“And this nation of yours that you take for granted,

Our Father looked upon and gave birth into this nation (Part 1 of 2) –

that it should be a nation under God and before God.


Prophetic guidance spoken by the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, to us.

“From sea to shining sea” — Seagulls take flight as dawn rises at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, U.S.A.

Gathered here for you is prophetic guidance the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke from 1970 to 1989 about this nation that God has blessed, the U.S.A., and the people who live in it. But, their words are also for the world. (Please be sure to read both parts, “from sea to shining sea.”)

In their many messages, one can glimpse the “big picture” that is important for all to hear.

Their words are prophetic, as you will notice, as they see through time to tell us what we most need to know to make our future great.

The headline above (spoken November 27, 1973) continues with these words: “You have built many false temples. You have worshiped idols. All of these things our Father has told unto you not to do….

“We say unto you unto these words.

Be watchful, as the keeper of the land, for the Master shall return unto it one day.”

“For remember, you are the children of God; therefore, the Lord would look into thy needs, and therefore, give a gift unto thee in a manner that would be most marvelous for thy eyes to see.”(Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, November 26, 1971)

“We should remind unto thee that that as one known as Jesus did need kneel in prayer unto his Father, yet he knew within his heart that his Father’s words and his Father’s work was more important than his own needs or wants, and therefore, he walked from the olive grove to the hill of the skull, and therefore, let his blood flow upon the earth freely. Each of you speak of love. Look upon your land, this land of the Americans. In every grain of sand we have placed beauty. In every soul we have placed God. In every spirit, therefore, should flow as the wind; it should swoop upon the ocean, and therefore, gather seed, and back into the heavens again to spread upon the many lands.

“We have brought flowers unto your doorstep, but none of these thing could we do without our Father’s permission. We have healed your sick and brought happiness unto your lives, for those who could see true happiness. For those who could not see, they should make their own hell upon earth….

“But for those who should ask for healing, it shall be given. For those who ask for knowledge, it has been given. For those who ask for love, let them kneel before the cross and count the drops of blood.

“Yet, our Father does not ask for the blood of the Lamb. Only man should do of this. Nor does He ask the blood of the Eagle, only man should do of this.

“For as the river should flow upon the land, and cleanse it, as raindrops in the desert, your needs shall be fulfilled. Ask and you shall receive. Open the doorway that we may enter.

“For you say, ‘Who are you?’

“And we say unto you, for we are the spirits of Aka, for we stand as close to God that we feel His teardrops upon our forehead. Yet we are not great.

“We have watched you as children, arguing, placing envy and jealousy above that of God. “If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” (See Matthew 5:29–30.)

“If thy right eye offend God, cast it aside. If thy right eye offend thy brother, cast it aside. But give into God that is God’s; give unto your brother that is your brother’s; give unto yourselves that that belongs to yourselves, and all shall be part of God….

“The work that we have laid forth for a prophet — yet should care not to be called one — has just begun.

“Now is the time of the Cherub.” (Spoken by the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, April 5, 1974)

“To shining sea”– Waves lap onto golden sand at sunset at a California beach

Here is a sneak preview of a future that is possible for us —

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, were asked on March 17, 1972, “if the infant Messiah of which you have spoken, ‘Is it born already, as we understand it, and in what country?’”

“And we should answer in this manner.” God’s spiritual messengers replied. “These things are known only unto our Father. And for, at the present time, for his protection, the exact location shall be kept a secret into the same.

“Our Lord says, ‘HARK,’ into thee,





For the wise to hear let them hear.

And for the wise to see let them see.

And when the time comes, and the ocean roars

and the mountain bellows their mighty force,

our Father shall write upon the sky the entry of the same.”

Photo by Bamsb900 — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=38955223

We are so blessed to hear this good news the spiritual messengers of God tell to us! They are here to prepare a way within our hearts for the Messiah’s coming.

From 1970 to 1989, they spoke through their instrument, Ray Elkins in Globe, Arizona. Almost all that the spiritual messengers of God told about America is gathered for you.

As they see our needs, they tell of many things––climate and earth changes, geopolitical trends, paths for this nation, and also individuals, that may come to pass — and those that can be changed. They speak of choices within our own hearts. The spiritual messengers of God also answer questions individuals asked about the U.S.A., and also our world.

In all of this can be seen a “big picture”––that we can have a better future for ourselves and for the many generations to come. We are choosing our future, day by day, making our country and our world what it will be.

God’s spiritual messengers’ prophecies may be seen as loving warnings or suggestions, much as a Father might warn his children about possible paths. They are given as the prophet, Jonah, did, so that people could hear and change our ways. Then, much of what was prophesied need never happen. (See Jonah 3–4.)

This is their very loving hope for us.

Our Father, God, loves us so. And He has a much more wonderful plan for the Earth, if we heed.

It is a great blessing that our Father’s spiritual messengers bring. “For we are here but for one purpose, and that is to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.”

Spiritual messengers of God do not speak on their own authority, but tell what they hear from the Father.Their words are in keeping with prophecies and scriptures written before.

The things of which they speak are as diverse as those of which Jesus spoke when he told what will happen before the Messiah comes.

In Matthew 24:1–3, 6-8 we read: “Then Jesus went out and departed from the temple, and His disciples came up to show Him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said to them, ‘Do you not see all these things? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.’” (Also see Mark 13:1; Luke 21:5–36, 1 Kings 9:7; Mic. 3:12; Luke 19:44.)

“Now as he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age?’” (See Mark 13:3, Matthew 24:27, 37, 39; Luke 17:20–37; 1 Thessalonians 5:1–3)

“And Jesus answered and said to them….”

“‘And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.’” (See Matthew 24:6–8, Revelation 6:2–4, 2 Chronicles 15:6; Isaiah 19:2; Hag. 2:22; Zechariah 14:13, Acts 11:28; Revelation 6:5.) [Note: You can read all that he said in Matthew, chapter 24.]

Jesus’ answer of what will happen before the Messiah comes may help us see the things of which the spiritual messengers of God speak in this way. For they have come “but for one purpose, and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.”

God’s spiritual messengers tell us prophetically of possible, likely futures from which we can choose for America. Their words may help us see early signs.

In Matthew 24:32–33, Jesus said: “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near — at the doors!”

Are the things of which the spritual messengers of God tell us the beginning signs that continue to grow––so we can see what is near–– and by now at the door?

The words the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke from 1970 to 1989 are simply presented in the order in which they poke them to us, without editing. In this way, you can get an honest, clear glimpse of many things they have said about “America,” “your country,” “this nation,” the terms for which we searched through all their messages.

The beginnings of sorrows — Wars and rumors of war

After they arrived in early April, 1970, on April 24, 1970, the spiritual messengers of God warned of U.S. involvement in wars, and what were soon to become proxy wars: Now is the time to grow cautious of the Red Horse, for the fuse is burning, one in Israel, the other in what thy call Vietnam.[See The Revelation 6:3–4.]

Your country [U.S.A.] shall become more involved in the Asian area, and it will reach a point to where it will look as though thy shall go into total war, but before this happens, the Dragon [China] shall attack the Bear [Russia]. Do not become too upset with this, for it is all in God’s plan — for now is the time of the great Sword, the sword that cuts two ways.

It [would] be advised that thy group set aside certain provisions, for it is not yet, but later, the time will come when these are needed.

April 29, 1970: As I have said before, the time of the Red Horse is here. [See the Revelation 6:3–4 and Zechariah 1:1–17.]

I have said that the Horse will attack the Bear [Russia]. Now, I will warn thee that the Eagle [U.S.A.] shall join the Bear. The fuse is lit. And as it burns, it may consume thy earth. As in all things, a free choice — there are chances still that this shall not happen. But from the extra claws the Eagle will attach to itself, it does not look like it shall avoid these wars. Therefore, the crucial time shall be in the next ten years. [See Prepare for the time of the great famine” — the first warning, on U.S. Mideast involvement.”]

Prepare thy group for its coming. Prepare for the time of famine.

“The time of whom?”



Nay. The time of the great famine.



At a later time instructions shall be given to the preparation for this time…. [You can see these later instructions in “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”]

“Is there anything else that you would like to give us at this time?”

In the process of the Bear [Russia], the Horse [Pakistan?], and the Eagle [U.S.A.], the Bear shall be bitten by the Lion [Iran?, U.K.?, Africa?], and the Eagle shall be bitten by the Lion. The only way that these things can be prevented — that the building of the temple of God in man — that the building of not the churches, but of the philosophy of God in man, and the knowledge that all man has been born before and shall be born again — that not only shall man live again, but so shall a nation in a different form. And [yet], could it be not that this nation of yours be destroyed and there should be an awakening?

This is all at this time….

“Do you have time for one more question?”


“How does the great Sword or the changing of the land masses fit in with the wars?”

The axis of the earth is changing. This, some men have thought that man has started this and this is not true. Man has neither the power at this time nor the knowledge to do this. Therefore, the changing of thy earth shall be as a karma for Earth, and this shall happen as a protection for the souls of God [that] remain on earth, yet to return to His mansions — and for souls who have yet more lives to live on different planes in the future. These things are all necessary to offset man’s destruction of man. [See “The Great Sword Is Here.”]

“Then you feel that all mankind will not be destroyed in this coming war?”

This is true.

“All right.

August 10, 1970: “Now, as we have said before, the time of the Cherub is now. Therefore, first we should tell thee, as thy have known before, of our Father, and our Father’s plan. That all may come in accord, we would tell thee that the time of the Messiah is close at hand.” [See Only our Father, and at His grace, shall disclose what stands in the times that stand for His great plan.”]

“Now, first, should tell soul Bartholomew [of San Bernardino, California] — yes — one moment — yes, yes, yes, we see this — therefore, we would say, we have sent thee and thy family into what shall shortly be known as the isles, and therefore, great work shall be there. After the splitting of the earth, the land that they stand on at this time shall be as island. And other earths shall heave from the sea, and therefore, other islands shall be there too. And these islands, many inhabitants shall flee to. Some shall sink back into the sea, and many shall die. But for their people and for the people of the Lord, our Father — as we speak of those who were created in the beginning and who are listed in the Book, these people, as thy would know them, are the children of God. Many names have fell from this list; yet, many names have been added to this Book, that it may be complete.” [See The Revelation, chapters 7 and 20. Also see “The ‘Big One’ and the valley below the sea — a prophecy” and “‘Watch the Water’ — Earthquake prophecy for southeastern California — and then more.”]

The range seen looking south from the Big Bear Valley. The San Bernardinos are part of the Transverse Ranges of Southern California, a mountain chain formed by tectonic forces between the North American and Pacific Plates along the San Andreas Fault. An early version of the range rose in the Miocene, between eleven and five million years ago, but has largely eroded. The range was shaped into its present form during the Pleistocene epoch beginning approximately two million years ago, with regional uplift continuing to the present. The rocks that make up the mountains are much more ancient than the mountains themselves — ranging from 18 million years to 1.7 billion years old. The San Andreas Fault was also responsible for the formation of both major mountain passes that mark the east and west ends of the range. Photo by Doc Searls — originally posted to Flickr as bos-den-sba_32.JPG, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4881358

“There shall be a time of famine — yes, we see this. We see that thy need spiritually shall be greater at that time than any other time in thy life span. At that time, brother shall attack brother, sister shall hate sister, father shall slay son.

“But no Father shall slay his own son. Can thy understand of which we speak? Nay. Nay, not at this time.

“Now, we have sent messages with soul Ray for thee. We say, thy have neither heeded these messages or meditated upon them. Then we would speak again of these messages and their meaning. There are many ways of healing. And that healing shall come about, for the times and the half times shall be over at that time. As we have said, for now shall be the time of our Lord, our Father, our God. And our Father, who has shed many tears, should not shed but one — and those tears shall be shed for His children. And our Father shall walk with thee, and His light shall shine upon thee. And all His angels, as thy call them, shall be with thee. For we have said before, if thy should pray for the use of one hand to take the place of two, then those who have lost their hand shall be sent unto thee. But remember, these cannot be sent unless thy ask. And when thy ask, ask of thyself, not as another, so our Father would know of thee.

“Now, for the wife of soul Bartholomew, your time to smell the flowers is now. Your time to let others smell your flowers is now.

“And we have said before to both of thee, look backward from which thy came, so thy would know from where thy are going. This time is now. There is great work for both of you. There is great work for [thy. their] children.

View of San Bernardino Valley to Pacific Ocean, from the San Bernardino Mountains. Photo by Jeremy Miles — originally posted to Flickr as View of Los Angeles, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4883710

“Now, thy ask, ‘Shall we survive? Should we survive this famine?’ And we would say unto thee, yes — if thy stand tall in God’s light, thy shall survive, all things. But for thy sake and for the sake of thy family, and for the sake of many souls where thy dwell, do not step backward at this time, for the half time[s] shall be no more….

“Therefore, we should say unto you — on this time, thy work is more important than it was before…for the half times are at an end….

“We have said before that, as Christ said before, or as you would have it, Jesus, said before, “On this rock we should build our church.” And we said unto you, as he said unto you — this temple shall be in the hearts of man, not of a great building. Now we would say to you again, think of God’s spirit as the pebbles of a brook, think of man’s spirit as the pebbles of a river, think of man’s soul as the pebbles of an ocean, and then think of the pebbles thy should throw into the brook, that should flow to the river, that should flow to the ocean and should reach many lands.

There is great work ahead. Thy must stand tall and bear the yoke. Thy will stumble, and thy, at some times, shall deny us; we know this. This, and this sin, we pardon. But do not deny thy Father, for this sin we cannot pardon.

“Now, thy ask — nay, we should not tell thee of this. Thy know this already.

“Then we should say that very soon, almost in the twinkling of an eye, parts of the upper proportion of Europe shall split apart, and the earth there shall change. We should tell thee, that at this time, the work that is happening — as thy know it, Israel — if your country denies, or does not give the gift it was intended to do, if it does not spread its wings and protect this area, then a new karma shall be born for your country and for your world. For it was God’s plan that the time and half time should end, and therefore, the Jewish people should kneel before Christ.

“Thy do not understand of which we speak, but thy soon will.

“Then we would say unto thee, be cautious of the Lion [Shiite Iran? U.K.?], be cautious of the Red Horse [Pakistan? Sunni or Wahhabi Arabians?]. They are both moving very swiftly. Be careful that they do not bite in such a place that the wound cannot heal. Your greatest threat in your country [U.S.A.] is not from without, it is from within. If thy country should survive, then this stone thy would cast into the brook, that should flow to the river, and then flow to the ocean — this work must go on as fast as possible.” [Note: Listen to Aka’s recorded words; click the link.]

“Therefore, we should tell you that the work that you have planned in California, as thy would call it, which shall soon be known as the isles of California, this trip should be made. Remember, even those who should come out of idle curiosity should leave with something. It is not your job to judge. It is your job to carry the message of God. Can thy understand of which we speak?” (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, August 10, 1970)

“Yes, Aka.”

[Note: One might wonder of whom Aka is speaking. At one time the symbol for Iran was a lion. The Sunni (Saudi)–-Shite (Iranian) struggle for rule of the Middle East in a Caliphate is on-going. The lion is also a symbol for some ruling aristocracy in European countries.

In 1988, when Osama Bin Laden drove the Soviets out of Afghanistan with the Pakistani mujahadeen army (Wahhabis), just before he formed Al Qaeda, Aka said, “The red horse is Pakistan.” See the Revelation 6:3–4.

Since then, Al Qaeda has changed its name and has come from various places, such as Pakistan, Iraq, although it originated from Saudi Arabia as Wahhabism, which may have been funded by European elites. Within the U.S. many of the “Brotherhood” from the Midle East occupy U.S. Government positions at all levels. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabism. Communists have also infiltrated the U.S. from within. Both are said to be financed by multinational corporate elites and the banking cartel — and those above them — who are said to have a goal of destroying nationalism, especially the powerful U.S.A., in order to control the world by totalitarian rule. Most people on Earth would die, but the few who survive would be ruled as slaves in more of a feudal serfdom, as in the middle or dark ages.

Yet only Aka knows what was meant by their words.

Perhaps you have an interpretation?]

September 10, 1970: And now we should tell thee again of the time of the Anti-Christ. And the beast shall wear ten crowns, and these crowns, as thy should know them, shall be ten nations. And as we have said before, the name of the beast shall be six times sixty-six. [See The Revelation, chapters 12 and 13.]

And we should tell thee that we are not great, that we are only messengers from our Father, and only as our Father should give us of this information, should we, in turn, be able to give it unto you. And of the Cherub, the Cherub shall be the seven angels which hover above thy earth on which our Father has given His power.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“I think so, Aka.”

Then we should tell thee of a different time, in the time that a man named Jesus was crucified. And as he lay upon the cross, and as the spikes were drove in, there were two others. Now we would tell the of these two others. For our Father has said unto you, for the last shall be first, and the first shall be last, and as we have spoken unto one that he would take of them unto paradise with him. [See Luke13:30, 23:35–43 and John 19:33.]

Now we would say, the last has been first, and now you have unto the second. Remember, our instrument was chosen then, and our Father’s plans was made then, for it has been written that He would send unto Earth two prophets before the coming of the seven angels. [See The Revelation 11:3–13.]

Now the angels wait above thy earth, and what has been written shall be.[See The Revelation, chapters 14‑15.]

Your earth shall change its form, for the great Sword shall strike upon it of both sides, for now is the battle of the minds of men. [See The Revelation19:5‑21 and listen to Aka’s recorded words.]

Remember, your greatest work is to reunite all your religions unto one, and, by doing so, not to change a man’s faith, but so that thy and that man should respect each other’s religion and your worship of God in such as way that each of you may enter our Father’s many mansions in his own way. But your love for your fellow man shall be such that even though he enters our Father’s kingdom in a different way from yours, you should help him to enter. Therefore, you shall put him above the ladder, above yourself, and by doing so, you should climb tenfold.

October 23, 1970: You shall find, as we have spoke before, that as a stone is cast into the brook that would flow to the rivers, that should flow to the ocean, and therefore, flow to the many nations, new leaders in all of the nations shall be needed. These leaders shall be mighty men and women. And they should give unto your earth the peace that is needed. As we have said before, we are not great; we are here to prepare a way, and in preparing this way for the Messiah, you shall see great miracles performed on your earth.

November 13, 1970: As we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. Your world –

[Note: there is a long pause, lasting a minute and one-half, during which he breathes deeply and erratically, as he did when another (Cayce) had entered that summer to speak through his body. When he finally speaks, the voice becomes higher pitched than Aka’s low tones and the pronunciation is quite different.]

“Your world shall change its form. All things that have been before shall not be again. Your earth, your nation, and [their, there are] many nations, shall come into the conflict of war. Men shall fight brother, and brother shall fight father. But remember, the kingdom of our Father shall be upon thy earth. Be thee then transformed. For now, we say unto thee, be thee transformed.”

Aka is here. [Note: The voice sounds like the familiar voice of Aka.]

“Good evening, Aka. To whom were you speaking, or who was speaking to us?”

[Ka-tan]. In the Thirteenth and of the Thirteenth, Ka-tan was then the head of the Council.

You have many questions.

February 19, 1971:”Thank you, Aka. Is there anything you would like to tell us this evening?”

One moment, please. Yes, now, that is better; all is in accord.

Now, as we have said before, the spirits of our Father hover above your earth.

We have told you before of the isles of California. We have told you before of the great tidal waves that shall come.

A tsunami is a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance. Northern California has the Cascadia subduction where the Juan de Fuco plate meets with the Pacific and North American continental plates. Some think certain movements as they collide could cause underwater earthquakes to bring a tsunami, as it did several hundred years ago. A tsunami flattened a forest in Japan as well as devastating part of the U.S. west coast. Tsunamis could also come from a strong earthquake originating across the Pacific. A submarine landslide as a large amount of earth falls into the sea might generate a tsunami, that could cross the Pacific waters toward lands, like ripples in a pond. The eruption of the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii in 2018 concerns some. Thousands of years ago a piece of the island beside the erupting Kilauea fell into the ocean causing a large tsunami that reached U.S. shores.

We have told you before, that that has been buried shall be uncovered. Where no light has shone, light shall shine again.

We have told you of the coming of the Anti-Christ and the Beast, and the beast from within. And even though thy should cut the Beast’s head, it shall heal its head from one of a greater. And then shall come the time that the ten nations that stood beside it shall join together in slaying the Beast forever. [See The Revelation, chapters 13–18.]

As we have said before, we are not great. Our power comes from our Father.

We have told you before, [prepare] thyself for the famine. For soon, as you have seen, the might of our Father’s hand, and in His anger, shall separate those places into which Lucifer should dwell. And in separating them, still, as during the time of Abraham, He should look within them, and if He should find good among them, He shall spare them; if not, the same shall happen unto them as happened unto Lot’s wife. [See Genesis18:16–33, 19:1–29.]

We have told you of many things that shall come. We have told you that Atlantis shall rise again and fall again.

Illustration of part of Atlantis

Man, as you have known him, has dwelt upon your earth for millions of years. Our intention is not to destroy your earth, but to reshape it, that peace may dwell upon it.

Laramidia about 100 million years ago. Credit Ron Blakey NAU Geology.jpg

We have told you before that very soon you should hear words from what you call as outer space, from other worlds, much like your own, only farther advanced than your own. It is our Father’s plan that before your influence may dwell beyond your own planetary system, your thousand years of peace shall dwell; and they shall dwell as He should count, not as you should count.

We should also tell you, within one month’s time you shall feel new eruptions very close to you, for in the heart of the earth now dwells and smolders and is ready to erupt into what you would know as volcanic action. One shall be in what is known as part of New Mexico region. This region shall be very close into what thy know at this time as Taos, New Mexico. Your next eruption shall be in what is known as Flagstaff, Arizona. These shall divide; these shall divide, and therefore, be the parting line, and hold back the eruptions from our Father’s people.

Now, we should say unto thee, we have given thee these warnings.

We have asked that thy form of one by one, and two by two, and three by three, and groups of Thirteen, and Thirteen, and Thirteen beyond. [See Acts, chapter 1 and 2:1–41.]

We have told you before that thy time should grow short.

We have told you before that thy would throw stones at each other. We have told you, let us stand before you and to cast thy first stone at us.

Now we should tell you of this. We have mended, guarded, and taken care of this one known as soul Ray. But we cannot re-create; it is not our Father’s intention. Our instrument was chosen to come among you. We did not choose that that was great in the man’s eyes. We chose one who had risen high in man’s eyes and fallen, as thy would know, to the bottom of the pit, that he should know humility, that he should know forgiveness. Can you understand of which we speak? Nay, not fully.

Then we would say unto you, your work has just begun. Join together as one; build on your earth God’s mighty army of minds. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

But do not destroy nothing as thy build, only build upon what is there. Do not denounce a man because of his color or his belief. Bring him here to us that we may speak unto him.

