Go to Over Engineering
Over Engineering
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Note from the editor

Stories from the people who make @Over. https://madewithover.com

Go to the profile of Wayne Ashley Berry
Wayne Ashley Berry
Software Engineer at @over
Go to the profile of Daniel Galasko
Daniel Galasko
"If you only do what you can do, you'll never be better than what you are" - Kung Fu Panda 3. Currently iOS @GoDaddy
Go to the profile of Johan Andersson
Johan Andersson
Digital art lover, heavy coffee drinker, maker of iOS app Image Blender and developer at VideofyMe
Go to the profile of Johan Nell
Go to the profile of Kobus Brümmer
Kobus Brümmer
iOS engineer at Over. Lives in beautiful Cape Town.
Go to the profile of Naudé Cruywagen
Go to the profile of Michael Dube
Michael Dube
iOS & macOS app developer. Currently building cool stuff for @Over.
Go to the profile of Euan Mapham
Go to the profile of Garima Jain
Garima Jain
Android @GoDaddy Studio
Go to the profile of Michael Dube
Michael Dube
iOS & macOS app developer. Currently building cool stuff for @Over.
Go to the profile of Naudé Cruywagen
Go to the profile of Garima Jain
Garima Jain
Android @GoDaddy Studio
Go to the profile of Jamie Raad
Jamie Raad
iOS Engineer @Over
Go to the profile of Daniel Galasko