Go to Objects
Adventure into the world of objects - their significance, their stories, their histories - from the mundane to the obscure, one random thing at a time.
Note from the editor

Welcome to Object, a collaboration which began between two curious English Literature students. A year on, it has grown into an eclectic archive of our lives as experienced through the objects we find. Start at the beginning, middle, or end, and join our object-filled adventure, an ongoing project with twice-weekly posts. For more information, check out our Facebook page (link on the homepage) and our individual Medium profiles. If you'd like to receive monthly emails from us, follow this link to subscribe: https://upscri.be/78f430

Go to the profile of Katie Harling-Lee
Katie Harling-Lee
Musician, reader, writer, and thinker, studying for a PhD in English Literature at Durham University. Interested in all things objects, music, Old Norse & cats.
Go to the profile of Eleanor Scorah
Eleanor Scorah
Writing by day, reading by night, or sometimes even a mix of the two.
Go to the profile of Sophie Gregory
Sophie Gregory
Sophie works in media and public affairs, exploring the discourse around social cohesion, and is close to finishing her master’s degree.