Go to Other Doors
Other Doors
From haiku to hefty memoirs - poems, stories and essays that break through the bullshit. Looking for pieces that go far beyond cliché to uncover a new realm of possibilities. Other Doors features writing that leaves the reader with genuine congenital reactions.
Note from the editor

From haiku to hefty memoirs - poems, stories and essays that break through the bullshit. Looking for pieces that go far beyond cliché to uncover a new realm of possibilities. Other Doors features writing that leaves the reader with genuine congenital reactions.

Go to the profile of Nicholas Petrone
Nicholas Petrone
Born Again Transcendentalist. Writing about life, death and everything in between. Editor of Other Doors. haroldpstinard@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Liz Petrone
Liz Petrone
Award winning writer, blogger, teller of stories, believer in truth, and mama to four. Find my stories on lizpetrone.com and all over the Internet.
Go to the profile of Victoria Rego
Victoria Rego
Reiki Master, tarot reader, poet. Inspired by love and intuition. Words that cast spells on souls and flow with energy healing.
Go to the profile of SouthpawPoet
The Left Hand of God is a Poet. Happy in the humble service of the Word.
Go to the profile of Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg
Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg
Muslim, Swifty, Optimist, US/Af.Am. History Instructor. Conscientious objector. Happily 💍 since 10/6/21 & 1/17/22. Here since 2016
Go to the profile of Jk Mansi
Jk Mansi
To know where you're going find out where you've been. I strive to be joyful. I read. I write. I’m grateful.
Go to the profile of Robin Klammer
Robin Klammer
Searching for my True North, Strong & Free... ehhhh?! Garden of Neuro sister & Queen of Snark! 👑
Go to the profile of Steve B Howard NOVELIST
Steve B Howard NOVELIST
Atheist. Spewer of sometimes interesting and entertaining gibberish. https://www.amazon.com/Steve-Howard/e/B00WQX1D96?ref_=dbs_p_ebk_r00_aba
Go to the profile of Zarina Dara 🥀💃🏻
Zarina Dara 🥀💃🏻
sneaking poetry into the corners of the day, and telling stories to myself in grasp of sanity.
Go to the profile of EDEN by FREI
A concept narrative in the here & now about the where, the wherefore and forever. Also at EDENbyFREI.net
Go to the profile of Jocelyn Reynolds Rauch
Jocelyn Reynolds Rauch
Wife, Mom, Foodie, General Lover of Life, Hot Mess.
Go to the profile of Amy Chesley
Go to the profile of Veni Fields
Veni Fields
Jersey Girl, Navy veteran, journalist.
Go to the profile of Anna Lee Beyer
Anna Lee Beyer
I am a former librarian and newspaper reporter, now writing and raising two small children. My work has appeared in Time, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, and xoJane.
Go to the profile of Stacey Waltzer
Go to the profile of Pangloss
A substrate of Aosn Spepsen.
Go to the profile of Shelby Spear
Shelby Spear
Sappy & Sarcastic mom of 3 | Co-author of How Are You Feeling, Momma? (You don’t need to say, “I’m fine.”) | shelbyspear.com | IG shelspear | FB shelspear
Go to the profile of valli gideons
valli gideons
Writer. Military bride. Hearing Loss Advocate. Raising Cochlear Implant Kids ❤ www.facebook.com/mybattlecall
Go to the profile of Erika Burkhalter
Erika Burkhalter
Photographer, yogi, cat-mom, lover of travel and nature, spreading amazement for Mother Earth, one photo, poem or story at a time. (MA Yoga, MS Neuropsychology)
Go to the profile of Sheryl Martin
Sheryl Martin
It is suffering that shoots streams of creativity out of my heart, and the brokenness of life that explodes my heart into its soul.
Go to the profile of Lowen Puckey
Lowen Puckey
Advocate for mental health, chronic illness and disability. Sometime writer of funnies & fiction. Perpetual drinker of tea.
Go to the profile of Christopher Blood
Go to the profile of Edward Punales
Edward Punales
I am a writer and filmmaker. I love storytelling in all its forms. Contact Info and Other Links: https://medium.com/@edwardpgames/my-bibliography-6ad2c863c6be
Go to the profile of John Tuttle
John Tuttle
Journalist and creative. Words @ The Hill, Submittable, The Millions, Tablet Magazine, GMP, University Bookman, Prehistoric Times: jptuttleb9@gmail.com.
