ODSA for Java Developers (Part 8) — Connecting to Oracle ADB from a Spring Boot 3.0 App with Spring Data JPA on Azure Red Hat OpenShift

Juarez Junior
12 min readFeb 19, 2024


Oracle Database Service for Microsoft Azure (ODSA)

by Juarez Junior


This blog post is about creating a container image for a Spring Boot 3.0 application, deploying the image to Azure Container Registry, and then using it to deploy the application to Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO).

Its goal is to provide a quick tutorial on creating and deploying a Spring Boot 3.0 application to ACI, then connect it to an Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB) instance provisioned using the Oracle Database Service for Azure.

Please check the official documentation for Azure Red Hat OpenShift to explore it comprehensively.

So without further ado, let’s get started!


Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO)

Azure Red Hat OpenShift provides a platform for Kubernetes orchestration, and it allows you to run Docker containers in a managed serverless Azure environment. By running your workloads in Azure Container Instances (ACI), you can focus on building your applications instead of addressing the infrastructure that runs them.

This blog post is not an exhaustive guide to Azure Containers Instances. Its goal is to provide a quick guide on how to build a container image for a Spring Boot 3 application, deploy it to Azure Container Registry, and then deploy an application based on that image to Azure Container Instances (ACI).

Code sample

We’ll use the same Spring Boot 3.0 sample application as in the previous blog posts in this series to perform the steps described above.

The only addition is a Dockerfile that will be used for our containerized Spring Boot 3.0 application, as shown below.

Note that this is a basic example of how to containerize a Spring Boot application, and there are many ways you can customize it. You can get more details by visiting the official Spring Boot with Docker guide.

If you have to install Docker, there are some options, such as Docker Desktop and Rancher Desktop, and you can see this blog post for pointers on installing Docker Desktop.

Copy the file above to the root directory of your project at the same level as the POM.xml file.


Test the Docker image locally

Assuming that you have Docker installed locally, you can test the application on your local machine.

Just navigate to the root directory of your project, and run the commands below.

docker build -t odsa-spring .
docker images

You will see the image below if everything is OK with your environment.

Docker image — ods-spring:latest

Now you can test the sample application locally. To do so, run the command below.

docker run -p 8080:8080 odsa-spring:latest

The Spring Boot 3.0 application will start. Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/employees

docker run -p 8080:8080 odsa-spring:latest

You should see a JSON response below, confirming that your Spring Boot application is running successfully in a Docker container.

Containerized Spring Boot app at http://localhost:8080/employees

Create an Azure Container Registry (ACR) instance

Azure Container Registry is a private registry service for building, storing, and managing container images.

So, the next step is to create an Azure Container Registry instance with the Azure CLI. Part 3 in this series has a specific section documenting the Azure CLI installation process.

Sign in to the Azure CLI and set your chosen Azure Subscription.

az login 
az account set --subscription <YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID>

Create or reuse an existing Azure resource group. Remember to substitute the placeholders below with your preferred values.

Examples of the values used in commands are available throughout this blog post for your easy reference.

az group create --name <AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP> --location <AZURE_REGION>

An example:

az group create --name aro-my-rg --location eastus

Register an Azure Resource Provider for Container Registry.

az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerRegistry

Create an Azure Container Registry instance. Note that the registry name must be unique within Azure and contain 5–50 lowercase alphanumeric characters. The command below will output a loginServer name, so take note of it.

az acr create --resource-group <AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP> --name <ACR_INSTANCE_NAME> --sku <ACR_SERVICE_TIER>

An example:

az acr create --resource-group aro-my-rg --name orclacregistry --sku basic

Log in to Azure Container Registry.

az acr login --name <ACR_INSTANCE_NAME> --resource-group <AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP>

An example:

az acr login --name orclacregistry --resource-group aro-my-rg

The command returns a Login Succeeded message once completed.

Build and deploy an image to your ACR instance

We’ll use the Docker image we used in a previous step to test the Spring Boot application locally. The command below will build, tag and deploy it as required.

az acr build --resource-group <AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP> --registry <ACR_INSTANCE_NAME> --image <IMAGE_NAME:TAG> .

An example:

az acr build --resource-group aro-my-rg --registry orclacregistry --image odsa-spring:v1 .

The process to deploy the image will start as expected.

az acr build

After a short while, you will see messages confirming that your image got pushed to your ACR repository as expected.

