Top Stories published by OB1 — Trade Free in 2016

OpenBazaar Hackathon Ideas

With the OpenBazaar London Hackathon approaching, I thought I’d jot down a few quick ideas for improving the protocol.


Difficulty: Easy

OpenBazaar Ecosystem: CryptoBooks

In these posts we take a look at some unique members of the OpenBazaar ecosystem. Today we are featuring M.K. Lords, writer and serious Bitcoin advocate who is managing Andreas Antonopoulos’ store CryptoBooks on OpenBazaar. You can find CryptoBooks on OpenBazaar here…

OpenBazaar 1.1.8 Released; New Features Added

Today we’ve released version 1.1.8, the first release in a few months. This release adds several new features for vendors as well as a significant amount of bug fixes and code improvements. You can download this new version on the page.

OpenBazaar Ecosystem: Tom Woods Jewelry

In these posts we take a look at some unique members of the OpenBazaar ecosystem. Today we interview a vendor selling his own hand-made jewelry, Tom Woods Jewelry, who was connected enough to be shared by his friends with us on Twitter! You can find Tom Woods…

These were the top 10 stories published by OB1 — Trade Free in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.