Go to OneTeamGov
We’re a global community, working together to radically reform the public sector through practical action. We’re driven by optimism and the desire to make things better, and united by a set of core principles.
Note from the editor

We’re a global community of innovators focused on radical public sector reform through practical action. United and guided by a set of principles, we want to improve public services and change the way we work.

Go to the profile of Kit Collingwood
Kit Collingwood
Leading digital, data, tech and customer service at Royal Borough of Greenwich. Thoughts on leadership, inclusion and better services. Compulsive optimist.
Go to the profile of One Team Gov
One Team Gov
UK policymakers, service designers, digital professionals & others working out how we can make government more effective. Unconference, 29 June 2017 #oneteamgov
Go to the profile of James Reeve
James Reeve
Husband, Dad, Chemist, former Head of Digital @ DfE, now Managing Partner @ TPXimpact. All views my own.
Go to the profile of Sam Villis
Sam Villis
Service design and organisational change. Previously at: Social Finance, Local Digital Collaboration at DLUHC, GDS, Cabinet Office, M&CSaatchi.
Go to the profile of Debbie Blanchard
Debbie Blanchard
Dreamers of dreams. Government Product Person. Part of #TeamWeeknotes. Wife. Views and musings all my own.
Go to the profile of Janne Mattila
Janne Mattila
Lead designer in innovation lab at the Finnish Social Security Institution. I’m a strong advocate for making things open but struggle to find time for sharing.
Go to the profile of Nour Sidawi
Nour Sidawi
Reflecting on the complexity of systems and making change in government @UKCivilService . Part of @OneTeamGov
Go to the profile of Paul Maltby
Paul Maltby
Director of Government AI Transformation at Faculty.ai
Go to the profile of James Reeve
James Reeve
Husband, Dad, Chemist, former Head of Digital @ DfE, now Managing Partner @ TPXimpact. All views my own.
Go to the profile of Tracey Williams Allred
Tracey Williams Allred
I am interested in government and technology, which I combine for my work. I want to make government services better for everyone.
Go to the profile of James Arthur Cattell
Go to the profile of Audree Fletcher
Audree Fletcher
Leader — digital/product/service design/research/strategy — and mother
Go to the profile of Jack Collier
Jack Collier
Doing product, delivery and UCD to change things for the better. Previously DD in Gov, now at Transform.
Go to the profile of Darius Pocha
Darius Pocha
Digital/design director | co-founder www.createchange.io
Go to the profile of Sarah Drummond
Sarah Drummond
Founder @wearesnook @dearestscotland @cycle_hack @mypolice | Service Designer + Boss | GOOD Magazine’s Top 100 influencers 2016|Google Democracy Fellowship 2011
Go to the profile of Leah Lockhart
Leah Lockhart
Coordinator, collaborator, guide. Exploring social good enabled by digital things. Digital Engagement Officer with @DemsocScotland
Go to the profile of Morgan Frodsham
Morgan Frodsham
All about empathy, imagination, getting stuff done, and the @oneteamgov community. Head of Research and Evaluation @NLC_HQ. All views are my own.
Go to the profile of Stefan Janusz
Stefan Janusz
Human dad. Sporadic DJ. Civil Servant. Citizen of the Universe. Basically, Jodorowsky’s Dune. Currently looking for options other than Medium.
Go to the profile of Sam Villis
Sam Villis
Service design and organisational change. Previously at: Social Finance, Local Digital Collaboration at DLUHC, GDS, Cabinet Office, M&CSaatchi.
Go to the profile of Debbie Blanchard
Debbie Blanchard
Dreamers of dreams. Government Product Person. Part of #TeamWeeknotes. Wife. Views and musings all my own.
Go to the profile of Prateek Buch
Prateek Buch
Data nerd, policy wonk, devoted father, sport fiend. Not in that order. Opinions mine, unless borrowed. #OneTeamGov
Go to the profile of Nour Sidawi
Nour Sidawi
Reflecting on the complexity of systems and making change in government @UKCivilService . Part of @OneTeamGov
Go to the profile of Cate McLaurin
Cate McLaurin
Director @PublicDigitalHQ. @madebycatem. alumni @IIPP_UCL MPA graduate. Views are my own. Interested in change, innovation, leadership and digital
Go to the profile of Luke Slowen
Luke Slowen
Head of Architecture @DfE_DigitalTech and @educationgovuk. Tech, strategy, music, bass, motorsport and comedy. Introvert. All views my own.
Go to the profile of Andy Jones
Andy Jones
Head of Design in Department for Education. Previously, Service and Interaction design lead at the Gambling Commission.