ACR — image pushed successfully

List the images in your registry to ensure a successful image deployment.

az acr repository list --name <ACR_INSTANCE_NAME> --output table

An example:

az acr repository list --name orclacregistry --output table
az acr repository list — Result — odsa-spring

You can also use the Azure Portal to check your ACR instance and the respective repository to see the image with the related tag, as shown below.

Azure Portal — ACR repository — odsa-spring

Configure the dependencies required by an ARO cluster

You must get a pull secret for your Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

A Red Hat pull secret enables your ARO cluster to access Red Hat container registries. Use this link to download your pull secret file.

ARO — pull secret file

Next, please register the resource providers below.

az provider register --namespace Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift --wait
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Authorization --wait
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Storage --wait
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Compute --wait

If you want, you can list all providers for your subscription with the command below.

az provider list -o table

You can also confirm if a specific provider is registered, as an example you can check the ARO provider.

az provider list --query "[?namespace=='Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift']"

Last, check your current Azure resource quota. ARO requires a minimum of 40 cores to create and run an OpenShift cluster.

As an example, you can use the command below to check the quota for a target Azure Virtual Machine (VM) size, let’s say a “Standard DSv5” VM family SKU.

az vm list-usage --location eastus --query "[?contains(name.value, 'standardDSv5Family')]" -o table
Standard DSv5 VM family SKU — Limit

Create a VNET with two subnets

ARO clusters running OpenShift 4.x require a VNET with two subnets, for the Kubernetes master and worker nodes.

First, create a virtual network.

az network vnet create --resource-group aro-my-rg --name aro-my-vnet --address-prefixes

Create an empty subnet for the K8s master nodes.

az network vnet subnet create --resource-group aro-my-rg --vnet-name aro-my-vnet --name aro-master-subnet --address-prefixes

Create an empty subnet for the K8s worker nodes.

az network vnet subnet create --resource-group aro-my-rg --vnet-name aro-my-vnet --name aro-worker-subnet --address-prefixes

Create an ARO cluster

Run the following command to create your ARO cluster. Remember to include your pull secret file, if you want to enable your cluster to access the Red Hat container registries as well.

az aro create --resource-group aro-my-rg --name aro-my-cluster --vnet aro-my-vnet --master-subnet aro-master-subnet --worker-subnet aro-worker-subnet

It will take a while to complete. Typically, it takes about 30 minutes or so to create a cluster. This an excellent opportunity to grab a cup of coffee!

az aro create

As soon as it completes, a response in JSON will be returned. Look for the status: “provisioningState”: “Succeeded” to confirm it.

You can also check the Azure Portal to ensure it’s up and running properly as expected. Search for Azure Red Hat OpenShift, then select the result under the Services option.

Azure Portal — Azure Red Hat OpenShift

You will seed the cluster as shown below.

Azure Portal — ARO cluster

Connect to your ARO cluster

You can connect using the usual kubeadmin user. First, you have to retrieve its password, so run the command below.

az aro list-credentials --name aro-my-cluster

You should see a response similar to the one below. The password will be in kubeadminPassword as shown below, copy and save it.

"kubeadminPassword": "<KUBEADMIN_PASSWORD>",
"kubeadminUsername": "kubeadmin"

Retrieve the OpenShift Container Platform URL

Run the command below to get the OpenShift URL.

az aro show --name aro-my-cluster --query "consoleProfile.url" -o tsv

Use the URL above to launch the OpenShift console and use the kubeadmin as the username, and the retrieved password to log in.

OpenShift Container Platform — console

Click on the question mark (?) in the top-right corner, then select Command Line Tools to find the OpenShift Command Line Interface (oc CLI) binaries.

It allows you to create applications and manage OpenShift projects from a CLI. Find and download the oc CLI binary that is appropriate to your machine as shown below, and install it per the documentation for your OS.

OpenShift Container Platform — oc CLI binaries

Connect to your ARO cluster using the OpenShift CLI

Run the command below to retrieve the address of your ARO cluster’s API server.

az aro show --name aro-my-cluster --query apiserverProfile.url -o tsv

Run the command below to log in to the API server. Note that it will use the default project, so we’ll create an OpenShift project in the following steps as required.

