Announcing OST KIT Alpha Phase III: Embedded Wallet-Lite Challenge

Earn Up to 350,000 OST for your project!

Published in
8 min readJul 10, 2018


At OST, we are building essential blockchain infrastructure and developer toolkits to enable any business — no matter their size or level of technical sophistication — to benefit from having their own Branded Token economy without the hassle, costs, and risks of an ICO. Tokenization will help businesses increase customer engagement, growth, and monetization, allowing them to invest more in their community ecosystem and reduce reliance on third-party acquisition and re-engagement from the likes of Facebook and Google.

We are designing OST KIT to enable companies to easily launch scalable blockchain token economies by just inserting a few lines of code into their apps. A crucial element to meet this vision is working in partnership with developers and businesses early and often, to gather their feedback as we build and enhance our products and prepare for launch of OST on Mainnet later this year. Thank you, thank you, thank you to the community and especially to the hundreds of developers around the world for participating in our Alphas —your input and passion drive the OST project forward.

Today we are announcing OST KIT Alpha III.

Alpha III is the opportunity to integrate the first OST Branded Token wallet features into your apps, and to provide us with your feedback on how to build the best, most robust, wallet APIs, UX and features to meet your business needs.

First, let’s review a brief history of OST’s alpha programs and our development with the community:

In March 2018, we held OST KIT Alpha I, centered on the process of minting Branded Tokens from staked OST. With over 1600 branded tokens created and over 18 million token transfers, we received overwhelming validation from the community on the need for creating token economies, while learning how to make staking, minting, and transfers simple and scalable.

In April — May 2018, OST KIT Alpha II enhanced Alpha I to allow businesses to integrate Branded Token transfers into their apps. With Alpha II, developers could trigger token transfers between company-and-users and user-to-user through integrations with our API. They could also monitor their token economies in OST KIT while simultaneously having all transactions recorded in OST VIEW block explorer. OST KIT Alpha II proved to be the world’s largest blockchain developer app integration hackathon to-date: 250 teams applied, 149 participated, and 73 teams successfully completed the challenge. With OST KIT Alpha II, we saw the potential for token economies to revolutionize different business models, from online communities to verifying the caviar supply chain, to supporting NGO scholarship donations.

July 10th — August 10th, 2018: OST KIT Alpha III: Embedded Wallet-Lite.
OST KIT Alpha Phase III adds the first end-user wallet features to OST. With the recent launch of the OST Ledger and Balance APIs, Alpha III will be all about creating, interacting with, and supporting embedded wallet features that show users’ token balances and transaction histories.

(Please note: Alpha III does not yet integrate OpenST/OST key management features, so end-users cannot yet transfer tokens to/from the wallets; those features will be added in OpenST 0.9.4 scheduled for later this quarter and will be part of subsequent OST developer challenges.)

Here’s the Essential Info for OST KIT Alpha III:


  • Alpha III is a global developer challenge. Development teams have until August 10th, 2018 to integrate an OST powered Branded Token into their app, run token transfers triggered by in-app events, and showcase the new embedded wallet token balance and transaction history APIs.
  • Participating teams will build a Proof of Concept “PoC” integration on OpenST testnet.
  • You must submit your POC in the form of two blog posts and one final submission video. Successful PoC’s can earn up to 350,000 OST.
  • See below for all of the qualifying requirements and submission details.

Who can participate:

  • Anyone. No blockchain development skills are required; however, developers should be familiar with RESTful APIs at minimum.
  • Teams can start fresh with OST KIT in Alpha III, or they can continue their work begun in Alpha II. Teams starting now can move quickly thanks to the many SDKs developed during Alpha II. Existing teams can continue to iterate and add the new features.


  • Unlike Alpha II, there is no approval process for Alpha III.
  • All registrations will be approved, whitelisted, and provided quick access to the OST KIT Alpha III sandbox environment (typically within 48 hours of registration).


  • Alpha Phase III runs from July 10th — August 10th.
  • You can join in anytime after July 10th; however, you must submit your registration to participate no later than July 20th, 2018.
  • Development teams can start work as soon as they are whitelisted.

4 Minimum Requirements (See “the fine print” below for details on each of these requirements):

  1. Create a qualifying PoC integration.
  2. Publish a half-way blog post with an update about the progress of your project
  3. Upload a final YouTube video presenting your PoC
  4. Publish a final blog post about your PoC.
  5. Fill out the submission form


  • Every team that successfully completes the 4 minimum requirements for an Alpha III POC integration will receive 75,000 OST. Please note: Only 1 project per person/team will be rewarded.
  • New teams as well as the Alpha II teams are all eligible for the full 75,000 OST rewards.
  • All teams that submit a successful POC are also eligible for 25,000 additional “OST Social Alpha” rewards. See details below on how to earn OST Social Alpha rewards.
  • All teams who submit a successful POC will also be in the running for eight “Best of OST Alpha III” rewards of 250,000 additional OST. Three Best of OST Alpha III rewards will be chosen by the community. Five will be chosen by the OST team.

