Scoring Formula of Crypto Fantasy

Dinesh Goel
One World Nation
5 min readJun 1, 2022


Being a team manager is tough. It looks easy and sexy at the outset, but it is an incredibly tough job. It involves intricate mathematics and optimisation. And if there is one thing Moneyball taught us — Do not underestimate the power of managers who know their numbers. To truly master the game, one must truly understand the game aka the scoring logics — or put simply, what does it take to really win the game.

This article assumes that you have read the previous article — Introduction to Crypto Fantasy. If not, I strongly recommend reading it first. Here is a quick summary of the previous article:

  • A player needs to create a team of 5 Cryptonites to participate in the Division 1 (D1) league.
  • A maximum of 1 Legendary and 2 Epic Cryptonites are allowed in each team.
  • Just like in football fantasy, the score of the Cryptonite NFT is based on real world events, in this case, the price of the token in the real world trading market.

Components of the Final Score

The final score of the team will be a simple summation of the scores of individual Cryptonites in the team. The score that each Cryptonite will get in the game will have the following parts:

  • Base Score
  • Rarity Bonus
  • Level Bonus
  • Power Ups

Let’s go over each one of them using an example. Suppose you create a team with the following composition:

  1. Sandbox — Legendary — Level 1 — Captain
  2. Cardano — Epic — Level 0
  3. BAT — Epic — Level 2 — Mod
  4. Aave — Rare — Level 3
  5. Binance — Common — Level 4
Your team for Crypto Fantasy — One World Nation
Your team for Crypto Fantasy

Base Score

The game starts at 04:30 pm UTC (10:00 pm IST). For computing the base score of a Cryptonite, we find the price movement of the underlying token in every 5 min interval.

Here is an example:

  • Price Movement — Let us suppose ADA moved up by 0.1% between 10–10:05 pm, then moved up by 0.2% from 10:05 pm to 10:10 pm, then moved down -0.1% between 10:10 pm — 10:15 pm.
  • Scaling the score — Each 5 min interval score is multiplied by 10 to scale it up. So, the 5 min interval scores of ADA would look like, 0.1*10 = 1, 0.2 * 10 = 2 and -0.1 * 10 = -1.
  • Cumulative score — The base score of the Cryptonite is simply a summation of these 5 min interval scores over the duration of the game (essentially a summation of these 5 min interval scores for each token during the 15 hours of the game time).

Here are the base scores for each Cryptonite:

Base Scores

Rarity & Level Bonus

Owning Rarer NFTs provides advantages in the gameplay. The rarer the NFT, the more powerful it is. Based on the rarity of the Cryptonite, following rarity bonuses are provided:

Rarity Bonuses for each Cryptonite. — One World Nation
Rarity Bonuses for each Cryptonite

The formula will start looking like this:

Rarity & Level Bonus Formula

And the rarity & level bonus values will start looking like this:

Rarity & Level Bonus Values

Power ups

And the final piece is the power ups. Each player gets to use 2 power ups on the team — a Knight and a Defender. To know more, read here.

  • Knight — For our team, SAND is the Knight, so, it simply gets a 100% bonus on the base score.
  • Defender — For our team, BAT is the Defender. A defender revises the base score. It computes the base score as if all 5 min interval scores were positive. Let us suppose the 5 min interval scores of BAT looked something like this: -1.1, -2.1, -1.45, -1.87, 1.09, 0… the sum of which was -10.5. Now using defender, all negative values will become positive and the score series would look like 1.1, 2.1, 1.45, 1.87, 1.09, 0… and the base score changes to 40.78. So, here is what the revised score would look like:
Post Adjusting for Power ups

Final Score

The final score for each Cryptonite is simply a summation of Base Score, Rarity & Level Bonus and Power Up. The final score for the team is the summation of scores for each Cryptonite.

Here is what it would look like:

Final Score of Crypto Fantasy team

You can check the first article in the series here — Introducing Crypto Fantasy and the last article here — Rewards of Crypto Fantasy

Phew! That was one long article. Have suggestions on the scoring logic of the Game? Come join us on our Discord where we conduct community hangouts everyday around 12:30pm UTC. You can also reach out to us directly in the discord chat.

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