Go to OSS by MAIF
Designing and building commons since 1934
Note from the editor

Designing and building commons since 1934

Go to the profile of François Desmier
Go to the profile of Mathieu ANCELIN
Go to the profile of larousso
Dev java/scala/javascript.
Go to the profile of Frederic de JAVEL
Go to the profile of Yann Golhen
Yann Golhen
Lead Data Scientist — MAIF
Go to the profile of quentin aubert
Go to the profile of Thomas Bouche
Thomas Bouche
Data Scientist
Go to the profile of Daniel Bartolo
Go to the profile of Frederic de JAVEL
Go to the profile of Tiphaine Fabre
Tiphaine Fabre
Data Scientist NLP at MAIF — Contributor to Melusine
Go to the profile of Benjamin Cavy
Benjamin Cavy
Go to the profile of Thomas Bouche
Thomas Bouche
Data Scientist
Go to the profile of MAIF
Toujours assureur, plus que jamais militant. Avec vous et auprès de vous, MAIF réaffirme ses engagements responsables, éthiques, solidaires. #ChaqueActeCompte
Go to the profile of Thibaud Real
Go to the profile of Fabrice Etanchaud
Go to the profile of Hugo Perrier
Hugo Perrier
NLP practitioner and Open-Source enthusiast ! I am a core contributer to the Melusine package. Senior ML Engineer at Quantmetry. Wakeboard fan !!
Go to the profile of Charles Szersnovicz
Charles Szersnovicz
Code enthusiast