Embrace Your Downfall as an Opportunity to Rise and Shine

Use the help of a Growth Mindset

Muhammad Ismail
On Point Publishing
8 min readOct 6, 2023


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Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Being in a state of growth mindset in the face of failure is like a hidden treasure, its discovery requires some fine tuning related to our belief system and our way of giving meaning to circumstances and events that come across our life journey towards success.

Being the victim of not understanding how to recover from setbacks and failure in life is not a child’s game, as I have witnessed many people suffer at the hands of failure’s negative impact. The impacts of failure when not dealt with properly are proven lethal, leaving one in a state of low confidence and fear, keeping them deprived of acting towards their respective goals in life.

People with such a nature who are the victims of failure did not lead their lives to the standard they deserve. Dealing with the negative impact of failure requires results-oriented approaches, which are made convenient to be picked and acted upon here in this article for my valued readers.

Understanding of failure concerning Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset:

Mindset has a profound status in dealing with the negative impact of failure, as our mindset shapes our belief system towards any circumstance that forces us to go down on our knees and give up on our mission, or to remain vigilant in the face of setback. It equipped one to the last bullet instead of giving up and feeling defeated. To know more about Mindset formation click here.

We have to act like brave worriers; who do not get worried and terrified about failure, our objective is to do or die while dealing with life setbacks. I want to clear one wrong perception most of us have regarding being afraid of failure.

Imagine a scenario in which two persons have different approaches, one sees failure as the output of one effort and he feels satisfied with the sense of being an active contributor instead of being in the comfort zone, while the other one, due to fear of failure and scared of taking any decision and stay in their life where they are without making any positive fruitful contribution.

All we need is to put our hundred percent effort no matter if we fail, we have to regroup and consider failure as an opportunity to get the lesson from where we failed and work on the areas that require revamping.

Since the beginning of time, people have thought differently, and acted differently. Some were more intelligent, moral and high achievers while others were just a bunch of failures. Experts after a thorough examination of both come up with two different findings.

Some believe that human intelligence is fixed and they by default have the same level of understanding which is static and can’t be altered, based on their respective physical appearance and genetic background.

Others consider that humans can grow and improve through proper training and practice, enabling them to learn new skills and approaches to be more productive and effective than they were before.

In this connection, research was conducted in the early 20th Century by renowned IQ test inventor Alfred Binet [1], which reveals that human intelligence level truly improves with proper training and practice. This finding was further elaborated by psychologist Carol Dweck [2] in her game-changer research study which categorizes human mindset as Fixed Mindset and Growth mindset.

Individuals with Fixed Mindsets have stagnant ability and intelligence which have no room for improvement making them live in a state of fear and failure. Such a mindset forces them to stop taking any initiative to contribute to growth and improvement.

On the other hand, people with a Growth Mindset consider the skills and ability of intelligence flexible and improvable, which leads them to take challenges as opportunities to grow and learn, helping them to get away with the fear of failure. All we need is to work on our mindset formation to develop a Growth Mindset instead of a Fixed Mindset.

Considering failure as a teacher:

In the case of success, we all try our best to avoid failure for which we put every possible effort as no one likes failure. However, there are arguments that consider failure a bad thing which is a sign of a Fixed Mindset instead one with a Growth Mindset views failure as part of success, providing the opportunity to work on shortcomings that identify the areas that need improvement.

A Growth Mindset gives us the support to not fall into the negative impact of failure by helping us to be more effective in our next attempt after waging out the causes of failure.

Fear of failure restricts us to a comfort zone where we always play safe without taking any risks; with such a mindset growth opportunity is set on fire.

Research has revealed that anywhere when the mistake is not accepted there is very little room for improvement and success. Whereas when the failure is accepted, everyone tries to be more engaging and productive. Failure should not be considered as output of abilities instead it is the summary of one effort.

A Growth Mindset helps us to consider failure as the opportunity to learn, grow, and become the best version of ourselves. Instead of considering failure as a source of killing our confidence and motivation, it may be taken as valuable exposure to future endorsements through working on our areas of vulnerability.

