first, they grew mightier and mightier for fear of one another. And the world stood back and said, “Who can defeat these?”

And then, one nation said unto itself, “We must start a war between these great nations. And it looked into the prophecies that had been written, and it was their desire that the fulfillment of these prophecies should come forth now. But they did not look into the prophecies of the old prophets, they looked unto only their own. They forgot of the old prophecies and that of Armageddon, and they did build and conceive a great bomb. And they did implant the bomb in one of the great nations.

And the great nations thought only their enemies, of the other great nations, could have of such a weapon, and they did retaliate. And the wars of Armageddon did begin.

And the Lord looked down upon them, and He did split and turn the land. And He gave unto the Seventh Angel the power to strike unto the earth with the blade that cuts both the land and mass[es].


And those of the elders pled unto the Lord, “Have done with it.”

Yet the Lord’s heart was heavy. And He stood and said, “NOT BY MY HANDS SHALL IT BE DONE. IT SHALL BE OF THEIR OWN.”

And so this one, of the countries, invaded one land after another, afraid, therefore, of the other nations. And this country did step forth and take, therefore, of vast oil reserves and fuel of many types. And all the other nations became afraid, until there were two nations standing alone.

And then from the land of Israel came the voice of the old prophecies, and the battle of Armageddon began, from France to Israel.

We have told you of another time, yet it could be your own, now. For the Palestinians are quiet now, but they are working in earnest.

Those of the Russian continent have made but puppets out of the world. And yet, you have another power who hungers for the world; it is afraid of the Bear. That is that that you call, China.

We have told you before to prepare — [to] prepare a place to bring stores. And we say unto you, it is but the whispering of a wind that keeps you from a war at this moment. It is but the words, “One nation under God,” that has held you sacred unto the Lord.

We say unto you, lands and many lands shall come aflame as this great threat continues. And the Anti‑Christ and those who prepare the way for his coming are making great progress.

We say unto you, love one another. Take that that the Lord has given you. Hold the name of the Lord sacred in all things. Do not allow the mark of the Beast to come upon you.

For a Rose has been planted in the hearts and souls of many. It has passed from hand to hand. We have told you many times this word, love, which you use so often, yet know not the meaning of — you are close now. Love is when you put forth another person before yourself and expect nothing in return. Love is the heavens and the earth and the universe and the galaxies brought forth as leaves of a rose, a bud ready to blossom. Let the fullness of this come into your hearts. Let our words go not unheeded.

March 7, 1980: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question for the sake of our membership in general. Would you comment on any impending financial crisis in this country in the coming year or so?”

Yes, we see your need. And we shall say unto you unto these words. You have a bad leader who has brought this country near its death. Yet there are those who should pick it up and put it back together again.

We shall say unto you, that as two brothers were taken, the last shall be the greater, and could be the difference whether this country is led by the nose by the Anti-Christ or not.

U.S. President John F. Kennedy talks with his brother, U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963; his brother, Robert, was assassinated on June 5, 1968 in California while running for U.S. President.

We told you before, the one who would sign the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt would be of the false prophet and would be of the Anti-Christ, and it would be a false peace. [Editor’s note: The March 26, 1979, Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty was signed by Egyptian President Anwar Al Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, encouraged by U.S. President Jimmy Carter, whose Presidency was from 1977–1981, when Aka spoke March 7, 1980. Sadat was later assassinated in October 6, 1981, for what the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt through was his treasonous betrayal of the “Palestinian Cause” to annihilate Israel, although in Arabic he assured them he had not.]

But hear our words. Many shall stand before you and say, “Choose I; choose I!” And many shall stand before you and lie and say, “Look at me, how great I am.”

We say unto you, this country that has been blessed by the Lord must continue….

Now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.


We say these words unto you − bond together, and the needs shall be taken care of.

February 8, 1980: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee the parable of the valley.

And the Lord’s children said unto the Lord, “Oh, Lord, give us a place.”

And so the Lord laid forth unto them this valley. And in the valley there was an abundance of water and good soil, and so the children went into the valley. And there into the valley there was the mineral substance that those who needed lay forth unto the same. And some of God’s children went into the earth to bring forth their treasurers, into that of the minerals. Others went forth and planted their crops; some were [of] vegetable, some were that that was needed to feed their livestock. And others utilized the land just to live upon.

At first, they quarreled over small things. And then one day they said unto one another, “Let us build a meeting place, a place of worship.”

[But] each looking into the other, did not have that of the monetary value to do such. So they began to take turns, meeting in one house and then the other. And soon, as they began to pray together, soon they found that they really were not so much unalike. They found great wisdom within each other’s minds. They found the art of giving, and the art of receiving.

Yet the land even became more and more into more bountiful things.

And the people thought unto themselves, “How much more could the Lord give unto us than that which He has already given?”

Roses bloom on Easter Sunday in 2017 beside the church Ray Elkins would soon build and dedicate to God in December 1982. Before Ray passed on October 5, 2000, it was separated from his ranch to be the church of the Association of Universal Philosophy, Inc.


Many were very skeptical about this, for the bountiful amounts that the Lord kept giving. And then, the children of the Lord said, “Lord, provide, therefore, unto another valley.”


And the people looked around and about, and they thought, “How can we do this? How shall we take and go into this land, when we have already bought all the land we can?”

What they did not think of is the children of the Lord is a bountiful amount. Open the door that they may enter; let them come forth and buy other land that is needed. Let them cherish their thoughts and their dreams, and let them come into fulfillment.

What we are saying unto you is quite simple. The Lord, God, has placed before you all of the things you have asked for, all of your needs — as we said when we came, that we would provide for your needs, not always your wants, but your needs. And we struck, therefore, a covenath [covenant] with you, and we have fulfilled this covenath. For all those who should come forth in the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, their needs shall and have and will be provided for.

And we said unto you, we have come not to change the Laws of Moses, or the prophecies. We have come not to change that of the words of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. We have only come to show you the further fulfillment of the whole — and that is the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

We shall say unto you unto these words. If the Lord provided you with a horse, and you ran the horse to death, who would you damn, the Lord God, the horse, or yourself?

The words that were left unsaid from the last reading that we had implanted in soul Ray’s mind, he did say unto you unto your last Sabbath. Yet you did not understand that which he said to you, for you felt that he was speaking to you not as the prophet. And when should you should divide that which he is? We say unto you, all these things shall be provided. If you need a house, ask for a house, and these things shall come forth. (See roses growing beside the church above.)….

The hyperbolic trajectory shows Comet Bowell (en:C/1980 E!) between Jupiter and Saturn in 1980 when Aka may have spoken of it February 8, 1980. It was discovered three days later by Edward L. G. Bowell on 11 February 1980. C/1980 E1 is a non-periodic comet. Before entering the inner Solar System for a 1982 perihelion passage, C/1980 E1 had a barycentric (epoch 1950-Jan-01) orbit with an aphelion of 74,300 AU (1.17 light-years), and a period of approximately 7.1 million years. As the comet was approaching perihelion (closest to the Sun) on December 9, 1980, it passed within 0.228 AU of Jupiter, which accelerated the comet briefly giving an (epoch 1981-Jan-09) eccentricity of 1.066. The production of OH (hydroxide) was observed pre-perihelion while the comet was nearly 5 AU from the Sun. CN (cyanide) was not detected until the comet was near perihelion. The comet nucleus was estimated to have a radius of several kilometers.

Then, at the end of their February 8,1980, reading Aka gave his message: We say, look unto the east, into the heavens, and a new sign shall come forth on the 9th day of March of this year, and it shall remain unto the heavens unto the 13th day. And unto the 13th day, it shall be plain for all to see. And this mark is the mark of the Anti‑Christ, for he now places claim to his dominion. Look upon it, see it, and gain knowledge from the same. For nothing, save that of the Lord, may last forever.

March 14, 1980: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. We have a question from Flagstaff as to how long the people living there have before it will be unsafe to live there.”

If all goes well, five years period.

We shall tell you the story of Jonah. And he did come forth and warn these cities of their destruction if they did not change their way. All these things may happen, the destruction of this land. Yet again, as we have told you before, your thoughts may turn and divert this, and hold this land. But it must be your will and your asking.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [10–391–4…Las Cruces, New Mexico]. And he’s asking about — will he have advance warning as to when he should move to Round Valley, and will he be given time to pick a route and get some cattle together so that he could drive them?”

Yes, we have told you before, form a plan. Produce this plan in such a manner that the people in your area will come together, and that the help that you shall need shall be laid forth from your national headquarters. If you shall do this, it shall allow the shepherd and the Prophet to send forth those who should come and assist you in your journey, and a passageway shall be provided at that time….

Now we say unto you unto these words. Now is the time of great decision, a decision that should bring your country forth as one nation before God or it shall cast your country back as a Sodom and Gomorrah.

It is your choice in the next few months to make these choices.

You heard our words at the last reading. Take from them. But remember, this country was built by the people, for the people, and all the people. It must stand that way. If you cast prayer from your lives, you cast God from your lives. If you allow radical people to disrupt your lives, you cast God from your lives. If you allow radical people to disrupt and destroy, then you shall have no country at all and it shall become as the whore of Babylon.

ANTIFA, meaning anti-fascist, shown by the Communist symbol, radically attack those they may think to be fascists (even Christians, Republications, Conservatives, and those who believe in the U.S. Constitution).

It is a precise time, and many powers are at work at this time. And the greatest power is the Beast that should prepare the way for the Anti-Christ and his reign.[See The Revelation, chapters 12–18.]

Europa rides a beast in front of the European Union Hedquarters.

May 9, 1980: “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [3–63–1]. And she asks, ‘Dear Aka, will you please tell us if the banks, savings and loan companies, are going to close their doors any time in the next two years. If so, what can we do ahead of time?’”

We should say unto you unto these words. Your banks, your substantial banks, shall not close their doors. There is no reason for this. Within the month of January, and therefore, shortly thereof, slowly your interest rates will begin to reduced. They have already begun to go down. The banks and other lending institutes realize that these type of interest are far beyond, and so inflationary that even in an inflationary depression, they cannot be allowed. After your election, these things shall be brought forth and laid aside.

We shall explain to you, your Government is not going to fall. If the banks closed, your Government would fall, and this is not going to happen as long as it stands, “one nation, before God.” And the more people that heed these words, and the more people that come forth in their own way for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah — the freedom of your land, no one may take this from you; it’s a gift of God, and no tyranny shall strip it away. It shall alter and change. We have told you these things.

(Left) Crowd at New York’s American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression. (Right) As long as the U.S. remains “one nation under God,” Aka says the banks will not close.

Do not speculate with that of the small monetary things you have. But be sure minded. For many, the horse shall become a means of transportation, especially for local transportation, as adjustments that are about to be made shall be made. But this is over a five-year period of time. And, by the end of that time, a new source of energy shall be placed at your hands. There’ll be times when that that you know [of] the banking system may be cut away from the people; this will be due to earth changes and isolation, but this isolationshall not be for long periods of time. Your currency shall be inflated even more, but it shall still be a good currency, for the dollar, as you would know it, shall soon stabilize itself on the world market.

Remember, the whole world surrounds your dollar. If your dollar fails, the world fails, even the Russian world.

January 9, 1981: Be not afraid. Many changes are now taking place upon your Earth. There are cities that are turning into Babylons, in your nation and many others. But as we have said before, [that] those who should look forth for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, fear not, [that] they shall receive the riches of the earth and the heavens. If they have passed beyond what you call, physical life, this does not stop what shall happen; they shall go right on working for the same. For they have become the army of the Lord, thy God.

The Anti-Christ is upon your Earth, and those who shall prepare his way are here to implant hate, jealousy, and greed in your minds.

Remember, God made all things upon the earth, the heavens, the seas. He gave man dominion, and He can take it away. For only the Lord, God, will not take from you your freedom of will to keep your souls or to cast them aside. [See Genesis1:27–31.]…

You have other questions, ask.

“I have one other question from him, ‘How long will the Bard, California, property be farmable?’”

