MainNet ONT Token Swap Guide

The Ontology Team
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2018


MainNet ONT Token Swap FAQ

Ontology MainNet went live on June 30th, 2018. The token swap began on July 9th, 2018, and will finish on October 1st, 2018. Users must finish the token swap during this period. For users who did not make the deadline, please consult this article.

MainNet ONT token swap has four types:

  • ONTO/OWallet token swap
  • Other wallet token swap
  • Exchange token swap
  • Ledger token swap

Please note:

1. Since MainNet ONT is indivisible (smallest unit 1 ONT), only whole numbers of NEP-5 ONT can be mapped. If you have smaller units of NEP-5 ONT we recommend you make your ONT a whole number before mapping.

2. We recommend you first try mapping with a small amount of ONT before mapping a larger amount of ONT.

3. Since ONTO and NEO use the same public and private key system, your NEO wallet address, private key, and WIF are your ONTO wallet, private key, and WIF. Please keep your NEO and ONTO wallet private key and WIF secure; do not pass on your private key information over the internet.

Below we explain each mapping method:

ONTO/OWallet token swap

1) Download ONTO ( and complete ONT ID registration.

2)In the wallet, create an ONT ID, import a wallet, enter your NEP-5 ONT private key or WIF, and set a password to create a wallet. After the wallet has been created, it will show your ONT balance as 0; you must first complete mapping before your ONT amount will display.

3) In ONTO’s wallet, click “ONT (NEP-5)”, or “MainNet Token Swap”, enter token swap amount “1”, and the wallet password.

4)When mapping is complete, ONTO will display the mapping status information. The status types are: “in progress” and “complete”, including for the amount of ONG corresponding to the number of mapped ONT. The ONG is unlocked and can be claimed later. In the screenshots, the ONT balance changes to 1 and the claimable ONG balance changes to 0.00745546 (the ONG amount is just an example and will vary on the amount of ONT held and the time passed since June 30th).

If you would prefer to use OWallet, Ontology’s desktop wallet, please read how to do so in the OWallet FAQ.

Other wallet token swap

Exchange token swap

Please refer to official notices from supporting exchanges for their token swap policy:

Ledger token swap

  1. Create an individual wallet on OWallet.
  2. Send your NEP-5 ONT to your OWallet address.
  3. After the transaction has been received click swap next to your NEP-5 ONT balance, then select your token swap amount, enter your wallet password, then press confirm.
  4. Please allow up to one month for your token swap to complete, you can check the status at
  5. After you have completed the token swap make a MainNet ONT wallet on your Ledger and send your MainNet ONT to that address.

For further questions, please see our FAQ.

If you have additional questions about the token swap, please ask in the #token-swap channel on our Discord.