Go to the profile of nan fischer
nan fischer
Writer, thinker, reader, picture taker. Gardener, dog lover, earth mama. Unmistakeable introvert. https://www.nannieplants.com/
Go to the profile of Joan A. Evans
Joan A. Evans
▪️ education: clinical psycologist, PhD. ▪️ vocation: writer, with the heart of a poet. ▪️ avocation: connoisseur of human folly. ▪️ philosophy: cats rule
Go to the profile of Tara Livingston
Tara Livingston
Writer, motivator, counselor, hopeful visionary, a former minister in the Church but always a priest. Sole proprietor at TRL Consulting based in Calgary, AB
Go to the profile of Jodie Utter
Jodie Utter
My mission: to help bring people out of loneliness and back in to love. I read, and I feel normal. I write, and I feel joy. I share, and I feel the good.
Go to the profile of MünD
poet composer singer martial artist
Go to the profile of John Tinney
John Tinney
The idiot's idiot, modest genius and war and peacemaker. Short story collection, Different Class Action, is out. https://a.co/d/bk6mr2Z .
Go to the profile of Jessica Eileen
Jessica Eileen
Excerpts of a human being.
Go to the profile of Valerie Kittell
Valerie Kittell
Slightly grumpy New Englander. Opinion and essays here on Medium, my short stories can be read at https://storypassport.substack.com without any subscription
Go to the profile of letsfly2000
Writer of poetry, prose, & manuscripts. Living & typing in South Texas. https://linktr.ee/ChristianGardunoWriter?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=daa073e
Go to the profile of Kathy Jacobs
Kathy Jacobs
💚POMpoet💚 Former software tester, still breaking things. Social Media geek. Former OneNote MVP. Phoenix Mercury fan. Green Bay Packer fan.
Go to the profile of Anna Rozwadowska
Anna Rozwadowska
Owner, Editor of Storymaker, Hallow Literary, Literally Literary. Top Writer in Poetry. Writer, photographer, psychic, medium, and spiritual guide. M.A., Ph.D.
Go to the profile of Peculiar Julia
Peculiar Julia
Writer of poetry, prose, & the occasional rant. I feed the monsters under my bed story cake & poem pastries. What do you feed them?
Go to the profile of Mumina Musings
Mumina Musings
Free spirit. Fire heart. Genius mind. Self realize to self actualize. Visit shebelives.wordpress.com
Go to the profile of Adrion E. Walters
Adrion E. Walters
Teacher of psychology. Life-Learner & Teacher. Artist. Lover of Music, Writing, Art, Great Food, and the Deeply Hidden Self
Go to the profile of Eric Burger
Eric Burger
Dutch historian, writer, #haiku-poet, recordsmanagement geek — World War II: Holocaust & Quislings — The Netherlands — www.destoorvogel.nl
Go to the profile of Georgiana Petec
Georgiana Petec
Words, my trusted allies, written when you couldn’t be spoken, now for other voices to read you— I welcome you here. https://georgianapetec.com/
Go to the profile of Rajesh Sake
Rajesh Sake
Writing to learn, learning to write!
Go to the profile of Sylvia Wohlfarth
Sylvia Wohlfarth
An Irish-Nigerian soul living in Ireland after 40 years in Germany. A social anthropologist, English teacher, and more. With stories to share; and an opinion…
Go to the profile of Bard Papegaaij
Bard Papegaaij
Bard is a philosopher, writer, practitioner and teacher with a deep compassion for the human condition and a burning desire to help people live better lives.
Go to the profile of Mary Jones
Mary Jones
Mary is a Creative Writer, Blogger, and Poet. Expect to read her poetry and about freelance writing, mental health, depression, creativity, and passive income.
Go to the profile of Rebecca Marie
Rebecca Marie
It’s about words — the beauty they evoke when strung together in a certain sequence, and the healing they offer when shared honestly.
Go to the profile of Aseye Banini
Aseye Banini
50% Ghanaian, 50% Australian, 100% media practitioner to be. College student (for now). I always got something to say… https://www.instagram.com/writtenbyaseye/
Go to the profile of Arden Thira
Arden Thira
Writer for Human Parts and Tarot Manifest. +science +magic +love +machines.
Go to the profile of Giovanni S.
Giovanni S.
Colorful bon vivant, poet, blogger, photographer, wine connoisseur, and seeker of truth.
Go to the profile of Natalie Frank, Ph.D.
Natalie Frank, Ph.D.
I write about behavioral health & other topics. I’m Managing Editor (Serials, Novellas) for LVP Press. See my other articles: https://hubpages.com/@nataliefrank
Go to the profile of Will Schmit
Will Schmit
Will Schmit is an Author Poet Musician Will's most recent recording Fix My Car A Spoken Word Mythology is available for streaming on Spotify and at iTunes
Go to the profile of Suzanne LaGrande
Suzanne LaGrande
Writer, artist, radio prodcer, host of the Imaginary Possible: Personal stories, expert insights, AI-inspired satirical shorts. TheImaginariumAI.com
Go to the profile of Daphelba
…in search of dread secrets with which to weave tales. Dark & Strange Fiction Editor, Creative Collaborator, Advocate for survivors of abuse.