Go to the profile of Gail Peck
Gail Peck
♡Making a great place to work,through Kindness,Wellbeing,Diversity&Inclusion ♡@OneTeamGov ♡Led @AZ2BW ♡Proj Mngr ♡Runner ♡Healthyswaps champ ♡UoG MBA grad ♡vmo
Go to the profile of Rochelle Gold
Rochelle Gold
Head of User Research and User Centred Design @NHS England (formerly NHS Digital). Views my own.
Go to the profile of Rose Mortada
Rose Mortada
Service owner @Justice_Digital prev. @DfEDigital . Bringing people and technology together to create user centred services that improve people’s lives
Go to the profile of Heather Wilson
Go to the profile of Lisa J Jeffery
Lisa J Jeffery
Hello. I'm a public sector connector and digital human. Always learning. I am interested in design, digital culture and change ⚡️
Go to the profile of Jukka Kyhäräinen
Jukka Kyhäräinen
Development Expert, Finnish Tax Administration. eGovernment, digital and people oriented society. Co-design, ecosystems, data, experimental development.
Go to the profile of Janne Mattila
Janne Mattila
Lead designer in innovation lab at the Finnish Social Security Institution. I’m a strong advocate for making things open but struggle to find time for sharing.
Go to the profile of Mary BL
Go to the profile of Emma-Rose Beauchamp
Emma-Rose Beauchamp
Canadian public servant. Innovation enthusiast.
Go to the profile of DavidBuck
Working from Defra in the Future Farming and Countryside Programme, OneTeamGov and UKGovCamp. Government romantic and lover of tea
Go to the profile of Rae Payette-Bourassa
Rae Payette-Bourassa
Public servant for the government of Canada, specializing in all sorts of policy things that relate to food. #OneTeamGov-er. Writer. Artist. Enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Heather-Lynn Remacle
Heather-Lynn Remacle
Slow to judge, quick to suppose: truth and alternatives I’m keen to expose. Open by default. How can I help? https://bit.ly/32Fmz2l
Go to the profile of Steph Percival
Steph Percival
Baby Mama. GoC Free Agent. Positive Disruptor. Ponderer. Storyteller. Bona fide book nerd sniffing out the next great read.
Go to the profile of Laura Driver
Laura Driver
User Research and Service Design at Leeds City Council. CMI student at Leeds University.
Go to the profile of Helena Clayton
Helena Clayton
Leadership Development - facilitator, consultant and coach. Researching the role love could play in our orgs. https://helenaclayton.co.uk/leading-from-love/
Go to the profile of John Stroud
John Stroud
AI Guide. Sadlly, most AI projects fail. I provide vendor-agnostic guidance on the right solution for your environment so you can tap into the power of AI.
Go to the profile of Colleen Tiernan
Colleen Tiernan
Forever learner. Analyst for the #GC and #ESDCInnovationLab. Never a dull day at work or home. All views are my own.
Go to the profile of Anders Eggum
Go to the profile of Tom Harrison
Tom Harrison
Senior Delivery Manager at Unboxed
Go to the profile of E Murray
Go to the profile of Peter Bromley
Peter Bromley
Product Manager. Views are my own.
Go to the profile of GailOnSea🏝
♡Civil Servant ♡Project Manager ♡Led @AZ2BW ♡With @OneTeamGov #OTGWellbeingCamp ♡Proud Filipina ♡Runner/Healthy swaps champion♡UoG MBA grad
Go to the profile of Mark Payne
Mark Payne
Mark is passionate for organisations, leaders and staff being able to make the most of their potential.
Go to the profile of Trilly Chatterjee
Trilly Chatterjee
Head of Product @NHSEngland. Prev. @NHSDigital @HMRCgovUK. Help teams make better things (including better teams). Views expressed here not my employers'.
Go to the profile of David Stranger-Jones
David Stranger-Jones
Equals | Diversity and Inclusion advocate | Sport for Development | Senior lawyer
Go to the profile of Jon Hyde
Go to the profile of Paul Vittles
Paul Vittles
Researcher (FMRS), marketer (FAMI), consultant, coach & counsellor who helps people and organisations with transformational change and sustainable success.
Go to the profile of David Durant
David Durant
Ex GDS / GLA / HackIT. Co-organiser of unconferences. Opinionated when awake, often asleep.
Go to the profile of Pamela James
Go to the profile of Piavism
Curious of the world and its people, sustainability & tech mindset and nerdy about data, passionate about changing working culture in gov through OneTeamGov.