As we have told thee before, and thy have not listened and heeded unto our Father’s words, if thy brother should offend thee, go to thy brother. But be prepared to forgive yourself, that he may forgive you. Do not hide your feelings, for remember, “the first shall be last and the last shall be first.” Cast God’s spirit into the brook. Let it flow to your rivers, and from there to your oceans, and into the many lands. Let it flow to the leaders of your nations.

Your work, we have told you before, is to prepare the time of the coming of the Messiah. We should say one more word; add this to your name. Place the word of Association before your name. This should place thee all in accord, and as we have said, all in accord with God and in accord with one another.

Work together. Listen to each other.

If thy have doubts, come unto us. If we are permitted, all thy questions shall be answered. But remember, only with permission from our Father may we violate unto another soul, and these cases must be of the most important of all before thy ask. We know at this time thy cannot understand of the words we speak.

Spiritual messengers of God, April 30, 1971: Soon thy shall see great unrest among the people of thy earth. They shall kill and destroy, and the capitol of thy nation shall burn. Do not despair, for now should start the time of the Anti-Christ.

On 9–11–2001, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. burned. Is this of which Aka spoke, or is there more to come?

Have faith. Have faith in God, our Father, and all shall be well with His children.

Take thy the sign of the ankh, of the eternal Tree of Life, and light thy way.

Then, May 2, 1971, Aka’s talk turned to those who came to listen from Yuma, Arizona: As we dwell in the valley below the sea, we see again as it was in the beginning, for here stood the mountains and the beautiful streams. (SeeLost Continent of Laramidia: New Armored Dinosaur Discovered In Southern Utah.”)

Yuma, Arizona, lies in the Imperial Valley. It borders California to the west and Mexico to the south, not far from the Gulf of California.

For here once before the people of God dwelled. And here once again it shall change, for not a pebble upon this earth shall remain the same. For as the descendants of Abraham, God should change each pebble upon the earth.

And now, we should tell thee again of the time of the Anti-Christ. For soon upon your earth all things shall change, for men should burn and steal and kill, and darkness shall come upon your earth. But the children of God shall fear not, for the angels shall hover above your earth and gather, as once before, the lambs of earth.

And those who resist the mark of the Beast shall live again in God’s kingdom. And for those who shall wear the mark of the God, and who were in the Book of the beginning and who are in the Book of this time, for their descendants, our Father has promised a thousand years of peace upon your earth. But remember, this time shall come, not as you count, but as our Father should count. And once again, the Messiah shall walk your earth and give blessings. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–22.]

But it shall be different, for now we shall give thee this message. For as before, the Messiah walked in five placed, he shall not this time upon this coming. And for those who should wear the mark of Christ, the Lamb, their descendants and their descendants forevermore shall dwell in the house of the Lord. And temptation shall be taken from their path, for at this time that that dwells in man, which is Lucifer, shall be no more.

And all the Jewish people of the earth shall bow before Christ. [See Zechariah12:9–14.]

And you ask, “How can this be possible?” And we say unto you in this manner. For our God, our Lord, can change the descendants of man as you can turn a stone, for this word, as we have said before, for as God’s spirit flows as a brook, as man’s spirit flows as a river, as the souls of man should flow as an ocean to the many lands, to the many nations, to the many tongues, and all shall become as one.

But remember these words. Our Father and yours, our God, has many mansions. All man was given free choice. God asks that you should love of Him one-tenth of the love that He should give unto you, and He asks that thee love of thy fellow man.

And we should say unto thee, prepare thee for the famine. Store of the food for each man, woman and child upon thy earth; store food for one year of your calendar. Store seeds that thy may replant and replenish the earth. Store the seed of knowledge that thy may take this [on] to thy descendants of all forms. Store pure drinking water, and this should be done to sustain you for six months. Store farm implements; tools of all nature and kind.

Can thy understand of which we speak?…

“We have a comment here by [ ]. She says that, her statement is, ‘I want a better government in this country which begins with myself first.’ Do you have any comments that might encourage her?”

“Yes, we should say of this. Your country was built on the ground that ‘by the people, for the people’ a government should flourish. Your Government shall take big changes in the near future, for as all things and of all time, change must come. Be patient, and as you would say, start this within thyself, but do not stop. Become interested in thy Government and its laws; change those that are unjust, but do it in the manner that Jesus would have. For in the time of Buddha, as Buddha once said before, that the law of man and the law of God would become the same, if thy should remember these words in the building of thy laws, a new nation shall arise within the same, and far better than ever before.

“For if change does not come within thy Government, thy Government shall fall into nothingness and shall become as the tower of Babylon. But we see these changes; therefore, our Lord should give blessings.

“Thy do not fully understand of which we have spoke. Therefore, we should say unto thee, as a child is born, and as it is nourished and fed, you change that nourishment from day to day. And as a child should drink milk, as he grows older he should need a solider [more solid] food. Can thy understand of which we speak?”

“Aka, tell us…about this solid meat, I don’t understand. This country’s in terrible times and they’re stealing us blind and we’ve got to do something about it. I am a member of different groups that are working toward this. Are they on the right track, the wrong [path] and train, please?” [5–2–71–004 says].

We see thy need. In thy dreams if thy should think of God, our Father, and think of the ankh, we should come and answer thy questions in this manner.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [5–2–71–005] is concerned about the location where they spend their vacation; is there any danger this year?”

Yes, we see this. There is danger, for new eruptions shall arise and the earth shall open. Our warning, for now, remember, is the time of the Cherub….

Therefore, ask one other question.

“Of the storing of the food for the famine, you had said earlier that the people in this location shouldn’t store the food here. Is this still correct, and if it is, where should they place their food storage?”

We should say unto thee, a volcano shall erupt, and flow and divide, and this proportion shall be known as the valley of the sea and the division between the isles of California.

Baja California has 16 volcanoes. North of these lie Yuma, Arizona, and the Imperial Valley, and the Salton Sea in California. In this satellite photo one can see the Salton Sea on the upper left edge, making the desert green as water flows southeast into the Imperial Valley toward Yuma. A triangle of less green land fans out from the Colorado River in Arizona as it flows into Yuma and also toward the Imperial Valley to make the southern tip of the U.S. into productive farmland. One can see where silt has flowed into the Gulf of California from the greener Yuma into Mexico.

Therefore, we would suggest that upon higher land in that proportion of Arizona of the mountains of the White should be safe. Therefore, we would suggest that that portion be used.

As you have noticed your longing for that which is called Round Valley, this shall be the Lord’s chosen spot for His people. Within time, all of thy groups should flow [go]there, for as a river should flow. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Round valley on the Arizona map is near Eager.

“Yes, Aka, and along these lines, I have one short question. We are now storing dehydrated or freeze-dried foods; is this bad?”

This is good.

Even ice cream comes freeze dried.

May 14, 1971: “Aka, [5–7–71–003] and J______ would like to know if you have any advice for them concerning their work in Yuma, or their plans for a move?”

At the present time, we should say unto these words, there is much work needed yet in this location, for in the valley below the sea, there also we should build God’s temple into man. Be patient, my children, for it is not yet time. We should tell thee at another time of different words.

But remember these words, throw not away thy material gifts, for there is yet more blessings to come from our Father. Stand firm in thy work — for we should say of thee, write of these words. This is needed. And in this manner the stone shall flow to the nations.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

In 1981, Rev. Dorothy Wright completed gathering Aka’s parables to date into Parables for Today that was published by the Association of Universal Philosophy.
Then 35 years later, Rev. Judy Ross collected all the parables from 1970 to 1989 into a series of five books called Angel Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul, in paperback or e-book. Each parable is beautifully illustrated to add to their meaning.

November 12, 1971:And now we should tell unto thee of a different time. Your nation is growing steadily into the claws of the Red Horse [Pakistan, Al Qaeda, or war?], of the Red Dragon [Communist China]. Soon many nations shall be ready to make war upon you. But fear not, for the Eagle [U.S.A.] shall grow new claws. We know, at the present time, thy do not fully understand of which we speak. But the Leopard and the Lion should grow new skin, and therefore, repent for their mistakes. And the Bear [Russia] shall stand firm beside the Eagle within time. [See The Revelation 6:3–4.]

But remember, now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel is now upon your earth, for what was placed into the earth and what was placed into the sea shall [go] forth, and therefore, bite the men who placed it into the same. But fear not for the children of God. For remember, the descendents of Abraham have been changed as stones, and no harm shall come unto them. But remember also, man may harm thy body; he may cut of thy arm or kill of the body, but he can not harm the soul, or the spirit, or the immortal body. Only you, yourselves, can do this. Therefore, guard these well. For those who were [in] the Book of the beginning shall be in the Book of the ending. That this may be done — as we have given unto thee the Book with wings, the Book of knowledge, we know that we have told unto thee many times of the lessons that we want thee to learn. And we shall give unto thee many examples of the same. [See The Revelation,chapter 4, 6:9–11, 16:10–11, and chapters 20–22.]

See the Book with Wings series.

November 19, 1971: And now, as we have said before, we shall tell thee of the time of the famine. Now is the time of the Red Horse. [Editor’s note: After CIA-funded Osama Bin Laden drove the Soviets out of Afghanistan with his Pakistani mujahadeen army, he formed Al Qaeda in mid-1988. In January 1988, Aka said, “The Red Horse is Pakistan.” See The Revelation 6:3–4.]

At this time the Red Horse [Wahhabi mujahadeen from Pakistan?] has made the moves of peace, the sign of peace, but it does so in falsehood, for there is many in this land of the Red Horse who think that treachery.

Once before, your nation was betrayed, and therefore, was wounded, but the Eagle flew again, as it shall again.

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii territory. The U.S. retaliarion began world War 2. This memorial in Pearl Harbor is a reminder.

But we see danger for your land.

The Ground Zero memorial was built after the 9–11–01 attacks on the two world Trade Center towers, which some think were made by 19 Saudis or Wahabbis.

For in the mind of the Red Horse, the thought is to attack the Eagle [U.S.A.]. In that proportion of the land which shall be known in the future as the isles of California, in that proportion known as San Francisco, eruptions shall be caused by the Red Horse. And it shall be caused from explosions under the sea. These, with your own explosions, shall trigger a great earthquake into the same.

We also find in this proportion known as San Pablo destruction.

Therefore, we have said unto your groups that we should make these things known unto thee before they happen[ed], that the children of God would not be harmed. For now [unto] your three-year period, this danger shall stand. [Note: Aka said this danger would be until December 1974.]

But if the Eagle should fly first, if the Eagle should guard and do the duty that it was made to perform. [Note: Two years after Aka spoke, the Yom Kippur War, (Ramadan War, or October War, also known as the 1973 Arab–Israeli War), was fought from October 6 to 25, 1973.]

We see in the minds of some of your people the thought not to protect that proportion of Israel. This must happen, for it is part of God’s plan. But the fuse is lit in that proportion known as France, and is growing steadily toward Israel. If this should ignite, so should your world ignite.

And we say unto these people of your group, prepare now for the famine. Prepare a way for others. Store of the feed. Store of the seed. Do this in a gradual manner. And fear not, for the angel of God hovers above thee.

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, November 30, 1971: “We see thy need, and therefore, we should tell thee of these things. But first, we should tell thee — yes, we see this — and as we have said before that peace shall come unto your earth, and therefore, you shall be given your thousand years of peace upon the earth; but as we have said before, this shall not be as you count, but as God counts, therefore, for as a day shall be as a thousand years, hark, then and hear these words.”

“For the Red Horse stands ready to do destruction into your country….

“But beware of the Brown Horse, for in this land thy know as South America, and in this land thy know as the Panamas and the Mexico, there shall be a new threat unto your earth.” [Note: Is there a new threat that has been crossing the U.S. border? See “Beware of the Brown Horse.” Is this threat also today? See https://youtu.be/uu9oaeaXNbM]

“For beware, for as you land was given unto God and given unto man as a new beginning, and as you brought your past with you forward into time, then we shall tell thee in these words, and at the present time they may seem as riddles unto thee. For as we have spoke before of the coming of the Messiah, so should he be born of the descendants of the Pharaoh and of the queen — and so should he be given up unto your earth and to your people, and therefore, born with much wisdom.

Blessed by the spiritual rays that come from God, Pharoah Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti hold their offspring. The rays of light from the sun or God, may be seen as knowledge, wisdom, eternal Life, or as the spiritual messengers God sends, who tell us they spoke and worked through Akhnaten.

“And as thy have asked before of his beginning, for all these things shall come in fulfillment between your years of 1800 and 1999. But your earth shall change, for as we have said before, not one pebble upon your earth shall be left unturned.

According to Aka and to Edgar Cayce, the records buried in Egypt beneath Cairo which will be dound date from the beginning until 1999. In this photo, Akhnaten is shown as a cherub or sphinx. And after most readings or evenings in which they spoke from 1970 to 1989 through Ray Elkins, Aka would say, “Now is the time of the Cherub.”

“For the fuse is lit from France to Israel. Unless the steps that are taken and the Eagle [USA] should protect unto the same [Israel], your earth shall be woven into blood of the same.

“And as we have seen into your minds and souls, therefore, we should say unto this one, of [____], give praise unto your Lord that we may enter, that we may plant new knowledge before thee.”

February 11, 1972: “Aka, you have spoken of the Fifth Angel upon our earth. Are you speaking of the Fifth Angel as spoken of in Revelation, and what does this angel symbolize?”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. As we have said before, your books of your Bible, both of the old and the new, are the records of very psychic people, those chosen to receive the words of God. But as they have been handed down from generation to generation, they have been added to and taken from.

Your book of Revelations, this should make the second happening of the same. For once before, there stood a nation much like your own. At that time it was called the Roman Empire. And as it did fare before mankind, in the same manner, so should your own.

A Roman symbol of the eagle

And the Fifth Angel unto which we speak should be of great disease, should be the opposite side of the great Sword, that which cuts land and masses, that which cuts into the souls and spirits of man, and therefore, changes them.

All things that have been before shall be again. As Atlantis rose and so it fell beneath your seas, so it should be again. [SeeThe Revelation 6:7–11.]

But we warn thee, the time shall come, as has been promised, of a thousand years of peace upon your earth. But it shall not come before the great destruction comes upon your earth. [See The Revelation 20:1–6.]

In our kind, we have come to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

And as we have spoke of the passing between the two world, for there is [are] many who should pass who do not understand and are not in the position to go forth into the temple of wisdom, the temples of learning. And therefore, as you have read of the army of Armageddon, and prepare there, both upon heaven and earth for His coming, all these things must come to pass. [See The Revelation, chapter 19, and hear Aka’s words, “The U.S. Must protect Israel or Armageddon Will Be Lost.”]

As we have said before, no man can harm your soul or your spirit. Our Lord has given unto thee free choice. Only you yourselves may do this. And in this manner, you shall prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

You have thought in your own mind, “Should he come today, they would stone him.” Nay. For as we have said before, a way shall be prepared, and no harm should come to this one. For your world shall receive him in [holy bless], for upon his coming, not one soul shall remain who shall not bow before the Lord, Christ. For as we have said before, your Jewish nation shall bow before him.

But remember unto these words. The Jewish people were the chosen; they were chosen unto be the servants of our God. And as He did give them a coveth, so it was good in God’s eyes, and as in the time of the one known as Jesus, Christ, did say unto thee, he had come to prepare a way. He had come not to change the prophecies, not to change the Law, but to show you the fulfillment of the same.

We realize there were times when we should speak as in riddles. But you should exercise your own wisdom by study. And only in this manner can we prepare this way for yourselves.

March 17, 1972: “Thank you, Aka. [5–7–71–002] has asked if the infant Messiah of which you have spoken, ‘Is it born already, as we understand it, and in what country?’”

And we should answer in this manner. These things are known only unto our Father. And for, at the present time, for his protection, the exact location shall be kept a secret into the same.

But answer in this manner:

Our Lord says, “HARK,” into thee,





For the wise to hear let them hear.

And for the wise to see let them see.

And when the time comes, and the ocean roars

and the mountain bellows their mighty force,

our Father shall write upon the sky the entry of the same.

December 29, 1972 [Listen to Aka speak these words]: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. First, of your question, soul Peter, your question is that of the coming of the Messiah.

And we should answer first in this manner. Within your mind is the name of the one known as Jesus, and that of the preparation for the entry of those who have reached the Christ state into this one. As we have said before, there are many who have reached the Christ state. And through the combination of these shall be the new Messiah.

You asked that he should come walking from the clouds? And we shall answer your question in this manner. When he should first appear unto the Jewish people, and they shall see him first, he shall be standing upon a cloud. And the Jewish nation in their despair shall kneel before him. This was meant so that that that had been written should be fulfilled. And as we have said before, written upon the clouds, written upon the sky, our Father shall make known of this entry in this way. [See Acts 1:6–11, The Revelation of John, 7:2–12, chapter 10, 14:1–5, 14:14–16, 15:2–4, 19:1–16, 21:1–7, 22–27, 22:1–7, Zechariah, chapters 12–14.]

But he should come unto the body form, for is it not written also that that that does not know of earth can not know of heaven? And those who do not know of heaven can not know of earth? For he should come to lead you through your thousand years of peace upon your earth. [See John 3:1–21 andThe Revelation,chapters 19–22.]

The spirit was left that it may flow through all mankind. As we have said before, we have come but for one purpose, and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And we say unto you, all of you, open your door that we might enter, and therefore, there can be a place prepared within each of you for his coming. [See John 14:1–5, 14:15–26, 15:26–27, 16:7–15, 16:19–24, and chapter 17.]

But from a mother’s womb, so shall he be born. Look within your book of Revelation, and you shall see of the same. [SeeThe Revelation of John, chapter 12.]

But hark unto these words. Our Father has written only upon the Tablets. Man has written upon your pages and your paper; therefore, many things have been extracted from, taken away from that that inspired the men in the beginning to write of the same, and some has been added to by others. We have come, not to change the Laws, but to fulfill the prophecies of the same. We have come not to change that that was given within Moses’ time. We have come not to change that that was given unto Isaiah. We have come not to change that that was given, and the gift that was given, in the one known as Jesus. But hark unto these words. We have come for this time.

We have come from those who should make their entry. We have come from those who did say unto our Father, “Send those who know You best to prepare a way for our coming, that our Father’s words should not be misinterpreted.” [See John 14:15–26, 15:26–27, 16:7–15, and 16:19–24.]

Aka, January 12, 1973: “But first, we should say unto you these words.

Recent quakes in the U.S. — On January 23, 2018, a 7.9 magnitude earthquake hit 280km SE of Kodiak, Alaska. Then, starting today, mid-year, 2018, on July 10, 2018, a 3.6-magitude quake hit 6 km SE of Ontario, CA. June 9. 2018, a M 4.4 occurred 26km E of Cherokee, Oklahoma. May 30, 2018, a M 3.8 quake hit 13km NNE of Thousand Palms, CA. On May 15, a M was just 3.5–3km ENE of Oakland, CA. On May 8, a M 4.5 quake shook 11km N of Cabazon, CA. On May 4, 2018. a M 6.9 earthquake rocked the island 19km SSW of Leilani Estates, Hawaii. With the volcano’s eruption, Hawaii’s numerous quakes have broken the recorded quakes in history for any previous year. And the year is only half over. April 3. 2018, a M 3.9 shook land 13km NNE of Thousand Palms, CA. April 16, a M 3.8 was recorded 9km NNE of Alum Rock, CA. April 5, a M 5.3 quake hit 29km SW of Santa Cruz Is. (E end), CA. March 23, 2018, M 4.7–22km WNW of Petrolia, CA. March 2, a M 4.4 hit 17km W of Humboldt Hill, CA. Oklahoma was hit too. On March 4 and 5, two M 4.2 quakes shook the land 15km NE of Enid, Oklahoma. Earlier, January 25, 2018, M 5.8–175km W of Ferndale, California. And January 4, 2018, a M 4.4 quake hit 2km SE of Berkeley, CA.

New earthquakes shall appear very shortly in different parts of your country and in different parts of the world. The time is now, but fear not. If you should look into the prophecies which were given, you shall find the answers and the dates.” [Note: Read “The Great Sword Is Here.” Since 1973, earthquakes have increased 400 percent, according to the YouTube channel, “But it.” See a “List of 20th century earthquakes.” And see a “List of 21st-century earthquakes.” They have only continued to increase. Watch “Earthquakes of the First 15 years of the 21st century.”]

Spiritual messengers of God, July 6, 1973: And we should say unto thee these words. As we have said before, thy have found the rock unto which the brook should flow — and that that should flow from the brook shall be the spirits of God — and the spirits shall flow into the river, and the river shall be the spirits of man — and the river shall flow unto your oceans, and as each pebble is separate and apart, so should be the souls of men be separate and apart, but yet, again it shall flow unto the many nations. It shall flow unto all tongues. It shall flow unto all mankind, for we are here but for one purpose, that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

“For amber waves of grain….”

And we say unto thee, as thy should plant a field and go on to plant another, go back and weed each field. Do not become so busy that thy cannot weed the fields and cannot pick the grain that comes from that. Always remember from which you have come. If you may do this, you shall know where you are going. We have placed unto your hands this man whom you call the prophet, yet he is not great and we are not great, for we are all but humble servants before our Lord. Go unto the valley and pick the lilies. Share them with one another. Go unto the valley and pick the fruit and the berries that should grow wild there. But should the birds come, do not drive them away, for they must eat also. For what our Lord has provided, all may share. For did it not be said that the darkness shall be lifted, that the light should come through, and that knowledge should be shared by all of mankind. If you may do this, then your thousand years of peace are but of hand. Give forth the love of our Father unto one-tenth unto your fellow man.

Aka has said, water is spirit. The wellsprings of llife flow from our Father.

But if you should go unto a desert, and therefore, find a well, and it is sweet and good unto taste, and yet, you should leave of this well, take some of the water with you and the memory of the water shall remain forever within your minds, your soul, your body, and the immortal body of the same.

Glory be the name of the Lord….

“But before we should go we should say unto thee, woe unto the earth, for those who shall commit crime, those who you should know as the Black Septembers, are causing destruction in your land.


They shall attack that of your transportation. They shall work through terrorism, through explosing [explosions], destroying trains, buses, and airplanes, blowing up bridges, causing hysteria within your country.

“These are nothing more than organized, national thieves.


They are being used that others may walk away from their sins. But as we have said before, the cleansing shall come to your land.

“Soon, earthquakes again shall be felt in the California area. The Oxnard area shall be one. Most shall be in the Medina area. Fingertips shall reach upward and downward, crossing unto the San Berdino [Bernardino] faults. Some shall cross into Arizona, into Mexico. Others shall erupt in Central America, in your eastern shore board. Your Mediterranean area shall experience new earthquakes and eruptions. Tornado-type storms shall increase their intensity, causing great destruction.

“Look within yourselves, you shall know. We shall place within you that that the animal should feel before the storm. Heed this warning, and you and all of yours shall be saved from the same.”

July 10, 1973: And we say unto thee unto these words. As the great nations should gather unto the great loop of life, and therefore, stand beneath the Tree of Life and eat from its bountiful fruit, first they should see the tree grow dormant as the land should go unto its slumber. But yet again, the spring shall come, the rain shall fall, and the tree should bud again and give full life, so bountiful and so beautiful, and give forth upon your earth the miracle that God has placed within it. Then the leaves should come, and then the buds shall turn into fruit.