Go to the profile of Ujjaini Basu
Ujjaini Basu
A heady concoction of Art and Science
Go to the profile of Michael Stang
Michael Stang
Creative, Writer of stories, Editor at Storymaker. What can will. whitedragon421@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Dana Sanford
Dana Sanford
Poet. Philosopher. Tree climber. danasanford.substack.com, https://ko-fi.com/danasanford, -MH advocate- https://www.buymeacoffee.com/danasanford
Go to the profile of Katrina Nutter
Go to the profile of Caterina Mastroianni
Caterina Mastroianni
A poet, writer, teacher, learning designer living in Australia.
Go to the profile of Kristen Dagmarsdottir
Kristen Dagmarsdottir
I write short stories, essays, memoir, poetry, & enjoy experimenting with prose & music lyrics. I love connecting with readers & writers on Medium & other sites
Go to the profile of Tarun Gupta
Tarun Gupta
A simple fellow writing stories, sharing experiences, sharing his perspective, trying to do his share of humanity.
Go to the profile of marc liggin
marc liggin
“To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.” Albert Einstein| Assoc prod. SOLDIERS OF CONSCIENCE| 5 yrs Army. 2 yrs city cop
Go to the profile of Freddi Woomba
Freddi Woomba
A fiction author, lover of Truth, a long-term traveler, passionate about world cultures and history. I'm an exploiter of exploiters, and also a chef.
Go to the profile of Amang *大野芒*水生花
Amang *大野芒*水生花
A Taiwanese poet, vocalist, and experimentalist with a love for nature and the great outdoors. Always exploring new frontiers
Go to the profile of Sara Crowe
Sara Crowe
dog-lover | photographer | writer | endlessly curious about everything
Go to the profile of Shreya Srinivas
Shreya Srinivas
Nestled in a corner of my home surrounded by my plants, holding a book and a coffee is my happy place. Love writing poetry, short fiction, and organisation
Go to the profile of Jenny Justice
Jenny Justice
Writer| Mom | Poet | Book Nerd | Teacher? | Brings Poetry to life with empathy, connection, joy, justice, and feeling. Poetry Fangirl
Go to the profile of Melissa Pumayugra
Melissa Pumayugra
I write, worry, mother, learn, breathe, and try to be a better person each and every one of my days.
Go to the profile of Prachi Ojha
Go to the profile of Jerren Gan
Jerren Gan
Systems Engineer and Physicist | Writing about the environment, mental health, science, and how all of them come together to create society as we know it.
Go to the profile of Sarah
Still pondering the difference between manteca and mantequilla.
Go to the profile of Max Smith
Max Smith
My background: journalism & communications. My goal : to shed light and connect us through our common humanity. Message me for writing/communications projects.
Go to the profile of Christa Adams
Christa Adams
Freelance writer, solo traveler & sustainable explorer. http://christaadams.com
Go to the profile of Jacob Henderson
Go to the profile of Jazz Ramsy
Jazz Ramsy
A Washington Native, Jazz Ramsy loves to visit museums, tourist attractions, hiking trails, big cities and small towns, and discover hidden history
Go to the profile of Yennie Jun
Yennie Jun
AI researcher, data scientist, writer http://artfish.ai/
Go to the profile of Judy McLain
Judy McLain
Shit Creek survivor. Storyteller. Feminist liberal. Southern without the accent. Chihuahuaist.
Go to the profile of Terry Barr
Terry Barr
I write about music, culture, equality, and my Alabama past in The Riff, The Memoirist, Prism and Pen, Counter Arts, and am an editor for Plethora of Pop.
Go to the profile of James Velten
James Velten
Writer. Lover of coffee and books.
Go to the profile of Michele Merritt
Michele Merritt
Philosophy professor. Adoptee. Advocate. Activist. Marathon swimmer. Cheese consumer. I write about dogs a lot. michelemerritt.com
Go to the profile of Josie ElBiry
Josie ElBiry
3x Top Writer “This Happened to Me”. Creative nonfiction, short fiction and poetry. Thank you for reading.
Go to the profile of Lee G. Hornbrook
Lee G. Hornbrook
Writer, Writing Coach, Writing Process Expert. I can help you become a better writer. Follow at leehornbrook.substack.com
Go to the profile of Key Cearnach
Key Cearnach
Just a poet in a world of propaganda artists.
