God Didn’t Create Me. He is Still Creating Me. And I am Creating Him.

We’ve got a lot of work to do, dear God.

Ajith Balakrishnan Nair
On God
3 min readMar 18, 2023


Bloodletting — the practice of withdrawing blood from a person’s veins for therapeutic reasons — was common for thousands of years. — Medical News Today

Bad blood needs to be let out. Suffering to purge evil. The heat from hell makes us pure.

When will I be as I am destined to be?

Pencils and erasers. Thinking and going blank.

Maybe I am the red hot metal, and the world is the hammer. Or maybe it’s the other way around (Well, I’ve got a few hundred followers, right?).

Or maybe God is the hammer, and I am the metal trying my best not to yield.

Steven Faludi asks, “Does Shakespeare feel superior to Hamlet?”

The key here is Hamlet is a masterpiece. And the question might be difficult to answer for anyone except Shakespeare. We can only guess. It’d be even more difficult for someone who hasn’t read Hamlet (like myself), and impossible for someone who doesn’t(/doesn’t want to) read it, or know English.

I am pretty sure no one living has met Shakespeare. We can only guess his character judging by the characters whom he created.

I’d bet most of his characters change as the story progresses. Does Shakespeare change along with the characters he creates?

“Simply observing the electron changes its behaviour.” — Youssef Moawad in this article.

I wonder if we change if the observation room we are in changes. And if the observer (in this case — God) changes while observing us.

We are bigger than electrons, but ask yourself this:

Imagine you find yourself locked in a room and unsure if you’ll ever get out. Would you behave differently if the room has a camera observing you, than if there were no cameras?

IMO, the existence of a camera (God) changes things.

Many Christians I have interacted with say we have free will. Correct me if I am wrong, The Hermitage.

If that’s true, we have the power to surprise God. And every time we do that, God learns more about us and changes his perceptions. Just the same way we change our perceptions when the world/God surprises us.

Observers in modern physics truly become participants in their observation, whatever that observation might be. — (NASA).gov

Maybe God too, participates in our life just by observing or doing “nothing”. By observing the way we change or not.

I don’t believe in an omnipotent or omniscient God.

A Malayalam saying comes to mind — “Njan paathi, Daivam paathi”.

It‘s meant to mean we need to put in our efforts, and God will take care of the rest.

The control over my life is divided 50/50 between God and me. There’s a Malayali joke about a person praying to God to help him win the lottery when he never bought the lottery ticket.

Final Thoughts

God, if you exist, let’s try to define and refine ourselves.

No, wait, that’s too serious for a conclusion. Let’s play! Which of course means you get to do what you love doing — “nothing”.

Inspiration: Some incredible ideas in the article — Is Life Worth Living? by Philip Temple

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Ajith Balakrishnan Nair
On God

⭐️ Editor of Follower Booster Hub, The Quantified World, Illumination Videos and Podcasts, and On God⭐️. I am one part of a whole. Nothing more. Nothing less.