And we should say unto thee, yet there are many types of fruit upon this same tree. Just because you should not like of a fruit, do not cut it away. Leave it for another.

The Urartian tree of life

In many lands before, there once grew this tree, and it was for all to behold. And man became selfish and stole it away unto a hidden place and covered it that no light should shine upon it. But we say unto thee, what was covered shall now come forth unto the light. And light shall begot [beget]light, and light shall begot life everlasting upon this earth.

And we say unto those who should say, hell and damnation upon this earth, thy have not heard the words of our Father. For our Father does not ask the blood of the Lamb, He should only ask unto you love, and thus, the tree should grow from the same.

You have heard our words, yet you understand so little of which we speak.

Then stand beneath this one thy should call of the prophet and count the drops of blood he should shed upon your earth from his own body, and the drops of blood shall flow unto the rivers, unto the oceans, and unto the many lands. And the ones that should fall upon each of you, cherish them, for they come with love.

The spiritual messengers of God next spoke of the U.S. October 9, 1973, as the Yom Kippur War raged October 6 through 25, 1973: For now is the time of Armageddon. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. But beware — should the Eagle [U.S.A.] not spread its wings and give protection, then the Anti-Christ shall reign upon the earth, and the time of famine shall be upon your doorsteps. We have prepared that, as we have said before, to give you warning before each of these that should happen. But the nation of Israel shall stand, and the nation of the eagle [U.S.A.] shall stand, for they stand before God. And where once before the eagle nation [Rome] destroyed and scattered among the nations those of the servants of God, now the karmic action stands forth again. Therefore, place your minds in unisance.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, one question on, you have spoken repeatedly of eruptions. Do you mean when you say eruptions that these would be volcanic eruptions, or do you mean earthquakes and things like that?”

The eruptions shall come in the form of volcanic actions, of earthquakes, of tornados, of hurricanes. They shall sweep across all the lands.

October 27, 1973: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10–27–73–002] who is here tonight asks, ‘What is meant in the Bible, there will be people seen coming from the heavens and people from the earth; the earth shall run red with blood?’ She asks, ‘Is this an actual battle or a war for men’s minds?’” (See “What does it mean — the Earth shall run red with blood?”

We have placed, therefore, unto soul Ray’s mind the vision. We placed, therefore, the vision that as the fuse was lit and came from Europe and went into the land of Israel — and from the fuse entered many lands and many unto battle — and therefore, your world began to smolder — and all of those of the Jewish belief, therefore, should see before them coming from the heavens the first signs of the one you would know as Jesus Christ, yet he should come forth in a form that they would know, and they shall bow before him. Yet, your world should runneth red with blood, for there shall be in reality, in the valley of Armageddon [Megiddo], so shall the valley [battle] be fought on Heaven and Earth.

If the Eagle [U.S.A.]should fail to give the protection that is needed, then the Bear’s [Russia’s] claws shall tighten upon the Earth. But as the Eagle and the Bear should come, therefore, into clutches, one into the other, the Dragon [China] should come forth and bare forth its teeth. And the whole Earth should smolder, therefore, unto the same. And therefore, the Seventh Seal will have been opened.

Yet, your Earth shall not perish, nor shall man, for the Lord’s hand shall be placed upon the Earth, and the Earth shall change form. And the men with the spiritual development and the women with the spiritual development shall, therefore, come forth and rebuild your earth. And those from your other galaxies shall, therefore, find that the earth karma of war has ended, and therefore, join them in the rebuilding of this small speck of dust you call Earth. And a place that our Father may lay His head shall, therefore, come in reality.

These things that were written, these visions that we have implanted upon the Earth, this Seventh Seal does not have to be opened in this manner. The battle of Armageddon, as we have said, may be avoided, if the Eagle acts in a valid manner. If he shows weakness, then the Eagle’s feathers shall be plucked, and he shall fall from the Heavens. And the war of Armageddon shall be diverted unto the year of 1985. [Note: This did happen; the U.S. protected Israel and Armageddon was diverted. Then in 1985, it was avoided again, pushed forth until another time. See “Pray that the Seventh seal not be opened — a prophetic warning.”]

Yet, all of these things that we have shown you can be avoided. But only you, as the people of the Earth, can change your paths. We are not allowed to interfere. We are not allowed to take from you the gift of God of free choice. Act, therefore, according to that hidden place of God within you.

November 2, 1973: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. So as the Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. But as the Lord should taketh away, the Lord takes nothing that He does not giveth, therefore, tenfold.

For thy have prayed that moisture come upon your earth, and the Lord has not listened with deafened ears. Yet, there is a time for all things, and that your land should be better prepared for that that should come. For the land that thy stand upon is blessed land, for the children of God should walk upon it, and it has been made as such.

For we blanketed your earth with flowers, yet we have told you that now is the time of the changing of times, that the half-times are over, that the Fifth Angel should walk upon your earth, that a new comet within your sky shall be seen by a third of the Earth at a time and should [coveth] one third, and that famine and pestilence should reign. But for those who have kept sacred His words, fear not. For as the mark of the Beast has been implanted, those who have [sterned]away, even through the ridicule of other men, shall not be touched. [See The Revelation, chapters 7 and 13, 14:1–14, 20:4–6.]

“There in the heavens above you shall be a sign for each of you.” Three days before the sign appeared in the heavens that Aka promised, NASA took this photo of Kohoutek on December 7, 1973. The spiritual messengers of God had foretold us, September 11, three months before the world was to see their sign: “Count 11 days from the first sighting of the comet, and we shall once again be seen within your heavens, to give proof unto mankind of our presence.” At the end of November 1973, Kohoutek first became visible to the eye. Eleven days later, as the comet continued toward the sun a layer of volatile material in the comet’s nucleus boiled off, just before December 12. Was this the sign Aka said that all of mankind would see as proof in the heavens of their presence? When some parts broke off, astronomers think they may have entered the Earth’s atmosphere as meteors. Then the comet passed behind to the sun at Christmas. See pages 3–6 of the December 2011 AUP newsletter, Rays of Philosophy.

We have told you of the storing of many things. We have placed before you each of these. We have also told you that the monetary value that should be needed shall be before you as the times are needed, that the needs shall be taken care of, not the wants. Therefore, in your preparation, prepare for the needs.

For seed was strewn upon the earth in heavy harvest, therefore, to lay dormant until the time it was needed to grow again, and so it shall be. For even though there shall be pestilence and famine, new seed shall rise from the earth and growth shall come forth, for our Father shall prepare a way for His children in this manner.

You shall find that nations shall fall, yet rise again from the dust. But those that shall rise shall be better nations because they have fallen. And new governments shall be born within governments, and so it shall be within your own. So fear not this trying time.

November 23, 1973: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For those who have ears, let them listen; for those who are deaf, let them listen. For those who are blind, let them listen. Yet for those who have sight, let them see.

For upon your land, as we have said before, marches onward unto the Fifth Angel.

We have told unto thee of the coming of the famine, and yet your nation, your world did nothing. We also told you that this need not be….

Before you stands that which you would say is the birth of the one known as Jesus Christ.

He said unto you unto these words, “I come of this time, not to bring peace upon the earth, but to show you the fulfillment of the prophecies yet to come.” And so he did. And he showed unto you the resurrection of the body in three day, yet you knew him not.

And yet we come but for one purpose, to prepare the way for his coming, the coming of the Messiah. And yet his name should not be Jesus, or Mohammed, or Buddha; for the name shall come from our Father, and the spirit shall come from our Father.

Yet before you lies this land of Israel. And our Father promised that they should return unto their land. And our Father promised that the Lamb that you had slain should come forth.

But He has also said unto you, beware of the anti-Christ which come upon your earth, for it shall be a beast, and even though its head shall be cut away, a new head shall come forth from it, for she is a foul thing, this nation of Babylon. We have told unto you that that of your Book of Revelations should now have its second fulfillment, for you shall be as those of the modern Romans. Yet we have told unto you that the children of God may be changed as though the picking up of a stone. But this must come from within. Yet all parts, as the tree has done, must repair itself, and prepare itself in a like manner. We have said unto thee, if thy eye offend thee, cast it aside. The tree did not kill itself by casting aside the stone. It repaired that within itself and went on with life. Do so within yourselves.

Prometheus Statue at Rockefeller Centre, NY; the inscription behind it is a paraphrase of Aeschylus which reads: “Prometheus, teacher in every art, brought the fire that hath proved to mortals a means to mighty ends.” The etymology of the the onym prometheus is debated. The classical view is that it signifies “forethought,” as that of his brother Epimetheus denotes “afterthought”. It has been theorized that it derives from the Proto-Indo-European root that also produces the Vedic pra math, “to steal,” hence pramathyu-s, “thief”, cognate with “Prometheus”, the thief of fire. The Vedic myth of fire’s theft by Mātariśvan is an analog to the Greek account. Pramantha was the tool used to create fire. Rockefeller Center is a large complex consisting of 19 commercial buildings covering 22 acres (89,000 m2) between 48th and 51st Streets, facing Fifth Avenue, in New York City. Commissioned by the Rockefeller family, it is located in the center of Midtown Manhattan. The 14 original Art Deco buildings span the area between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, split by a large sunken square and a private street called Rockefeller Plaza. Five International Style buildings, built later, are located on the west side of Sixth Avenue and at the head of Rockefeller Plaza. In 1928, the site’s then-owner, Columbia University, leased the land to John D. Rockefeller Jr., who was the main person behind the complex’s construction. One might wonder, what might Prometheus, “thief, of fire” or “forethought to steal” mean to the Rockerfellers?

November 27, 1973: For we shall tell thee the parable, for soon before thee thy should celebrate this day of the birth of the one known as Jesus.

For as much preparation was made upon heaven and earth for his deliverance unto the land of Israel, yet the people lived under a foreign power. Yet they were allowed their own beliefs, but only in such a manner that they gave glory unto the Roman empire. Therefore, they were not a free people. Yet they held dear to them their belief in God.

And yet, he did come upon the earth. And they grew hopeful that he would deliver them. Yet the kingdom he spoke of was not the kingdom of earth, but the kingdom that lie within each and every one of them. He built no temples upon the earth. He rode but an ass, or walked the dusty roads of Israel. He asked no tribute unto him.

And the day came forth when he entered the city of Jerusalem and was led, therefore, unto the temple. All expected him to walk forth and proclaim himself as the king; yet he did not. For he turned his head, saddened at the sight that he had seen, for there before him lay the barterers, the traders, those who would enrich themselves from their own belief in their God.

Now we say unto you, our Father asks not the blood of the Lamb. He asks no temples be built. For in reality, all He asked was the Ark, that He may house Himself, and therefore, give voice unto those who would believe within Him.

And this nation of yours that you take for granted, our Father looked upon and gave birth into this nation, that it should be a nation under God and before God. You have built many false temples. You have worshiped idols. All of these things our Father has told unto you not to do….

We say unto you unto these words. Be watchful, as the keeper of the land, for the Master shall return unto it one day.

But remember long in your minds the blood that should drip from the crown of thorns. And should one drop fall upon you, you shall know within yourself the true meaning of love.

Fear not, for those who should struggle in the name of the Lord and show of themselves their true faith, God should not desert of them.

Yet woe be this land, and woe be those of other lands that should not protect God’s people in Israel. For we say unto you, protect now, or your war of Armageddon shall come upon the earth. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth in a righteous manner. For those who have slaughtered the Lamb and eaten if its flesh they shall be the first to feel our Father’s wrath, for your peace you talk about and have done so little to accomplish shall soon end once again, and the fuse shall continue to burn….

But your land shall have many who shall deceive it, as it has now before it. This land of Japan has not overcome its karma. This land of Germany has not overcome its karma.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel with then U.S. President Barack Obama in Hannover, Germany, April 2016

And as of Abraham did cast aside to build a nation that of his concubine, his wife’s handmaiden, and the son that he bore unto her built into the Arabian nation, they have forgotten from which they have come, for they are of one blood; they are of one servitude unto God.

The family tree of the prophets. You can trace Muhammad and Jesus back to Abraham.

But soon they shall see the Star of David. Now is the time of the Cherub.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

In more recent times, this shows the Arabian Peninsula in 1914, during the Ottoman era in the history of Arabia, which lasted from 1517 to 1918, until it was defeated in World War I. The British and French redrew the map in the Sikes-Picot Agreement, which may have intentionally ignored tribal boundaries to weaken them, that may lead to conflicts and wars today. The previous Ottoman degree of control over these lands varied over the four centuries with the fluctuating strength or weakness of the Empire’s central authority. Map by Underlying lk — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=26229797

March 8, 1974: Now we should say unto thee unto these words, into this manner. For we shall tell thee the parable of greed.

For as the Lord cast Lucifer from the heavens, and Lucifer did spread greed into man as the seed, yet it was a small thing. Yet it grew within man. And it was like a leprosy, for it spread among the nations. And nations begot nations, and blood was spilt upon the earth. And kingdom after kingdom fell beneath the sword, the club, the spear, always for the same price, for gold.

Almost all large banks, including the Federal Reserve, are privately owned banks, that are tied into a banking cartel or an international system with interconnecting Boards of Directors run by only a few people. The Rothchilds own the central banks in all but three countries, Cuba, North Korea and Syria. The Rothschild family is a wealthy Ashkenazi Jewish family descending from Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812), a court factor to the German Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel in the Free City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire, who established his banking business in the 1760s. Rothschild is said to have gained his initial wealth by fooling the British into believing England had lost the war with France, thus crashing the value of British stocks to pennies on the dollar. After Mr. Rothschild bought up the stocks, the legitimate courrier arrived on horseback to say that England had won the war. But by then, the Rothschilds were rich. The bankers learned long ago to profit from war by lending money to both sides. No matter which side wins, the bankers are the ones who truly profit. This practice continues today. Unlike most previous court factors, Rothschild managed to bequeath his wealth and established an international banking family through his five sons, who established themselves in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, and Naples. The family was elevated to noble rank in the Holy Roman Empire and the United Kingdom. During the 19th century, the Rothschild family possessed the largest private fortune in the world, as well as the largest private fortune in modern world history. The family’s wealth was divided among various descendants, and today their interests cover a diverse range of fields, including financial services, real estate, mining, energy, mixed farming, winemaking and nonprofits.

And greed begot jealousy in man. And jealousy came forth as a monster with many heads. And it would devour the one who possessed it, step by step, until their soul was wrapped into nothing, for the thought was enough, for jealousy works upon imagination. It has no fact; it has no beginning. It only has a cruel ending.

And we say unto you, look upon your earth into that that lives in harmony. You do not find the trees jealous of one another or the plants upon the earth. It even was cast into the beasts upon your land, this horrible thing, this Beast of jealousy.

And the jealousy begot possession, and opened the doorway, therefore, of possession of the spirits, of the lost spirits to enter, [for] no longer could the jealous person protect themselves, and no longer could they listen unto those who would protect them.

Therefore, day by day it devours. Greed and jealousy run hand in hand. And from it, we say unto you, should cause the life and the life’s blood of an innocent soul. This has happened repeatedly upon your earth.

We have told you before that Lucifer should work in strange manners. Yet once the soul has gone and possession has taken forth he has no longer use for you, and then your way back unto the Father’s light shall be for an eternity.

Think into yourself, “Am I jealous of my brother? Am I as Cain? Shall I slay unto my brother because I am jealous?”

And jealousy begot hatred.

We say unto you, in the beginning God brought forth both he and she. And He found it good, for they were in harmony, one into the other, and both unto God. Yet, all of these things has made harmony an impossibility. And for the jealous one, they cast aside God, and denounce Him, and use His name in profanity, for they shall act as though they worship Him, yet they worship only themselves. And they shall say this and that in the name of the Lord, yet the Lord says naught unto them, for they speak for theirselves, not for God. And the hole they should dig, they should bury themselves.

And we should say unto thee unto these words, for those who should forget the words, we have come not to change the laws of Moses; we have come not to change the laws of God, Almighty, our Father, for upon the stone was written the Ten Commandments; “Thou shall have no other god before Me.” We say unto all of you, look well unto those Commandments and you shall cast these things from your hearts. And then, plant your garden. And flowers shall bloom and the heaven shall come into fulfillment. And the earth shall no longer run red with blood.

We say to you, we come not for the blood of the Lamb, nor does our Father. This has been man’s thought, to bring upon the altar the blood of the lamb. We ask not for the blood of any man, or woman, or child, or beast or fowl. Let the dead bury the dead, for they are but shells. For our Father is a Father of the living, not of the dead.

Thy come unto us with many questions. And we shall answer in this manner upon this night. To show the true meaning of our Father’s words, we shall give healing into those who pray for it and ask for it in our Father’s name. And so it shall be upon this day, for death shall raise its head, yet not come forth. We shall hold of it, for those who asked in our Father’s name. Glory be the name of our Father. Glory be those who should walk in our Father’s light and keep His commandments.

For we came unto you as we came unto the Essenes to prepare a way, that the ways of our Father should remain upon your earth, and the earth should remain, and man should remain. We came unto you to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. We came unto you that the fulfillment of the thousand years of peace could come forth. But take from your hearts these things of greed. For way and woe be unto thee, for the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. We stay his hand this day and bring forth healing, but not for long, for death shall follow his path in great numbers and nations shall fall, because of greed, because of jealousies.

You have in your mind our words when we first came. And we say unto you, we spoke as in this manner, that “wise man should hunt beasts to feed the gods.” Yet, you misinterpret our words, for we spoke upon our plane, not upon yours. To interpret, interpret in this manner. The food you should hunt for your Father should be love and kindness, and forgiveness. It should be honor, one unto the other, at all times. As you should honor your father and mother, honor your brother and sister.

Yet you say, “They are not of my brother and sister,” and we say, therefore, you lie, for you are all God’s children, and you are brother and sister.

We bring peace and harmony unto the earth for those who shall listen in their soul….

A Christian from the Middle Ages faces a Muslim rider of a red horse carrying a sword. Who is that with a dark spirit whispering in his ear?

Yea, yea, unto the Father; these words we have spoken, write them in your hearts, or perish.

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, June 7, 1974: “We told of you in this manner, to cast from your hearts all jealousies and doubts and greeds, which are monsters. They are beasts and the Mark of the Beast. Humility is of bread, for our Father has shown you humility many times. He has shown you tolerance many times. He gave of His children free will. Neither He nor we can violate this. We come as teachers but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And so should the Rose without Thorns come for the preparation for the Book with Wings.

“We say unto you, think unto yourselves. Give that unto God that should belong to God. Give that unto yourself that should belong to yourself. Give that unto your brother that should belong unto your brother. But give not unto either if you come before God’s altar and in the kingdom of God, which is the body, the temple, with grievances in your hearts….

“Thoughts placed in love upon paper bring forth more love and more understanding. Thoughts placed on paper without love brings confusion and doubt.”

All of the words the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke that we recorded and transcribed can be read in the Book with Wings series. They are written to help prepare a way within our hearts and minds for the coming of the Messiah upon Earth. Aka said, December 1, 1972, “New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.”

“Your country [U.S.A.] at this time is going through one of its greatest changes in history, this history. But if it should survive as one nation before God, if it should overcome its karma and rise above the ashes as the phoenix bird, as the bird of the Great Pyramid, with greater knowledge, then in truth it shall be one nation before God. And it shall be as a mirror, and other nations shall follow its example….

“But we say unto you, we have come that nothing should be hidden. We have come forth to bring the light unto the Lord’s people, all of the people.

Each man has chosen his way unto worship God. We are here not to destroy this, but to give unto you the philosophy, and in doing so, the preparation within yourselves.

For some shall hear our words. And others shall misinterpret our words. And so is the ways of men. But we say unto you, for those who should misinterpret, we are here to prepare the way. Are you? Can you prepare the way within yourself?

For no one but our Father knows the exact day or moment. Therefore, we say unto you, be prepared at any moment that that he who should come should walk up unto you and you should extend your hand with love and knowledge and know of him.”

July 7, 1974: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as the Seven Spirits of God stood above the earth, and therefore, brought forth of their kind, each said unto the other, “We have brought forth the mountains, the rivers, the oceans, the meadows, and fertile land. Yet why must we bring forth the desert, this barren land of waste?” Each spoke one unto the other, yet none had the answer. [See Genesis1:1–28 and The Revelation3:1, 4:5.]

And therefore, they went unto the Lord, God.












And so spoke the words of the Lord, our God, our Father, long ago.

These snow-capped mountains in New Mexico are called the Sangre de Christo Mountains, which means, blood of Christ.

And we say unto you these words. At times it shall sound as though we have spoken in riddles. But take forth the words we have given unto you. Know of this. We come not to bring hatred or war upon your earth, or to turn brother against brother, or sister against sister, or mother against mother, or father against son. We come forth but for one purpose — that purpose in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

And you say, “Hark,” unto us.

And we should say unto you unto these words. Your year shall be in the year of 1999.

Yet the mighty Sword stands above you. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence and famine spreads among your people. Fear has spread unto your hearts. And we say unto you, fear not, for those who believeth in the Lord, our God.

For the Sword that should cut two ways shall cast unto the land. Your earth shall move and shift upon its core. Your land masses shall change. There shall be many who should run and hide in the mountains. There shall be many who should hide behind the rocks. Yet, leste they walk in the light of the Lord, they shall perish. Yet some shall live and wish to die, yet they shall live on. [See The Revelation 6:9–17, 7:1–17.]

We say unto thee, as the Lord said once before, start now to prepare your thousand years of peace. Start now to prepare a new heaven and a new earth. Pray unto the Lord, God, and your prayers shall be answered. All of these things should not happen if the Lord may see among you those who should stand firm in their belief unto one God.

Be not ignorant. Cast aside your prejudice. Look not upon a man’s skin, look into his heart, and, therefore, find brothers and sisters to walk together to build this new earth and new heaven.

But we say unto you unto these words, “For none shall know of heaven that should not know of the earth, and none should know of the earth that has not known of heaven.” [See Matthew chapters 5–7, 13:24–52, 19:27–30, and Mark 8:27–38, 10:17–34.]…

“[7–7–74–003], he asks ‘What is the outlook, and or general plans for the E1Paso-Southwest portion of the United States in the next 10 to 15 years?’” [Click the link to listen.]

We should answer thy question in this manner. For the Red Horse [Pakistani Wahhabis?] hands out a false hand of peace, and the Bear [Russia] stands and sharpens its claws. Leste the Eagle [U.S.A.] be not ready to fly and spread its wings and protect this land of Israel, then Armageddon should be lost.

We say unto you, in the year of 1985 war shall come once again upon your earth, yet there shall be rumors of war before this time. Within this year shall come the war of Armageddon. Great masses of land shall perish from the earth. Yet the Lord, God, shall take those nations who should stand as nations under God, and therefore, protect of them.