Go to the profile of Martine Weber
Martine Weber
Published author and poet from the heart | Creative reflections on life’s mysteries | https://medium.com/@martineweber/membership
Go to the profile of Anon
I am anything but professional | Bham | Music Industry | Art | I’m dyslexic |
Go to the profile of Uday Jhunjhunwala
Uday Jhunjhunwala
Writer, filmmaker, and investor living in NYC, hoping the Dodgers move back to Brooklyn one day…
Go to the profile of Anusha Subramanian
Go to the profile of Anusha Subramanian
Anusha Subramanian
Eternally trying to reconcile the scientist and poet in myself | Genetics at UC Berkeley | Content Lead & Editor of Aspire for Her
Go to the profile of Kavana Desai
Kavana Desai
A writer, thinker, and procrastinator. Poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction. Not to forget: always happy to receive feedback!
Go to the profile of Amanda Robins
Amanda Robins
Writer, artist, psychotherapist & seeker of the Snitch. Download my free ebook here: subscribepage.io/Reclaim-Your-Authentic-self
Go to the profile of Nancy Soto
Go to the profile of Lubna Yusuf
Lubna Yusuf
BOOKS: www.amazon.com/author/lubnayusuf | Author, Lawyer, Filmmaker, Multidisciplinary Artist |Co-author TheAIBook | Instagram @iglubna
Go to the profile of Zay Pareltheon
Zay Pareltheon
Maine writer, retired teacher. Compromised eyesight — uncompromised vision. Write to me at — zay.pareltheon@zenyet.org or follow me on Twitter — @pareltheon
Go to the profile of poetsaggio
Go to the profile of Nikki Stoneroad
Nikki Stoneroad
I have thoughts on a variety of subjects that I need to give a voice to.
Go to the profile of Mary Arda
Mary Arda
Lover of the written word, cooking, food anthropology, music, roots, and family. Storytelling NYC-Cuban. Side gig — publicist and marketer.
Go to the profile of Maya Richard-Craven
Maya Richard-Craven
Freelance business reporter. Words in @latimes @bostonglobe @guardian. Contributor @forbes and @fortunemag. USC alum.
Go to the profile of Maya Richard-Craven
Maya Richard-Craven
Social Media Manager at Mother Earth Vinegar. Contributing Writer at New York Daily News.
Go to the profile of Murasak3y
essence of spirituality is contentment Know yourself, heal your universe Corruption causes justice to appear insane Increase awareness, decrease reactivity
Go to the profile of Brian Pilling
Brian Pilling
My poetry is inspired by my grandfather, Germoglino Saggio, an immigrant poet of some stature, by his beloved home in Sicily, and by his unyielding spirit.
Go to the profile of Chuck Miller
Chuck Miller
I wrote Will Little Roo Ever…?, a children’s picture book, and Inside the Mind of an Iron Icon, a strength training book. https://www.whatthechuuuck.com/
Go to the profile of Helena Toto
Helena Toto
Health Coach, Poet, and Empath striving to live each day in conscious awareness.
Go to the profile of Stephen Hoffman
Go to the profile of Brian Lissak
Brian Lissak
Writer. Explorer. Husband. Human. I’m trying & I’ll keep trying. www.thepocketnotebook.com
Go to the profile of Gary Conner (Blue Collar Woolgatherer)
Gary Conner (Blue Collar Woolgatherer)
Self-employed, Blue Collar Construction guy with a lifelong addiction to pondering, curiosity, story and panorama. Answers seem to only spawn more questions!
Go to the profile of Erin Ryan Burdette
Erin Ryan Burdette
Freelance writer of plays/short stories/poetry/narrative non-fiction; lover of humor, chocolate, pratfalls, my children (in no particular order..).
Go to the profile of T Brown
T Brown
Ex-Cult. Musician. Writer. Gay Father. He/him/his.
Go to the profile of HB Higgs
HB Higgs
Founder of Magdala Heals. I write on theology in everyday world, in poetry and prose.
Go to the profile of David A. Loibl
David A. Loibl
on a quest to trade my lazy cleverness for disciplined bewilderment • poetry and essays • focused on perception, identity, philosophy, sociology & language
Go to the profile of Lekha Murali
Lekha Murali
Creative writing, social commentary and a little bit of satire.
Go to the profile of Peggy Moss
Peggy Moss
Peggy is the author of 3 award-winning books for children. Her essays have appeared in Learning for Justice, Empowering Parents and The New York Times.
Go to the profile of Jean Campbell
Jean Campbell
Writer by day, reader by night, napper by afternoon.
