Numbers Testnet(Snow) Public Campaign Phase 3: View the On-chain History of Assets

Stefan Chen
Numbers Protocol
Published in
6 min readOct 28, 2022

To help our community understand what Numbers Blockchain can do, and also to help the dev team to check the performance of Testnet(Snow), the campaign will have several phases. We will keep updating this article for any new information, and news of each phase will be shared across our social media channels. Keep a close eye on Numbers Twitter, Telegram, and Discord!

Phase 1: Get Ready for Testnet (Snow) (Closed)

Phase 1 campaign has already finished, but the NUM testnet faucet is still open. If you want to participate in Phase 2, please follow the instruction to import Numbers Testnet (Snow) to your Metamask and get the testnet token from the faucet.→ [How to get testnet tokens from faucet]

Phase 2: Upload Images and Commit on Numbers Blockchain (Closed)

Phase 2 campaign has also finished, but you can still upload Images and commit on Numbers Blockchain. If you’re not sure about the detailed process, see this first → [How to commit assets on Numbers Blockchain]

Phase 3: View On-chain History of Digital Media on Numbers Blockchain

In phase 2, we experienced how to register the digital media file to Numbers Blockchain and make the initial commit for it. Similar to Git, a commit records changes of the digital media file on Numbers Blockchain. In phase 3, we will create multiple commits and view the historical logs.

Step 1: Navigate to Numbers Commit Page

Please note, mobile version is not supported yet, please use a desktop browser to participate in the campaign.

Step 2: Create multiple commits of the same file

You can either upload “the image you used in Phase 2” and create a “new” commit for it, alternately, you can commit twice for the same image file.

Step3: Copy the Nid (Numbers ID) and switch to “Show Asset History” tab

After commit is done, a popup will show the Nid of the asset. Copy it, click “Ok” button, then switch to the “Show Asset History” tab.

Step4: Search Asset History

Input the Nid (Numbers ID) you just copied and click “Search”. It may take some time to process the on-chain information, please wait for 15–30 seconds until it is fully loaded.

Step5: View the on-chain history of this asset and screenshot it

After the commit logs are fully loaded, you will see the logs and block number of the commits on chain. Please take a screenshot of it as proof of your participation. You can also try to open the block number and check the transactions on the Numbers Blockchain.

Step6: Fill out the form and submit screenshots, bugs, or suggestions

Submit the form with the screenshot acquired from the previous step with other bugs or suggestions you find. Any feedback is valuable as it helps us to improve Numbers Blockchain!

What is Nid and how can it help you find the asset history?

Numbers Blockchain is the archive and library of committed media history of Web3 assets. Commit contract of Numbers Blockchain is the Git of Web3 assets to make digital media files traceable and verifiable.

In the Numbers network, every content file has a unique identifier generated by smart contracts. This identity is aptly named Numbers ID (Nid), is a 59-character string generated cryptographically and made to distinguish between the vast ecosystem of digital assets.

During the Phase 2 campaign, your digital media file is registered onto Numbers Blockchain with an initial commit. You can determine the log message of your commit to make it useful. The log message, your wallet address as well as the commit timestamp are recorded on the chain.

In Phase 3, we create multiple commits for the same digital media file. All commit histories of this file can be searched by its Nid. Since Nid is also known as the content address of the digital file in the decentralized web, this allows us to use the same ID to access the file storage as well as the content history.

Still not clear enough? A real use case.

One of the biggest challenges of the content platform is the verification of the user-generated content, and Numbers Blockchain may be the solution to it.

Let’s say a music platform allows users to upload music clips they create, when the file is first uploaded, it is identified as “self-verified” meaning the uploader agrees to the terms and conditions and makes sure the uploader has the full copyright of the content file. Further, if the content is chosen to be used in a movie, this shows the music is trusted by that specific movie maker. If unfortunately, the file is eventually found by an authorized 3rd-party that it violates the copyright, there can be a commit attached to the file so that all future users are aware of the problem.

In this case, the commit logs will look like the following:

  • The 1st commit: Initial registration and self-verified
  • The 2nd commit: File is used by the movie
  • The 3rd commit: The 3rd-party organization identifies the file violates copyright

All historical records are on the Numbers Blockchain making them decentralized, transparent, and immutable. For more details on how Numbers Blockchain can help in the music industry, check out our partnership announcement with the Music Battles platform.

Besides the use case in the music industry, there are more use cases of Numbers Blockchain that you can find in our Gitbook, such as evidence preservation, or the proof of photo authenticity.

And of course, the Incentives!

Community Incentives for Phase 3

  • 20 randomly selected users from the submission form share a 500 USDC reward pool.
  • 3 users who provide detailed feedback or find the issue can get 50 USDC each as a reward.
  • Winner will be announced on social media channels after the testing period ends.

Phase 3 testing period: Oct 28 ~ Nov 7, 2022

The new phase will be released after Nov 7.

By registering and committing your favorite photo on Numbers Network, you’ll greatly help us grow while also gaining some incentives, isn’t it great? Chop-chop!

Winner for Phase 3 (Announced on Nov. 21)

  • Randomly selected winner *20, 25 USDC/winner
  • Detail feedback winner*10, 50 USDC/winner

About Numbers Protocol

Numbers is building a decentralized photo network for creating community, value, and trust in digital media. Its Numbers Protocol redefines digital visual media as assets and is the backbone of a suite of tools for registering and retrieving images and videos in the Numbers network.

These include:

  • Capture App: The first blockchain camera in the world that users can easily register photos and use Web3.0 applications.
  • Numbers API: Developers and enterprises can implement Numbers API to register photos and access their Web3.0 addresses and certificates.
  • Certificates: content authenticity certificates with on-chain provenance
  • CaptureClub: Native NFT marketplace allows photo generators to sell and stake their creations.
  • Numbers Search Engine: The first Web3.0 NFT search engine that helps users verify the history of NFTs and prevent potential NFT fraud.

Numbers champion the purity of digital media and enable people to think more critically about the interactions between our images and the world around us. The goal of Numbers is to tokenize authentic photos (including images and videos) to create a decentralized photo network in Web3.0.

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