The northern proportion of your European nation shall divide and separate. The armies shall march forward. Cities shall be obliterated. Great masses of land shall be turned into nothingness. Yet the earth, and God, shall prove that He is the God of all. For with His hand He shall turn the tide of battle.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you. [7–7–74–004] asks, ‘What will be the Presidential results in 1976 and its good or bad effect for the United States?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Your Presidential election shall go, therefore, unto the Democratic Party. Yet a third party shall arise and emerge unto the same, and a restructure of the same, and from that shall emerge your President. Yet, there shall be a government within a government.

We shall answer your question in this manner, for we know of soul Ray’s desire not to sway the people in their right to vote, in their right to vote as free people. And because of his words so many should vote upon an answer, we shall only answer that proportion that we have given. Yet we will say in this manner, it shall be good for your nation.

President Richard M. Nixon resigned a month later, on August 8, 1974, in the wake of the Watergate scandal. Four months later, in November, 1974, incumbent President Gerald Ford ran against the relatively unknown former governor of Georgia, Jimmy Carter. Ford was saddled with a slow economy and paid a political price for his pardon of Nixon. Carter ran as an outsider and a reformer and won.

July 8, 1974: “Thank you, Aka. [7–8–74–001], he asks, ‘What are the limitations set forth governing space explorations by the people of planet Earth? Will we discover life on other planets; if so, in what year?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Life has already been discovered on other planets.

We shall also answer in this manner. The atmospheric conditions, life adjusts to the same. Life shall be found in humanoid form, yet the form shall not be of your image. Yet we say unto you, you shall all be the children of God. For would not a wise farmer plant but one seed in such a vast field? We say unto you, this planet of yours is but a small proportion of our Father’s domain.

New forms of energy shall come forth and the utilization of the same by you, the people of the planet, Earth. It shall come forth in that of cosmic-magnetic energy form. The harnessing of this source of power shall be limitless, and your space travel shall be as common as your earth travel today.

You have other questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. [7–7–74–003] asks, ‘To what degree should soul Ray’s work in the psychic be publicly promoted, by whom, and what means, and how soon should this public promotion begin?’”

We shall answer in this manner, as we have said before. For as the spirits of God should be as the pebbles in a brook, as the souls of man should be as pebbles of an ocean, as the spirits of man should be as the pebbles in a river, all shall flow unto the many lands. The doorway shall be opened. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

We have brought you forth. The psychic abilities we have placed within the same, of soul Ray, should be utilized and publicized to the fullest extent. We say unto you, go forth. We shall open the doorways for you. Hasten, leste the Seventh Seal should be opened upon thy earth, for the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth now. [See The Revelation, chapters 5–20.]

We say unto you, thy haven’t known of the story of Jonah, that our Lord, God, sent him forth unto the city to warn the people of a day of destruction of the city? And the people did change their ways and turn back unto their God, and the Lord, God, spared the city. Jonah became much disillusioned and walked out of the city and said, “Oh Lord, why have you placed me into such ridicule?”

The Prophet Jonah, as depicted by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel


This choice has been given the Earth this day, this time. If man shuns these words, this Rose without a Thorn, then man shall perish in a polluted land and no rose at all shall grow.

Each man is worth his hire. That that you should make profit from should not be shamefully thought of, for you shall earn, and reap, from the field thy should sow. But sow not in greed.

We have placed before you a prophet, a healer. We have molded into “our kind, of our image,” a gift unto man, that he that should come after this one should bring forth your thousand years of peace upon your earth, a new heaven and a new earth, that the earth may join with the other proportions of the galaxies in peaceful harmony, that God’s children may return back unto their many mansions, each in their own way, each by their own free choice. [See The Revelation, chapters 21–22.]

This is from whence Aka speaks through a man, Ray.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–8–74–00–3] asks, ‘Considering the hard tasks which we may possibly encounter in the next few years, would it be advisable to begin a family at this time, or to wait, and judge the outcome?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. At the present time, for yourself, and in your own financial position, it would be far wiser to plant your fields before, and make them ready before you sow the seed.

You do not understand of which we speak; therefore, we should clarify of the same. Your husband and yourself are starting anew on the pathway of life. For your own financial needs and the needs that thy may provide for your children, time should be given before birth first should come forth. The nest must be prepared.

We say also unto you, of that to come forth upon the earth, we hand unto the earth at this time the Rose without Thorns. [Yet] if it is grasped, then your earth shall grow into a paradise of peace. Once again the Garden of Eden shall be brought back unto the earth.

A Rose without Thorns was published in July 1974; it was the first book of Aka’s teachings. Yet, is the meaning of ‘a rose without thorns” the birth of or preparation for the coming of the Messiah?

But children are the fiber of a nation and the world; they are the pathway for the rebirth and the recycle of other souls onto the earth. They are your Earth’s tomorrow, and they are your tomorrow. Even in the worst of times children have been born upon the earth. In this day, when your earth has become overpopulated it is wise to choose the time and place. Soon, as the Lord planned, the rest of your own planetary system will be open and other earths provided for your expansion. All of these things lie before you. All of these things are at your fingertips.

Even in the time, the time of the barbarians, in the hours of darkness, if the Rose is not picked up, then the years of darkness shall come upon the earth. But even then, it shall emerge into light again.

Be patient. Does not the wise bird prepare a nest before she lays her egg?

Thy have other questions, ask….

The quarterly gross domestic product in the U.S. shows there was a downturn from 1973 to 1975, as Aka had warned. The U.S. economy grew by an average of 3.8% from 1946 to 1973, while real median household income surged 74% (or 2.1% a year). The worst recession in recent decades, in terms of lost output, occurred during the financial crisis of 2007–08, when GDP fell by 5.0% from the spring of 2008 to the spring of 2009. Other significant recessions took place in 1957–58, when GDP fell 3.7%, following the 1973 oil crisis, with a 3.1% fall from late 1973 to early 1975, and in the 1981–82 recession, when GDP dropped by 2.9%. Recent, mild recessions have included the 1990–91 downturn, when output fell by 1.3%, and the 2001 recession, in which GDP slid by 0.3%; the 2001 downturn lasted just eight months. The most vigorous, sustained periods of growth, on the other hand, took place from early 1961 to mid-1969, with an expansion of 53% (5.1% a year), from mid-1991 to late in 2000, at 43% (3.8% a year), and from late 1982 to mid-1990, at 37% (4% a year)

“Thank you, Aka. [7–7–74–004] asks, ‘Concerning the famine, which you have spoken of, how widespread, and to what degree will it affect the E1 Paso-Southwest area? And when can we expect its coming?’”

We shall answer in this manner. The time of the famine is now. You are entering into that of an inflationary depression. Crop failure across the land has multiplied unto the same. Your dollar has inflated itself beyond comparison and shall continue for a period of time to do the same. And then will come forth the time when it will stabilize itself and be worth more.

Yet we say unto you, store, therefore, unto seed and grain. Store, therefore, unto the foodstuff, of both fruits and vegetables of all kinds. Store in such a way that you may take from your storehouse and replenish as time goes forward. And in this manner you shall be prepared for the same. But as your dollar inflates, that that you buy today, you shall pay more for tomorrow.

Original image by User:donarreiskoffer, new SVG version made with Gnumeric (from original data; now covers 1913–2017) — Data source at [1], specifically in Table 24 in this PDF file (US Government — public domain); Original image at Image:Consumer Price Index US 1913–2004.png, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2250088

We would suggest in this manner, that full knowledge on this subject has been placed within soul Ray’s mind. Come unto him for consultation — or bring forth him into lecture form that he may tell unto the multitudes.

Graph bBy شہاب — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=45172642

Thy have other questions, ask….

“Thank you, Aka. [7–7–74–004], who has asked a previous question, asks, ‘What changes to our lifestyle as we now know it will take place in the next 10 to 15 years?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Much shall depend upon your own free choice, and that of your fellow mankind.

We say unto you, give unto God that that is God’s; give unto your brother that which should belong to your brother; but just as important, give unto yourself that that belongs to yourself. If you should do of such, in all manners you should be serving God.

We should say unto you, plant your own field first; then go unto your neighbor and help him plant his.

Your lifestyle shall drastically change in the next 10 years. Medicine, as you know it, of this day shall take a drastic change. New power sources shall be brought forth upon the earth, new forms of travel. All these things should come forth.

But war, also, may come forth with it.

This is your earth. This is your time. Make your choice.

But we say unto you and to all mankind, the Lord, our God, loves of His children. But we say, as He gave unto Moses the Ten Commandments, must it be necessary once again that the days of Noah shall come forth upon your land? Must these days of darkness, must the Sixth Seal be opened, and then the Seventh? Must all of the words we have spoken not be heard? Nay. [See The Revelation, chapters 6–8.]

We come forth not to take from the words of Moses. We come forth not to change the prophecies of John. We come forth with love from our Father, with A Rose without Thorns for your earth. Pick it up. Be as a mirror; show it to your brother. Judge not his skin, or the color.

We have told of you of life on other planetary worlds. Shall you kill of them when they come [up] in peace? For the crafts that have landed upon the earth, so far all you have done is try to destroy them — yet they have harmed you not — because their forms are different than yours. When you leave your body, this shell that you should live, it should wither away and turn back into dust. And as is proper, should you look upon it and stand and watch it decay, you would think it a horrible thing and fear it.

Pick up this rose, and fear not, for the Lord, God, walks with you, for those who carry not the mark of the Beast shall not perish from this earth, or from our Father’s kingdom. [See The Revelation 20:4–6 and chapters 21–22.]

July 27, 1974: But we say unto you, if you should go unto a door and give your blessings, and the door is slammed in your face, then go elsewhere and give of it.

But we say unto you, our Father is the God of not but one nation, but all nations. The Israelites were chosen people as the servants of God. But all of His children were His children. But the Lord, God, can change an Israelite as easy as you would turn a stone, for those who call themselves Jewish should not necessarily be from the Twelve Tribes. Yet, we say unto you, there was a thirteenth.

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, August 10, 1974: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, in this way. For we should answer, as the children of Abraham came forth upon the earth, and as Abraham begot the children of Egypt, and the children of your Arabian nations, so one was as into another, for they were of brothers, yet they knew each other not. And so it has been, that for all the descendents ofAbraham, they did make war upon each other, and cast stones upon each other, for they were a jealous lot. Yet, each and all in the same manner believed, therefore, into our Father, the God.

Yet, as Abraham ventured forth into the land of Egypt, because his wife was, therefore, so fair, he told not of the truth; he said she was of his sister. And therefore, many did pursue this maiden, Sarah. And therefore, Abraham did bring forth lie before his God.

And as time passed forth, and the brother of Abraham, who was Lot, did live within the cities of sin, and therefore, as Abraham did argue to persuade the messengers from God that should they find ten honest men in all the city, they would spare the city, but they ventured forth, and therefore, found none, but Lot and his two daughters and his wife. And Lot did bargain with the people who had besieged him, to trade them his daughters, but still they wanted to destroy these that had been sent by the Father, God. For it is as in your days, this day, this time.

Abraham[Lot] went forth from the city with his family, as he was directed and told, therefore, not to look back. But his wife, therefore, did of such and was turned, therefore, into the salt and into the soil, and destroyed, of the body form.

And therefore, Lot hid into the mountains and into the caves, for nothing could grow upon the land, for the land had been destroyed, much as you would destroy now with your atomic weaponry. Yet, the daughters of Lot thought unto themselves that they should drunken their father and beseed themselves in pregnancy. And so it was done. And so, the karma of the family of Lot was sent forth upon the earth. And from this karmic action came forth and was born into a son. [See Genesis, chapter 19.]

“We say unto you, as the nations and nations of the world have come forth, one by one and two by two, to live in the house of the Lord and take direction from the same, each has come forth, in their own way, that they should enter our Father’s many mansions. But yet, there is still this charlatan.

“And as we have said, the great Sword that should cut of two ways has cleansed your land, has brought forth unto the land a new Government, and it shall grow forth and produce yet a better Government. But your Government and your country can only remain as it should stand as one nation before God. It was God’s promise that the land of Israel be returned back unto the Israelites, and so this time has been fulfilled. Yet before you lies the battle of Armageddon. We say unto you, fight among yourselves and the Beast shall win, and the Beast shall rule, and the land shall become desolate and polluted. And man shall die and waste away in a polluted land.

“But we say unto you, hear these words, oh Israel. Hear these words, you modern, of the Roman nation, that call themselves, Americans. Our Father’s will shall be done, and the Sword shall cut again. And those who carry not the mark of the Beast shall walk forth and inherit the Earth. But for those who should walk forth with the mark of the Beast, they shall become as lost souls and shall be cast aside into nothingness.”[See The Revelation, chapters 19–22.]

“We have given unto your keeping now this time, your book, your Rose without a Thorn. It is but a beginning.”

“There’ll be many of you who can say, ‘Nay, I can only do this,’ or ‘I can only do that.’ Yet, you will ask your God day by day to do his bidding, your bidding. And your God shall answer. Which of you shall now answer your God?”

August 15, 1974: Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner. For upon thy earth should walk the Seventh Angel.

And you should say unto us, “What this could mean unto the earth?”

And we should answer unto you into this manner. For it should mean pestilence and famine. That that man has placed into the earth should come forth. That that man has placed into the heavens should come downward. Rain shall not fall, but when it comes it shall come in abundance. Crops shall not grow. All of these things man has done unto himself.


For we should tell thee the parable of the Seven Spirits of the Lord, and as they placed there forth within your atmospheric that that would produce the clouds into which the rain should be carried about. And therefore, each was different and separate, and each did serve its own purpose. And therefore, the earth was green and fertile, and all things came in abundance.

And then man came forth. And day by day and year by year, he has polluted the land, the sky, and the earth beneath the land. At first he learned to rotate his crops to rebuild the land, but then he found, through the use of chemical compounds, that he could force the growth of the plant life, he could change the genes within the plant life. And these were good, for these were intended.

Then man became lustful. And as he became lustful he tried to make the earth produce more and more, beyond its own endurance. And therefore, the land polluted into itself.

As of 2018, most wheat grown in the U.S. has been genetically modified. Crops of different kinds are often sprayed with glyphosate (Round-up) to push the harvest and make plants ripen at the same time.

We shall tell thee of another time, of a land of Egypt, when famine did come upon it. And in this land God sent forth in dream form he who should dream the dream[Pharaoh]. And then He sent forth the one who should interpret the dream [Joseph]. And in both God’s work was done.

And we say unto you, your earth could feed the world in bountiful form with­out such as this.

Many have asked, “Then what is the answer for such?” And we say unto you, as you in this land of your Americans have put forth what you call, soil banks, take these from the soil banks and put them into production. Take the land that is no longer productive and lay it aside that it may restore itself. Plant upon it these things that will put back into the soil and not take from it. If such is done, if man in his lust should stop, then the famine would stop.

But all is in free choice. Should you go onward with your lust as you have, man shall die away in a polluted land where nothing grows.

The Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights — Auroras are produced when the magnetosphere is sufficiently disturbed by the solar wind that the trajectories of charged particles in both solar wind and magnetospheric plasma, mainly in the form of electrons and protons, precipitate them into the upper atmosphere (thermosphere/exosphere) due to Earth’s magnetic field, where their energy is lost.

The resulting ionization and excitation of atmospheric constituents emits light of varying color and complexity.

You have changed your cosmic radiation, or cosmic bombardment, unto the earth form, which all mass and all form should come from. You have polluted the sky in such a manner that no longer is there an even balance. Therefore, a form change should take place. For those who can adapt themselves to this form change shall live. But many thousands shall die. And yet, the thousands shall be into millions upon the earth.

We have placed before you means to overcome and change your own environment. Yet you have heard us not. We came before you and told of you of the coming of the famine, and to store, and yet, you heard us not.

Now we say again unto you, heed our words. Store of grain, of tools. Store of seed. Store of knowledge. Do of these things, that your civilization should preserve itself, that it should not crawl back into the caves once again, that it should not revert itself totally back unto the animal form that the spirit first found it in.

Take lessons from your clouds. Know that each is different and each is changing.

Vegetation dies during the long California drought. Arizona has also had one.

But a cloud can go not where it is not wanted. It can only come unto the lands for those who should give praise unto the Lord.

Yet, you have used up your water from the earth, your natural storage tanks. And your ground should settle and cause earthquakes within the same unto this land, the land you stand on, the land of the Tucson.

In the hot, dry desert, fountains, lakes, ponds and golf courses are prevalent.

And we shall tell thee of the land of the Tucson, for the land of the Tucson was the tribe of the thieves. And the thieves, therefore, were the thieves of Yucatan. They were the thieves that came forth from the land of Atlantis.

And yet, the time came forth when the one known as the Christ did walk upon the earth, and he came forth among these and he taught them of their ways. And he showed them to plant the corn and the grain, and the melons, and to make the ground fruitful unto them, and showed them there were no longer a need to be thieves. Yet he left among them no curse words, no profanity. This is why you find not that in their language, for it was cast aside. For is it not written, “Should thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” And so, therefore, this land became a peaceful land.

Petraglyphs similar to this can be found on rocks near Tucson.

And then came forth upon this land those of your Spaniards; once again thieves walked the earth. They walked and they brought forth the Black Robes to imprison the people, and they cut forth out their tongues, and they made slaves of them, and they did destroy of them. And they did play trickery upon them, and they made them believe that the enemies were of their own people, of their own kind. And so, they went forth and they did burn pueblo after pueblo, and it did go unto the earth. All in the name, they said, of the Christ one who had come before. Yet the old ones who know, said unto them, of the people, “This is not his way. This is not those we have waited, that should come again, as he should promise.”

Much of the San Xavier mission in Tucson was built by local Indian laborers.

And then came forth those of the Americans from many lands. And they came forth. And yet, these peaceful people do not make war upon them, but greeted them, only to have trickery performed upon them once again. And these who scratched the earth and brought forth the gold, the silver, the copper, and they took more and more of the land, and once again this land called Tucson diverted back unto the town or the land of the thieves.

And now you have your modern thieves, those of your time, of your day. And we say unto you, cleanse this land or it shall be cleansed for you. For not one pebble upon the earth shall be left unturned. For now is the time of the Cherub, and the Cherub shall carry the great Sword, the sword that should cut two ways. One side of the sword should cut away land, and cleanse it. The other side should cut away those who have the mark of the Beast, the thieves. [See The Revelation, chapters 13 and 19.]

And we say unto you, look unto yourselves. Cast aside your greed, your lust, your envy. Look unto your brothers and look unto your sisters in such a manner that you should be as a mirror. Do unto them as you would wish them to do unto you, and you shall change the destiny of this land. If this is not done, then as we have said before, the land shall be cut from the earth and cast unto the sea. Yet the sea should not want it. And it should throw it back out, but not in the form it lies of today.

September 2, 1974: For that that that the Lord has giveth, the Lord should taketh away, but all things that the Lord should taketh, He should replenish tenfold. For your land is sparse and dry. We have told you of this time. Yet we say unto you, give prayer unto the Lord in unisis, and that that the Lord has taken shall be replenished upon your earth.

Your earth should travel forth into economical disaster. All nations now stand and tremble. Yet we say unto you, fear not. But beware, for one shall come forth who shall seemingly make all things right. Yet, in truth, he is a taker of the land. He is the Anti-Christ. The nations shall crumble and fall. And as he walks forth he shall put bread upon the table, yet he shall ask for souls in return.

As we have said before, we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. As [the] bread should leave the tables, many shall lose their faith in our Lord, and many should turn their faces away from Him, unto this one. And we say, beware.

The earth shall tremble. Chaos shall come upon the earth. Yet the worst chaos of all is fear. And fear should breed fear, so we say unto you, fear of this not, for as we have said before, we shall provide that that is needed. And for those who should walk in the righteous light of our Lord, bread shall be placed upon their table, and their needs shall be taken care of.

Around you, you have those who should worship of false images. And they should call of themselves, Christians. And they should say unto you, “This is the way to go.” And they shall say unto you, “This is the Messiah.” And we should say unto you, nay. Wear not the mark of the Beast.

We say unto you, this of your Common Market, of the world commodities, shall grow in strength. Europe, as you know it, shall become that of a United Europe. And none should trade nor barter lest they seek this passageway. But we say unto you, this harlot shall fall. And all nations shall look, yet they shall not find. And they shall be saddened at the fall of this. [See the Revelation, chapter 17.]

In front of European Union Headquarters, Europa rides the Beast.

And we shall say unto you, this one shall set himself up into the throne of Rome. Yet, we say unto you, his days shall be short, for he shall come forth and promise the thou­sand years of peace upon the earth, and his words shall be mighty before men, yet he shall fall. [See The Revelation, chapters 13- 19.]

People speculate, but it is not known what the words mean. In this photo, Pope Frances greets U.S. President Barack Obama. Some students of history say that centuries ago, an English king lost a war with the Pope. To save his life, he tithed all of England’s lands, treasurers, property and subjects through perpetuity to Rome. Some wonder if that would include once British colonies, such as the U.S.A. and its people?

And wars and pestilence shall ridden the land. And the Lord, God, shall split the land and set it aside.

And that thy know of as China shall make war upon other lands.

A Republic of China Navy Kang Ding-class (Lafayette-class) frigate with S-70C helicopter.

And the Bear should make war upon other lands.

The Sukhoi PAK FA is one of the latest procurement projects of the Russian Armed Forces.

And this of your United States economy shall falter and seem to die.

There are many measures of the U.S. economy. One is the number of people in poverty. In 2017, the U.S. had the largest economy of any country in the world. What would happen if the U.S. economy faltered?

All of these things shall be made forth by those who should seek and worship of gold. But the gold shall fall away [upon] their hands and mean not naught unto man.

We have shown you that that lays before, should all progress and should all mankind continue to seek out their own selfish needs. Yet, all of these things we have told you can be altered by your free will.

We say unto you, we come in peace. We come with the gift of our Father. We lay into your hands A Rose without Thorns. We ask for no crowns. We ask for no glory. The glory we seek is through yourselves.

Soon, each of you shall say unto yourselves that the times are hard and you can no longer prepare the way, that you shall have this or that that should be done. We say unto you, continue with this that we have handed you, and we shall see that the needs of each of you are provided for. The bread shall be upon the table, but we warn you, waste not the bread.

Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother depicts destitute pea pickers in California, centering on Florence Owens Thompson, age 32, a mother of seven children, in Nipomo, California, March 1936.

September 12, 1974: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Across thy land and across the world so should stand the Fifth Angel.

And thy should say unto us, “How this should affect the world?” And we should answer unto thee into this manner. Pestilence and famine shall coveth thy Earth.

First, by drought, then by storm, so should your food provisions be wiped away.

