Opacity — May Update

Jason Coppola
2 min readJun 1, 2019


“Privacy is my fundamental right which assures my financial and personal safety.”

@TalkJoint, Ledger Nano S Winner

May in Review

So much news! As we ramped up into the Opacity 1.0 launch, so did the events, promotions, and marketing. Here’s a quick recap:

So, What’s Next?

In case you missed it:

Come join us and celebrate launch week!

Welcome Aron…Again!

Aron Hiltzik has joined the team full-time as a Marketing Associate. I have appreciated his help and his role will continue to primarily focus on Social Media marketing campaigns, community growth, and pursuing partner prospects.

Financial Update

May expenses came in at $93,950 in total. This was slightly over our previous forecast amount of $92,775 due to increased marketing costs.

That wraps up this month — See you at launch!

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About Opacity

Founded in 2018, Opacity Storage is dedicated to online data privacy and security. Online data breaches continue to be a major consumer risk. Opacity is reducing this risk by removing the need to provide personal payment data and by decentralizing files stored online. For more information, visit opacity.io and follow @Opacity_Storage on Twitter.



Jason Coppola

CEO at Opacity. Bringing the right to privacy to SaaS.