8 Best Moments of OutSystems Engineering in 2019

Marina Calado
OutSystems Engineering
6 min readDec 30, 2019

Every year starts with a promise, a goal, a resolution. And then, before you know it, the year ends. Where did time go? We ask ourselves this very question at the end of each year. Luckily, when we look back, we see we dedicated our time to great things: new releases, new achievements, new people.

But don’t take my word for it. Read 8 testimonials from people who daily craft the future of OutSystems.

Tiago Oliveira, Software Developer

I can define this past year with one word: “Growth”! First of all, our R&D team is growing, with new people and new teams. More than ever, we need to adapt and come up with new ways to interact, manage people, deliver, you name it! I work in the Platform Core team, and this year we nearly doubled in size with newcomers, and that is just amazing. New people bring in fresh perspectives and allow us to understand other realities, incorporate new ideas, and innovate our processes.

I’ve been in this fantastic team for 3 years, and I’ve always felt like my opinion and work actually matter. We have the future of the Platform in our hands, and although that’s a big responsibility, when I look at all the work we’ve been doing, the satisfaction is priceless. When I see what lies ahead, I can see the power that keeps us growing and pushing our limits every day!

Vitor Teixeira, Product Designer

This year, we released Reactive Web Apps, and I was part of it! I’m happy not only for having contributed to our low-code application development vision but also because we could feel that we addressed real user needs with this release. Just read through some of the (currently) 135 replies to our forum post, and you might get a glimpse of what it was like for us.

To keep the feeling going in 2020, and since we enjoy addressing our users (and customers’) needs so much, we are releasing an early access of Progressive Web Apps in January. Stay tuned!

Leonor Bento, Quality Owner

2019 was a year full of challenges. I started my year building a solution for UI testing for OutSystems applications focused on visual, functional, and cross-platform testing. For me, this was the best challenge of 2019: to be able to build this test solution and continue learning with the OutSystems UI and Quality Owners teams’ feedback and from the feedback we’re receiving from the field.
When I joined the team that was working on the new Reactive Web applications, I had to learn more about the OutSystem platform to be able to help. But once again with the help of my fellow team members, I feel that I was able to climb this mountain.

2019 was not a boring year. At OutSystems, no two days are the same. I am lucky to have companions and friends in my teams that help me grab those challenges. The Quality Owners team, in particular, has become my second family. I cannot wait for the 2020 challenges.

Ricardo Nogueira, Engineering Development Manager

2019 was my first full year at OutSystems, and it was a blast! When I joined OutSystems, late in 2018, I knew back then that we were going to have lots of challenges in 2019, and we sure did! We were building up a team of Development Managers, and we kicked off the year with big ambitions. We brought people in, had people changing teams, taking on new challenges, and we even had a huge office renewal at Braga! At the same time, we were improving processes, kicking off ambitious projects, delivering lots of outstanding features, and looking into the future to understand what we could do next…

This was OutSystems in 2019, a place where things happened at a fast pace, where we got the chance to embrace significant challenges, make a difference, and adapting to change was a thrill! I can’t wait for 2020, but one thing is for sure: we will keep on having great challenges! Ohhhh… and we’re hiring!

Carlos Sousa, Head of Product Architecture

2019 was a great year in many ways! I joined OutSystems Engineering to work in the Product Architecture team. The core of OutSystems is our product, and I’m absolutely thrilled to be where the action happens and be a part of this team.
A lot has happened since I joined, and one thing that stands out is the pride I feel when I see what we are achieving, while we define and clarify the future path of our product. It has been for sure a team effort across all areas; teams and people.

And that’s probably the best thing 2019 had for me. A great reminder of our company’s DNA, continually pushing the limits, collaborating, thinking out of the box, focusing on our customers. This is the essence of OutSystems and why it’s great to get up in the morning, knowing that I’m contributing to something big.

Margarida Mendes, UX Designer

This year was both challenging and rewarding. We kicked off a new team completely focused on the interface of the product, where I was happy to assume more responsibilities. Our big focus on experience led us to evolve our product design system, which we’ll continue to work on in 2020.

André Pinto Vieira, Software Engineer

2019 was a year of change for me. I started the year moving to a new team that started working on a new initiative, and with a new initiative comes new technology, new processes, and new colleagues. With new people joining R&D, I was invited to support someone’s onboarding, which helped me to improve my communication skills and the way I relate to others.

During this year, I also created a new initiative in our Braga office called meetups@noon, where anyone can watch, share, and discuss content related to development and/or processes. This kind of initiative helps us in our growth, motivation, and even allows us to generate new ideas.

This year, I also embraced two other challenges. I became an advisor of a student doing his master thesis project with us with excellent results. And I embraced the challenge of understanding what it is like to be a Team Captain, so I’m in the process of exploring this career path, and I’ve already learned a lot of things. All this is only possible when you work in a company that gives you room to grow and with people that believe in you and aim to the best.

Sílvia Rocha, Head of No-Code Tools Engineering

This year at NextStep, history was made when OutSystems announced our no-code strategy to further democratize application development, thus allowing businesses to further accelerate innovation and leapfrog competition.

Reds Engineering group was set up to address no-code. As you can imagine, jumping aboard to such a challenging task is only possible with a big appetite for risk-taking, the ability to not only cope but thrive with change, and a heart full of will power. A huge kudos goes out to our teams for making all this possible, your accountability and sense of purpose are second to none seen before.

Truth be told, we could never have done it by ourselves, no matter how much we wanted it. This was only possible because we were carried on the shoulders of half of the company who had been rallying around us, backing our first steps. Go OutSystems!

A wildly eventful kick-off no doubt, and though the road ahead is still quite long and steep we just can’t wait to get there so let’s get going! Stay tuned folks. :)

Reminiscing? Go back in time. Read our 2018 and 2017 best moments.

Oh, and tell us your own 2019 best moment(s) 😉



Marina Calado
OutSystems Engineering

Marina is a UX manager at OutSystems, responsible for UX Writing and Design Enablement. She’s passionate about words, getting things done, and happy people.