Failure when dealing with a growth Mindset gives valued lessons. Just put your memory on work and remember the time when you faced failure in any field no matter if it is personal or professional.

What lesson was learned from that mistake and how it benefits you today? Failure arises mainly due to proceeding in the wrong direction and with a lack of commitment.

Humans are blessed with enormous power physically and mentally, when used in the right way brings fruitful results and gives one a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. Nature is equally kind to every soul on planet Earth, so why do some people succeed while others do not?

The answer is our approach, belief, and understanding that give meaning to things in our lives that are of real value that sail one to their destiny of success. Our job is to stay committed to our path with a positive and Growth Mindset, even in the face of failure.

According to Wasif Ali Wasif, one of the great spiritual healers:

“Worries and hopelessness are not the result of circumstance that arise instead it is due to the meaning we give to a particular situation”.

I will share my personal experience in support of this statement. In the recent past, I separated from one of my best friends who I was mainly dependent on while dealing with any situation beyond my capacity.

Such an approach made me dependent on everyone in life instead of having confidence in myself to get things done on my own. As a result, I became isolated in the sense that when I put my expectation on others and when they failed to meet my expectation, the same time I get depressed from their uncooperative attitude and I started avoiding them. Such an approach lands me in a valley of fear, helplessness and shaky confidence, affecting my overall personality growth badly.

In the start, I was upset by parting from my best buddy as I was in a state of decency mindset. From the point I started working on adopting the strategy to tune myself to the Growth Mindset, I have the realization that what we face in life from nature has a useful impact on us and is always in our greater interest when viewed with a broader realm of thoughts.

Such a mindset works brilliantly when we face failure in life. Failure allows us to identify our weaknesses and give lessons to avoid the same mistakes that are proven to be the causes of failure in our future endorsements, all we need is to stay resilient in the face of setbacks and challenges.

To understand more about how to be resilient click here.

Final Thoughts:

I write this article with my utmost sincere feelings to empower those who are suffering from the bad impacts of failure, as I personally passed through the stormy daunting consequences of failure and want my readers to deal with failure with an awakened mind, without falling prey to its demoralizing impacts like useless fear, shakey confidence, hopelessness and isolation to name a few.

It is demanding to give proper meaning to failure based on a Growth Mindset that converts even a setback into an opportunity. We have to consider failure as the part of the journey, which happens to give us valuable lessons to polish our skills and make us more resilient without losing hope and confidence, just like a good teacher is supposed to do.

Let’s commit here from this point, that I will not be a victim of negative impacts of failure like fear and hopelessness and decide that I will be more resilient and flexible in the face of failure.

I use the word flexible very often, as it has a profound impact on my life which gives immense power to deal with failure optimally. I will write a detailed article shortly to give a more in-depth understanding of this unique term in respect of personal growth. You just need to stay tuned and keep following to have exposure to the real excitement of life.

To explain it more precisely I will compare it with an object that is standing in front of a fast-blowing storm of wind and its flexible nature prevents it from breaking down as its bendable nature bends it in the direction from wind, instead of standing like a rigged fixed object which breaks down when hit by fast wind.

Similar is our case once we face failure we have to be flexible instead of being a fixed rigged object that breaks down with the force of failure.

Failure allows us to be more innovative in dealing with our problems with new results-oriented approaches. We have to reframe our belief about failure that it is inevitable and is part of our success journey.

Once the things mentioned in this article are opted for, genuine spiritual success is guaranteed. I am fully optimistic for your life full of growth and abundance not suffering from the wrong approach that we give to failure that drains all our precious energy, that can be channeled to lead to a promising life.


  1. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rachel-Philip-3/publication/309139551_Revisiting_Ideas_of_Assessment_through_the_Work_of_Alfred_Binet/links/5d91a75192851c33e9489a01/Revisiting-Ideas-of-Assessment-through-the-Work-of-Alfred-Binet.pdfhttps://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1745691618804166
  2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1745691618804166



Muhammad Ismail
On Point Publishing

Welcome to my world of explorations and empowerment. I invite you to join me in unraveling the mystries of self-discover, nurturing the spirit and wellbeing.