NEO Council ONT Airdrop Second Half Notice

The Ontology Team
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2018


Earlier this year the NEO Council announced an ONT airdrop for all NEO token holders ( The snapshot was taken at block height 1974823, which occurred at 09:15:33 AM (UTC+8) on March 1st, 2018. NEO token holders who held NEO during the snapshot have already received the first half of the airdrop (0.1 ONT per 1 NEO) to their NEO address.

The second half of the airdrop (an additional 0.1 ONT per 1 NEO) has now been sent. For those who received the first half of the airdrop, it was not sent to your NEO address, instead it was sent to your MainNet ONT address. Your MainNet ONT address has the same public address, private key, and WIF as your NEO address.

There are several ways for you to access your MainNet ONT address:

  • Using ONTO or OWallet. Once you have downloaded ONTO, use the “Import a wallet” function. Enter your NEO wallet private key or WIF, create a password, and you will be able to see your MainNet ONT in your wallet.
  • Using third party wallets that support MainNet ONT.
  • If your NEO was on an exchange address during the snapshot, please refer to the exchange for their ONT airdrop policy.
  • If your NEO was on Ledger during the snapshot, ONTO’s desktop version, scheduled for August, will have functions for Ledger users to complete the token swap and claim their NEO Council ONT airdrop second half by using their mnemonic phrase.

ONT and ONG transactions have a 0.01 ONG fee.

There are several ways you can get ONG:

  • When you complete NEP-5 ONT token swap you will automatically receive your unclaimed ONG since the beginning of MainNet. You can read more about ONG unbinding here.
  • If you have unbound ONG you can claim it at any time (however, this too requires a 0.01 ONG fee). Your claimable ONG will only update after a transaction has been made.
  • Buy ONG on exchanges when it is listed.

For further questions, please refer to the NEO Council Airdrop FAQ. If you can’t find your answer there, message us on Discord and we’ll update the FAQ accordingly.

Thank you,

The Ontology Team

