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The french digital freight forwarder
Machine Learning
Using PostgreSQL views to ensure backwards-compatible, non-breaking migrations
Using PostgreSQL views to ensure backwards-compatible, non-breaking...
Jan 6, 2024
ML Ops development: Moving from a tool-based to a conceptual-centered approach.
ML Ops development: Moving from a tool-based to a conceptual-center...
TL;DR: The strong need of dedicated technologies in ML Ops is often the base of mis-understanding of what ML Ops is really about. While ML…
Paul Couturier
Apr 6, 2023
Data Analytics framework in Python: from scientific approach to actionable implementation
Data Analytics framework in Python: from scientific approach to act...
When I started doing analytics at Ovrsea, we were really at the start of our journey to understand what actionable data analytics is.
Paul Couturier
Jan 31, 2023
How to detect unused GraphQL operations
How to detect unused GraphQL operations
At Ovrsea, we use GraphQL for our API. After several years, our codebase got bigger and bigger and we ended up encountering an issue: how…
Guillaume Munsch
Dec 2, 2022
Why you should use jest-when to enhance your test mocks
Why you should use jest-when to enhance your test mocks
Oct 4, 2022
Manifesto on data testing at Ovrsea: an architectural design
Manifesto on data testing at Ovrsea: an architectural design
TL;DR : At Ovrsea we have been working for some weeks now on how we could improve our way to test and give the right data to our users…
Paul Couturier
Sep 16, 2022
Data testing framework (with python and dbt)
Data testing framework (with python and dbt)
TL;DR: This article presents our data testing possibilities regarding our dbt/python pipeline stack. It provides a regard on how, what &…
Paul Couturier
Sep 16, 2022
Building a Serverless event-driven application with SNS and Node.js
Building a Serverless event-driven application with SNS and Node.js
In this post, we will see how to make two Node.js microservices communicate asynchronously using AWS SNS.
Eric Cabrel Tiogo
Jun 30, 2022
Parsing poor-context documents with AI, a major challenge for the freight industry
Parsing poor-context documents with AI, a major challenge for the f...
TL;DR: Freight is generating several legal documents for every shipment. They are both mandatory and full of useful information. Being able…
Paul Couturier
Jun 30, 2022
Setup a Typescript project with ESLint, Prettier and VS Code
Setup a Typescript project with ESLint, Prettier and VS Code
Typescript is nowadays one of the most loved languages out there thanks to the power and robustness of its typing system.
Rémy van Dyk
May 25, 2022
Data & B2B : How to launch a high impact ML project when your core product is not AI centric ?
Data & B2B : How to launch a high impact ML project when your core ...
TL;DR : In order to prevent your Data team from only executing support tasks and to enable them to develop high value ML projects, you…
Paul Couturier
May 3, 2022
Asynchronous rendering with useDeferredValue
Asynchronous rendering with useDeferredValue
How React 18 can change our mental model of React rendering
Nicolas Li
Apr 20, 2022
How to use parent-child pipelines on GitLab CI
How to use parent-child pipelines on GitLab CI
The full code can be found on https://gitlab.com/paul84/ci-example
Paul W.
Mar 14, 2022
Create a Gitlab CI/CD pipeline for a serverless Node.js application on AWS
Create a Gitlab CI/CD pipeline for a serverless Node.js application...
In this post, we will see how to build a simple CI/CD pipeline on GitLab to deploy a Serverless application on AWS.
Eric Cabrel Tiogo
Feb 28, 2022
Power up your Node.js debugging and error handling with the new Error cause feature
Power up your Node.js debugging and error handling with the new Err...
A simple way to ensure your javascript error logs are more concise and helpful
Jan 25, 2022
Build your email templates with React
Build your email templates with React
Email is one of the prominent elements in the professional world. Sending emails to customers is a way to keep them informed by the update…
Eric Cabrel Tiogo
Nov 8, 2021
Using Lambda container with the Serverless Framework
Using Lambda container with the Serverless Framework
At Ovrsea, we run on microservices architecture backed by serverless stack to focus on what brings value to our customers. For our team…
Eric Cabrel Tiogo
Sep 6, 2021
How to automatically rebase all your Merge Requests on GitLab when pushing on master
How to automatically rebase all your Merge Requests on GitLab when ...
At OVRSEA we are used to merge our Merge Requests with a fast-forward policy. However, on GitLab, when you merge an MR on master, you must…
Paul W.
Sep 24, 2020
React: Good Props/Bad Props
React: Good Props/Bad Props
Have you ever written components with props names such as “isFirstElement”, “fromAuthenticationScreen”, “v2”, “adminVersion”? I did, and I…
Antoine Sauvage
Sep 1, 2020
Token authentication with React and Apollo Client— a detailed example
Token authentication with React and Apollo Client— a detailed example
Authentication is often a pain for beginners (and experimented !) developers.
Antoine Sauvage
Apr 5, 2020
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