See “Floods in the United States: 2001–present.” One event was rainfall caused by Tropical Storm Lee in 2011. In early September, the remnants of Tropical Storm Lee had stalled due to Hurricane Katia. As a result, the main cyclone stalled over the Midwest, and a cold front associated with Lee stalled over the Northeastern states. This drew tropical moisture into the Mid-Atlantic. Over 1 1/2 feet of rain fell in some areas from September 3 to 7. Moisture from Hurricane Irene had already saturated the ground little over a week before, leaving the runoff plunging straight into waterways. Streams and creeks throughout the region flooded, as well as moderate flooding of the Delaware River in some spots. The worst of the flooding stayed in the Susquehanna River area. Both the West Branch and North Branch, as well as most of their tributaries, flooded. Flood damage was sustained in a swath from southern New York to the mouth, located at Havre de Grace in northern Maryland. Record flooding occurred in the Binghamton, New York region, and in northeastern and central Pennsylvania. In Wilkes-Barre, the water was measured at 42.66 feet, an astounding number compared to the record of 40.90 feet Hurricane Agnesset in 1972. Municipalities along the river sustained major damage, many households and businesses among them declared condemned. The Bloomsburg Fair, an event in Bloomsburg since 1855, was canceled for the first time. Damages for the disaster were in the tens of millions (USD), if not hundreds.

And you say unto us, “Why should this happen?” We should answer back unto you, for we have warned you, your Lord, God, has warned you, and your prophets have warned you throughout the land that the time was at hand.

Long ago, in the land of Egypt a pharaoh dreamed a dream. And a shepherd came forth to interpret the dream. And they did prepare for the famine that would come, and therefore the people ate from the storehouses. [Genesis, chapters 43–47.]

We say unto you, it is not too late to store thy needs.

But your crops shall be lean each year. First you should plant them and they should die of thirst. Then you should plant them and the water should drown of them. Your winters shall be harsh. Where no water has been before, water shall flow. In lands that nothing grew, flowers shall bloom across the earth. Yet, you shall not know the time of planting and what to plant. You shall run and hide thyselves, yet there shall be no place to hide.

And then shall come forth upon your earth he who is already born, the one that shall bear the name of the Anti-Christ. And the seven nations shall rise, and they shall represent the seven horns or crowns. And they shall multiply into ten, and from the ten they shall choose their leader, who shall become the Beast, and the Beast should take power from them, and should feed off of them. And the rule shall be light and lean, and all things shall be done to preserve this time. [The Revelation, chapters 13 and 17.]

But yet again, then the one, the long-waited one [the Messiah] shall come forth. When the earth shall run red with blood and smolder, he shall lay his gentle hand upon the earth and the earth shall rise again as though from the dead. And all nations shall bow before him. And for those that do not wear the mark of the Beast, there shall be a thousand years of peace upon the earth. But think not as you would count; think as a thousand years, those thousand years shall be multiplied into a thousand, for each day shall be of a thousand years. [The Revelation, chapters 18–23.]

Many of you shall be, in this time of famine, sure that the earth shall destroy itself. And we say unto you, nay.

But all of the things that we have said can be prevented, for we are here but for one purpose. That purpose is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And in that preparation the Lord, God, should send His messengers forth to prepare a way within each of His children.

There shall be those who should not listen. There shall be those who shall not see. There shall be those who shall stand and say, “What foolish talk is this?” But the earth shall be cleansed, either by men or by God. The choice is yours.

But should the Sixth and Seventh Seal be opened, woe, woe be that upon thee. For as we have said before, man shall run and hide. He shall go to the mountain tops to hide beneath the stone, yet the stone should shield him not. He shall wish in mind for death, and pray for it, yet death shall come not.[The Revelation 6:12–17 and chapters 7–10.]

And we say unto thee, you who have founded a nation unto one God and made a mockery of the same, you who should go unto the churches in your fine cloth and say, “I have built a temple unto God,” when within reality you have only built a temple into yourselves, we care not for your temples. We care for the temple of God that dwells within man.

This word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of, this word of yours you say, of love, our Father, God, gave you this word, and He placed upon the Earth His first­-begotten son and stood aside that man slay of him. And as his blood should strike the earth, the Earth did change, and darkness did come upon the Earth for three hours.

We say unto you, prepare not for this time, and the darkness shall come for 3,000 years, and man shall come back into his caves where the Sons of God did find him.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

We have come not with words of doom. We have shown you the paths that lie before thee. The choice is yours.

Find the true meaning of the word of love. Go into your churches and find God, both inside and out. Pick not just one day, but use all of them, and then you shall be as a mirror and beauty within shall never die.

We have brought forth unto thee A Rose without Thorns. You may place the thorns upon it if you wish, or you may pick it up, and hand it to a friend, a brother or a sister. And roses shall multiply and all that could happen will not happen. And your earth shall flourish in abundance, and your cup shall runneth over.

For those who should not wear the mark of the Beast, even in the times of famine, we shall see that thy needs are taken care of. But know the difference between your needs and your wants.

September 25, 1974: “Thank you, Aka. [9–5–74–002]. ‘I feel that I am about to face a big change in my life soon. I would like to know what I can do to prepare myself for this change?’”

Yes, we shall answer in this manner. Thy have thought, and sought out for spiritual development and knowledge. The binding of the wounds of the many groups of your psychic organizations should come forth now.

The time grows short upon your earth for the healing of mankind. Within your minds are the prophecies of the prophets across the land of the new machine that shall control disease with the use of the changing of the brain waves. We have implanted into soul Ray’s mind the knowledge of the building of these machines. Soon the first of such shall become forth and be ready for use unto you, of mankind.

But mankind must overcome its ignorance, its fears of brain wave change or brainwave implant. There is much to learn within this field. There is much within this field that could be helpful unto mankind, both unto the salvation of the body, the mind, the soul, and the immortal body of the same.

Such machines shall also be used in a future time to divert warfare among nations….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–26–74–004]; he says, ‘I would like to know for what main purpose I’ve incarnated in the earth plane at this time, and whether there is a past life karma to be met in this life? If so, am I meeting this karma and am I following the purpose for which I incarnated?’”

First, we should answer in this manner. Many who are born upon this life plane were present at the birth and the time of the one known as Jesus Christ of Nazara. Many of the same that were born at that time lived in the days of Atlantis. And many did not worship the God of One, but worshiped Babylon.

It was easy in the land of plenty to forget thy God. But in the last days of Atlantis thy looked toward the heavens and toward thy God and knew of His vengeance upon the earth, and knew that you must die to live again.

You ask for your purpose and we say unto you, it must come in this manner. For we are here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. Your year shall be 1999, your month shall be July. We can tell thee no more without further permission from our Father. Look within the book with roses; look, therefore, in the Rose without Thorns and ye shall find the message. It shall tell thee the time, the day, the hour, and the place the Lord, the Messiah, shall appear. It is placed in both astrology, numerology, in this form. It was placed that the wise may hear and that the wise may see, both with their mind, their eyes, and the heart. [Note: See the riddle at the beginning of this writing.]

Look unto this. Take up the cup. Open the door that we may enter, and let the cup runneth over unto others.

The day is at hand.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, as in Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham said unto the messengers of the Lord that he would bring forth ten righteous men. Yet, nay, none survived, but Lot and his daughters. And his wife died in temptation. {See Genesis18:16–33 and chapter 17.]

Let this not happen. Let this earth be born again in each of you — a new love.

When this birth comes from within you, your brothers and sisters of your other planetary systems await you, for they come with the knowledge of God and the love of God.

Must it wait until you have destroyed your earth, that they may become your brothers to help you rebuild it? Or shall you give praise unto the Lord? And the Lord shall hear, and the nations shall hear your words, and the Seventh Seal might never be opened….

Now, we say unto you unto these words. As we have said before, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. More hurricanes and tornadoes shall strike the eastern and western seaboard of your lands. Upward from Mexico, downward from Canada, snowstorms shall cripple the lands, and rain shall wash it away.

Your nation’s wounds have yet not healed. And in this time of trial and tribulation many false prophets shall stand forth and promise many things. But we say unto you, look deep into these.

Your nation was founded under God. It was founded as the eagle should fly. It was founded, as all things, in God’s time. It was made mighty before men. It was chosen that the last should come first and the first should come last. So we say unto you, we shall interpret one part of the riddle. The land, where the stars shall shine as thirteen and more than three, is within your land.

October 5, 1974: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–10–70–002–2] asks about the Wise Men. When did they arrive, that is, how old was Jesus? Where did they come from; what gifts did they bring?’”

We shall answer into your question in this manner. The three Wise Men, as you would know them, were not of three but five. One came from that of the land of South America, another from the land of the North American Continent; one came from that that you would know as Africa, another from that that you would know as China, another from that that you would know as Ethiopia. Yet all came forth, and brought with them both frankincense and myrrh, yet gold and coin. Yet when they arrived they found, therefore, the one known as Jesus Christ born in a manger in that of the town known as Bethlehem. All of these things are true. And the Star of Bethlehem did guide them forth, for it was the light brought forth by the planetary systems that were aligned in place by our Father.

It was not the gift of monetary value they brought forth. The greatest gift that they gave was that this one would come forth unto each of them at a later time for teaching. And so it was upon the land, upon the earth.

And so it has been once again, for we say unto you, prepare now for the coming of the Messiah. We have given you in your last reading one step closer. We have given you the month that he should come forth.

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, October 26, 1974: “All things thy should see this day, this time, are here but for a twinkling of an eye.

We say unto you, look, therefore, unto the greatness and purpose that we have come unto you for. Nothing can remain upon the earth without our Father’s permission. We have placed unto each person, unto each soul, the ability to ask in our Father’s name. But ask in a righteous manner a righteous thing, and that that thy should ask for, thy should receive. All things, as a house should build, should come together. We go now to prepare the way in our Father’s many mansions.

“We shall say unto you, your country [U.S.A.] is on the brink of a revolutionary war. In the land known as Mexico, warfare shall arise. Yet, new eruptions shall continue. Earthquakes upon earthquakes shall occur up your eastern and western seaboard. Your Midwest shall continue to be racked with hurricane, flood, and then drought.

“We say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth and pestilence and famine shall reign.” [Note: In 1983, Aka said the Sixth Angel also walks upon the earth. See The Revelation 6:9–11, 9:1–12, 16:10–11, 14:17 and 21:1–8.]

The U.S.-Mexico border near El Paso, Texas, can be seen stretching far to the east. Aka says, “Beware of the Brown Horse.” In 2017, Mexico may have almost had a revolution. See “Protests in Mexico Push Country to Brink of Revolution. And Nobody’s Talking About It,” and “Drug Gangs Fight Turf War in Cancun.” Also see “List of Massacres in Mexico.”

“But for the children of God, do not flee and try to hide, for if your heart is truly with God, then God shall be with thee and nothing can harm thee. Thy shall not go hungry, nor cold. But we shall provide bread. But do not take the bread and foolishly throw it away. Share it with one another, as you would share raindrops upon a desert.

“Now is the time of the Cherub.”[See The Revelation4:6–8.]

November 16, 1974: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, in this way.

For each season, as the Seven Spirits of God created the earth — and they created the fowl of the air. And one said unto another, “In the bleak full months of the winter we must place something there to remind man that spring should come.” And each came forth with a different thought.

And yet, one looked forth upon the earth and said, “There, unto this one, the cardinal — it shall come forth in the winter and its color shall bring forth the warmth in men’s hearts. And its tone of voice shall be mellow and merry. And in this manner, they shall know that the Lord has forgotten them not. And therefore, they shall find pleasure in the time when the earth should sleep.”

And then came forth the time when the persecuted of the world came forth upon the new continent, this one you should call the Americans. And they set aside a day of thanksgiving unto the Lord. And they set aside a time at each meal that prayer should be given up unto the Lord for thanks for the bountiful food that should be placed before them.

And they gave thanks unto the Lord and praise unto the Lord. And the Lord looked down upon them and said, “FOR THIS NATION SHALL BE UNDER THE LORD, FOR IT SHOULD BECOME THE NEW ISRAEL OF ALL THE LANDS.”

And so the nation rose in strength.

Yet in their far memory they had seen the Eagle’s flight, and the promise — that when the Eagle flew would be the promise of the coming of the Messiah. And therefore, they did make this the symbol of their land.

Yet, in the winter time, the Eagle came forth, for is it not written, give praise unto the Lord, that the time of the Seventh Angel should not come in the winter time. [See Matthew 24:15–23.]

But we say unto you, the Fifth Seal has been opened and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. [See The Revelation6:9–11.]

We should hand you a cardinal of hope. Grasp it up into your hearts and mind[s] to know that the Lord shall bring forth the spring of your lives.

For in all things there is a proper time for everything. There is a time to plant the garden, and a time to weed the garden. And there is a time to harvest the garden, and a time to till the soil once again, a time to store that which you have harvested.

You have brought forth the book without wings [A Rose without Thorns]. Many doorways shall open and close before you. And as rain drops upon the desert it shall spread and until it covereth the land. And some shall say many things, but none shall find fault within the thought.

We should give unto thee the cardinal [over] this day.

Some see the sign of the Holy Spirit to be the cardinal, a sign of hope. Is it hope for the coming of the Messiah?

November 23, 1974: Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [1–25–75–002] asks for a life reading….And she asks, ‘What am I to learn or do this time? If I should some day be a healer, what should I do to prepare for this?’”

First, we should answer in this manner, thy question. If thy should be a healer, and in truth, then come forth and take of the teachings that are offered. But we should say unto thee, healing shall come in many forms, the body, the soul, and the spirit form of the same.

We have brought forth much knowledge, that this knowledge could spread upon the earth, a step at a time.

We have told unto thee, hark, for soon this nation of yours shall face its mightiest hour of trials. Let this trial be of love. Carry it with the burden of love. There are many within the area unto which you dwell which could take of the knowledge that we have brought forth from the Lord, our God.

Spiritual messengers of God, November 29, 1974: “Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your question in this manner, in this way.

“As we have said before, your country once again should repeat its own folly. It should make treaties with its enemies that shall be considered as just pieces of paper. It shall disarm itself and be made easy prey.

“Those who should come of the Anti-Christ have already made their toil upon your country. You now face your greatest hours of need. For they did not need to make war upon you to weaken you. They took from you the oil that would burn in the lamps. They took from you the wheat which would make of the bread. And yet, you stood idly by and did nothing.

“Now they stand poised and ready to poison your minds. For we should say, hark, into thee, for if the Eagle [U.S.A.] does not spread its wings and give the protection unto the land of Israel then your days of famine shall worsen. Each day shall lead into another, each becoming more desperate into the next. We have told you before, to prepare for the famine. We have told you the length of time of famine. It is at hand. It is now.

“We say unto you, your Government [U.S.A.] shall go through yet another great trial. And each trial shall simulate unto the Lord a nation divided not, but a nation that should stand, one unto another, “one nation under God.” Yet it shall not be one nation, for many nations shall come forth.

“The work that you have done before shall take many hands for that of the future. Do not weaken. Do not blame the time of famine one upon another. Look not unto the race of man or his nation that should make him as he is. But we say unto you, look unto the holiness of it all, unto the righteousness of it all, and there before you shall be the answer for all to behold. Wear not the mark of the Beast.”[See the Revelation, chapters 12–13.]

We say unto you, new efforts should be made that the book, A Rose without Thorns, should be brought forth, for now in the dire needs of all time should be the time that is needed by the Lord, our God, and the time that is needed by the people and the children of the Lord. Bring all things into fulfillment and glory before God, and God shall bring all things into fulfillment and glory before you. Fear not these times before, for they have been at your doorsteps once before, not in the same manner. Many in your land now grow hungry for need. We say unto you, make the extra effort to put stores in your storehouses. Put tools, seed, each of all kinds.

For now is the time of the Fifth Angel, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Chaos shall come forth.

More eruptions shall occur in the San Francisco area and the San Bernardino area. New eruption shall occur in the land of Alaska, and the Circle of Fire in Mexico, down through the land, for the land now prepares to separate itself. All things that we have prepared you for, throughout, the twinkling of the eye, is now the time to bring them forth into fulfillment. Store of all things, but do them with caution. Do not be as the man who should store for the sake of storing. Emphasize in your newsletter quite strongly the needs. [Note: See “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”]

We say unto you, bring forth unto the nations the need you have for more teachers. This must multiply tenfold.

There are those who should say that the Jewish nation should be the seat of all your troubles. We say unto you, there are still those who wear the mark of the Beast that roam the land. Come forth now in truth within yourselves, blaming no one. For your time for blaming someone will do you little good.

And so we say these words unto you. For long ago upon your earth, one came forth in the time of depression and promised the German people a land of glory. He brought them a land of destruction and division. That this should not happen again upon the earth, act when you see the signs. Many thousands and millions of dollars are now being spent on such propaganda. Heed our words; listen not unto them. Listen unto your hearts and your souls, and the answers shall come forth in truth before all.

“Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.”

December 18, 1974: For the Book and books that shall be written upon the sky, your time has grown short. You have asked of your earthquakes. You have asked of your wars. You have asked of your hearts’ desires. Yet none have asked how they could prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Our Father should weep for these, for the time of the Fifth Angel’s walk is growing shorter, and soon the Sixth Seal will be opened, and then the Seventh. Must you go back into your caves? Or shall you walk as men and women of God? [See The Revelation,chapters 6–10.]

We shall say unto you, if our mission is successful, in the year of 1999 the coming of a Messiah shall walk forth from the heavens upon the earth, and the earth shall rise and all of the soul and spiritual and the immortal bodies shall rise within. But should our task be a failure, then you shall have 3,000 years of darkness.

The one known as Jesus of Nazara laid his blood upon your land, twice. And he came forth in both the land of Israel and in the land of the American. And he did show unto man the truth of [the, his] resurrection.

Now, we have come forth to show you a further truth of a resurrection. We have provided the bread and the wine. Shall you provide the yeast or cast it aside?

Now is the time of the Cherub.

February 8, 1975: “Aka, [4–18–74–001], asks, ‘Will there be a breakdown in our economic system with a closing of banks and other financial institutions within this year, this next year?’”

There is already a breakdown in your economic situation. We have told you repeated times that this would happen. But it will not constitute the closing of your banks, as such. You shall be faced with an inflationary depression which shall go forth and have a reign of two and a half years more. At that time, should your Government and your people not be foolish, the time should elapse. But we should warn you, should your Government indebtedness unto itself and its people and unto the other countries of the world continue at the rate it has, then your currency shall be worth nothing. If the right steps are taken at this time, then the currency of your Government [U.S.] shall level off and be worth even more than it was. [Note: See the U.S. Dollar Index for 2017 above illustrating Aka’s words in July 1974. But will this still be true again today?]

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, you have referred to the thirteenth tribe of Israel. Can you tell us anything about this?”

Yes, we should answer unto you in this manner, that that of your Indian nation should be of the thirteenth tribe of Israel. But it should also be that that it is of the Hopi. But you must realize, in the migrations many names were changed, many customs were changed, and much was forgotten. And much was added to.

Tawa, the sun spirit and creator in Hopi mythology.

When you think of the Hopi, think unto yourself, there and into there, these people, stood a great civilization which they destroyed unto themselves. Their cultures, their knowledge of architecture and building was far superior than what you have today. Yet they made war. And war. Much of what has happened to them could happen to you tomorrow; you should walk away from your knowledge. When you do, you shall have nothing left but legends. Beware….

We shall say unto you unto these words, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New tornados and earthquakes shall erupt across the land. You shall find that where no tornados or earthquakes were recorded before, suddenly they shall appear.

We shall answer one other question within your minds. The harnessing of the cosmic–magnetic energy flow should be brought about within a two-year time. Other energy for your population should be sought out, and continue to develop.

Words spoken well are good, but only should there be action placed behind them. You shall find that your politicians spend more time squabbling among themselves than they do in the things that should be done today, not tomorrow.

We should say, in the land of the isles of California earthquakes shall erupt. Across the Pacific seaboard, on both sides, earthquakes shall erupt. Earthquakes shall erupt in your Atlantic seaboard. They should erupt in the mid-continental states. But even should the Earth shift its surface and arrange its face, man shall adapt to this. Make your own selves ready for this time. [See “The Great Sword Is Here.”]

Your harvests once again this year shall be lean. Make the preparations.

We should also instruct that that of your newsletter should carry more of how to prepare. Take all of the knowledge, not part of the knowledge given to you. Take it forth unto the people, for as we may speak, we may only speak unto a few. And only a few may hear our voices. But as you should place our words into print and send them forth, then many should see and learn from the same.

Here’s the MAR-APR 2016 newsletter, Rays of Philosophy. Many more newsletters also carry the knowledge Aka has given. To receive this bi-monthly newsletter, join the Association of Universal Philosophy. Then let us know your mail or emailing address to which to send it, at AUniversalPhilosophy@gmail.com. You’ll be helping to support this work the spiritual messengers of God began.

But we have placed knowledge into many of your people’s minds. Use all of this knowledge.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, March 22, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. The role of the Shepherd should not be taken lightly. We have told you before that nothing from either side shall interfere with this work. Your country stands at the bleak [brink] of warfare, of disaster. Famine and pestilence stands all around you. Yet you stand as ostriches with your heads in the sand.

We have warned you many times before of that that was to come. And now it is about you. The strength within your group may hold and bind the world from being engulfed in flames, or it shall wither on the vine. Yet we say unto you, the strength can only be as strong as those that are chosen to lead. If those that are chosen to lead cannot carry the burden, then stand aside, or as we have weeded the garden, so shall we weed it once again.

April 5, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as the seasons should come upon the earth — and there should be a time that this land should sleep and restore itself, and so you should call it winter — and then should come forth thy spring, and this is the time of planting of things, that the summer should come forth and the growth and maturity should come forth unto the land — and then should come the autumn, the time for harvest, so it should be within man. As the seed should be planted, do not hasten the seed. Do not plant it one day and expect your harvest the next.

Do not push the seed, for the seed must rest also, and so should man.

Do not force the doorways, for we tell unto thee of the hidden place within the mind. For within this place, if one should stand still and quiet and listen, they shall find a pool where a candle is always lit, and there shall dwelleth God within thee. And lo, it should be a beautiful sight.

But we say unto thee, that beauty should lie in the eyes of the beholder.

But we say unto thee, for each thing thy should see[k] in life, do not hasten so abruptly that thy should not see the flowers at your feet. Plant the seed. Give it time to bring forth its growth and its fruit, and the fruit shall be bountiful. And then let it go unto seed. And then store the seed that the fruit and the plant may be replenished upon the earth.

We say unto you that soon we shall bring forth unto the land a sign of hope. For in this land of desert that should dwell, we shall bring forth a bountiful and beautiful sight, for food shall be plentiful upon the desert, and flowers shall lay at your feet in the many colors our Lord has spread upon the earth. Learn from this, for you will find that some of the seed that should come forth has laid dormant for many years, waiting the moisture and the sun, to bring forth unto you this bountiful time.

Many shall say, “Woe, what shall happen into us in this time of famine?” And we shall say unto you, your needs shall be provided, but know the difference between your needs and your wants. If you should go unto the desert, and there to find an oasis, and there to find the shade of the trees and a beautiful stream, if the wind should come and dry up one half of the oasis, but leave you a proportion, during the good times you shall take much. During the bad times you shall take less, but it shall be enough. In this you will find that the land shall learn from within itself, that nations shall learn and shall grow strong within themselves. Neighbor shall learn to rely on neighbor. No longer shall be the time when you should live next to thy neighbor and not know of them. All of these things shall come about.