We shall answer in this manner. As the sea begins to rise, and this is already happening, we have a five-year period. In the following year, of ’82, the conjecture [conjunction]of the planets shall be as such that the pressures upon the outer crust of the earth shall be so mighty that the major shift shall begin. This should give you a timetable within your own mind of how far you should go. [Note: 2018–2020 is another time for a great conjunction.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11–398–2…Tennessee] asks, ‘Sir, I as well as other Association members living in a village, or villages, among the hills near the atomic city of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, please explain how the near-term events, three-to-six years, will affect us. I feel certain Oak Ridge is a number one target, and fora given radius it would be unwise to remain within. It would be very deeply appreciated if you would name a safe area for us, perhaps map coordinates on an aviation chart of the area. Thank you.’”

We should answer your question in this manner. What you desire is a safe place to continue living and the means to do so financially. I would say unto you, plant seed. That seed must come by buying property, and making it ready now, that you may move to. I would suggest that northern Arizona, or mid-west Arizona, and northern New Mexico, in proportions, shall be made safe. But remember, in these same areas, radiation or radioactive mining is taking place. A new method shall soon be found to neutralize the waste of these and they shall no longer be of such great hazard. So if you wish to live where you are, you shall be perfectly safe.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [13–430–2…Ls Cruces, New Mexico]. She asks, ‘Is Las Cruces a safe place or should I move to another area? If so, where would be the safest?’”

We shall explain in this manner. An eruption of warfare within the next four-year period shall make this area a very extremely dangerous area. [Note: Aka had identified several possible years when war was possible––1975, 1982. But the spiritual messengers of God said these things can be pushed forth, away, by our free will. Remember, Jesus said:But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”]

I would look, also because of your ability to provide for yourself, you need to group together, to put the common bond and your workload into a manner where more than one can work and provide. I would either move farther north in New Mexico or into Arizona. I would not pick the Benson area. I would not pick the areas of Lordsburg, or Bowie, or Tucson, or Phoenix, or Yuma, or any of these areas from Blythe across. These areas are danger areas. Earthquakes and volcanic action shall take place.

January 16, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto you this parable.

For there was a time when there were wars upon the Earth, and wars upon wars. And no one knew, therefore, what to do, for there were many upon the Earth who longed for peace. Yet there were those who would bring warfare and more warfare to the land.

And finally, into the warring nations it was decided that each would send forth a disciple of their beliefs, and gather together that they may talk and bring forth peace. Each disciple made ready to leave. Each of the heads of the state, both the hawks and the doves, gave them many words of advice. And they all walked out unto a common ground, and therefore, sat upon the ground, and they made rules that each may speak, and in turn, and that each would listen fully to the other without interruption and would try to understand that which the other had to say.

One of the least nations, who had not wanted war, but had [between], between the warring nations, was chosen to speak forth. And he said unto them these words. “We have no grievances with you, any of your nations. For in our philosophy we see the world in a grain of sand. We see heaven in a flower. We see the ocean in a stream. And all is the making of the Lord, our God. And, it is our belief that we have all come from the Lord, our brethrens and sisteren, in the spirit of mankind and in the spirit of God. We have but little to say. We see no difference in your beliefs. We honor them. All we ask in turn is that you let us, our small nation, live in peace. Let us worship as we wish. And you worship as you wish. Let each nation stayed out of the internal affairs of another. If one nation should go to war within itself, let that be decided within the nation. But let it not take the warfare beyond its own borders. But even then, if there is a difference within the nation, let them come together and speak. Let them tell no lies. Let them come forth as men and women of God, sit down, as we are sitting, and decide their own fates. It is said, ‘If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.’ It is our opinion that if we do not stop this war, the Lord shall cast us aside.”

The other nations listened. And each of the delegates thought long on the words they had been instructed to say. There were some among them who were fanatics and stood to say their philosophy in a fanatical way. Yet none could say what the first delegate had said, nor deny the truth within the same.

We tell you, there shall be nations who turn from God, and have turned from God. They have turned their backs, their hearts, their souls. And there are nations who are reaching to God, some in a different way than your own.

But you are a nation of many religions of many kinds.

There shall [be][ ] brought forth unto this nation many crisises ahead. We have told you before, now is the time that the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. We have also told you that now is the time that a preparation is being made for the rule of the Anti-Christ.

But we have also told you, for those who should not wear the mark of the Beast, they have nothing to fear.

The great turmoils that shall take place upon the land shall be the final reckoning of peace upon the lands.

Stand fast in your beliefs and you too shall hold the world in your hand, and heaven in a flower. For in darkness there is light. What has been covered shall be uncovered, and all truths shall be known.

There shall come forth unto you, now more than ever, many false prophets who shall tell you, “Come this way and that.” We say unto you, God did not invent religions, man has done so. Believe in God and His commandments and the heaven and the thousand years of peace shall be yours. It is not a reward. It is not something God dangles before you. It is your just earnings.

For as there are those who should make ready for the rules of the Anti-Christ, we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah who shall rule upon your Earth for a thousand years — but not as you count, but as the Lord counts.

Cast aside the differences among you. Bring forth the love that can be your eternity, for you have it before you. and within your hands to start that thousand years any moment you wish, in the mere knowledge that all you must do is reach down and pick up the torch, the torch that shall burn in your heart and in your mind.

Jesus of Nazara said unto you, “I have come not to change the Laws of Moses, nor the prophesies of Isaiah, but to show you the fulfillment of the same.”

We say that the Son of God speaks the truth….

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [12–426–1…Fairhope, Alabama] asks, ‘What changes, if any, should I make in invested securities?…”

And we shall also say unto you, the changes you seek in the securities we shall place forth in this manner. Certain banks in your country shall go broke, as you would call it, or become without funds. They may be swallowed by larger and still larger banks. Investment in the land cannot deteriorate. Investment, if you shall, in securities — then into the solid of type banking, not of the home-loan type. What you invest in the land shall only become more fruitful, and your return shall become of a greater nature….

And we should say unto you, your country shall go through many changes in a short period of time. Bind together, and all shall come through this time. Cast aside your grievances. Cast them out, as an unwanted spirit. Now is the time to begin to work together, more so than any other time.

Note: Eight years later, the savings & loans and the leveraged buyout crises led to a severe depression in mid-to-late 1989, causing a recession in 1990–91 (also fueled by the oil price crisis), whose effects lasted as late as 1994. This downturn is more remembered for its political effects: British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had to resign in November 1990 as a result of the socioeconomic debacle caused by her later policies; and while his approval ratings were above 60%, U.S. President George H. W. Bush lost the 1992 election to Bill Clinton because of the domestic malady marked by the depression and increasing urban decay.

In 2005, the persistent oil price rises and economic overheating caused by deregulation led to a gradual deterioration of the world economy with inflation and unemployment rising as growth slowed down: The housing bubble in the U.S. burst in 2007, and the American economy slipped into a recession. This in turn provoked the failure of many prominent financial institutions throughout 2008, most notably Lehman Brothers, leading to the loss of millions of jobs. (See Wikipedia, Depression.)

February 20, 1981: Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For upon the Earth there were three great nations. And the three great nations, each mistrusted each other.

And on the land there was depression and inflation that ran through the lands. In one of the lands great abundance of food could be grown. In other of the lands they grew more weapons than food. And yet in another, it too rattled their mighty swords. And each began to build swords, each mightier than the other. Each was to say it was for the prevention of war. And then came a day when their weapons were so great that they could destroy the whole Earth and all of mankind.

And the Lord, God, looked down upon these nations and upon [the] world, and He did cause earthquakes and volcanoes and tornados to shake and shift the land. And He did so until the land itself seemed that it would not sustain life.

All those who’d built their mighty swords began to crumble.

And from the different countries there came those who said, “Let us join together and not make war.”

Now this all happened before the half-times were over.

And then, there were no more half times, and no more half wars. There was a mighty war that struck the land and the Earth. And when the earth changes came to rest, and the land began to collect itself, from war and pestilence and destruction, there were many places upon the Earth that had known from their prophets that this day would come. And they had prepared, for they had made land ready for planting. And they had brought food forth, and the seed stuff that was necessary to plant in the earth. And they had brought water forth that the earth could be washed.

While all these things were happening, the Earth itself was shifting on its axis.

And suddenly, as though in the twinkling of an eye, all was done. All war was stopped, and the earth stood fast. And there were no more [the] mighty nations, just people, people who now believed in the almighty God, the God of one.

Yet there were many left upon the Earth who still rattled their chains as though in warfare. And they sought to make war upon these small places. Yet the small places did defend their selves.

And from this time arose from all the ashes those who would restore the Earth, and their brethren who long ago had sought their seed into other planets came forth to share in their grief and their [restoration, resurrection]. And the earth began to restore itself. And the Messiah that had been promised now walked upon the land. And [as] the villages grew upon the land, so did the peace, for now was the day that all the weapons would be beat into plowshares.

It seems unto you that these things we are saying are small things, unimportant, for you have heard us not. For what we are saying is nothing that has not been said before — and not been laid in many languages in many faiths upon the Earth. Yet there are those who would listen, and those who could hear not and see not.

When the time came about when all those who could hear not had passed away from the Earth, on these lands there were many who thought that their times would be full and forever. Upon your Earth, look back into your own history, for those who should conquer on Earth, and look and see, for they have been laid a waste and are no more.

Now we say unto you, for those who have eyes to see, let them see. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear.

For your country now shall pass through the beginning of its greatest triumph and defeat.

We say unto you, you have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, regarding what you just said, what are some of the immediate problems that our country will face?”

First your country shall face, the people of the country, shall face financial ruin. Many people shall lose their homes, their businesses, their means of making a living. All of this shall be done in the name of stabilizing your country, yet it shall bring upon [the] land a greater depression than the land has ever known. In the midst of this, new leadership shall then come upon the land, only to find that the other threats that we have spoke of are all at hand….

If you should start at this time to prepare the thousand years of peace upon the Earth, you may begin the preparation at any time you wish by simply turning around and seeing the simple things that lay before you, the simple truths.

There shall be many during the times of persecution who shall be persecuted.

During the reign of the Anti-Christ all these things shall come forth. Fear not; for those who do not wear the mark of the Beast can never be forced to accept it.[See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

Yet the time shall become hard, for you shall not be either to barter or sell your goods. Yet bartering shall take place among you, one unto another, and you shall establish your own financial means of trade.

May 15, 1981: As we have said before, now is the time of the Anti-Christ. It is becoming more and more prevalent. We tried to explain to you that assassination would be one of their major tools.

But remember, we have said before, there is work to be done, and nothing from either side shall be allowed to interfere with this work. There is peace upon the Earth, shall be brought into unity, from all religions and from all mankind.

Join your hands. Forget your differences.

We have said this over and over again, yet you have heard us not.

You say unto us, “Why should I forgive this one, when they have done such and such to me? Why should I stick out my hand and say, ‘I forgive you.’”

We shall say unto you these words. This of your Catholic Pope would forgive his assassin. Could you? Have you reached into the heart and soul of your own development to forgive one another, to love one another, as you would love yourself? This, and only in these manners, may you rise above that of the Anti-Christ, for the Anti-Christ has no forgiveness because he has no soul, for everything about him and those who would serve him serve but for one purpose.

The site of the Pope John Paul II assassination attempt. Pope John Paul II, was shot on May 13, 1981, two days before Aka spoke these words. But he died of a natural death in April 2005.

You have one other question, ask.

“Yes, the question is, ‘How does the attempted assassination of our world leaders, in particular the Holy Father, fit in with the plan of the Anti-Christ?’”

You know of the assassinations, attempts, that have been placed upon your own leader, Ray. Ask yourself a question. If he were assassinated today, and it was done by those who [should] call themselves Christians, how soon would it be until open warfare arose? For there is [are] those who would take an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, and no more nor no less.

The attempted assassination — quite simple, to take over the Roman Catholic Church, to make it a tool. And so it shall be into other world leaders, to make them a tool. It is only part of the whole.

We say unto you, come forth and love each other. Come forth and look into each other’s eyes, and hearts and souls, for it is the pathway that the mark cannot be placed upon you. [See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim.