ARO API server — login successful

Enable the Admin user account

You must run the command below to enable the Admin user account.

az acr update --resource-group aro-my-rg --name orclacregistry --admin-enabled true 

Get the credentials

Take note of them, and ensure they are saved properly.

az acr credential show --resource-group aro-my-rg --name orclacregistry

Create the K8s secret for your cluster with the oc CLI tool

Now you can use the oc CLI tool to create a Kubernetes secret. Execute the command with your ACR credentials.

oc create secret docker-registry --docker-server orclacregistry.azurecr.io --docker-username orclacregistry --docker-password <PASSWORD> --docker-email unused acr-secret

You should see a confirmation as shown below.

oc create secret

Create an ARO project

Create a new ARO project by running the command below.

oc new-project odsa-spring-project
oc new-project odsa-spring-project

You can see the project by running the command oc project as below.

You can also use the console to see your project as below.

ARO console — odsa-spring-project

Create a new ARO application

First, run the command below.

oc new-app --image=orclacregistry.azurecr.io/odsa-spring:v1 
The new ARO app was created successfully

You can see the pod information by running the command below.

oc get pods
oc get pods

Next, create a YAML file with the spec for an Ingress component, which forwards the traffic to a Service component.

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: odsa-spring-ingress
- host: odsa-spring-myhost
- backend:
name: odsa-spring-service
number: 8080
path: /
pathType: Exact

Create the Ingress and the Service components by running the command below.

oc apply -f odsa-spring-ingress.yaml
Ingress created successfully

Check the details of your Ingress component.

oc get ingress
Ingress component — details

Check the details of your Service component.

oc get services
Services component — details

Add the outbound IP addresses of your ARO container to the ACL

Before you can open a browser to test it, there’s a last but essential step. We have to add the outbound IP address of your ARO container instance to your Oracle Autonomous Database instance’s ACL (Access Control List).

Go to the ODSA console, select your ADB instance, select Networking on the right-hand side, and then click Edit at the top. Add the IP address to its ACL. Click OK. Wait until its status changes from Updating to Active.

ODSA — Secure access from allowed IP addresses for the ADBATPODSA instance

You will see a notification message with a confirmation, as shown below.

Oracle Autonomous Database — ACL updated

Test the application

As in the previous blog posts in this series, the URL format for this application is below.


Check the container logs

You can inspect the container instance logs with the command below.

az container logs --resource-group myResourceGroup --name mycontainer

You will see the Hibernate query logged successfully, as expected.

Spring Data JPA with Hibernate — query executed

Congratulations! You deployed a Spring Boot 3.0 application to a container on Azure Container Instances (ACI). It is connected to an Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB) instance provisioned with the Oracle Database Service for Azure.

Wrapping it up

That’s it! You learned how to configure a Spring Boot application to use UCP as a native Spring Datasource.

Then, you deployed it to a Kubernetes cluster on Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO). I hope you enjoyed this blog post and our series about ODSA. Stay tuned!

Oracle Database Service for Azure (ODSA) Series

This post complements the series on developing Azure applications with ODSA, which includes the previous blog posts listed below.

ODSA for Java Developers (Part 1) — Introduction to Oracle Database Service for Azure

ODSA for Java Developers (Part 2) — Connecting to Oracle ADB from a Spring Boot 3.0 App with Spring Data JPA on Azure App Service

ODSA for Java Developers (Part 3) — Connecting to Oracle ADB from a Spring Boot 3.0 App with Spring Data JPA on Azure Spring Apps

ODSA for Java Developers (Part 4) — Connecting to Oracle ADB from a Spring Boot 3.0 App with Spring Data JPA on Azure Container Apps

ODSA for Java Developers (Part 5) — Connecting to Oracle ADB from a FaaS App with Oracle JDBC on Azure Functions

ODSA for Java Developers (Part 6) — Connecting to Oracle ADB from a Spring Boot 3.0 App with Spring Data JPA on Azure Kubernetes Service

ODSA for Java Developers (Part 7) — Connecting to Oracle ADB from a Spring Boot 3.0 App with Spring Data JPA on Azure Container Instances


Oracle Database Service for Azure — Documentation

Develop Java applications with Oracle Database

Developers Guide For Oracle JDBC on Maven Central

Oracle Database JDBC Java API Reference, Release 23c

Azure Red Hat OpenShift

Azure Red Hat OpenShift — Documentation

Azure Container Registry — Documentation

Azure CLI

Docker Desktop

Rancher Desktop

Spring Boot 3.2

Spring Data JPA

Spring Framework 6.1.3

Jakarta Persistence 3.1


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