Go to the profile of Mia Miller
Mia Miller
Economist. Feminist. Mother. Conversationalist. Sporadic attempts at humour. Curious to a fault. miamiller951@gmail.com
Go to the profile of dr. d. e. fulford
dr. d. e. fulford
Instructor, director of education, researcher, and author of poetry collection— southern atheist: oh, honey — from Cathexis Northwest Press
Go to the profile of Joanna Vang
Joanna Vang
An emotional girl with an anxious mind
Go to the profile of Siraj K Zahr
Siraj K Zahr
med student, scientist, occasional writer | many interests
Go to the profile of Jared Wolf
Jared Wolf
Emerging Tech • Storyteller
Go to the profile of Maria O. Nwokeocha
Maria O. Nwokeocha
Lover of arts. Poet. Dancer. Spreading love
Go to the profile of drollmanjp05@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Someone Somewhere
Someone Somewhere
My head is a menagerie of words and ideas that sometimes burst out and sometimes settle in my mind with such comfort, that they never see the light of day.
Go to the profile of Aikya Param
Aikya Param
Rev. Aikya Param is a minister at Oakland Center for Spiritual Living in Oakland, California, a published author and visual artist.
Go to the profile of Suvi Helena
Suvi Helena
That girl next door. Top Writer in Feminism.
Go to the profile of Preeti Nagra
Go to the profile of Duff
Poet and occasionally capable of coherent sentences on indigenous issues, music, sports, and the world at large. Currently on council for my First Nation.
Go to the profile of N. Y. Adams 🖋️
N. Y. Adams 🖋️
Nicole Y. Adams is a freelance commercial German/English marketing and PR translator and editor based in Brisbane, Australia. 🌴☕ www.nyacommunications.com
Go to the profile of Eileen Vorbach Collins
Eileen Vorbach Collins
I write true stories I wish were fiction and fairy tales I wish were true. Author of award-winning essay collection: https://www.loveinthearchives.com/
Go to the profile of Jake Thomas
Jake Thomas
Relentless reader | Storyteller | Filmmaker | Finding my voice in my nerdy thirties. See my work at jakethomasmakesmovies.com
Go to the profile of Sylvester Singh
Sylvester Singh
I write what I pray.
Go to the profile of Lady Foxx
Lady Foxx
Lawyer and a Poet!| ♡Reading and Travelling| In writing, I understand....
Go to the profile of Dita Durga
Dita Durga
New to writing. Hoping to create and devour some rad shit on here.
Go to the profile of Wordsmith
Freelance content and copywriter. https://www.aitssamkhan.com/
Go to the profile of Sydney J. Shipp
Sydney J. Shipp
Published poet. Expressing in words, the universal feelings inspired by my experience of life. Instagram: SydneyJShipp, Twitter: @SydneyJShipp
Go to the profile of Lena W.
Lena W.
poet/music maker/student doctor
Go to the profile of Vy Diep
Go to the profile of G.R. MELVIN
“science of truth isn’t my strong suit. But I can watch from a garage roof; take semi evaluative notes, & make up semi reflective reports, & fake some control”
Go to the profile of Anika Nailah
Anika Nailah
I am an author/consultant with over 25 years of experience who holds healing space for organizations to build liberatory community. anikanailah.com
Go to the profile of Tara writes (Tara Star poetry)
Tara writes (Tara Star poetry)
Mental Health Writer and Poet @tarastarpoetry insta tarastar.substack.com trauma and ADHD
Go to the profile of Deeksha Agrawal
Deeksha Agrawal
programmer | love literature | space of inclusive perspectives | acceptance for all thoughts that could possibly exist in the Universe
Go to the profile of JM Hemingway
JM Hemingway
Cathartic Creativity
Go to the profile of Katie Cubano
Katie Cubano
Billion year old carbon.
Go to the profile of Brandon Matthews Sr.
Go to the profile of Gaston "Trey" King
Gaston "Trey" King
Author. Poet. Novelist.
Go to the profile of Chris Barbour
Chris Barbour
Poet | Writer | Zen Practitioner | Futurist | Sometimes Human Being
Go to the profile of Celeste Chaney
Celeste Chaney
Author, filmmaker, and marketer. www.celestechaney.com
Go to the profile of Jack MacDonald
Jack MacDonald
Concerned citizen. Critical thinker. Veteran. Consumer of knowledge. Making things better. Getting stuff done.
Go to the profile of Josh Chandler Morris
Josh Chandler Morris
A jeweller by day, writer by night. Exploring Eastern philosophy, spirituality and politics. Creator of The Inspiration Journal www.harshrealm.co.uk