January 8, 1982: Yes, we see they need. We shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto you unto these words, unto this parable.

Men from different lands, of different religions, had gathered forth, that they might find a way to bring peace upon the Earth. Each brought with them different plans, and each was sure that their way would succeed.

When they first came together it was with great fellowship. But soon, they were split apart into different groups, nation unto nation. And then nations gathered unto nations. And upon the last night that they would gather, they were completely and totally split. And they built, therefore, upon a great bonfire, and gathered there around it, for the nights and even the days had grown cold.

At first they had nothing to say, one unto the other. The silence was there, cold and frigid, giving off no light, giving off no warmth, even from the fire. No matter how much fuel they put upon the fire, it gave no warmth.

And then suddenly from the center of the fire rose the image, image of a man, and from his image there came warmth that went into all. And he said unto them, “Yet, my Father has spoken unto you unto many times, into all parts of the Earth. And He has promised you that all that was hidden, light would be shed upon it. You believed Him not.

“You came here to bring you peace that should bring warmth into your hearts. Yet you did not bring the warmth with you, and so you have it not. All of you now are gathering closer and closer unto the fire, for from the fire and where I stand you are sure that the light will come into you, and the warmth shall still your souls.”

Again, no matter how big the fire is, can it thaw out your brains? Can it make you think? We have said unto you, be as mirrors ― reflect out the warmth within you. And what did you think we said? Be as a coal, a nothingless thing, that showed nothing, gave nothing, [waters] nothing?

You have wars and rumors of wars, and you come here in a grand effort, each of you wearing your grandeury, yet you brought no warmth with you. All you brought with you was the idea that your idea alone would be the idea accepted by all the others. And each thought you would be declared the great leader of all, and the savior of all, and yet you brought nothing. You brought the shell you dwell in, but you forgot the soul and the spirit. You did not bring hope and humility to feed the fire.

For our Father has said unto you that He is like the sun, giving warmth upon the earth. And in His place as it passes around, and the Earth passes around the sun, there is a time for sleep and a time for wakeness. But growth can come asleep or awake. You hear not your dreams, nor your dreamers.

You have forgotten from where you came. You know not where you were born, for you hear us not. When the stillness comes, when we speak no more, will you build a great fire? Will you wait until the Seventh Angel has opened the seal upon you? Is that [then] only the time when you shall listen? Why is it that you hear us only in the time of your needs, and not the needs of others?

January 29, 1982: “Thank you, Aka. [14–454–3…Houston, Texas] asks, ‘What direction do I need that I am closed off to?’”

We shall answer your question. Sometimes the flowers are so close at our feet that we stomp upon them. In this respect, you are doing so. All the answers that you need are laying all around you. They are before you. Just bend down and pick them up, and put them to use. There are those of material things and those of the human being, both that are there that you wish. You wish for spiritual development; there are those who would give it to you freely and lovingly. You ask for knowledge; it lies all around you.

When the Lord, God, said unto the people of Israel, “YOU ARE A STUBBORN LOT,” do you not know that you can change the descendents of Abraham as easily as you should turn the stone? It is not a word of nationality that should make you a descendent of Abraham, but the heart and soul.

It is not the nationality or the color of your skin that should make you the brothren unto the Master, but the heart and soul.

Look about you. All things you have asked for are there. The only thing that needs correcting is your own indecision. If you choose to pick it up do so. If not, if it does not [fulfill] you, then step over it and leave it for someone else. If you do not like the house you live in, move into another. Ask and you shall receive, [for] God cares not whether you live in a mansion, or the smallest little shack upon your earth, if that’s what makes you happy. And happiness is what He wishes for His children. For did He not make it whether it was less work to smile and laugh than it is to cry and frown?

He meant for His children to be happy. The freedom of choice is your own. If you do not like the town you dwell in, go to another. If you cannot find the satisfaction of the soul in where you stand, walk away. If you do not like the car you are driving, leave it and get another.

[But] the one thing you cannot leave nor walk away from is yourself, for wherever you go and whatever you ride in, and wherever you live you shall take yourself with you. So find satisfaction within yourself, and you shall find satisfaction no matter where you stand.

June 24, 1983: You have questions, ask.

“Yes Aka, for the pamphlet that the Shepherds’ Committee is preparing − you have mentioned nuclear war. How long will it be necessary in this area to remain in shelters to avoid being harmed by fallout?”

You ask two questions. We shall answer them in this way. We have told you before that things shall be as five. For the time to be of complete safety will be five months. But within five days, [with] proper clothing and the vastness of your Aloe Vera harvest and the use of the same, and the use of [it] upon the land to neutralize the land around and about you, and to neutralize your trees, your gardens, of all things that grow, and of all things alive, you shall cut this time into less than one month. But only if you can work together.

Aloe Vera plants

You have other questions, ask.

“Could our livestock go out to graze safely within a month?”

If one part of Aloe Vera to 100 parts of good water be mixed together and the land be sprayed afterward, then it may graze anywhere it shall. But understand this, there shall be mutates which shall survive this, not only of the animal, but of the fowl, but of the fish, and of the man. Yet, we should say unto you, if you should plan and plan well, your people shall survive.

Yet, we say unto you, if you can produce 300 people ofrighteous hearts you may avoid this from happen­ing, that they may come together beforeGod.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes,Aka, how long should wein this area prepare to be without electricity?”

If proper preparation is made, you will not be with­out electricity. But if you shall depend upon, as you would call it, outside sources, it can be for almost an indefinite time. It will be five years before your nation shall begin to put itself back together again.

You have other questions.

“Would it be as long as five years before gasoline will become available?”

We have just answered that question.

“Thank you, Aka. When is it most likely that the earth will move on its axis?”

Not until the year of 1990.

“At that time, what longitude will Globe be after the shift?”

It shall be a simple problem of mathematics.The earth has been shifting since 1932. It has now shifted 10 degrees. It should only [need] to shift five more degrees before the next 10 shall be multiplied to it.That will be the longitude and latitude. All things shall be one-fourth off from what you have known it.

You have other questions,ask.

Description of relations between Axial tilt (or Obliquity), rotation axis, plane of orbit, celestial equator and ecliptic. Earth is shown as viewed from the Sun; the orbit direction is counter-clockwise (to the left). Earth’s axial tilt (obliquity) is currently about 23.4°. Illustration by I, Dennis Nilsson, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3262268

“What present geographic location will most probably become the new North Pole?”

In what you should know as the mid-Pacific, or northern Pacific − very close to what you now know as Japan.

September 2, 1983: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question in my mind regarding the airliner that was shot down, sup­posedly by the Russians. Was this airline, was someone on this airline on a spy mission, or what is the significance of this?”

Flight map of Korean Airlines Flight 007 by the CIA showing how it diverged from its planned path before the Soviets shot it down, September 1, 1983. The flight was carrying 246 passengers and 23 crew members. The shoot down happened at a very tense time in U.S.–Soviet relations during the Cold War. United States Congressman Larry McDonald from Georgia, who at the time was also the second president of the conservative John Birch Society, was on the flight. Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina, Senator Steve Symms of Idaho, and Representative Carroll Hubbard of Kentucky were aboard sister flight KAL 015, which flew 15 minutes behind KAL 007; they were headed, along with McDonald on KAL 007, to Seoul, South Korea, in order to attend the ceremonies for the thirtieth anniversary of the U.S.–South Korea Mutual Defense Treaty.The Soviets contended former U.S. president Richard Nixon was to have been seated next to Larry McDonald on KAL 007 but that the CIA warned him not to go, according to the New York Post and Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (TASS); this was denied by Nixon

We shall say unto you, the significance was the killing of one man, one man who Russia, the Bear, feared. This is the torch that has been lit.

If you face a forest fire, it will not go out by itself, unless it con­sumes you and all that you own. Sooner or later you must face it, and put the fire out. One day the Eagle [U.S.A.] shall know that the fire is that that it sets upon, and then, it may be too late.

But we say unto you, whether it is the taking of one life, or a million lives, it is all the same. Any people upon the Earth who take life for the joy of taking it can not be the people of the Lord, thy God, and can not be a coun­try or a nation of the Lord, thy God. Therefore, we say unto you, “If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out.” [See Matthew 18:9.]

But we say unto you, if you were bartering for peace, and you had but the blessings of the Lord to barter with, what part would you give up first, your head or your tail?

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I think, if I understand you correctly, you are saying that the Russians, in effect, are murderers, and I’m not saying that they’re not, I’m only, for the clarification and the issue, trying to figure out how we as people should think, and also what we as people can do.”

We are not allowed to tell you how to think. We are not allowed to tell you what to do. We can only tell you that that you have asked. And you have asked, “Are they murderers?” And we should say unto you, a thousandfold. We should also say unto you, “If you lie down with a dog with fleas, you shall soon have fleas.”

November 18, 1983: “I have a question from [15–470–1] who is here tonight. He said, ‘Being that my present place in California will be unsafe with the coming earth changes, will you suggest a location where I could have a reasonable chance of survival, and how much time do I have to relocate?’”

At the present time there are many probabilities, and undecided factors. But one factor that has notchanged, that will not change, is the factor of the earth changes, and the time scale for the same.

There are many, many places that shall be safe, and safe land to dwell upon. There is land in parts of California that will become islands. There is land in Nevada. There is land in Arizona. To understand these things, know that from the tip of Alaska, as you would know it now, which now is Anchorage, from the point feeding downward to the land you now know as Phoenix, Arizona, across and above Tucson, downward toward what is known as the continental divide, it shall shear that way. On the other side of the continental divide, it shall shear in the opposite direction. And that shall go toward Florida.

You wish to know where a safe place is. There are many safe places. But you have not said safe for what. Do you want to farm? If this is what you wish to do, then choose Arizona, for it shall have the water, and the rain. If not, then there are others.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, he asked about how long he had to relocate?”

It is already begun. The exact time of the final blow shall come in seven years. But the blow that shall be struck in the land in which you dwell shall be three. Yet the land shall feel unsafe and life and limb shall be in danger from other elements in less time than that. And that is the element of war.

Note: CBN-TV reported that, in 1985, a Soviet agent defected to the United Kingdom to warn of a surprise attack planed by the U.S.S.R. upon the U.S.A. within 10 days. Through prayers, war may have been averted then.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you very much, Aka. I am concerned about old people and people with little or no income and the rapidly rising energy costs. For instance, one of the local utilities is asking for a 46% increase. What should people on low income do to combat the high cost of energy for heating this winter?”

You shall find, without the deregulation of natural gas, had it come about fuel costs would have lowered by themselves. We would suggest that the best insulation possible be used. And the use more into the electrical. These people that you speak of cannot afford solar heat because it has been placed beyond their reach. Wood is no cheaper. Warm clothing and warm bedding, and the heating of one room, and one room only at a time, will have to be their answer….

We would say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherubim.

But we would also say unto you, you have feared war and earthquakes. There are other elements of nature which can cause man greater damage, and that is flooding and freezing. This is what you have to fear now.

For those who live in the Tucson area move into higher ground. Look to the washes that have been covered up and built upon, for they shall open and water shall run again through them. It shall become an island once again. Beware.

Rainfall totals in Mexico and the southwest United States from tropical storm, Octave, the previous month.

For what you have felt is but the beginning. The winter that is ahead of you has just begun. The dams across the lands are full. You have not made provisions to protect yourselves or your animals against these elements. As we have said before, where no water flowed, water would flow. And so it has come to be.

For those who have ears, let them hear, and beware.

Remember the parable of the man that went forth into the desert; God had provided him with all the food and water he needed, and he left them all at home. If he died in the desert, whose fault was it, God or the man’s? You haveall the tools you need to protect yourselves, to help yourselves and your neighbors through this time of trial. Do so.

January 6, 1984: “Yes, Aka, I have one other question. In the reading of November 18, 1983, it was stated that in less than three years the element of war would be felt in California. And he asks, ‘Who will be the contenders in that war, and what form will that warfare take?’”