The Fine Print:

  • All Alpha III challenge projects can register by completing this Alpha III registration form.
  • Alpha II projects that want to continue in Alpha III should also make sure to complete the Alpha III registration form.
  • You will receive an email from us within 48 hours of registration with everything you need to access the Alpha III developer sandbox. All OST KIT API documentation can be found at

➡️ To qualify for a “successful Alpha III POC” and earn any rewards, you must submit a YouTube video of up to 5 minutes in length demonstrating that you have achieved the following product requirements:

A. Mint a Branded Token with OST KIT (Alpha II projects do not need to repeat this step)

B. Integrate your Branded Token into your website or app such that app events trigger token transfers between users of your app. Ideally, your app will trigger all of: company-to-user, user-to-user, and user-to-company token transfer events. If your app does not have functionality for user-to-user token transfers, you must demonstrate both company-to-user and user-to-company token transfers (e.g. user earns tokens from liking a photo (company rewards tokens to user) and then user spends token in the app (user-to-company).

C. Run at least 1000 in-app events triggering token transfers, not including airdrops to users.

D. Your POC must show user wallet features including users’ token balances and transaction histories, within your app or website. This can be achieved by creating user wallets and/or by integrating the OST Wallet-Lite features throughout your website or app. See our developer resources for details about OST Wallet-Lite APIs. At minimum, your POC video must present at least one user’s token balance and transaction history displayed in their logged-in version of your app or website.

E. Your final POC must present active developer logs showing the in-app events that trigger token transfers and that connect to the OST Ledger and Balance APIs. You will receive a submission guide with best practices for presenting the developer logs in your final POC submission video.

➡️ To be eligible for any rewards, all challenge participants must also publish a halfway blog post (on your blog or on Medium, including a link to by 27, July 2018 and send the link to the blog post along with your project name to Your blog post must answer these questions (feel free to write more):

  • Why did you decide to register for OST Alpha Phase III?
  • What is the goal of your project/business’s use of blockchain?
  • What is the current progress for your team’s OST Alpha Phase III development?

➡️ To be eligible for any rewards, once your final video has been posted on YouTube, all participants must publish a final blog post (on your blog or on Medium, including a link to about your integration. Your final blog post must include the following:

  • Blog post must include screenshots of the project’s integration with OST KIT, the user wallet features, and screenshots of your token transfers being recorded on OST VIEW.

Your blog post should answer these 5 questions:

  1. What problem does your project solve for and what was the user need for creating your token economy?
  2. What was your key goal behind doing the challenge?
  3. How did you plan the design for your wallet features?

…… What APIs did you use: Ledger, Balance, Actions, Token Details, etc.?

…… What information did you show to the end user and why?

…… How did you use design (UX/UI) for how to display this information?

4. What did you like about using these APIs?

5. What did you learn about designing these wallet features?

➡️ To qualify for the OST Social Alpha Award (25,000 Additional OST), each project must, along with submitting a successful POC, create weekly blog posts that include a link to and share:

  1. What progress did you make on your Alpha III PoC this week?
  2. What did you learn/issues you had to overcome?
  3. What are you planning for the next week?

❗ Note — Screenshots, images, infographics, and videos are encouraged! (but not required)

❗ Important: Make sure to tweet your blog posts to #OSTa3 and mention @ostdotcom and your project name, so we can track that you have done it!

  • OST will provide a submission form for your final POC. In addition to submitting the YouTube URL of your final video, you must also answer all questions in the form and complete the final blog post by Friday, August 10th, 2018 1:00pm UTC.
  • The OST Team must be able to view your POC and to present it as a public case study (if OST so chooses). You can present your app demo as a video or webcast; however, all in-app transactions must be proven, and all blockchain transactions must be viewable on OST VIEW, the block explorer provided by OST.
  • All OST awards will be distributed 1/4 every three months over a 9 month period starting September 2018.
  • Larger OST token grants could be made available to assist with ongoing development of projects, at the sole discretion of the OST Team, on a case-by-case basis.
  • Please understand that OST KIT Alpha will continue to be under active development during the challenge.
  • OST reserves the right to reject any project for any reason, and particularly will reject projects that obfuscate, break laws, harm others, infringe on other’s intellectual property, or rely mainly on third-party plugins.
  • All questions about the OST KIT Alpha III challenge should be referred to




Seamlessly integrate crypto micro-transactions into any app. & launching @thepepoapp autumn 2019