And yet, there is but another famine that shall come in later years. And you shall learn from this famine. If you do not, then you shall perish in a polluted land where no flowers at all may grow.

May 3, 1975: Soon shall come forth the first of the prophesies of soul Ray’s visions, the vision we showed him of the coming of time, the fuse that was lit in France that grew unto Israel which coveth the Earth. This vision in your new book should be illustrated and brought forth.

We may tell you of the coming and that that might happen in the future. But as Jonah, all does not happen if prayer is given forth into the Lord and a change is made. [See Jonah, chapters 3 and 4.]

But we shall say unto you, you who should live under the American flag, you who founded your nation on the basis of freedom of religion, our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold. We have brought forth unto you a philosophy. But we should say unto you who have taken the vows of ministry, your vows unto your ministry shall come before all other things, and all other religions. For without the fulfillment of those vows, the other religions shall fall. And this will be a sad day in man’s eyes and in God’s eyes. For God did not make the rules of His worship, man has made them. Yet each in his separate way in his way of seeking forth his Father, all of these should be fulfilled. It is the job of the ministry to see that these are fulfilled, that each person who should wish to worship their God in their own way should retain that right and privilege. But you must grow strong in unity.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

May 7, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your question in this manner.

For as Abraham begot the nation of Israel, so he begot the nation and the nations of the Arabian world. And so, as was promised unto the Lord, a coveth was made unto the same, that the seed of Abraham should spread upon the earth.

Yet you say unto us, “How can this be?” And we should say unto you, as the descendents of Abraham, the Lord, God, can change as you would turn a stone. Yet through life, and the resurrection of life, so should the seeds grow and mature. Yet, as in the days of Abraham, as he did giveth unto the prince who had no record of his coming and no record of his going, the Prince of Salem, yet he gave humbridge into the son, therefore, the first-born.[ See Genesis 14:18–20 and Hebrews 6:20 and 7:1–16.]

And as Israel rose, yet did fall, yet we say unto you these words, the second coming, should not the Eagle [U.S.A.]spread its wings and protect, then all shall lose, all the descendents of Abraham shall lose. And the Earth shall find three thousand years of darkness, yet upon it.

And you say, “How can this be?” Then look about you. The Fifth Angel walks upon the earth. Famine and pestilence lay waste to the land. Earthquake and tornado have made it barren. And yet the land lays of the same land as in the days of Abraham.

We are here to prepare a way. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah unto the Earth. Yet the galaxies, and galaxies beyond, shall know of it and bow before it. And so the nations and nation shall bow before him, all in the same manner.

But the Lord, our God, wishes not that man walk around with bowed heads, but with heads held high unto themselves. For if man looketh at the ground and never looked into the eyes of another, how shall he know the Messiah when he cometh?

We have said before that none from either side shall interfere with the work that is at hand. And so it shall be. But for those who should leaveth and taketh into their hands, and walketh in a righteous manner before man and God, they should fear not.

For the Lord, our God, looks upon the earth and says unto you, “I AM WEARY. I NEED NOW A PLACE TO REST MY WEARY HEAD.”

Therefore, maketh unto the Earth, even through your days of famine, a restful place for the Lord within you.

You shall say unto yourselves, we have spoken as unto riddles, yet we have not. For all things that should come forth may be taketh away.

We say unto these words, beware, for what a mighty nation was Israel, and [then] she did become foul and polluted in the eyes of the Lord. And there she was cast, amongst the world, into the day she could cleanse herself and come back as a servant of the Lord. All that was prophesied has been fulfilled. And all that has been prophesied shall be fulfilled.

We come not to place fear in the hearts of men. We come not to place brother against brother and sister against sister. We come as peacemakers. We bring forth the gift of healing unto the Earth, both of the mind, the body, and the spirit. We come forth as new wine. And as it has been said before, place not new wine in an old cask, lest the cask should break and you should lose of it. We have brought unto your hands A Rose without Thorns. Soon shall flow a Psychic Gift before the Dawn, a psychic gift unto mankind, a Godly gift.

May 15, 1975: Now is the time of the Cherub.

And the Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth. And now all the earth looks to the east. New warfare is being made ready in the land of Mexico. Beware.

Earthquakes and tornados shall plight thy land across thy nation on the eastern, on the western, and the midwestern and the mideastern country. All forms of pestilence and famine shall rain upon the land. This is but a warning. Beware that the Sixth and Seventh Seal are never opened.

We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Should our mission fail, then you shall go into the dark ages, and you shall go unto three thousand years of darkness, and each day shall be as a hundred years. Pray unto your Lord our mission is successful. We come not to separate. We come to bring together, that war and pestilence should end.

Think thee of the city that the prophet was sent forth unto to give warning of the day of destruction, and the people did change of their ways, and the city was spared. And the prophet went out of the gate of the city, and he did shake his fist unto the Lord and he said, “You have made a fool of me.”

And the Lord said unto him, “IT WAS YOUR JOB TO WARN THE PEOPLE, THAT THEY MAY HAVE THE FREE CHOICE TO CHANGE.” [See Jonah, chapters 3 and 4.]

A statue of the prophet, Jonah, being freed from the belly of the whale.

It is our job to warn the people, to bring them knowledge, to bring them the gift and the wisdom of the Lord, our Father, and to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We say unto you, your years and days grow lean, for your year of 1999 shall be close at hand.

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, June 26, 1975: “Many shall say, How can I serve when I have fallen?’ To fall is not a sin, but to not get up would be a sin. By falling is learning, only to rise and climb again.

“We have brought forth unto you different knowledges of different times. We have brought them forth all to serve the same purpose, to show you the folly of the past so that the future might be changed. As we have said before, free choice was given unto man — and man may change [the] destiny unto which he has taken unto any time he should desire. In the changing of the destiny, you have before you at this time the choice, the choice to say unto yourself, ‘Yes, I am serving myself; I am also serving mankind. And within both I am serving God, our Father.’

“As we have said before, each of us were chosen, yet we did ask; as it has been said, ‘Ask and you shall receive.’ We knew the task before us would not be easy. We knew that the falling to the earth many times would come forth before the final preparation could come about.

“And so it should be within you. If the true purpose of your venture unto this land, and into this work, is within truth, then stand and we shall hand into your hands the tools necessary for the building, that each should be a master builder, and the temple of God within man shall rise and [shall] come unto all.”

June 28, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Through the forest, and all about, shall lie the handiwork of our Lord. In the beginning all things were set in tranquility, that nature, within itself, would reseed the earth. Yet there was a time and place for all parts of nature, and all parts of the beasts that inhabited the earth. For each beast that left the earth, a new beast came forth to take its place. And as the earth would change its form, so it was that man would change his form.

And so it shall be. For as the earth should once again change its form, so shall man, with his knowledge, learn to adapt and change. For those who shall change, and be ready to change, then life shall go on as such. The mind is a [n]ever-ending, wonderful instrument placed in perfect accord and perfect balance, that man should adapt not only to this earth, but to the other earths upon earths that lie even beyond your galaxies.

Soon upon your land, as you have reached into the heavens, other men from other galaxies are reaching toward your earth. This can come forth in a peaceful reunion of man, or it can come forth in the desolation of man.

Man since the beginning of time has feared what he cannot understand, and therefore, has tried to destroy all forms that were unlike himself. White man has tried to destroy Black; Black has tried to destroy White. The Yellow races have tried to destroy the Red. And so it goes throughout time.

As we have said before, it is not until all of mankind upon your earth can join in unisance. There are many ways of life, each more beautiful unto the other, as there are many mansions in our Father’s kingdom. Yet, if a man should walk unto the river and drink from a cup, and another drink from a plate, and each be satisfied in that which he does, if you can understand and learn to understand each purpose that each man should reach for — do not fear these things. You have long since tried to change other societies, and all you have gained from it is warfare and destruction of mankind.

We say unto you, if in truth you stand in truth for freedom and liberty unto all, then God shall stand with you. But if in truth these are not your principles, then you shall not stand with the Lord, but with yourself, and your self-made ideas.

If you should pray unto the Lord, speak as you would speak unto yourself, and therefore, the Lord should hear. But pray not for the death of your brother, for how can the Lord look upon His children and give death unto one and life unto another? But we say unto you, the Lord is a jealous God. Place no other god before Him, or you shall feel the wrath, therefore, within the same.

Yet, as His children have grown and matured, so the Lord, our God, has grown in wisdom. And as more of His children come forth upon the earth, so His wisdom and tolerance should mature.

If you should look unto the Lord, look unto Him in a manner as you would look unto yourself.

But if you would look unto your brother in the same manner, you would have no reason to have quarrel with him.

Look unto the balance of the earth, and you shall find the balance within yourself. But as you would look at the river, know that nothing stands still, neither God nor man, nor earth, nor universe, nor galaxy or universes beyond universes and galaxies beyond galaxies.

All must change.

Soon these changes shall come forth. New eruptions shall occur on your Western [U.S.] coastline. And tornado and hurricane shall smitten the earth. Upon the Eastern shoreline great storms and earthquakes shall occur.

The island of Cuba shall be ripped and torn until the warheads within her lay dormant and rust away.

Hurricane Dennis near peak intensity in the Gulf of Mexico on July 10, 2005. But many more hurricanes have hit Cuba between 2000 and 2017. The strongest storm to strike the territory during this time was Hurricane Gustav in 2008, which made landfall at peak intensity with maximum winds of 155 miles per hour and gusts exceeding 215 miles per hour, a record wind speed in the Atlantic. Additional major hurricanes to make landfall in Cuba during the aforementioned time period are Michelle, Charley, Dennis, Ike, Sandy, and Matthew . Here is a list of these strong hurricanes and many others.

The industrial nation of Japan shall waste under her own water and her own pollution.

Fukushima nuclear reactors continue to pollute the water years after the March 16, 2011, earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan started the release of radioactivity.

The isles of Britain shall be linked unto the continent of Europe. The northern proportion of Europe shall be smitten as though it was struck by a sword.

The Dragon, as you would call it, the land of China, shall be plagued by both disease and famine.

The Bear, that of the Russian nation and the Russian countries, therefore, within the same, your Common Market, shall fall beneath itself.

Was Aka speaking of the Common Market that is presenty known as the European Union, or of Russia’s Common Market said to be taking shape in 2006? Representatives of EAEC and CSTO. The Eurasian Economic Community existed from 2000 to 2014, and was succeeded by the Eurasian Economic Union. The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) is an intergovernmental military alliance that was signed on 15 May 1992. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, in 1992, six post-Soviet states belonging to the Commonwealth of Independent States — Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan — signed the Collective Security Treaty (also referred to as the “Tashkent Pact” or “Tashkent Treaty”). Three other post-Soviet states — Azerbaijan, Belarus, and Georgia — signed the next year and the treaty took effect in 1994. Five years later, six of the nine — all but Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Uzbekistan — agreed to renew the treaty for five more years, and in 2002 those six agreed to create the Collective Security Treaty Organization as a military alliance. Photo by Kremlin.ru, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5608761

Yet, this nation [U.S.A.] may stand, if it should grow strong within itself and strong before its God. But should this nation continue to draw its wings back and not coveth and protect the land of Israel, then the Lord shall not protect this nation.

The Pledge of Allegiance of the United States is an expression of allegiance to the Flag of the United States and the republic of the United States of America. It was originally composed by Captain George Thatcher Balch, a Union Army Officer during the Civil War and later a teacher of patriotism in New York City schools. The form of the pledge used today was largely devised by Francis Bellamy in 1892, and formally adopted by Congress as the pledge in 1942. The official name of The Pledge of Allegiance was adopted in 1945. The most recent alteration of its wording came on Flag Dayin 1954, when the words “under God” were added.

Glory be the name of the Lord….

I have one question though, Aka. Was Moses and Isaiah and Jesus of the same spirit?”

Yes, Moses, Isaiah, and Buddha — all of the same spirit.

You shall find that though he appeared upon the earth in many forms, yet he should appear again after the crucifixion upon the American Continent, to walk upon this land you stand upon now to teach, to bring forth the knowledge. You shall find that within most of your Indian ceremonies the legend of the one who walked forth as the coming of the Evening Star, and there did go with the Evening Star, and therefore, should cometh again with the Evening Star as he promised. This is our sole purpose, is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah upon your earth — the word, Messiah, meaning, the enlighted [enlightened] one, or the enlighted [enlightened]ones, he who should come with the Spirit of God that could dwell within him, he who [is] given freely, unto guidance by the Lord, our God.

It is said when the Hopi Blue Star kachina ceases to dance before children in the plaza, Massau (the Messiah) will return. He is said to have left with the evening star, and he has promised to return in the same way.

Many prophets have been sent forth upon the earth throughout your known history, all for the preparation of the coming of the same.

And once he walked upon this land. From that time since, the Eagle has continued in his flight, never to rest, until the earth and the heavens shall be made as one. And so it shall be. You shall have a new earth and a new heaven.

But think not of this land you stand upon, think of all of your galaxies. Think of your brothers and sisters upon the other planetary systems. They have changed their forms to adapt to their environments. Only ignorance can make you deny that of your own kinship….

And we say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, but even in a time such as this, look beneath your feet and you shall find the flowers that the Lord has laid before you.

Each step you take, new flowers shall be placed there once again. New life, new beauty shall flourish upon the earth. Where water flows now, the rivers shall change their courses. [That which was] once was desert shall be a garden.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, July 26, 1975: In the work and the preparation of the work we have laid forth, and the direction of our Father, as we have said before, we have come for but one purpose, that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. But in the function of the preparation ––

it can only come about as the preparation is made one by one, and two by two, and three by three.

Many shall say, “How can I serve when I have fallen?” To fall is not a sin, but to not get up would be a sin. By falling is learning, only to rise and climb again.

We have brought forth unto you different knowledges of different times. We have brought them forth all to serve the same purpose, to show you the folly of the past so that the future might be changed.

As we have said before, free choice was given unto man — and man may change [the] destiny unto which he has taken unto any time he should desire.

In the changing of the destiny, you have before you at this time the choice, the choice to say unto yourself, “Yes, I am serving myself; I am also serving mankind. And within both I am serving God, our Father.”

As we have said before, each of us were chosen, yet we did ask. As it has been said, “Ask and you shall receive.” We knew the task before us would not be easy. We knew that the falling to the earth many times would come forth before the final preparation could come about.

And so it should be within you. If the true purpose of your venture unto this land, and into this work, is within truth, then stand and we shall hand into your hands the tools necessary for the building, that each should be a master builder, and the temple of God within man shall rise and shall come unto all.

Many should come and many should go, and yet not see the light beneath their feet.

Many shall continue always to seek outward from themselves to find the greater knowledge, when knowledge has been placed within every mind. In telling you of that of the past, and in telling you of that of the present, and in telling you that of the future, we bind all of these things together as the purpose but for one, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

We have walked upon the water that you may witness of the same — not to show ourselves we could walk upon the water, but because of your skepticism we have done so, that you might see that weare not impregnable or infallible. [As] a man should build a fort and should say unto himself, “Now I am safe, nothing can touch of me,” it is but a matter of years or days until all that is necessary has been produced upon the Earth to penetrate the farthest on the Earth’s of hiding places.

As your country stands, each in turn has said unto themselves, ‘One nation under God.’ We say unto you, we see but a handful, yet for within the handful the cup should runneth over. And so it should be within the descendants of Abraham.

Find within yourself that you may be able to give, expecting nothing in return. Find within yourself your love and desires for one another. Put them each in their proper sequence and the world shall rise and blossom, and the sword that should cut two ways shall bring about the balance within the same.

But we say unto you, seek not the door to enter unless you are prepared to face what is on the other side.

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, August 20, 1975: You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [7–323–1…in Tempe], and she asks, ‘What is my purpose in being here on earth in this lifetime? What am I supposed to accomplish, spiritually speaking? What should I be doing to forward my musical mission?’”

First we should say unto you in this manner, you were born in the land of Yuma, the land that once was beneath the sea, and before that was [of] mountains and valleys, and a beautiful land. Long before, this land did yield unto itself a karma. For when before, Jesus of Nazara did walk this earth in your land, in the land of Americans, his last footprints were upon the land of Yuma. And therefore, he did walk upon the sea with the promise to return again.

Many have come to change this thought. Upon this land the greedy came forth, and therefore, they built a prison to imprison man’s body. And much cruelty was done unto man, and unto the people, therefore, unto the same of the land. And therefore, as we have said before, karma was built.

You were born in the land of the Yuma, the city that should go back beneath the sea. But before it goes into the sea, the karma of the same shall be stricken from the city.

In your quest to bring forth your music that man may hear unto the beauty of the same, that that was needed was given to you at birth. All you must do is practice the gift that was given. Put gladness of heart back into man, that he may sing your praises unto the Lord.

You shall find in the folklore of the Yuma Indian, much as the same as in the Hopi, that through the top of their heads did they shout unto the Lord their praises. And if they did not, then the top of the head would close, and they would see nothing and become blind, only to see with that of their eyes. When you see with your eyes, see with your soul, see with your spirit, and you shall see the greatest substance and beauty of the Lord’s handiwork.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, thank you, Aka. A question from [7–313–2…in Phoenix], ‘Aka, I work at least 65 hours a week as an assistant manager at Hobo Joe’s Grand Avenue restaurant. This is taxing on my health and relationships and I need to know where and when I can be hired at a similar job with less taxing hours.’”

First we should answer in this manner. You have sought out the wrong calling, or the wrong profession. The ability lies within you, if you would continue your education, to become that of an attorney, that the laws of this land may be changed in such a manner that it should stand as a nation before God.

The founders of your nation did write your Constitution, your Bill of Rights. They brought forth that of freedom of religion. Since that time, three million laws have been passed to suppress your rights. We say unto you, pursue the gift that was given. You are feeding the people of this world [food]….

You have other questions, ask.

“From [7–313–3…in Mesa]; she asks, ‘I know and accept the truth of spirit. I am a new student on the path of awareness. How can I increase my ability to use my God-self in order to develop and manifest more spirit and psychic growth to help myself and others in this life?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. That the world should know of the coming of the Messiah, so should it take mankind. For as a brook should feed of the Seven Spirits of God that should run forth as a river, and the sands of the river should be as the spirits of man that should rush forth unto the ocean, and the ocean should be as the souls of man, and therefore, reach the lands upon the earth —

only as those of true spirit [plan] and come forth into one house, laying aside their petty differences, respecting each other in the way they worship unto their God, can this be accomplished.

We say unto you, we have come forth but for one purpose, and that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Should we fail on our mission, then the Lord, God, shall take back that wonderful seed that He has implanted upon your earth, and now cannot destroy [in its maturity]. He shall give it back unto the heavens and you shall have 3,000 years of darkness upon the Earth. And man shall go back into his caves, and [plot, claw] and kill, and live as an animal, [and worse than that happen.] So we should say unto you, bring forth in your Tablet form. [Note: the Ten Commandments]

When we first came unto this land, and unto this nation, we did say unto the people, form thyselves a group. We did say unto them that they shall be known as the Spiritual Philosophy of God. And then, as the growth matured, we said unto them, form unto a new group, and it shall be called the Universal Philosophy. And so it has been done. [Read “What Is the Association of Universal Philosophy?”]

And then we did say unto them, prepare a teacher’s course with the teachings [that thy may become] ministers. And we did say unto them, take no man, nor woman, from [ ] their religion. This should be founded to add to, in the works they already have, that what we have brought forth and the knowledge we have brought forth is for this time. We have come not to change the Laws of Moses, we have come not to change the prophecies of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. We have come for this time, for the time into which you live now, and the time you are [near], then for the next twenty-five [ ] years.

If our work is accomplished, then the Earth shall know a thousand years of peace, but not as you would count, but as the Lord should count; and each day should be as a thousand years.

The earth shall then be plentiful and bountiful [of all], and a new heaven and a new earth shall arise from the same. And the Messiah shall rule–– not as a [group?], not as punishment, but as love.

And for those who have not been [ ] at that time, then all, even the lost souls, shall be lifted from the earth, and they in turn shall have [another] choice, the choice to enter this new heaven and new earth. For the earth you build shall be your heaven, [a new heaven you have]. [See the Revelation, chapters 19–22.]

“Yes, from [_____], ‘Please give me guidance for immediate future and long range. Advise me on what I need to know.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and shall answer in this manner. Seek ye not of the false prophets. Look into the wisdom of the instrument [Ray Elkins]we have brought unto you for safe keeping. Put the efforts, therefore, into the same. Soul Ray did interpret your dream. We shall go one step further in the interpretation. Without effort placed forth, [of] the fullness and the reality of the light and the sound of man’s mind, [in the mind] the brain, all of this [knowledge] can be slowed down. There is much work yet to be done in this field. As you have heard before, it is but ‘one step for mankind,’ and one step for God, a gift unto mankind. We have seen unto your needs of the building of [the] equipment. There is much yet to be done.

Neither your country nor your state can see the importance of this work. Should not this work go on, there are countries upon the Earth, those who are [pupilars] of the Beast, and shall be from the Beast, who shall conquer the Earth with such knowledge. This knowledge must not languish at your feet, until a full evaluation may be handed unto all at this time, and not be handed [in their state] unto these people, for they should worship the Anti-Christ, and his time of bringing his [puppets is] near at hand. That that might save mankind could be your medicine of tomorrow.

August 23, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this way. For as the heavens and earth did come together, and so arose from the earth the sea, and as the Seven Spirits of God did lay their hands upon the sea, and the waters parted and rose the land, and the heavens filled with stars all around and about, and from the earth did spring all goodly things of beauty, and all did sing their praise unto the Lord. And trees did come forth in [abundantful] amounts, and flowers and grass upon the ground, and plants, abundance of many kind, and food to feed both of the sea and of the air and of the earth was [abundantful]. And the heavens did rejoice and the earth did rejoice, for all was good and in harmony, for there was food for all. Now once again food for all has been placed upon the earth. As the Seventh Angel walks upon the earth, so before him should walk the makers of the Earth, and their love for their handiwork is greater than that of the Seventh Angel. [See The Revelation, chapters 6–11.]

We say unto you, as in the time of Pharaoh, prepare the land, for soon shall come the earth’s time for slumber. And the earth shall not be productive, for as the trees should sleep the earth should sleep in slumber, much as man, to restore its strength and heal its wounds. Fear not that that is to come. Fear not that that has passed, for tomorrow shall bring a new beginning. And all man shall look upon it and say, “This is good, for this is the handiwork of our Father.”

Praise be unto those who should till the land. Praise be unto those who should build the cities. Praise be unto those who should dig the well to bring forth clear water, for all and each in their separate ways shall be the instruments of our Lord….

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth. New eruptions shall occur in the North American Continent. Many eruptions shall occur off the Pacific coastline, from the tip of the Alaskans down through your South American countries. Hurricane and tornado shall continue. As we have said before, soon the earth shall sleep. You winter is close at hand. Prepare there for the same.

September 20, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as the grains of sand upon the desert are vast and many, so are the spiritual form of man. As an ocean it should flood the universe.