It shall come from that of the Black September. It shall be a surprise attack. It shall be a nuclear attack. It shall be so massive that it is beyond your own imagination, the destruction. It shall be made to look that the Bear and Eagle are at fault, both.

It is written that if the Eagle spreads its wings and covers the Messiah child, it shall be protected. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

There are many who will now come forth and say, “Look at me, I am a part; I am your prophet.”

There are those who would look and be wishful at your own Presidential elections.

This coming year is a year of great caution.

And we say unto thee, it is also written that the false prophet would go unto a land to bring forth an eagle from a land, and so you have seen it happen. Many shall say, “Let us give praise unto this one.” He deserves no praise, for he is plotting now to overthrow your country. Your country is insignificant to us.

What is significant to us is you are a country under the Lord, thy God, and sworn to the allegiance that all men were created equal. That debt the Lord intends to collect.

This same person shall see, if he can, the death of many, many of God’s people. For he now sees that the pact with Israel and Egypt is nothing but a piece of paper to be thrown away.

Look deeply into him; see where the money came from.

We asked you this question. If you are Black, you walk out of the prisons of the Islams, from Iran to Syria. If you were of any other nationality, not to be Moslem, would you have walked so easily from these lands? Remember Tehran, and how all Blacks were released, but not the women, or not those of Mexican descent, or any other descent. This was an arrangement that Israel might be sold upon the auction block….

What has been many times shall be again. But shall we wait until that of the Earth is not a fit place to dwell when we come together?…

Now we say unto all of you, our words are sometimes lengthy, and sometimes seem unmeaning. Yet the Lord, we say unto you, knows of all things − and knowing of all things, knows of love.

January 13, 1984:You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [15–477–1] asks, ‘In a previous reading you said that an area from Houston, Texas, to Matagorda would break away and form an island. Are you saying that Texas City, and the entire Texas coast, will be a safe place? Thank you for helping all of us.’”

No, we did not say this. We said that that of the Matagorda island would break away and be a safe place, and parts of the Houston area, or Pasadena area, would be a safe place. But we said, if he who asks could devote his life unto the Lord then these things would be given. And he who has asked has not fulfilled his promise. Yet, there shall be land laid aside.

When the great storms come, many shall die. When the great wars come, many shall die, for the storms shall be brought forth from the wars. In the land in which you speak, there is nothing to stop, not a mountain, nothing to stop the shock waves which will destroy the city of Houston. There shall be more deaths because of the reaction than actually is caused from bombing.

This you must realize. Houston is one of the designated areas to be destroyed because, not that it is necessarily a military site, target, but if it is destroyed, then the citizens of the land in which you dwell shall rise up to strike back.

If you strike, make certain that you strike the [one] right person, because those who now provocate − there are now two sources which advocate war with the Soviet Union and war with the Chinese Republic. Both of these, each believing that when the war ends, that they may step in and make the world a better place to live in, according to themselves, would think nothing of taking the lives of millions.

The first is those of the Palestinian, or Black September − and these are not of just of one people, but they are made up of the Arabian block; Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, are but some among the pact. You shall find them ten nations in all.

Then, in your own country you have organizations who wish to push forth an atomic war. And they will do so rather than abdicate any power that they may have to the colored race. At the same time, the group we have just spoken to you about considers the colored race powerful, and therefore, even though they are Christians of belief, they are considered brothers of kind.

The tools necessary to bring these things about are in the hands of these people at this time. You have lost enough plutonium alone from your plants to make bombs to destroy every major city of your country, Canada, and Mexico.

These bombs shall be placed, much as your first bombs were placed, in towers, only the towers shall be large buildings. The height, in essence, shall be the same as that of Hiroshima or that of the Trinity site.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, you said something on this line, that these people would try to make Russia think the United States did it and vice versa, if I understood you. Are they also planning to place these in Russia in the same manner?’”

This is true.

“Is there anything that anyone can do to prevent this?”

Yes, (sigh) they must be infiltrated and the designated places neutralized.

October 19, 1984: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

The Merneptah Stele (13th century BCE). The majority of biblical archeologists translate a set of hieroglyphs as “Israel,” the first instance of the name in the record. Photo by By Webscribe — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=8206743

For once, in the land that you know as Jerusalem, men came, learned men, men of science, engineers, craftsmen; from all over the world men of knowledge gathered. And with them came the scholars of religions of all faiths, and they were welcome. This was so during the days of Aaron. For Moses had said, “In the day that thy rise a city to God, make it the center and the hub of the world.” And so it was. It remained so until those of the Judaean faith became jealous, and declared that it was ungodly for any man to come and speak his mind in such a manner, that if God had wanted it so He would have made it so.

Now through all the time that did pass no one dared to trespass upon this ruling. And the State of Israel fell piece by piece, day by day, week by week, until it became a very weak nation before man and God. [Read about Israel.]

Map of Israel and Judah in the 9th century BCE by Oldtidens_Israel_&_Judea.svg: FinnWikiNoderivative work: Richardprins (talk) — Oldtidens_Israel_&_Judea.svghttp://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/map-of-israel-and-judah-733-bce, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10872389

And then came the day that the descendent of Maccabee from the line of David came. And there [were] two − first, one to be beheaded, the other to be crucified. And the State of Israel fell into dust. Now according to the prophecies of Isaiah, according to all the great prophets, this was to be so − even according to the newer prophet, John.

May 14, 1948, David Ben Gurion (Left) signs the Declaration of Independence held by Moshe Sharet. Photo by Government Press Office (Israel), CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=22807978

And then came forth the birth of Israel. From the dust, from the ashes, it rose. And once again it brought forth scientists. And gradually it has become a great nation to stand among nations. In a short while it shall reach forth and stand, once again, in its greatest time of trial, to stand as a nation, for once again, those of the Judaean faith, there will be those who shall try to exterminate them.

Now amongst them dwells a young man. And amongst the young men he knows of that of who he is. And he is that who we have waited for.

In another land, in the land that you now look at as a friendly Arabian nation, the land you call Saudi Arabia, dwells that that is known as the Anti-Christ. And the peace that was brought forth between Egypt and Israel shall soon be known as a false peace.

Editor’s note: Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian president received the 1978 Nobel Prize for Peace for their achievement of a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt that was formally signed in 1979. Sadat was assassinated in 1981 by radical religious fundamentalists who erroneously thought he had betrayed their plans to annihilate Israel.

We say unto you, beware. For the hour and the days are close at hand. If we knew the exact day we would give this to you, but only the Lord, God, knows it. And when He is ready, He will give you this information.

We can say to you, hope that it is not in the winter time. And we say unto you, if you work in the field and you see it, do not return to your home for your coat, but flee, for you shall have no home. [See Matthew 24:15–22.]

We say unto you, there are those who would hurry this about − and they are in your ownland. There are those who could prevent this now from happening, and they are in your own land. Beware. For once before, in the month of December, your country was struck a cowardly blow.

The Japanese make a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

November 2, 1984: Now we say unto you, we have come not to change the Laws of Moses, nor the prophecies of Isaiah. We have come not to you to change the words spoken by Jesus of Nazara, nor the teachings of Buddha, or any other land. But we say to you, for in the land of India a great unrest begins, an unrest that could wrap itself around the Earth, could cause many to go into battle on both sides. [Note: The assassination of Indira Ghandi.]

We say unto you, pray that those in power have the wisdom and the knowledge to know the true meaning of peace, the true meaning of love.

We should say to you, glory be the name of the Lord.

March 1, 1985: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be His children forever and ever.

And we say unto thee unto these words, for we say to you this parable, and yet, it is not a parable. We told you a story of the man from Yucatan, and we shall try to explain the meaning. The man is of those of the Indian culture who long lived under the domination of those from Mexico City. They are ready to throw the shackles aside and become a nation.

Satellite image of the Yucatan Peninsula at the southern tip of Mexico. The Maya did not have an empire, but rather a group of loosely associated city-states. Read about the Mayan people and also about the Chiapas conflict.

There are those who would help them at this time. At the same time, there are those who would play upon the political sea. And the winds of March are as armies, small armies, who shall each single out their targets. Some shall assassinate to take lives. Others shall assassinate to destroy the image of the leader, of the person. This shall happen in many places upon the Earth, and in your own country. There shall come a movement upon the land in strength that it shall not be safe for a two-week period of time for the leaving of the homes. You have such a group in this city. I think you know their target.

Yet, there is the storm which shall ravish the land − and not only this land, but across the lands and countries.

Yet there is time and hope. Bring your minds together, as we have told you before. If a man should burn your crop, if you would place your minds together, you may make the winds blow in the opposite direction.

Now we say unto you, we have explained these things that you did not understand.

Now we should go on further to explain to you that we do not single out one person, at any time, to reprimand. When you are traveling upon a road, and you see your friend who would perish if you do not warn them, which would you do, warn them, or let them perish? If you saw your wife or your daughter who would fall from a great height unless you warned them, would you not warn them? For really, that is all we can do, is warn you; we are not allowed to alter or change the future. Only you yourselves may do this.

And we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim. Prepare. But as you prepare, know that those who say they cannot afford their two weeks’ provisions, they are lying to themselves. And that is a greater sin than lying to another.

We say to you, for upon the land there are many types of birds. The one that we have mentioned the most is the eagle. Yet he serves very little other than himself. To take the form of the eagle was to take the form of a selfish being and transform it into a serving being. This was part of the karma, the karma of the servitude to mankind.

The symbol of America is the eagle.

There are many ways into which you shall reach in your lifetimes. And there are many messages which each of you shall take home with you, but we say to you, take unto your hearts and souls this message.

Blessed be those who give what they have not. Blessed be those who forgive those they should not. Blessed be those who love those they should not. And blessed be those who shall walk the extra mile.

But we should say unto you, when you have done all these things, and those who would destroy you still remain, then bind together; combine your minds, and you will soon find that there is strength within you to protect yourselves. We have not left you unprepared.

March 15, 1985: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your questions in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For in a desert land, where a river ran through the desert, a culture, a people, came north and wandered down and were driven from their homes in the highland. And they wandered down until they found fertile land in the desert. And they did grow mighty crops. And soon, they established trade routes with friendlier people, clear into the South American continent.

The Tohono O’odham are a Native American people of the Sonoran Desert, residing primarily in the U.S. state of Arizona and the Mexican state of Sonora. Tohono O’odham means “Desert People.” The federally recognized tribe is known as the Tohono O’odham Nation. The Sonoran Desert is a North American desert which covers large parts of the Southwestern United States in Arizona and California and of Northwestern Mexico in Sonora, Baja California, and Baja California Sur. It is the hottest desert in Mexico. It has an area of 260,000 square kilometers (100,000 sq mi). The western portion of the United States–Mexico border passes through the Sonoran Desert.

Gradually, their crops became more and more abundant.

And then, there came a great sickness upon the land. And the people moved in many directions, fleeing for their lives, leaving behind their cultures, leaving behind their possessions. That that they did not leave behind was their religions.

And so they spread forth. And gradually as time passed, they intermingled with other people, then came forth upon the land again to irrigate and populate the same lands. And they spoke of the “old ones” as those who had been.

And they did bring forth crops in abundance.

And upon the land came those from across the sea. And they came, because they were starving, unto these people. And the people fed them. And they did make war upon the people. And the people rose up to drive them out, and yet, they were beaten.

And then once again, another people came forth unto the land. And once again they fed the people. And they did go to war and fight beside the people, those of the light skins. And they did make a place for them. But soon, those looked down upon these people, and said, “How could we know such people as these?”

And so the people began to change, and say, “To survive we must learn all the White man’s ways. We must speak only the White man’s tongue. We must be as the White man; we must dress as him, walk as him, talk as him, think as him. And only then can we survive, for he comes forth like wheat, in great multitudes. We must take his religion, and accept all things.”

And so it came about, and it came to pass.

But soon, as generations passed, the people did not know even themselves, for they had lost the true identity of themselves. They had lost their cultures. They had lost their true meaning for being.

