Other Doors Best of June, Haiku Challenge and Other Silly Shit

Nicholas Petrone
Other Doors
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2 min readJun 30, 2020


A lot has happened since the last newsletter:

Other Doors “Fathers” Issue was published with contributions from Erin Ryan Burdette, Somsubhra Banerjee, Stephen Hoffman and Terry Barr. Check out the Father’s Day Issue Right Here.

Oh, and Covid rages on, there are protests in the streets and our president finally confirmed what most of us already assumed — he’s a big fat ugly stupid cowardly racist piece of shit. Did I just get political? Not really. One need not subscribe to a particular political ideology to subscribe to (and write for) Other Doors, but Trump is a special kind of asshole. Anyone who fails to see that at this point is either really stupid, a really big hatefilled asshole themself or both. Also, it is extremely likely that your writing is not bullshit free — in fact it is likely that it’s crammed full of squishy poop in which case this is not the place for you.

But I digress. What all of this makes me want to do, need to do, with at least part of my day, is seek solitude, quiet, look inside and write haiku. So let’s do it. Each Sunday this month I’ll be publishing haikus. Any topic, as many as you like. If you are new to this genre all the better. So find a quiet place to sit, something you want to say, and work that shit into a 5–7–5 syllable masterpiece.

What does a quality haiku look like? This:

“Of love and eclipses” by Lubna Yusuf

Best of June

Starting last month I began highlighting a few stories that really encapsulate what Other Doors is all about. Here are my picks for June 2020. Give them a read and then give the authors some love.

“The Destiny of Love” by Sylvia Clare MSc. Psychol

“Buried Beneath the Muddy Earth” by Tre L. Loadholt

“The Symptoms of Anxiety You Won’t See on Television” by Josie Elbiry

“Dawn Was an Ellipsis” by Stephen Hoffman

In addition to haiku we will still be publishing other work on a rolling basis so send us your best right now. We will be publishing poems, essays, memoirs, short stories, long stories, visual art, and whatever else comes our way, as long as it’s bullshit-free and from the heart, for the sake of art.

To request to become a writer email haroldpstinard@gmail.com or leave a comment on this post.


From haiku to hefty memoirs — poems, stories and essays that break through the bullshit. Looking for pieces that go far beyond cliché to uncover a new realm of possibilities. Other Doors features writing that leaves the reader with genuine congenital reactions.So send us your best right fucking now.



Nicholas Petrone
Other Doors

Born Again Transcendentalist. Writing about life, death and everything in between. Editor of Other Doors. haroldpstinard@gmail.com