Within each man should lie a part of God, yet each shall be separate and different, and each shall be as an individual, as long as freedom can prevail, freedom to worship, each in your own manner.

You are now within the laws of your land a church. But never forget that the true temple of God should lie within the man’s soul, his spirit, his immortal body. Deep within that hidden place within your mind should be the lighten candle of life. [Note: lighten is Middle English for lightened.]

As a gentle breeze should blow across the land into the hearts of man, so should the spirit flow across the desert and unto the plains, into the hills and over the mighty oceans.

Your earth is shifting on its axis. And the earth, much as your winter should come, shall change its face.

And you should say unto us, “Why should this happen?”

And we should say unto you, it is the earth’s way of cleansing itself. Much as winter is a way of replenishing the earth, so is the shifting of the earth’s axis. It’s a way of renewing the earth, a way of replenishing the species of the land.

Each time the earth has shifted so has mankind changed his environment. As this would take place once again, the greatest loss that mankind may have is his knowledge. For in this time your scientific knowledge and your spiritual knowledge has come together in such a manner to provide you with a free and untainted earth — a new heaven and a new earth.

Soon, once again in the isles of California new earthquakes shall occur. In the Caribbean area new earthquakes shall occur. In the Asiatic area new earthquakes shall occur. In that proportion and land known as Russia, and Ethiopia, all shall begin to change its face.

New wars loom closely at hand. We say unto you, as the Eagle [U.S.A.] should replenish its growth and become young again, so it must protect this land of Jerusalem.

Once before, in the land of Rome, the eagle was carried as a banner, and misinterpreted. You are the modern Romans, founded on the same principle of freedom and justice unto all, one nation under God. There are many who would destroy it and take away this freedom. Let not that happen. But it cannot be preserved by becoming radical, distrusting thy neighbors. For soon, if this would happen, you could not even trust yourselves.

Now, let the group bind closer together. Bring forth new teachers. Bring forth new ministers. Bring forth. Let the words of peace, and the thousand years of peace may be soon at hand. But remember, all things shall come that are needed.

September 27, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We shall say unto you, as was written in your book of Revelations, look therefore, and you shall find within the same that the Beast did rise, and the Beast did have upon its head ten crowns. And the Beast, therefore, had the head severed, yet it grew a new head. [See The Revelation13:1–9 and 17:12.]

And you should say, “How should this be possible?”

And we should say unto you, the time and the place is now. The head that was destroyed of the Beast that carried ten crowns was the head of a nation that was removed. And therefore, it did grow a new head. And each crown represents a nation, a nation each within what you would call your Common Market. And it did say unto these words, “Lest these be carried and wear the mark of the Beast, they could not trade nor barter.” And so it is, as it was written, as it was given unto John. Even within his madness so he placed forth that that was to come forth in your day and in your time. [See the Revelation 13:11–17.]

(Left) The Rape of Europa by Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre (1750). See Europa (Mythology). (Right) The mythological Europa rides the beast at the European Union headquarters.

Yet, the reign was short. [See the Revelation 18:1–24.]

We shall say unto you that Rome did rise and Rome did fall, and Rome did carry upon its shoulders the emblem of the eagle. And so was the fulfillment of the first of the prophecies. And now is the second, for you are the modern Romans.

Leste not your nation fall from within itself — leste not it fall, “one nation before God” — you are few, but your strength should multiply.

We have said unto you, bring forth and come forth as a mirror unto the people. We have encouraged new teachers and ministers be brought forth for this purpose. Yet each one of your members is that of a missionary within itself, for as each member should cast his light upon the water, so a reflection should come forth. [SeeHow did the Association of Universal Philosophy begin?”]

Leste these wear the mark of the Beast, now is the time that all should reach forth to multiply and increase the dominion of your membership. This can only be done with increase of the group study sessions in correct and proper manners: that before God, that with God, and that for God.

If a Teacher cannot carry the burden, it is better to be a good shepherd than a poor leader of nations. As you carry forth the words, one unto another, forgiveness, mercy, and humility must be part of your banners.

We say unto you, go forth in such a manner that you should knock upon the door. Should they bid you enter, enter and drink of their wine of knowledge and give of yours.

It is only in the trading of knowledge, and through knowledge, can the mark of the Beast be avoided.

The time grows near when new hurricanes and tornados shall strike your continent, both from the eastern and western seaboards. Volcanic action beneath the ocean shall bring forth new tremors in the western and eastern seaboard. They shall intensify. Earthquakes stronger than the earth has known in many, many years shall now strike. The month of October shall mark the beginning.

The fuse is short in the land of Israel. It shall be lit from the continent of France, and therefore, may spread upon the Earth.

Your nation, even as it stands, can crumble a little at a time unless now the spiritual substance of mankind is applied. It cannot come in such a manner that one should stand and take; it is in the giving that you shall grow. As we have said before, we shall supply your needs, not your wants.

Therefore, in the preparation of the coming times, prepare in such a way that you should not make war upon your neighbor.

October 15, 1975: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [7–318–4], and [7–318–4] asks, ‘Which field is best for me in which to pursue my degree, librarianship or communications cinema, or should I continue in communication and get an MLS also?’”

We should say unto you, you should continue your education. But you shall stop at neither of those mentioned, for you shall go farther and enter into the political arena and become quite known for your ideals. These ideals shall not only sway the city, the state, but a country in its path in the future days to come.

Think well; “one nation before God,” one soul before God, but that soul’s responsibility is unto all of God’s children, for remember, our Father has many mansions.

January 28, 1976: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [8–327–2] asks if you would please speak on some teachings that will be beneficial for this group assembled here tonight?”

We shall say unto you, seek light and thy shall find hope. Seek hope and thy shall find love. Seek love, and thy shall find faith. But unless all of these are placed together, thy have nothing.

For as the workman enters the field with the burden upon his shoulder, he must have the faith and the love within him to know that that what he does shall provide for his loved ones. It shall reap him not the greatest reward at the end of the journey, but he shall have the satisfaction within himself of knowing that the journey has been well done.

We say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim.

Within the next 15-day period new eruptions shall occur in the Alaskan area. As we have said before, this, eruptions as such, shall reach down like fingers across the Pacific shoreline. Eruptions shall appear in Mexico, in Yucatan. New hurricanes and tornados shall strike the central proportion of your United States. That that should provide the grain, the food substance, of your nation shall be greatly impaired. Further unemployment shall develop. The inflationary depression shall worsen. We say unto you, find hope within yourself and faith within your God to know that He shall provide for your needs….

But once again we should say before we should depart, there are those who would use terror tactics to disrupt your Government and destroy your way of life. Cast them out, for “If thy right eye should offend thee, cast it aside.” [See Mark 9:42–48.]

Note: The next year, on March 9, 1977, three buildings in Washington, D.C. were seized by 12 Hanafi Muslim gunmen. The gunmen were led by Hamaas Abdul Khaalis, who wanted to bring attention to the murder of his family in 1973. They took 149 hostages and killed radio journalist Maurice Williams. After a 39-hour standoff, the gunmen surrendered and all remaining hostages were released from the District Building (the city hall; now called the John A. Wilson Building), B’nai B’rith headquarters, and the Islamic Center of Washington.

Also see “List of attacks attributed to Abu Nidal.”

February 7, 1976: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. As we have said before, the Fifth Angel walks your earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim. We have told you before that we would give you ample warning before each of your natural catastrophes took place, and the position of the same, and the time of the same. We shall say unto you, go back unto that that we have told you, that you may have full knowledge of each step that shall be taken.

Now we shall say unto you, further earthquakes shall occur. Your Eastern seaboard shall suffer severe damage. That in the land of the Californians shall suffer severe damage, but first, more earthquakes shall be centered in the New Mexico part of your continent, then unto the South American proportion.

But we say unto you, prepare, therefore, this nation, this time, to give aid unto those who should be in need. If aid does not come soon, further embitterment of these people shall endure. Therefore, a warfare within a nation in a revolutionary form shall take place.

It shall involve your nation, and because of the involvement shall bring forth unto one house; two nations shall be born together.

“Guatemala Earthquake 1976. On February 4, 1976, before Aka spoke these words above, a 7.5. magnitude earthquake hit that was centered on the Motagua Fault, about 160 km northeast of Guatemala City. Cities throughout the country suffered damage, and most adobe type houses in the outlying areas of Guatemala City were destroyed. The earthquake struck during the early morning (at 3:01 am, local time) when most people were asleep. This contributed to the high death toll of 23,000. Approximately 76,000 were injured, and many thousands left homeless. Some of areas went without electricity and communications for days. The main shock was followed by thousands of aftershocks, some of the larger ones causing additional damage and loss of life. The photo shows a typical street view in Patzicia, showing adobe block rubble which is all that remains of the houses that formerly lined this street. The adobe block buildings had very little resistance to horizontal forces and most of them were completely destroyed. Collapse of the heavy adobe walls, roof tiles and beams caused most of the casualties. Many of the adobe blocks are still intact but the mortar between the blocks failed during the seismic shaking.

We say unto you, our Father should shed tears to see His children die. Yet, we say unto you…as Jonah did come unto the people and say, “Change unto your ways,” and so it was done, and the destruction of the land did not follow. [See Jonah 1–4.]

But we say unto you, the earth shall change its face. It is like the coming of your winter. And winter should come that the land may rest, that should bring forth the spring, that should bring forth the summer, that should bring forth the autumn. Your earth now lays within the autumn of its bosom. These changes in the earth’s surface are necessary that the earth may gain new life and the balance of all things may come forth.

But warfare is not a natural balance, even though in some eyes it would be, a control of the species. Warfare comes from within man. We say unto you, link your hearts and your minds together that a peaceful solution might be rendered, and a just reward unto all.

What did Aka see? The Guatemalan Civil War ran from 1960 to 1996. It was fought between the government of Guatemala and various leftist rebel groups supported chiefly by ethnic Maya indigenous people and Ladino peasants, who together make up the rural poor. The government forces of Guatemala have been condemned for committing genocide against the Maya population of Guatemala during the civil war and for widespread human rights violations against civilians.The Guatemalan state was the first in Latin America to engage in widespread use of forced disappearances against its opposition with the number of disappeared estimated at between 40,000 and 50,000 from 1966 until the end of the war. In rural areas where the insurgency maintained its strongholds, the repression amounted to wholesale slaughter of the peasantry and massacres of entire villages; first in the departments of Izabal and Zacapa (1966–68) and later in the predominantly Mayan western highlands from 1978 onward. In the early 1980s, the killings are considered to have taken on the scale of genocide. In total, it is estimated that 200,000 people were killed or “disappeared” during the conflict. Most human rights abuses were at the hands of the military, police and intelligence services. In the photo Ixil people carry their loved ones’ remains after an exhumation in the Ixil Triangle in February 2012.

More earthquakes followed in southern Mexico and Central America that later led to civil war in Mexico as starving farmers from the rural mountainous region fought to get aid from the Mexican Government, which they felt was not fairly appropriated to their region.

Civil and guerilla warfare continues against the established Mexican government.

Subcomandante Marcos and Comandante Tacho in La Realidad, Chiapas, 1999. The Mexican Government position in 1971 was to halt previously encouraged Mayan migration into the uncultivated Lacandon Jungle and the abandoned farms by declaring a large part of the forest as a protected area. Then later, a precondition to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) required a change to the Mexican Constitution, leading the Mexican Government to privatize communal ejido-land. Is this what led to the Chiapas conflict? The conflict refers to the 1994 Zapatista Uprising and its aftermath, and tensions between the indigenous peoples and subsistence farmers in the Mexican state of Chiapas in the 1990s and 1980s. Photo credit: By tj scenes / cesar bojorquez (flickr) — taken from flickr. Link: https://flickr.com/photos/uncut/64601617/, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=530101. Also see “Zapatista Army of National Liberation.”

On a broader scale, an influx across the U.S. border of desperate people seeking work, and also criminals, drugs from war lords or cartels, human traffickers, and violent gangs from Central and South America, has only increased through the years.

Aka continued, February 7, 1976: We have told you before of the fuse that should be lit in Israel, and so it should burn and spread, therefore, upon the earth’s surface.

The warfare shall first come into the land of Mexico. At the same moment, those of the Soviet Union and the Peoples’ Republic of China shall bring forth warfare in the land of Israel. We say unto you, should the Eagle [U.S.A.] not spread her wings, woe be the land; woe be the people; woe be the children of our Lord.

We say unto you, take away your prejudice[s]. Cast them aside. Go forth in such a manner that the philosophy that we have handed unto you may be handed unto others in a just manner. Do not go forth unto a man just to show him that he is wrong and you might be right. Go forth in a manner that you may drink of his wine and he may drink of yours, and knowledge shall be as a seed, and its growth shall become abundant. For only ignorance breeds war, and only ignorance builds barriers between mankind. Knowledge shall do away with your poverty, your starvation, and shall stop the burying of your children in pits.

What you have seen in the land of Mexico should soon be a part of your own land. And trenches shall be dug and your children shall be buried in them.

We are here not to take from you your free choice. We are here for but one purpose and that is the coming of the Messiah. We have brought knowledge unto you in many manners. What was covered we have uncovered, and we shall continue to do such. Bring forth unto us questions that seek knowledge and understanding for your earth, and we shall give you the knowledge you seek. But prepare within yourselves a place for the coming, and then you shall prepare within others, for you shall be as mirrors, and that that they see they shall see into themselves and make the changes….

And we shall say unto you, hasten their warehouses, for the need shall come soon.

February 26, 1976: We say unto you, the famine is upon you. Shall you wait until the dust and the drought should bury you?

But this land on which you stand this year shall bear bountiful fruit. Your desert lands shall provide, through that of the mesquite, food that could feed the world if it was harvested. It would be higher in protein, higher in vitamin supplements, than your wheat.

Honey mesquite, foliage with seedpods By Don A.W. Carlson — Own work, CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2193199

You have many desert plants that bear bountiful fruit each year, yet go to waste.

Opuntia littoralis var. vaseyi. Opuntia, commonly called prickly pear, is a genus in the cactus family, Cactaceae. Prickly pears are also known as tuna (fruit), sabra, nopal (paddle, plural nopales) from the Nahuatl word nōpalli for the pads, or nostle, from the Nahuatl word nōchtli for the fruit; or paddle cactus. Photo by Stan Shebs, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2835482

In soul Ray’s mind is the knowledge of turning this bountiful crop into usable, eatable substance. Ask these questions of him in the wakening state.

Spiritual messengers of God, February 28, 1976: “Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have told you before that we would give you warning in time that you might protect your loved ones and yourselves. We say unto you, these things that we say now shall happen, step by step, and unfold before you day by day. Throughout the land the time of the famine is now; throughout the world, the time of famine.

“We should say unto you, because it is of your election time, your politicians shall play that of hiding from the public that which is so. As a result, they shall deplete your reserves by trying to feed a hungry world. Your harvest lands have and are being annihilated through drought, through wind, through storm. The land itself shall be made to bear nothing, for the soil shall be eroded from the land. Only in this land shall your harvest be bountiful. And we say unto you, the desert harvest, that of the flour that should come from the mesquite, the fruit of the desert plants, all shall be in bountiful to you.

Drought in California

“One side of your political parties shall play the part of the Devil’s advocate, to try to show you how bad the problem is. They will overemphasize the problem and do nothing to correct it. They shall be as a dog sitting upon its own tail barking. The other shall tell you how plentiful and how much reserve, or surplus, as you would call it, your country possesses. They shall be as the hyena who laughs at nothing.

“We say unto you, through your groups prepare for this time, for the time is now. It shall [graduate] more so as the months pass by. The land that is now having pestilence struck upon it, it shall be many years before it can be reused again.

If the land in this land [Arizona] could be used, more of it for agricultural purposes, more of your water used for the same purposes, and less for your artificial lakes, this could supplement and feed your country.

This land unto which you stand, this land you call the land of the Eagle, or the land of the Globe, shall prosper.

“Yet, the inflationary depression shall continue.

“Throughout the world, tornados, hurricane, and volcanic action shall rule, and drought. Earthquakes now shall appear in regions where they have never appeared before. We say unto you, prepare, therefore, for this time.

“We shall say unto you as the parable of those who were told and did heed the words and did store in the time of Egypt, and those who were told and did not heed the words, they did sell themselves into bondage. They did sell their cattle and all their belongings.

You must at all costs remain a free people, the freedom to worship God, each in your own manner. Our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold.

“Coming together in group form to accomplish the task at hand should be done in such a manner that each should take upon themselves a task to be performed and performing it well. For those who should store for themselves shall only attract thieves to their doorstep. Prepare your storage in group form, that you may feed those who should come unto you as long as they are willing to work to replenish your storehouses. The means shall be made available to you.”

“We say unto you, there are those in your land who should crucify once again the Jewish people, those of the Israelites. There shall be those in your land that shall look upon different races and blame them for the problem at hand.

“We say unto you also that now is the time, close at hand, when one shall come forth who will have an answer for all things. And this one shall be the Anti-Christ. And for those who should wear the mark of the Beast, woe be upon them.”[Editor’s note: See The Revelation, chapters 12–13.]

“We say unto you, wear not the mark of the Beast. The Lord, God, did make thee free. He did not put a yoke upon thy neck and say, ‘Pull my plow.’ He did naught to make men slaves. It is said that man and woman were brought forth of ‘Our kind, of Our image.’ We say unto you, if these words are so, then how can you be enslaved?”[See Genesis, chapter 1.]

“Yet do not enslave thyselves.

“Hold dear to thee this right of freedom.”

March 6, 1976: For as long ago, as the soul and the spirit did enter into man, it came in one, and then to two, and then to three, and then [through] five. We have told you of the five Adams of your earth. We have told you of the planet of Yahweh. We should tell you further of the races of your land and their origin.

Many millions of light years ago, on other planets than your own, each of your races, your five basic races upon the earth, did come forth unto the planet, Yahweh. Each came forth for the same reason, for as the nova of their sun did come about and the destruction of the planet substance, they did migrate forth unto the planet, Yahweh.

And then, as the great wars came forth, further migration came forth unto this planet you should call Earth.

Aka said that after Yahweh was destroyed in the great war (now the asteroid belt) the sons of God flew to Mars. After the war continued on Mars, some came to settle on Earth, unfortunately bringing the karma of war with them.

You must also further understand that other planetary migration has taken place since. There are many life substances, or humanoid, as you would know them, in other galaxies and planetary substance of the same, or dimension.

Your thoughts of matter and anti-matter — you in your planet is now coming forward into the time when you shall measure your time in a completely different manner. The substance of anti-matter, if brought in, much as a planet or a spacecraft entering into your atmospheric substance, if brought forth into direct impact would cause a disintegration, or a huge explosion and destruction, and dispersing of the atomal [atomic] content. If the matter is brought in, as you would bring in to your atmospheric surroundings of your own planetary substance, in a slanted or sliding manner, then the two can become one without much difficulty. Soon you will find this is true in your own spacecraft. And the whole time concept, as you now hold it, shall rapidly change.

We have brought this forth unto you for but one reason. We shall say unto you of soul Ray’s vision, that he was cast away from the earth and he did look back upon it, and he did see a fuse lit in the land of Israel. But the fuse was ignited in France. And from Israel, it began to burn outward and engulf the Earth. And then the Earth began to smolder, and the Jewish people did kneel before the Messiah. And the Earth ran red in blood, and then did come the rebuilding; and those from the Earth did come forth, and those from the heavens did come forth, and they did rebuild the Earth. And as he was shown the sign and the year of 1999, all of these parts will come into fulfillment.

He was also shown the vision, as he walked forth with the woman carrying the child through the long passageway, as they did stop at the well for water, there was a serpent there, yet the serpent did not bite. The serpent was that of wisdom. The water was the spirit that would feed the souls and spiritual substance of the world. They did go forth on, and there, the woman did hand unto the man the child. And the man did hand it unto the masses.

We shall tell you now of its meaning, for that, that in the beginning of all time, that of the Messiah to come unto the earth, that the heavens and earth become as one. Your planetary system, the time shall soon come when those who have changed their appearance to adapt to the environment of the different planetary systems should make themselves known upon your earth, come forth unto your diplomats to speak of peace and to bring you the knowledge of their space travel, of their medicines, and many other knowledges of scientific achievement.

We shall say to you, many times this earth of yours has reached its golden age. Many times man has reached the point of reaching outward into the space substance and space travel, only to lose that through his warfare and his own self-destruction. But each time, seed did go forth unto the heavens and to the universe, that the knowledge, combined knowledge of all you have ever been, has never died.

Now we should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim.

It is also the time that the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New hurricanes shall arise, and tornados, spreading farther across your lands. Further destruction to your crops substance and food supply is at hand. Other nations shall now cry for food. Rivers shall change their courses.

In the land of the Yuma, or as we have referred to it, the land beneath the sea, earthquakes shall soon come forth unto this land and above. Its river shall change its course, rapidly and with the blinking of an eye. Those in this region at the present time shall remain. We shall remove them before any harm can come to them.

There are areas of the California substance which will have further earthquakes. In the region from San Francisco down, farther, San Diego, Los Angeles, Oxnard, all of this land shall be under earthquake pressures.

New and further earthquakes shall occur both in the Pacific and in the Atlantic oceans. Further earthquakes shall take place off the coast land of that of the Guatemalan. Because of the river changes that shall be made about, new channels shall be made connecting the Atlantic and the Pacific. Tidal waves shall also devastate thy shoreline.

We say unto you, you are not without friends. Where one of you stand, all shall stand, or you shall stand not at all.

Now, we shall answer your question which lies in your mind, “Which direction shall we flee?”

Flee not. As we have said before, for those who are engaged in the work of the coming of the Messiah have little to fear. We shall see to their needs, not their wants. But we shall see unto thy needs.

In the lands which you stand, we shall hold, until the time can be made of your safe removal, you and your flocks. If you flee in fright — we would suggest that those who are financially capable of removing themselves from the areas we have mentioned should start their migration now.

May 8, 1976: “I have a request from [7–320–1]. And she asks, ‘What is my purpose in this life? And what karmic debts am I working out? What is the best way for me to be of service to others? How can I best prepare for the times of destruction that will be happening on the Earth, and is this a safe place?’”

First, we shall take the last first. There shall be proportions of the Oregon land that shall be safe. But many volcanic eruptions shall occur in this land. Earthquakes shall occur in this land, and islands shall be formed. Mountains shall become deserts, and deserts shall become mountains. As this catastrophe does occur, you shall find that the land you live in, the temperature shall become much colder for a period of time. Something much as the ice age shall occur, but not totally.

We shall say unto you, we have brought you into the path of the Eagle; yet you fully do not understand. We shall say unto you, pick up the Rose without Thorns, and read from it three times, and if you still do not understand the pathway we have given unto you, then ask again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–278–2] of Tucson asks, ‘In our famine preparations would you please give us guidance as to where to store, and for how many, and for what period of time?’ She also asks how much water should they store and where, and how can we further the work in Tucson so that possible disasters might be avoided?”