Now, we say unto you, this that has happened before was like a great karma that was working through and completing its time. But now, as war and rumors of war begin to rattle the hemisphere,

as your great leaders gather to talk of peace, they plan of war; they plan of assassination.

Already in the land you call Russia, the land of the Bear, it has sprung a new head, and now, it looks out hungrily at all the land and all the people.

You have already lost Nicaragua and El Salvador. Those are gone.

If the present course is continued to take place, soon Mexico will be gone, your greatest neighbor.

When this happens, you say unto us, “We will go to war to prevent this.” Yes, this could be done. But as we have told you before, the winds of March are upon you. Great change shall take place in the political sea across the land and faces of the earth. Decisions shall come forth, and false treaties shall be made.

We say unto you, now is one of the Earth’s greatest times. It is a time when it may walk at peace, or go to war. It is like the fickled whims of a politician.

Be careful that you are all not caught in this trap.

Be not as those who would hide their head and say, “This is not happening. These things cannot happen to me.” For one day it is your brothren that they shall attack, and the next day it shall be you.

There is but one way that you may survive all these things, and that is if you bind together, become as one.

Know the honor of one. Know the needs of one. Know the duties of one. And be as one. And then, let your whole land prepare itself.

For warfare is like a step away from you. It is as though we look upon the Earth and we see sabers everywhere.

May 24, 1985:Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee into these words. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Now we should say unto thee this parable, in this manner and in this way.

For once upon the Earth there were great civilizations. And in the land that is known now as the continent of the Americans, the North American Continent and South American Continent, it was divided greatly by water − [in] between the divisions, the more to the Pacific side; Atlantis, to the Atlantic side. And great islands, and continents, as you would call them, emerged from the ocean.

Earth 66 million yers ago
Earth 50.2 million years ago

Great forests grew. And an abundance of fruits and vegetables of many kinds was upon the earth. Man had in all things the best of things. And there upon the land you now call the Sahara, there were great forests. And there upon the land in the Americans that you think of as shallow land, that from Holbrook to Yuma, grew great forests. And this land at that time was known as the Land of Kings.

For in the land of plenty, man accepted all things as though they were, and would last, forever. He soon began to drift away from all the land and all the knowledge.

And there were those who came forth and said, “Beware, beware that you do not bring forth the wrath of the God, Almighty.” And they laughed at them.

Some of you now think that the story we are telling you is but a fairy tale. And we say unto you, no, it was not a fairy tale; it was a time of the golden age of man. He had reached his highest peak. He could fly into outer space. He had reached the stars and beyond. He had conquered the oceans. He had even thought he had conquered the inner Earth. And at last, upon that day of days, when all was brought down, and mankind fell back into thousands of years of development.

We say to you, all these things are possible once again. All the things that you think are trivial that are happening upon your Earth −

in the 26 nations of that land known as the African, soon it shall be more, and then more. And more and more of the land shall be taken and devoured, until pestilence reigns the land.

All of those things that have been can be again. And deserts can be born. We have told you before that deserts would form where forests once grew, and roses would grow where deserts were.

Now, in those days there came upon those who predicted of these days, one of which you write about in your Book; you call him, Noah.

And God came unto Noah and said, “BUILD THEE AN ARK.” And all the people laughed.

Which one of you could stand out in front of your neigh­bors and take the laughter, and take the finger-pointing and the shame that Noah took, and his sons, and the wife of his sons, and the children, and his wife? Which one of you could stand up under such shame? Yet they did. And yet, others did, for they knew that they were to prepare a way. It took much time, much hardship, and much preparation.

We say unto you, these things that were shall be again. The fulfillment of the book of Revelations is unfolding before you, yet you see it not, for you have blinded yourselves.

June 28, 1985: Yes, we shall answer the question utmost in your minds. And you say unto us, “How can you speak of flowers when men are being held captive and when war knocks at our door?”

Survivors being liberated at the first Nazi concentration camp in Germany, Dachau, which was opened in 1944.

And I say unto you, unto the worst battlefields flowers have grown. They have come forth to replace the scars. At Dachau and [Daulitzdaire] you shall find flowers. They come forth to cover the wounds.

It is like the music in your air. It is born sometimes from many forms of healing. Sometimes it is born from the hurt and depths of the soul, sometimes from the height and laughter of the soul, yet always it is the universal music from the galaxies that rings in your ears, that dances and performs before the greatest of all mankind, for it is for all mankind. And it is the music of the gods, as the flowers or the music.

We say unto you, yes, those times we have told you about shall come forth, but do not cease to plan for tomorrow. Prepare, store. But do not make that all of your life, make it part of your life.

If you may send food to Ethiopia, also prepare and send food here at home, and start.

Feed the nations, for this is a test for you. It is a test that one third of the Earth, as had been written, would be struck by the Lord and nothing should grow upon it. And one third of the Earth should perish from starvation. It is your test, the test to see if the rest of the three thirds are worth saving.

If mankind can overcome his bigotry − it is like Jonah calling in the wind; let it be heard.

If you give, give with your heart. Give that which you have. Put into storage that which you have here. Give what you can unto the third of the world which now dies of starvation. Let it go as a gift of love, and know that what you have done is a gift of love.

We say unto you, yes, the time of storing shall be in many forms.

But remember, knowledge will come unto soul Ray’s mind that shall seem to come from nowhere. Listen to his thoughts. Bring them together, and they will give you the substance to do those things you need.

For the land at hand is not enough. And time shall come and time shall go, but the greatest time shall be the laughter you have in your heart, and the tears you shed for your love.

There is the love that comes from brother to sister, the love that comes from father to daughter and mother to son, but there is the love that comes from one part of mankind unto another that does not ask the color or race or religion of a man or woman or child, but only knows that it cannot see them suffer, that no man may suffer. Know it in truth.

What is your test? Do you not see it?

Can you not understand it?

July 12, 1985: You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. ‘Dear Aka, please give us specific guidance about the Association and the church, how the Association can serve its members, and how the members can serve the Association?’”

We would say unto you, unto these words. First, your decisions must be made.

It has been said by your members, “Who brought forth the rituals of marriage and burial? Who brought forth the prayers, and robes − and all these things?” We did. We brought them forth and gave them. We gave them as a gift, as a father would give to a child.

Yet, there are times when the greatest gift shall be thrown aside by the child, for they know it not.

We say unto you, we will give you that which you ask. If you wish it to prosper and grow, and become holy and complete, we say to you, there is a time when tithing is necessary. Did not Abraham and Levi give ten percent of all their goods unto the Prince of Salem? Did not all the tribes of Israel, the Twelve Tribes, gladly give of their ten percent?

We say unto you unto these words, if you are to exist, exist in the manner in which we came. For look into the heavens and know these things that we say to be true. We came with a great comet. And know that the comet, or a part of the same, shall soon return − and we shall go.

A glorious heavenly light, Comet Bennett, shines upon our world throughout April 1970. It was seen by one-third of the globe at a time. Read an account of the arrival of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, in “A Gift from One with More Love in His Eyes than Anyone.”

We have placed into your hands the tools that are necessary. Yet you see them not. You know them not. If what we have given is good, it shall rise. But let it flow freely as a brook should flow to the great rivers, and from the great rivers should flow unto the mighty oceans − and there to flow to the many shores.

The greatness of mankind, and those things we told you in the beginning, are but at hand. These days are soon about you. If you run and hide, do not do this. We have told you to prepare where you are, and how to prepare for these times.

We have placed in the mind of soul Ray many truths.

We say to you, his mind and his heart has grown tired. And so has his physical body. With our coming, we did not promise to restore him, but to keep him but for a purpose, as long as he freely wished to do so. There are many doorways. We have told you the same thing in many ways, so that you may choose from some of them. We have told you that the spirits of God are like the universe, the galaxies, for they are all part of God. The beginning and the ending is all part of the Lord. In His time, all of the prophecies that you have shall come about.

We shall tell you that a shifting of the power of the Eagle [U.S.A.] is about at hand. Within the shifting of this power, pray that those of Israel shall [be as] continue to be, and shall always be a part of this great land, one nation under God.

Some of you do not know that of which we speak. You shall.

You shall….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [17–509–1…Grants, New Mexico] asks, ‘Help me with some problems that have been heavy on my mind. Thank you.’”

Yes, we understand your need. And we shall say unto you unto these − you look and yet you find not that which is needed for your financial welfare and your spiritual needs. And we say to you, there is a garden already planted. Reach back and harvest it.

Now we say unto you –– seek and you shall find.

Blessed are they who have the faith to know when they have found peace of mind and body.

Blessed are they who shall give comfort into others.

Blessed are they who bring tranquility into the house of others.

Blessed are they who give from the heart and expect not in return.

January 23, 1986: Yes we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory to the name of His children, forever.

And we should say unto you this parable in this manner and in this way.

For once there was a large valley, and those that came to the valley to live were all related. And the head of the family was an elderly man known far and wide for his great wisdom.

And so, he drew lots and laid them aside, assigned them so that the land could be picked for each of the families to farm and to graze the cattle.

And as the years passed, it prospered. And as it prospered, they began to quarrel, each one into another. And the heads of each of their groups would come forth to this wise man and say unto him, “This person is doing this to me and unto my family.”

He listened to each one patiently, and to each one he would say these words, and it was to see the larger picture. Yet, they understood him not.

Finally, the wise man, the head of the families, sent forth the messengers to all the heads of the house to be present at one time. And he said unto them, “I have told you to see the larger part of the picture. Why is it you can not?”

One man got up and said, “But what is the larger part of the picture? What is it that we were to see, that we do not see?”

And he looked at them. He said, “For some of you here, the bigger part of the picture, the larger part that shall happen, that is that in the picture shall only be what you have today, for you will not stop squabbling, you will continue to bicker for small tidbits. But for those who can see the larger part, that is what they shall have. For as they work and gain and grow together, you shall become a great empire and a great nation, but you shall only do this if you grow spiritually and mentally and physically, and only by knowing that you shall be a nation under God. If you forget this, then you have forgotten yourself and the reason you have come to this valley.”

Time did pass. And as he had said, there were those who never became the larger part because all they could do would be bicker. And soon they lost their lands. And they become [poor] workers of the others. And even then they bickered.

And then, soon families that had prospered, they came forth and said, “We’d like to leave our land in such a manner that our servants should gain from it; yet, the land should always be ours.”

And so the wise man said unto them, “Do so, but let those who would serve this household and your family give tithings each year, the same that they would pay rent.”

And so, they all came together once again, those who had gone away and the others families. And it was written up that those who had owned the land, [those] who [had lived] with one another gave tithings unto them.

As time passed, the tithings gained, and the owners came back.

And those who had had the land said, “You have no land; this is our land.”

And they said, “No, we have this paper.”

“Then we shall take it to the head of the households.”

And they said, “We recognize the head of the household not.”

The head of the household, when they recognized him not, and would not recognize the paper, did call upon the wrath of God to smite them. And He did smite them three and 40 times before they knew the Lord, God, was He.

Now we have told you of the parable. And the parable is as the nations are today.

No one nation can support the world, unless the world is willing to support itself.

No one nation can keep a third of the world from starving to death unless these people are willing to fend for themselves. It was written that these things would happen, that famine would strike a third of the Earth. And so it has come.

For you who say, “Where else has this began,” this has begun. It is all around you.

But we would also say unto you when a child in this nation, when you have not one child that goes to bed hungry at night, when you have not one child who needs your care, then, and only then, should you pick up another nation.

There will be those who say what we say and have said is wrong.

But unless you strengthen your own nation and build your own foundation, the nation that you have built “under one God” shall fall….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–512–7…Garland, Texas], ‘Astrologer Dan Fry stated yesterday [January 22, 1986] that in March and April, several world leaders would be in danger of assassination, and there may be a major earthquake in Southern California. What do you see?’”

In the month of March once again the winds shall blow, and the Ides of March shall be upon your own President, and the Prime Minister of England. There shall be [an attempted] assassination on the present Russian leader before this time. Earthquakes in California, yes − not one, but five. But look into the land of Oregon and look into the land of Kansas. But look into the land of South America, and Russia. And there are many others we could name where eruptions and earthquakes shall occur. But we would say unto you, look unto the land beneath your feet. Before the year ends it shall shake….

