Why I don’t like to actively listen to little pump
Let’s get this right straight off the bat, I don’t like lil’ pump, or most of the new wave of Soundcloud…
For a semester project in my English class, I will have to write 10 publications on this website over a particular topic. I chose to go with a blanket term and said that my topic was going to be musically related in some way shape or form. My idea is to do a little…
I whole heartedly believe that Kendrick Lamar is easily the best rapper in the game…
Typically I listen to a lot of different genres of music, I basically like that has an awesome…
In my previous post I said that DNA has a deeper meaning than what it leads you to believe on a first listen. The song starts right away, saying “…
Yes indeed
My Love for music started at a young age. Almost as soon as I was out of the womb I was listening to music or playing with my siblings and parents. When I was 6 I really started to get involved with music, I would sit in front of a drum set for about an hour every…
I like classical music. I really do. Classical music has a great range, it can get you hyped up or it can calm…