We shall say unto you, on the storage of the water, the taking of the containers that your milk or Clorox, if properly washed, both with regular tap water placed in them and buried in the ground where you have a 6-inch surface over the top of the ground, making a map of each place that you bury them, your storage of water shall soon become abundant.

We would say unto you that the canisters that soul Ray has put forth in Tucson should be distributed in such a manner that one general storehouse should be established, only that it may be drawn from in small proportions. The canisters should be distributed to members. In them should contain blankets, good first-aid kits, vitamins, and food substance.

Then we would say unto you, take forth both pick and shovel, hoe and rake, and axe. You have a compound which will preserve these readily available. Then they should be wrapped in treated, as you would call it, tablecloth. Then we would tell you to build a wooden box, placing these in the earth substance with 6 inches of soil on the top. The container should be made large enough that other tools may be added from time to time.

We would also suggest that “How-to-Do” books be placed together. These should be placed and stored. When the time comes that you will need all these things, you will have them. We would also suggest that good backpacks be prepared, that further knowledge, as soul Ray shall give it, on the harvest of the desert should be brought forth, and each member should retain the printed words and learn from them.

When it ripens, the fruit of the saguaro is a popular delicacy with the Tohono Chul or Pima Indians and the Yaqui living near Tucson on the Sonora Desert. These saguaros are just northwest of Tucson.

In this manner the preparation shall come in completion.

If you should reach unto other people, we say unto you, it has been placed in your hands, that of the R.E. product. Through them they shall find an honest product. But in the same manner you shall have a chance to talk to many people. With the doing of so, you shall find many who shall seek your guidance.

But many do not know of your preparations. The “Rays of Philosophy” should be widely distributed. These in themselves would help to prepare the way.

That your national headquarters could provide more for its members, the contribution into the Emergency Fund, for the storage and preparation in the headquarters, for better storage areas, all of these things are needed.

[There are] goals to work for.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have one question, in coating these tools that should be buried, are you referring to Cosmolene or paraffin or what? Oil cloth?”

We should say unto you that paraffin and Cosmolene, either can be used, and then the oil cloth, and wrapping them in such.

“Thank you.”

But these tools should then be placed away, not to be brought forth until the time that they are needed.

“Thank you, Aka.”

Included in these, but it should be used now, should be small grinders, and the learning and the making of metates.

A native American metate, used for grinding.
A gyratory crusher must be used to grind mesquite seeds into flour. Quern-stones are stone tools for hand-grinding a wide variety of materials. They are used in pairs. The lower, stationary, stone is called a quern, while the upper mobile stone is called a handstone. The central hole is called the hopper and a handle slotenables the handstone to be rotated. They were first used in the Neolithic era to grind cereals into flour. One type is the rotary hand quern — As the name implies, the rotary quern used circular motions to grind the material, meaning both the quern and the handstone were generally circular. The handstone of a rotary quern is much heavier than that of saddle quern and provides the necessary weight for the grinding of unmalted grain into flour. In some cases the grinding surfaces of the stones fit into each other, the upper stone being slightly concave and the lower one convex. Beehive quern (in photo) — In this type the upper stone is hemispherical, or bun-shaped, with a central conical hopper to hold the grain that falls down a hole to the grinding surface. It is held in position with a pivot that fits into a central hole in the bottom stone. The upper stone also has a deep horizontal socket in its steep side in which to place the wooden peg used as a handle to rotate or oscillate the upper stone. This was the earliest type of rotary quern to appear in the British Isles. It arrived in Britain in the middle of the Iron Age (about 400–300 BC) and spread into the northern half of Ireland, probably from Scotland, some time after the 2nd century BC.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka, [7–316–1…Yuma] asks, ‘That we may save our cattle for our people’s survival, please give us information as to where and when to move.’”

We shall give this information of where and when to move. But now is not the time. Continue preparing and working where you are. When the time comes, adequate warning you shall have.

We should also say unto this one that the new substance unto which soul Ray has brought forth may be used, not only upon birds, but on other animal life also, to extract the pesticides from the cattle and all other warm-blooded species….

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, August 6, 1976: “Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Many who have come have come through idle curiosity, but as we have said before, this is good, for each shall leave with something greater than they came with.

“Your world, as you know it, shall now face its greatest crisis, both pestilence, famine, and the eruption of the land. We have told you before of the pestilence to come. And so it knocks upon your door. We have brought forth, through dream substance unto soul Ray, those formulas needed to help you survive through the time of the pestilence.

“We shall say unto you that that that you would call of a flu epidemic was all but of the same kind. It was brought forth in two forms into your country — one, that of your own Government of the accidental bursting of a canister; the other has been brought forth into your country in the form and in the disguised substance of that of both heroin and marijuana — those who had planned the destruction from within of your country.” [Editor’s note: See the ending of the February 7, 1976 reading.]

“The virus substance, when attacked, should change its form, should lay dormant only to change its direction once again. It was the total substance of all known flu germs that man has even known upon your earth. It is deadly. It may cause both cancer of the blood and cancer of the body substance in its latent states.

“A new formula which shall go forth and be placed in soul Ray’s mind is now taking place, for once again, we shall feed him in substance that is needed. As we have said before, for those who should come forth in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, we shall take care of their needs, and so it shall be. But as you yourself have a saying, that you may lead the horse to water, but you cannot make them drink, so is it and it shall be true. We have brought forth that of the new and the old vitamin C formulas; placing these two together you shall find you shall have the ingredient necessary for one side, or one phase, of the treatment of this disease. Placing that of the formula for that that you call your Wonder Loss shall stabilize the blood substance. And now, with the new formula, with the use of the yucca seed which is now in soul Ray’s mind, shall further help to destroy the germ substance and build an immunity in your body substance toward the same.

“The words we have spoken seem shattering. And you say unto us, ‘How far may this epidemic reach?’ We have told you before, as a brook, it should flow to the rivers, from the rivers it should flow to the oceans to the many lands — and we are not speaking of a spiritual substance, but a blight upon the land and man.

“A third of the Earth’s population shall dwindle under its thumb. From volcanic eruptions, and that of the earthquake substance, another third. [See Zechariah 13:8–9.]

“In the land of both Russia and China, as we have told you before, one should be the Bear, the other should be the Dragon, and neither should be trusted. We say unto you, should this nation stand as one nation before God so it shall be preserved. And so shall all other nations.

“The earthquakes which have come have not ended, but shall continue. We say unto you, take of these words we have spoken and use them in such a manner that it shall do the most good for the most people. But do not create hysteria, for that alone would kill more of the earthling people than any disease in itself, or any earthquake.

“You shall find that the greatest majority of people shall not die directly from the earthquake itself, but that that should come after, from the pestilence that should reign the cities. We shall also tell you that from your raise in your rat population has been offset the balance of the earth. These should carry diseases within the city.

Rats and other pests, such as ticks, mosquitos, flies, wild animals, carry disease. People are more prone to infection during a disaster, a famine, when they are under stress, exposed to the elements, or do not have safe drinking water. See “Prepare for the time of the great famine”– Begin with safe drinking water” and “Prepare for the time of the great famine” — “food for thought”.

“In all treatments gloves should be worn, and masks could be used for the protection that you should not carry the germ from one person to another. You yourselves have mentioned that touching is loving, but in this case the touch could bring death.”

Note: More recently, ticks carrying Lyme, which is said to be a man-made disease for germ warfare was accidentally released. This year a news report on Patch.com says a tick with a white spot on its back is carrying five man-made diseases, including lyme, hemorrhagic fever, and three other retroviruses. Then in China, an avian flu virus might be close to mutating and becoming airborne; there 40-percent of the people infected have died this year. There are many pathogens developed for warfare, some specific to certain gene pools. Let’s pray that no more are released.

The spiritual messengers of God were asked, August 6, 1976: “Yes, Aka, what about the rat population in the countryside, like here? Are they likely also to be carrying this disease?”

“Yes, but not in the proportion of your heavier populated regions. Efforts should be made in your own homes to control the rat population. You yourselves possess a poison that could safely distinguish and reduce this. The cities who should hear this warning should take the measure as necessary for the destruction of the sewer rat.”

“Aka, could you tell me what poison you refer to as being most effective on rats?”

“That that is the most effective is one that you now use as a medication to thin the blood.”

“Yes…Warfarin? Is that Warfarin?”

“Yes, this is one; it is called by many names.”

“Thank you, Aka. What other precautions for those of us treating, such as cleaning the room and so forth, the treatment room, what other precautions do you recommend for treating the ill people?”

“That precautions be used in the treatment rooms, that they be disinfected each day. All of these things is that that you are doing now. We are only giving you further instructions.

“Once before we came unto you to tell you of another plight upon the land. We told you then that within eight months that plight would be gone from your land. We tell you now, once again, that within five months this plight shall leave the land, but not all of the lands of the earth.

“We have described before how, in the early stages, this could be treated by the using of three different antibiotics, each for three days. But each patient must be tested. But, this would not give the immunity necessary, because the disease would return and return again.”

Note: The other plight of which Aka told was in 1970, when they came. Families in Globe, Arizona, came to ask their help for mysterious, serious symptoms. Their animals were born deformed or died of cancer. At that time, the U.S. Forest Service had sprayed Agent Orange on Pinal Peak above Globe, they said to kill undergrowth and increase water runoff from the mountain. However, with the water came Agent Orange which contaminated private and city wells, ponds and creeks, affecting all life in the area. Aka healed members of the family who asked for their help, suggested natural remedies, and told them when the water would be safe to drink again.

As for using D-con for rat poison, the California manufacturer has made it difficult to purchase after a law suit several years ago. California banned it’s use. See http://askdrlouise.com/blog/is-warfarin-really-rat-poison/

August 20, 1976: And now we shall answer unto your minds. In the day that we told of thee of the 8.5 in the Richter scale, and the climbing, and that of the task it would take, and we said, “Our Father weeps,” and so He does. For your pestilence and famine has not ended; the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Let those who are not marked by the Beast, let them take, instead of the 7 7 7, let them look at the one who shall possess the number of man, six hundred and sixty-six, and this shall be the number and the name of the man of the Anti-Christ. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–13.]

And once again you say we have asked you as in riddles. We have said unto you, pray not that the Sixth and the Seventh Seal should be opened. [See The Revelation 6:12–17 and chapters 7–10.]

We have also told you that of the birthplace and the time of the Messiah that we have come to prepare a way for. There are others that are preparing the way for that of the Anti-Christ upon your Earth. He is also upon the Earth. And the nations have come together, and the time that God should look upon the land of Israel and it should be holy is at hand. All of these things are now unfolding.

More earthquakes shall shake the earth. More death, more pestilence shall occur. But for those who do not wear the mark of the Beast shall not fear. [See The Revelation, chapters 11, 14, 19, 20:1–6, 21, and 22.]

Editor’s note: When Ray Elkins awoke from trance state, September 17, 1976, he described a vision he had while coming back into his body: “And they were saying there could have been two worlds, only they were the same world. And I thought, ‘There is blossoms’ […] but it was like there — it was like five Edens coming together. And everywhere there was fruit and [olive…] and just an abundance of everything. It was almost like the [tunnel went in] two paths. But I was — And all of you, I was sitting upon a rock, where all of you were eating from the fields, berry fields, and it was such abundance. Hmm.

“But there was one, and I saw all the [sides] of the nation.”

“You saw what?”

“All the [sizes? sides?], the whole world.

“And, there was a building, which was a huge, big dome. And [entered in] all the people from all the world. And all the nations were there, were gathering, in the thousands and thousands of people. [And then,] I was speaking to them. (Chuckle.) It was very weird [to come forward].”

“How [long were you] there? They knew you were coming, huh?”

“I remember the first time that — and then I heard your voice, coming down, and [then it had changed]. And then I heard the words, ‘You have sinned.’ And then I woke up. It must have been through what I [felt] and saw […].

It was much like coming [up] — There’s much more, but I’d better think about it though; put the pieces parts together.

[A woman asks Ray] “Ray, a building, [with] two paths?”

“Two paths, the world.”

“Which path are we [to go on]? Which shall we take?”

“Whichever you choose to take.

“Whichever you choose to take.

“It was like — I looked, and I was looking at the organization — and then we were here, now. And then I looked at the organization in a different time, and I looked here now, and here now, each was going their own path. And then I looked in a different time and the organization had spread over the earth, and this was the earth where there was an abundance of plenty. But on the other earth they were still squabbling. And I knew that they had not advanced beyond this point, and that’s why it was the way it was.

“It was like the two earths [were hanging] on scales, and the earths were in a balance; the only thing was the slightest movement would turn it in either direction. And then, [funny] but I saw Henry Kissinger, on one side of the scale and he was trying to pull the earth toward the peaceful side. But it was like, every time he tried to pull, more and more weight was placed upon [it]. [Note: Henry Kissinger was U.S. Secretary of State from 1974 to 1979.]

“Well, you guys had your reading and I got mine, I guess (chuckle).”

The spiritual messengers of God spoke in a reading, October 15, 1976: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, for we should tell on thee the parable of the Roman Empire, the greatness and the power.

By Ssolbergj — The vexilloid of the Roman Empire was a red banner with the letters SPQR in Gold surrounded by a gold wreath hung on a military standard topped by a Roman eagle or an image of the goddess Victoria made of silver or bronze. CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4249122

For in the beginning, there was a city, who brought forth, as many cities had before, a democratic rule for the people, by the people. Each person was represented in their congress and in their senate. In the beginning, there was a leader, much as you would have a president and a vice-president. But soon the domination by powerful forces sought for their own end, dominated the senate. And then to further their domination they did make an Emperor out of their leader, and to further their domination they did conquer, and put themselves above all nations.

And then came forth the one known as Jesus Christ. And the hoards did come from the north and did destroy the Roman Empire. But the Roman Empire was not destroyed from without; it was destroyed from within, from greed — from greed of power, from greed of men who would make themselves gods, from greed of men and women who the law did prevail for them, but for no one else. A Roman could not be accused without a fair trial. But if you were not a Roman, it was a completely different story.

You, of the American people, are the modern Romans.

Seal of the United States of America

Before the Romans there was the continents of Atlantis, and the empire of Atlantis, and it did rule — only to be destroyed from within. The destruction was not the sinking of Atlantis. The destruction came forth long before, by the corruption within the minds and the hearts of the people. They did not say, “What can we do to stand before our God and do servitude into Him?” They did not say, “What can we do to stand before our nation and say, ‘What can we do to serve you and better our nation?’” Instead they said, “Which god will give us the most? Which god will let us have our own way? Which god allows usto become gods?” Those were their thoughts, and those were their follies, for there is but one God, one true, loving God. If He did not love you, He would have turned His back upon your folly long ago. There has not been but one Atlantis. Civilizations have blossomed upon this Earth for over two billion years — only to reach their golden age, and in the midst of their golden age, their own laziness, their own childish efforts have destroyed their civilizations.

There have been many religions come and go upon the face of this Earth, but the true philosophy of God has remained, and been kept whole, and passed on from civilization in dust or in castles, throughout time. It has been said, there is no new knowledge under the universe. This is true, for all knowledge has been covered and uncovered many times. The words we speak to you now have been spoken before, yet they have felle* upon deaf ears. [Note: Felle is a Middle English term for fallen.]

But we say unto you, hark — for those who have ears to listen let them listen; for those who have eyes to see let them see. But use beyond the normal sense you call your five senses. Use the sixth and the seventh, for within you lies the Seven Spirits of God. In the use of these, as the rays of the sun should strike the earth, so you, as mirrors, may reflect back unto the rest of mankind that hidden place within your mind where God always dwells.

If you shall stand as one nation, under God, then other nations shall stand the same. Much as you have formed your organization, ask not always what it may do for you, but ask what you may do for it. We have said unto you, the temple of God is within man. One man standing alone is but one man. Each time that is multiplied its strength and endurance shall become stronger and the fibers shall become interwoven. And the new heaven and new earth promised unto you shall come forth, and the thousand years of peace shall come forth. [See The Revelation, chapters 21–22.]

Changes in both your eastern seaboard are soon at hand. Further changes on the western seaboard of this country are soon at hand. Further earthquakes, tornados, and hurricanes shall rack the earth. We shall say unto you, upon this earth soon you shall not think in terms of 8 points upon your Richter scale, but 10, and then 12. A breaking away of the land, land rising from the sea, land shrinking into the sea, all of these things have already begann** [Middle English for begun].

There are those who would say in the year of 1977 and 1978, a finalization. We say, nay. The land will change until the year of 1999. Northern Europe shall be separated. The British Isles shall become part of the European Continent. That that you call the mainland of China shall separate. The land of Africa shall part as though fingers have been run through it. South America shall split and shift.

In the midst of all of this can be pure working together, strengthening themselves, inter-winding, interweaving and becoming stronger fibers,

or they can fall away and become part of the waste that may die in a polluted land.

But we say unto you, your earth has changed its form many times. Man has survived. He shall survive again. But shall he come from the caves of the earth, or shall he come with the knowledge of today and tomorrow into the tomorrows? Shall he reach out his hand in union with the universe and universes and galaxies, or shall he shrink once again, and look upon those from other planets as gods? Shall he again be so foolish as is fabled in your Greek mythology and create gods out of other people from other planetary systems? Which shall it be? Or shall you link hands and grow, not into one nation upon this Earth, but one nation upon many, many planets?

The Sword poses above you. It can slice the land and separate it. On the other side of the sword, it may separate men. They may become hungry, and savage as dogs. Or they may become bound together under a great brotherhood of man and woman as a union. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

Your years are not far away from this year of 1999. As we have said before, we have come but for one purpose, the coming, and the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. The day shall come, and in your right hand can be that of the Messiah. Or he can be taken back unto the heavens, and you shall have 3,000 years of darkness upon the earth. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

Which shall it be?

The Lord, God, has placed into your hands free choice.

Which shall you take?

In the beginning He placed into your hands your choice to choose death and life, a never-ending process. He has never taken from you that choice. He gave unto you the body, the soul, the spirit, and the holy body; that, unto itself, as you were created, “of their kind, of their likeness,” so it was good. It was your choice to choose your way to climb the ladders. It was your choice to find your ways of worshipping into the Lord.

We have come not to change [your ____] — or take from you your freedom of choice. We say unto you, look beyond yourselves. Look beyond this day, for tomorrow is forever, and forever is eternity.

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, said, November 5, 1976: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory is the light of compassion. Yet compassion without forgiveness is not love. And love without hope and faith is not complete.

If you should walk into the forest and examine each plant that should grow there you should soon know the meaning of compassion, hope and faith, love and forgiveness. If you should walk into the desert, one day it should spring forth into flowers, yet the seed that has produced the flowers may have laid dormant for many years, waiting with hope and faith that the compassionate rain should fall upon it, that the earth should nourish it, that the sun should bring it strength. All of these things God has placed before you in such a manner that no matter where you go upon the earth or beyond it you should always know of His compassion, His love, His hope, His forgiveness.

We have told unto you many parables.

We have said unto you, stand beneath the cross and let a drop of blood touch your forehead, and you should know the true meaning of love.

We have explained it to you in many ways, for we know that you, who speak many tongues, are each different, yet alike. We have brought it forth that from whatever path you have reached to our Father’s many mansions that you might understand. Yet still we do not see within you the full understanding of our purpose.

Therefore, we have chosen this time to once again say unto you, be as a light. Be as the mirror.

Reflect unto your fellow man the love and the compassion, the hope and the faith, and the forgiveness that God has placed unto you. And when your fellow man sees these things, he shall see God.

For into the smallest thing upon your earth lies a miracle. Before you every day miracles are performed.

But the greatest miracle of all is love and understanding, one unto another.

Quite often you say unto your fellow man, “This was my understanding.” Have you truly bothered to stand and look, and see that both of you should understand the same thing in the same manner? Have you bothered to look at another man’s choice or path, ever though it may not be your own, unto his worship of the Lord, God?

You have made wars over the meaning of love. War and love do not march together, yet they are the opposite sides of a Sword.

Quite often you say unto yourselves, “I love this person, but I do not like them.” Then, is it in truth that you love?

To know these truths cannot come from the words we say; they must come from within you. If you would stop and meditate upon your blessings each day what a wonderful world you would have, for none would go hungry or without. Your cup would runneth over.

We have come but for one purpose, that purpose is the preparation of the coming of the Messiah — in that preparation, the importance of planting the seed of love in mankind.

But we do not come to bear false witness, and therefore, we should say unto you, many changes shall take place upon your Earth. Nations shall fall, and nations shall rise. But for all nations who should stand before their God, in truth, shall stand, for the God shall be the same unto all, and His love for His children is the same for all, for does not the sun and the rain fall upon all in equal proportions? Your choice to the amount of sun or rain that should fall upon you, you make that choice. Is it not the same way with the amount of love that you would receive from God?

When you pray unto the Lord, pray for your needs, not your wants, for as we have said before, we shall provide for your needs, to see that the preparation for the coming of the Messiah should be there….

New earthquakes shall once again begin their march from Alaska through the Siberians to the Mediterranean; from Alaska to Mexico, through South America, to the central part of the United States and Canada; through Northern Europe; through Asia.

We say to you, more hurricanes and tornado substance shall wrack the land of the Mexico continent. It is ripping away at evil seed. Give back unto those of the Mexican people the right and freedom that you have ripped from their beings, or war shall come. Beware of the wind and the rain that should come from the south.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence and famine shall reign.

Yet you may change, at anytime you choose, its path.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Aka, December 3, 1976: But we should say unto you that knowledge was brought forth, as we did come forth, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Let all things and all boundaries, let them drop away. Bring forth your gathered knowledge.

Bring forth the love, compassion and hope and faith from without the whole world.

Soon, if the Eagle does not spread its wings — this land of yours, this of America, this of the United States of America — if it does not spread its wings, the land of Mexico shall be its greatest loss. If your politicians do not act and act suddenly, this land, which is free to worship God, yet has dictators within it, shall be gone. For we have said before, the Fifth Angel walks upon this earth. Now is a turning point for this land. If war should come forth, which now is ready to strike in the land, then pestilence and famine shall soon follow, and earthquakes shall rattle the land and divide it, and parts of it shall go beneath the sea….

The land, this land is a safe land. We have made it so for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. But it is not that we do not weep for all the land, all the people.

Jesus spoke of the signs of the Messiah’s coming (Matthew 24:32–35): “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know it is near — at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”

(Please continue reading)


Read the second half of this guidance and prophecies the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, tell us about America and about our world. (Click the link below. See part 2 of 2.)

Tonight we have not chosen parable form; we have chosen direct communication. We have chosen this because this is an urgent time. I would suggest that you listen to the words within this very carefully because the message is not a slight one.

Now we say unto you, peace be with you, and peace be with your world, for now is the time of the cherubim and the sixth angel walks upon your earth.


A preview —

But we say unto you, all things within your governmental processes are yet to be turned right. New and vicious scandals shall come forth….


The words of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, are copyrighted by A. Ray Elkins of Globe, Arizona, through whom they were spoken.



"Now you ask, 'What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?'"

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.