Add another earthquake to this list. (It took place in Oceanside, CA). As Aka foretold, five major earthquakes hit California in 1986. (1) On July 8, 1986, a magnitude 5.9 earthquake hit North Palm Springs, CA. The quake, the most powerful to strike southern California in seven years. (2) July 13, 1986, Oceanside, 35 miles northwest of San Diego, had a 5.4 magnitude quake. (3), (4) and (5) In July, Chalfant Valley felt three earthquakes. Early in 1986, ten days after the psychic and Aka’s predictions, on January 31 1986, an earthquake of 5.0 magnitude occurred about 40 km east of Cleveland, Ohio. Again later, on July 12, 1986, a 4.5-magnitude quake that struck Auglaize County in western Ohio. In central Romania on August 30, the 1986 Vrancea earthquake killed more than 150 people, injured over 500, and damaged over 50,000 homes. The second largest earthquake in the area since the modernization of earthquake monitoring devices, it was felt north to Poland and south to Italy and Greece. Two weeks later, on September 13, 1986, an earthquake of magnitude 5.9 struck the town of Kalamata in southern Peloponnese, Greece. Aka had warned us about South America — El Salvador was struck on October 10th 1986, with an earthquake, killing between 1,000 to 1,500 people, injuring 10,000 and leaving 200,000 homeless. Then November 14, 1986, Taiwan experienced a 7.0 magnitude earthquake.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [J___ C__ M_____…Dallas], ‘What is the current forecast for [the] food supplies and economics that will be a concern to us in Dallas?’”

We see thy…need. Dallas has become as a nation and the rest of the country is the supplier, with food and all things. It shall not be short in its supply in the near future.

But in many households there should be a year’s supply of food, and water, and [sorts]. And it should be rotated frequently.

For a small natural catastrophe, cuts you off from the rest of the world. Look unto the city of Tucson, Arizona, into its last winter when it was [under] ground, in the middle of the desert.

For the water had come, and [destruct was mighty]….

And we say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, our God; glory be the name of His people. Now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angels walks upon your Earth.

December 19, 1986: And we shall say this parable in this manner and in this way.

For many people ventured forth in the land you would call the Holy Land, that of Bethlehem. They did make pilgrimage there. For there was the birth and the beginning of the Christian religion. Yet, it sits in the heart of the land of Judaism, and there is a heart of the Moslem religion.

Remember these words, for in each is like a huge circle, each a part of the other. Each could not exist without the other. If you destroyed one part, you have destroyed the whole. Yet, allow one part to grow, and you allow them all to grow, for they are bound together.

There are many parts of the Buddha religion, and the Buddhists of many sectors and parts, and they do not make war upon one or another. They have found a way of sharing their God. If only all others would do the same.

For as we reach forth unto this time, the time that you shall set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, set aside the time, each of you, in you in your hearts and souls, that may we find a way to live among each other in peace and harmony.

We have seen all nations. But you, who live in this you call the United States of America, are of all nations, of all colors and creeds. You have brought forth a great nation dedicated to justice and liberty for all, before God. That and that alone has set you aside from all other nations and has allowed all religions to flourish within the same.

Yes, you have those who would say this or that about a religion − and they have the freedom of speech to say. In another land they would not.

We say unto you, this nation [U.S.A.] shall stand, for it shall be both the birthplace and the walking place, that which he should be known upon, that of the Christ child.

We say unto you, if we seem to speak in riddles, we do not. For your land and your earth, each day that passes grows once into another. As you celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, celebrate his return, and know it in your hearts.

The words we are speaking are puzzling to you here tonight. But we say to you––

It is but the prophecy coming true.

Now we should say unto you, your country shall shake as though a great tree has struck it. It shall tremble as though a great earthquake. A change is in the wind. There will be some who think you are weak at this time, and they will think of attacking this country. If there is to be a transition, and there shall be, of power, it must go smoothly now, lest you rip down the walls of your own freedom.

But we say harken into you, and look, therefore, into your hearts. Find joy, one unto another. Give, one unto another.

Do not make rules to bind each other, but say, “Here, my friend, is my love and my care, but I give it to you without attachments.” And receive back the fellowship that is given. Do so in such a way that upon a friendship great things may be rebuilt. Do so in such a way that it allows all of you to become as a child this season. Allow the world to know that from this point a light shall begin to shine. Let it reach out.

When you leave this place and go unto your homes, take gladness and spread it among you.

We have given you a gift. We gave you this gift in the form of a healer. But we have given you many gifts. We expect nothing in return.

The greatest gift that you can give yourself and another is to find happiness in yourself and where you dwell. And others shall see the happiness within you, and the joy, and they will crowd close to you as though seeking warmth from a fire. And they too shall find happiness within themselves, and gladness. For being happy with oneself where you are, and knowing that love is given as a precious gift — give unto the Lord one tenth of the love He has given unto you this day.

And rejoice in your hearts!…

We say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name unto His children. And we say to you, may the Lord bring forth unto your hearts the warmth, the love, the glory that is intended. May the Cherub be with you.

May you walk in the light of he who is to come, and he who has come, yet they should be of the same. Yet the time shall be different.

As you stand around and see the conjecture [conjunction] of the stars that shall come together, look unto the heavens, for they are writing upon the sky, the fullness of the time.

The last Great Conjunction of planets, Jupiter and Saturn, came in May 2000. The next time this will be is in December 2020. See the timing of the Great Conjunctions. There are other types of conjunctions, such as a triple conjunction. Will we be prepared this time?

Once, Jesus of Nazareth said, “Can you not read the seasons? Can you not see the time that is about you?” We say unto you the same.

Let the gloryness and the holiness and the joy of God dwell in each soul; let them take it forth with them. Let the glory of God be with you.

June 6, 1987: You have other questions, and they are many.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto the land of Oregon that that of the land beneath Mt. Hood, of the Cascade Mountains, shall shake and rumble and shall give off quakes in numbers. And it shall look as though it shall erupt, but not yet.

The Cascadia subduction zone near where the Pacific and U.S. continental plates meet is shown on the left with the range of volcanoes from Washington, Oregon and northern California. On the right the direction the Pacific and U.S. plates are moving is indicated by arrows. The red line where they meet is the San Andreas fault, which runs most of the length of California to the Salton Sea in the Imperial Valley, near Arizona and the Gulf of California.

Your San Andreas fault will give further destruction. But look unto Mexico and unto South America, for there shall soon be a rattling of the land in great masses.

Look unto the politics of your country. But we say unto you, look unto the politics, into your own local government.

It has become time to take an interest in such a manner that the land shall fulfill itself.

We say unto you, we are here but for one reason, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Now is the time of the cherubim.

January 23, 1987: Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee unto these words. “There shall be no other God before Him.”

There shall those who shall come forth and say unto thee, “I am God.” And they have profaned the name of the Lord, and in their profaneness, they have even profaned themselves, for they have allowed no place for themselves.

If you wish, you may go back to the time when the Anti-Christ, known as Adolf Hitler, walked the face of the Earth. And he came forth and he talked in a voice that attracted many people. He used his talent for organization. He used his psychic talents until they had depleted him. And he used the psychic talents of many others. And those who would not agree with him, he slayed them and had them slain. He killed 12 million people in his concentration camps alone.

We are concerned to see this once again appear on the face of your Earth.

There are those who should know better and do not in the land of Russia.

But there are those with all the choices of freedom that your land should give, “one nation under God,” and they should say a profaneness.

We say unto you, this is not the way. These people shall not lead their people unto God, but away from Him; they shall lead him not to the coming of the Messiah, but away from him.

Some believe in depopulation, reducing the population of people on earth to about 10-percent of what it is today. There are many ways this is being attempted, according to reports. War, famine, pestilence, man-made disasters and chaos, genocide, pollutants of all kinds in our air, water, food, our farmland and oceans, Some say this was plan by elites who worship Lucifer, to gain dominion over the world. They quote books, such as Rules for Radicals, methods by Cloward and Pivens, and teachings by Aldous Huxley and Karl Marx. Plans for depopulation are also engraved on the Georgia Guidestones, saying: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.”

And you say unto us, “Is these the Anti-Christ?”

And we say unto you, as we have come forth to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, there shall be those who come forth to prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. Believe in the Lord, thy God. Believe in the wisdom of Jesus of Nazara. Do not sway and allow them, anyone, to sway you from the path, and you shall never wear the mark of the beast. [See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

We say unto you, there have been many times and half times. There have been many tests, that test people down to where there is no more. Why should this be so?

We say to you, we have told you before that the times were coming and would come about. We say unto you, prepare yourselves.

Do you have to build a castle or a monument? Nay. The only monument you must build is within your body and mind. And know that you are the children of God. You are the creation of God. You were created in His image, of His kind, of His likeness. [See Genesis 1:26–31.]…

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [S___ L_______] who is here tonight asks, ‘Why is this group being bombarded with changes?’”

We say unto you, changes were needed to strengthen the fiber of those within.

Yet, there are many parts of a whole. We say to you, in any decision you should make, you shall have that which is needed to go with it, to help you with it. We gave you a multiple choice before. These still exist.

In the land of Houston, there is much work to be done, for as you have seen yourselves, there would be those who would take the food from babes, and we say that in a manner of speech. But the food we speak of is their spiritual heritage, that which is rightly theirs − their gift of God and from God.

There is many things that would happen to change this about. If you fear these things, then you’ll want a change, you’ll want your way to be preserved, then you must do something about it.

There will be many people who will say, “Look at this, this sparkles; this is great in the eyes of man. Let it be so.” Look into your heart and soul, you know the difference. Look into the first part of the words we have spoken tonight and you shall find the fullness of the answer.

February 20, 1987: And we say unto thee, for we shall answer your question in this manner. For upon the Earth in a city in the Americans, there once lived four brothers, each born within a few years of the other. When they were very young, they started competing, one among the other. At first, it was for the affection of their father. Then it was for the affection of different girls in their village. It was a game to them, a game that, as soon as they had this person and the person possessed [professed] their love to them, they no longer needed nor wanted.

The father saw the folly of his sons and went behind them picking up the pieces of destruction left. It was soon evident [to] the father that he would have many grandchildren born out of wedlock. This did not bother the father, for he only enjoyed the joy of enjoying the children, his grandchildren. And he went about farming his farm and running his ranch.

But soon it became very apparent to him that should his sons continue as they were that there would be no inheritance left for his grandchildren. So he called his four sons in and said, “I shall give each one of you a parcel of land. Whoever can do the best and have the best crops for the next ten years shall own all of the land. But in owning all of the land, you must provide for all, in­cluding your mother and I, and the children you have been responsible for bringing into this world.”

At first, there were those of his sons who would not accept, or did not want to accept, this type of respon­sibility. And he said, “Fine, then leave.”

There were those who would accept, but said, “How can I know this child is mine?”

And the father said unto them, “For I know, and that is enough.”

Soon, two of the sons decided that they would go together and pool their land and work against the other two.

The youngest son, at this point, began to see the folly of his ways, and he agreed to the terms.

The other son thought, “I can go to surrounding farms and bring in extra cattle to show my yield; this shall be a way I shall win.”

And so, the first year passed. The two that had gone together, theirs began to multiply. The youngest seemed to have many problems. The other, his was multiplying because he had bought from other farmers to show a yield and he had bought cattle from other ranchers and sold them.

The second year passed by. For the two, the competition against their brothers did not seem to be great because the two together combining their forces seemed to outdo the other two. Yet the youngest brother had a better quality of stock and his fields yielded more per acre. The other son still continued his folly.

The father watched.

And so it continued into the eighth year. And the father knew that the two were working together. He also knew that the one son was only buying and selling, and really growing nothing. He also knew that the younger son grew a better quality. Each part of the land he had received began to flourish to his touch.

So he went unto the youngest son and said, “My son, what have you learned from this?”

And he said, “Father, I have learned that the seed that we plant, both upon the earth in many ways, must be tended to with loving care. I shall accept − should I win or lose I shall accept the responsibility of the children.”

The father went to the other two sons and said, “What have you learned?”

They said, “To compete, to be better than our brothers.”

And he said, “What are your responsibilities?”

And each of them said, “We have found fine wives and shall soon provide you with fine grandchildren.”

And he said to them, “What of the grandchildren I already have?”

And they said, “Well, who’s to know whether they are ours or not, or whether they are really your grandchildren?”

The father looked upon them and said, “I shall know. And as I shall know, so shall the Father in heaven know, and so shall your mother know.”

And so he went unto the one who was trading, and he confronted him with the fact that he had traded. The one who had traded laughed and said, “Yes, Father, I am a good trader. I enjoy trading. At first I thought to trick you and my brothers, but I have learned that I enjoy the trading and I shall make my living from this day forth of trading. But I shall accept the children. And whoever wins, I shall help to support them. And my own, I shall claim and give them my name, and your name.”

The father left with great gladness in his heart.

And so, the tenth year came. The two sons had married and their wives were pregnant. And they went to the father to claim their reward. And father said, “You come to take your reward, yet you have not heard from your brothers. Where are they?”

And the one said, “For the one brother has become a trader; he has given to us his part.”

And the father said, “Nay, he did not give unto you his part; he gave it unto me and I gave it unto your brother. So we’ll see what the greatest yield is.”

The youngest brother came forth. And he had an abundance of crop and an abundance of cash flow. And he said to the father, “I could not have done this except that my brother took our stock and our harvest and did great things on the market. If I have won anything, Father, it must be shared with my brothers.”

The two brothers protested.

The father said, “The youngest brother has won.”

And the youngest brother said unto them, “Then if it is mine to do that which I wish, Father, give unto my brothers that that belongs to them; give unto my other brother that that belongs to him, and I, Father, shall take that that which belongs to me. But first, Father, let it all belong to you until the day you pass, and let us take the responsibility of the work.”

The Father looked at them and said, “I will accept this except for one thing. I shall never retire; I shall become a productive part within all of this.”

Some will think that the story we have told you is a story that you might have heard many times, but yet, heard it not.

We say to you, there are many pathways to heaven; our Father has many mansions. Yet, He has but one first-begotten son. Yet it be the first, He gave the joy unto the last as much as the first. As He gave the joy unto this one known as Jesus of Nazareth, so has He given the same joy unto the last begotten of His children. Forget this not, and know that the Lord, thy Father, thy God, loves you. And so He shall not retire, He shall always be with you in all things that you do.

February 27, 1987: Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee unto this manner.

For upon the land there became a great famine, and great storms were cast upon the land.

And many rose and said, “The Lord is angry with us. What have we done? And what can we do, that the Lord should take this plight from us?”

And so, each person looked unto his neighbor. And if the neighbor was slightly different than themselves, they blamed their neighbor. And they began to cast their neighbors out. And soon they were looking at one another, because the storms continued.

One among them knew that that that was wrong was that that they were doing. And he went unto their temple and he prayed unto the Lord and said, “Lord, if I have wronged Thee, then punish me, but do not punish the others.”


So he went back unto the people and he said, “Behold. Change your ways. Be different. Bring back your neighbor that you have cast aside and ask his forgiveness.”

At first, they became angry at him and [were] going to cast him aside.

And the storms had continued. And they thought to themselves, “If we bring our neighbor[s] back and ask for their forgiveness, maybe the storms will end.”

By this time, springtime had come. They went to their neighbors, asked their forgiveness, and spring came. And they thought, “Behold; look, the Lord has rewarded us.” And they had a great festival, and shouted with great joy.

And the man went back to the temple and said, “Oh, Lord, I see the folly that You speak of.”


And so, this one went back unto them and said, “Behold, the Lord shall send unto you His first begotten. What shall you do with this?”

When the first begotten Son arrived, he said, “I tell you this parable. For the Lord of the land left the land in the care of a caretaker. And the caretakers began to − were supposed to send the Lord of the lands the rent. But soon, they began to look at the land as though it was their own, and they did not send rent. Then one day, the Lord sent forth, of the lands, sent His first begotten son, and they killed him. Yet, the Lord forgave them, if they could forgive themselves.” [See Mark 12:1–12.]

We say unto you, we have brought you a parable, a parable that says to you − what the Lord has asked of you is your own tithing, whether you tithe from your purse, or tithe from your soul, or tithe from the spirit, and meaning that you tithe from all. If at the end of each day you thank the Lord for that which has been given to you then it shall be given back unto you tenfold the next day. And so it shall multiply and become whole for you.

There are many who shall say unto you that the words we have spoken could not be true. But we say unto you, behold, and you shall see all words that we have spoken come to pass.

November 6, 1987: And we say unto you unto these words, unto this parable.

For in the desert there was a spring, an artesian spring, and it produced a small amount of water. And a few of the animals came to water there.

One day, a man came. And he looked upon the land and he said, “This is where I shall live. That I should live here, so should all of the other animals, and people, live in harmony. And so, he dug a well. And the well became as the small spring, and good, sweet artesian well. And he allowed the water to form a small pond. And as other people came they took from the well, but he laid that land aside that all the other creatures could come and drink from it and take from it. And soon, all the creatures, both those of the predator and non‑predator, came. For this was a peaceful land. This was land where no life was taken.

One day, the man thought to himself, “I must give something to this land that the rest of the land does not have, for this is a special place before my Lord.”

And so he ventured forth into the mountain city. And there he saw a plant he had never seen before. It grew and it produced beautiful flowers. And he went forth to the flower and he found it had sharp thorns. And he thought to himself, “This flower can grow in my land, for no one shall take it, for the thorns shall protect it as the other vegetation in my land has thorns.”

And so, he bought these and with them he bought grapes and apple[s] and all sorts of fruit[s] and vegetable[s]. And he brought them forth and planted them in the land. And he planted the flowers, the roses, and they grew into a most beautiful plant.

And soon, many people from many lands came to see this miracle that grew in the desert and to see this great plant. And some would come and ask that they might get a sapling from it.

And each year [were ten planted from the] same plant, and each year he gave freely without a charge for those who would ask.

But one came and looked upon this plant and said, “I must have it, this plant; I must own it.” And all of these people who travel so far shall pay me to see it.

And so he went forth and tried to buy the plant and buy the land and the well.

The man said, “No, for I have not this to sell.”

So the man went where the records were kept, and he found fault in the way the man had purchased the land. And he drove the man from the land, and he fenced all of the land. And each day, the well stopped running a little more and the plants began to die. For the animals had stopped coming, for they could not get in. And even the bees who pollinated the land could not get in.

The man who’d been greedy and selfish had brought his family with him. And a child went out to the plant and was saddened to see that which had happened. And the child spoke to the plant, as most children will, and spoke with the mind and heart of a child in truth.

And the plant spoke back to the child, for the child had asked the plant why it was dying. And the plant told the child, for it to grow it must be free. It must receive the sunshine that had been blocked by the huge wall. It must have the birds and the bees and all the other plants and animals for company.

And the child went back to its father and pleaded with him, and said, “Father, do not let this happen.” And soon, the rest of the family had joined in with the child.

At first, the father’s heart was hardened, for he was greedy. Then he walked with the child and saw what he had done. He tore down the fences. And he found the man he had stolen the land from and said, “Can you forgive me for what I have done to you, what my greed has done?”

The man looked upon this one and said, “If the plants and the animals can forgive you, surely I can.”

And we say into you, unto the worst of times, can not you forgive? Can you not have the faith in the Lord, thy God, into His wisdom?…

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18‑533‑1…Albuquerque, New Mexico]: ‘I have recently invested in a business. Will this business be very profitable? If so, when? How soon?’”

We shall answer your question twofold. The business shall be profitable, and it shall be soon. But understand something. Your nation and your economy has taken a very bad turn. Therefore, do not stay in this business long. There are other manners that your money may make money. For people shall buy in the [needing], in the things they need, to continue life. If you should be a merchant be the merchant who serves the need.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18‑511‑1], and is also here this evening, asks, ‘Dear Aka, would you please explain the Federal Reserve and the international banks to us. Thank you.’”

Organization of the Federal Reserve System. Chart by Kimse84 — I made this diagram, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25448710

The international banks control the monetary value of the world currency. Your Federal Reserve controls the monetary value of your national currency and your interest rates. They loan to your local banks money and your local banks loan the money to you, each making a profit. To understand this is to understand the economy of the world as it stands now. As we have said before, your crisis is not over; it shall continue. You had before an inflationary depression. It shall continue. In some areas it shall become quite bad. In others it shall become quite good. Investment should be done in a manner that has the least risk. Yet, when we answered your question we did so with a parable at the beginning. Understand the parable fully and you will have a full answer of that which you need at the present time.

January 29, 1988: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. This is a question in general. In 1973, you spoke of the Red Horse, to beware of the Red Horse. Who is the Red Horse? And who is China?”

China is the Dragon. And the Red Horse is Pakistan. For what you have given unto this country, Pakistan, you have given unto the “Black September.” And for what the nations shall give unto the power of the Palestinians is but a short time they shall have it back, for this is a nation of terrorists, murders, who have cared not, for they have notknown of God, nor shall they ever − for they are the Anti-Christ.

Yet, they shall come unto you and say, “Woe is me.”

But when they kill you and kill your children, and rob your churches − and they have already done these things and proven themselves that which they are − they condemned themselves in the eyes of God.

And we say unto you, the sins of the mother and father shall go into the fifth generation. For as in the days of Lot, the Lord would look upon them and say, “SHOW ME TEN RIGHTEOUS MEN AND WE SHALL NOT DESTROY THEM.”

But yet, you have freedom of choice.

May 6, 1988: Yes, we see thy need and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you this parable in this manner and in this way. For upon the land there was a city, and as the city grew the people came together and decided they needed leaders within this city. And they came into a meeting and they discussed this. And because there were various groups from different nationalities, different races, different religions, at first it was quite difficult. They could not decide who could be their leader.

And the city grew on and became larger. They said unto themselves, “We must have a direction for the city; it can no longer be as it was.”

And so it became a city. And as it became a city they came forth into an election. And there were those who each of the different groups put forth to represent them. And each group within itself had an election and sent forth a representative.

But then it was decided that among the groups that were sent forth they needed a leader. And so they voted among themselves to have a leader and who that leader would be. But each time they voted it became more difficult because there were groups who would argue and fight and those who would cast out words of profanity. And so they looked unto the ancient time of the Greek and brought forth a government and structured it.

Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States, by Howard Chandler Christy. See Founding Fathers of the United States.

And so the people went forth and voted for their leader, all of the people, and each of the people brought forth their own leaders separately.

As long as this was done in union the city prospered.

But soon it became known that certain groups could coveth things that belonged to others by being in leadership. And so they spent large sums of money to have this position and they took the honor that once was in the city away from the city.

And then the people sat down together from the different groups, the different religions, the different nationalities, and they said unto themselves, “This shall be no more; so we shall bring forth a righteous person owing allegiance to no man, but owing allegiance to all men.”

And so the day came and they did so. And from this small city one day grew into a large city. The city we speak of is this place you call America. And before all things you placed God. And you put on your coin, “In God we trust,” a nation founded by the people for the people. And so, all government within this nation was founded after that.

Now we say unto you, the Lord, God, has looked upon this nation as a chosen nation. But soon within this nation your earth shall begin its change, and there will be those that will look upon it and say, “Look, this is Sodom,” or “This is Gomorrah.” And we say, no; the earth is only doing its job, that which it must do to grow. The earth shall change its face and put on a new coat. And the people on it will settle back within time and build a stronger nation. In all nations, as in all people, it is when they have the greatest conflicts to overcome do they not become stronger and place themselves, therefore, together? For you are citizens of one country. The day will come when you shall be citizens of the world and be glad for it.

We say unto you, this change that shall come shall frighten many of you and you will think this will be the end, and yet it will not be.

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [15–470–1] asks, ‘Dear Aka, you stated recently that the big quakes and the shifts would be May 25th. I would like to know where I and my friends should be at the time and what we should be doing?’”

We would say unto you, this time shall be in the daytime, so therefore, be in the open land. It has come in the summertime, a time we have all prayed for. The new mothers shall leave the buildings without clothing to protect them.[See Matthew 24:19.]

And we say unto you, many of you have what you call trailers or trailer houses. Place, therefore, provisions within them and place, therefore, water, clothing, for there shall be a time when you cannot go to the store and buy these things that you want. You will call it an inconvenience, but your stomach will call it a disaster. So place those things you shall need for a time and use this time to be out in the open.

For those who would be in the land of California, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Baja Peninsula and all the way unto the tip of the upmost regions of the country of Mexico, both on the Atlantic and Pacific sides, beware − for there shall be a period in time that you think that the great, the worst things that could happen unto the earth. But they are not the worst. They are only the earth changing as it must. If you are prepared to these times, you will not worry.

The Lord saw fit to send forth His prophet, Jonah, to the city to warn the people. And the people changed their ways.

We say unto you, if the same thing could happen to the Californians − there would still be damage, there would still be a quake, there would still be the fear of volcanic eruption − but those who had changed, such as Lot and his family.

Once it begins, it shall last for more than one day, for more than one week − for months you shall get aftershock and aftershocks again.

We have told you before, now is the time of the great Sword, and both people and continents shall be cut away. There is much more that we could add, but nothing we have not said before. Do not become fearful.

Believe in the Lord, thy God. Prepare yourselves.

If you were to go into a winter storm, would you not place on your warm clothes? Then do so, and put those things that are needed aside. You have had many years to do this.

But if you run and be afraid, then that is what you shall be − fearful and afraid. You shall see new mothers who are afraid and they shall even deny that which is happening around them. [See Matthew 24:19.]

We could tell you, be fearful of the Lord, but we say, nay. Love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart and all thy might. If you do so, you have nothing to fear, nothing at all….

Then we shall answer and we shall say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, and glory be His people.

And we shall answer the question of the one who seeks.

For if you come to the doorway and ask for substance to the Lord, the Lord shall give it. But know these things − it is the gift of the Lord and it is the will of the Lord that shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. For He shall give unto you those things that you need.

But know these things, what is needed and what is wanted is two different things. Sometimes in filling the cup it is said, “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord, thy God.”

When you ask, do not give up hope that as answer shall come, for the Lord is everywhere. But the greatest, when you open your door to your heart and your mind, He is there. Know these things. You have never been alone.

But unto the least of the things that you do so you do unto my Father. And unto the greatest of things that you do, so you do unto my Father.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children. For the Sixth Seal is open upon the land. Now is the time of the cherubim.

July 8, 1988:You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [16–494–2] who is here this evening asks, ‘On May 14, 1988, my daughter-in-law from Second Mesa on Hopi reservation thought that she spotted a flying saucer. This was on the eve of one of the kachina dances. Did she spot a flying saucer? And why would the flying saucer appear among them?’”

We say unto you these words − what she has seen is true. But the light of the sky came unto them that they might know that there is a light shining. But they must find this light before it burns out.

There shall be three more sightings, for you have become the light of her people and she has become the light of her people. Each thing in its proper place and proper time has come about.

There shall be once again the opening of the cortex [vortex]. At that time the feast must be brought forth and the giving of the Corn Ceremony and the giving of Thanksgiving must come together.

We say unto her, remember the time when the Zuni came unto the land the Hopi when they had great drought? Now we say unto you, look unto the great river, that that is known as the Mississippi, as it dries before your eyes. It is not until you see these things, it is not until you know what is upon you, can these things be turned around.

The signs are before you. Read them; know them. We have told you these things for a purpose and a reason.

We could speak in the land. Yet we would speak unto the language that you understand, and that is of the English language. It has become the voice among you.

You have become even ridiculed because of these things you have seen and these things you believe to be so. Yet the doubts are true in your mind, for you feel them.

Yet you want to go out unto these people and say, “Look, the time is now, for he is returning.

Cannot you see it? Do you not feel it upon the land?

Do you not know the seasons?

All that was written, all that was prophesied, is now about to come true.”

In 1988, the water level of the Mississippi fell to 10 feet (3.0 m) below zero on the Memphis gauge. The remains of wooden-hulled water craft were exposed in an area of 4.5 acres (18,000 m2) on the bottom of the Mississippi River at West Memphis, Arkansas. They dated to the late 19th to early 20th centuries. The State of Arkansas, the Arkansas Archeological Survey, and the Arkansas Archeological Society responded with a two-month data recovery effort. The fieldwork received national media attention as good news in the middle of a drought. Then the Great Flood of 1993 was another significant flood, primarily affecting the Mississippi above its confluence with the Ohio River at Cairo, Illinois. The photo of the Hernando de Soto Bridge in Memphis, Tennessee (2009) was taken by USchick — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5775565

For what among you, who among you, and who among the Whites would ever think that the Mississippi River would cease to flow − for it shouts out as the people of Israel shouted unto the Lord in their great captivity in Egypt, “Let My people go.”

Look and see this light. Must all the seals be opened upon the land for you to see these things? For the seal that has stopped the Mississippi and dried the lands, not one generation shall feel, but five. [Note: In June 1983, Aka had said the sixth seal had been opened.]

December 2, 1988: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer your question in this manner and this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, [of] thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you, for now is the time of change upon your Earth. For as you would say, “Everything that I do seems to go wrong,” but only because you have not looked upon it in its fullest light. Everything shall happen for a reason. The reason, at the time, you may not understand.

A small child shall cross a road, and a car shall strike the child and the child shall die, and the parents and all the relatives shall grieve. And the mother shall say unto God, “God, why did You allow this to happen?” But we say unto the mother, the Lord, God, did not allow this to happen. The mother allowed it to happen because she did not look after her child.

It is said that “Thou shall honor thy mother and father.” But we say unto you, “as into yourselves.” By knowing that that you do that harms another, in what way will be the outcome? Will it be in a manner in which you want, but yet, does not serve the whole or part of the whole?

The person who says, “Come, Lord, give unto me these things, for they are mine,” no, none of these things are yours, for they belong to the Lord; they are His to give.

He has given you all things and hidden nothing from you. Yet, you are like two armies, one on each side of a great battlefield, each praying unto the Lord to allow them to win, to allow them to win because they are righteous, because they believe in thisway to worship the Lord, or that way to worship the Lord. There is only one church, the church of God. The others are like a bouquet that may fill in. Any time that you use a religion to criticize another human being, it is not a religion; it is your own want and desire.

“Judge not lest you be judged.” And so it is said. Yet, few understand these words, “Let Thine will be done.” And whose will? The Lord, God, has said, “Ask and you shall receive.” And so it shall be, as long as this [should] not take from another free will.

Understand that any emotion is given only from the individual. As God has not demanded His children [subjectitude], or to be beneath all things of Himself, He has given the free will to worship as they will, to be as they will, to come or go. But He trusts in them that they shall return unto Him into His many mansions, and to know of this is to know of the whole, and all.

For the Lord, God, has made few demands upon His children:


Yet, you would love a person enough that you would kill them. Does that love? What is love? Love is knowing that something upon the Earth, nothing upon the Earth, may exist in captivity. Over and over this has been shown. The only captivity that will work is when a person comes unto the other and says, “This is yours; I give it to you,” and puts no string upon it, allows nothing to bind it, making the gift free, free of giving and free of receiving.

The Lord hears your prayers, each and every prayer upon the Earth. And you say, “How can He hear so many prayers?” He hears those things that you speak that mean something to you, and then they mean something to Him.

But when you speak to the Lord and you are selfish, He looks upon you and says, “TSK, TSK, THIS CHILD, WILL THEY NEVER LEARN?”

It is like the child who stole gum. It was not until the child thought he was to be caught that he stopped and thought, “I will ask God to save me.” So he gets upon his knees and he says, “Oh, Lord, save me, that those who I have trespassed against will forgive me those things that I have trespassed onto them.”

And so, the Lord gives unto you leniency, and says, “Go, and sin no more.”

Yet, as soon as you think the Lord is not looking upon you, then you trespass upon another.

You all want your heaven on earth. You want your peace to come; you want your time for the Messiah to walk upon the earth. [See The Revelation, chapters 19 and 21–22.]

And we say unto you, within the next few years the deciding factors shall happen, total and complete. And when we say this we say it in this manner. If the people of your Earth cannot accept and be ready for the gift of God in the form of a Messiah, [then] the Lord shall sweep it from the womb and take it back.

And we say unto you, how can this happen? It’s very simple. If the Lord sees that this child will not be received, then all that is before you shall never be. Your civilization shall crumble, and you shall crawl one day out of your caves once again, thinking thoughts, and creating and being created. I want you to take into your own minds this thought, how long has it taken man to crawl from the caves this time, without the peace upon your Earth, and all things have been placed at hand.

The first time in your world’s history, the powers that be could bring peace unto the Earth.

But it is not just a nation that must find [the] peace, it is the people within the nation. In your nation, you call it your States [United States], and from the states, you call it your counties, and your cities. But [what] it really amounts to is the individual, the person, the single soul, the single spirit, the single immortal body, the body of the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We say unto you, the first place to build is within yourselves.

Some of you will say, “They have come tonight to [chastise] us,” and we say unto you, we have come not to [chastise] you, but we have come to tell you these words. Know this, the Eagle flies free. And as the Eagle shall take wings, so shall come the times of both the Anti-Christ and the Christ. Know this, today upon the Earth the nation that is known by the Eagle has spread its wings to cover Israel, and some of you wonder why this strange thing has happened. But was it not prophesied? Did it not be written for you?

Know this, those of the Palestinians and their leaders, there are those within the Palestinians who only want peace and want a righteous path, but there are those within it who will destroy all things that you have, who’ll destroy your religions, who’ll destroy your right to believe in God in your own way. We say to you, and if they are left unchecked, within time they will make war upon you, upon all the nations. The Eagle has done the only thing that it could do.

You will wonder, why? We say unto you, this is the reason why − you have seen prophecy in motion….

What happened in December 1988 about what Aka speaks? This was found that may relate to it.

Dec 2 UN votes 151–2 (Israel and US) to move PLO debate to Geneva, Great Britain abstains

Dec 7 PLO delegation lead by Yasir Arafat proclaims the State of Palestine, recognizing the existence of the State of Israel for the first time

Dec 12 PLO leader Yassar Arafat accepts Israel’s right to exist

Dec 13 Yasser Arafat addresses UN in Geneva

Dec 14 US agrees to talk to Palestine Liberation Organization (1st time in 13 yrs)

Now we will say unto you, all of you, your time grows short. Our time grows short, for within all things − and know this − we came only, and were able to exist only, with soul Ray’s permission. Yet, he sees beyond things you will see because of the gifts that were given him. We say unto you, know this, that he will continue to do this as only as long as you do not try to bind him.

What we have come for is important. What we will tell you will be important to you, all of you, and unto the multitudes.

We say unto you, look unto some of your questions. You have at your fingertips the fountain of wisdom, everything that has passed into the millennium, from golden age to golden age, and beyond − even that which is in front of you. Take the time and prepare your questions in such a way that you deprive no person of asking. But prepare some questions that the world might like to have answers to.

We try to bring forth in parable form some answers for you. Tonight we have not chosen parable form; we have chosen direct communication. We have chosen this because this is an urgent time. I would suggest that you listen to the words within this very carefully because the message is not a slight one.

Now we say unto you, peace be with you, and peace be with your world, for now is the time of the cherubim and the sixth angel walks upon your earth.


Peace be with you, and peace be with your world

How will the Messiah come? Acts 1:6–11 describes it: “Now when He [Jesus] had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.’”

When will the Messiah come? Jesus reminds us in Matthew 24:36-44: “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

May we prepare a way first within our hearts for the Messiah’s coming!


Learn more about the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, who our Father sent to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

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The words of Aka are copyrighted by A. Ray Elkins through whom they spoke.



"Now you ask, 'What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?'"

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.