Ownly Updates #6: October 2021

Ismael Jerusalem
Published in
4 min readNov 2, 2021

The last quarter of the year started awesome as we continue to tick off every item on our roadmap this year! Let’s learn what our team has achieved this October:

Quarterly OWN Token Airdrop to NFT Holders

Last October 5, we sent our quarterly airdrop of our native token OWN to our present NFT holders. As long as you keep holding on to any of our NFTs, you will be eligible for our quarterly OWN airdrops. This is our way of saying thank you for treasuring our crypto art.

If you’re not yet an Ownly NFT holder, you can check out our awesome NFTs artworks here.

Ownly Marketplace

10% CryptoBack to NFT Holders

We also sent our ten percent CryptoBack to those who bought their NFT this month. Because what’s better than an NFT? An NFT with CryptoBack! Only in Ownly.

Know all the perks of minting and holding our NFTs in this article.

Why You Should Buy Ownly NFTs.

Live Interview with SparkPoint

On the second episode of SparkPoint’s Live Community series, they had me as their guest and I discussed the intersection of art and blockchain technology through NFTs.

You can watch the whole episode here to learn more about NFTs and the history behind Ownly.

#SparkyCommunity LIVE Series EP02: From art to NFTs — An artist’s perspective with Ismael Jerusalem — YouTube

Launched Marso’s Genesis Block NFT Collection

Last October 16, we finally launched our collection featuring Marso — the first female artist to collaborate with Ownly. Her collection entitled Genesis Block is heavily inspired by the days of creation in the first book of the Bible. It is composed of 9 beautiful and heavenly NFTs that aim to portray the positive impact of blockchain technology.

Know more about Marso in this article and learn about the whole idea behind the collection here.

More About Marso: The Artist Behind Ownly’s Upcoming NFT Collection

Genesis Block: A 9-Piece Single-Edition NFT Collection by Marso

SOLD Marso #1 of 1: Day 3 Progress

A few hours after we released the Genesis Block, we already sold the third NFT from Marso’s collection for 0.5 ETH ($ 2,168)!

Check out the eight remaining NFTs from her collection here.

Ownly Marketplace

Launched MustachioVerse Chapter 3–7

The tale of the Genesis Generation Mustachios continues. We would like to invite you to read their individual stories and their epic adventure together in finding the golden mustache.


Join our MustachioVerse community in Discord here. https://discord.gg/2aguNvuX

Partnership Announcement with SparkLearn

On October 16, we announced our partnership with SparkLearn — an e-learning portal that offers blockchain technology and financial literacy courses. We’re working on something pretty exciting and we can’t wait to share our collaboration project soon.

SparkPoint — Posts | Facebook

Follow us and SparkPoint for more info about this!

(SparkPoint | Facebook)

Mustachio Updates (78% were SOLD from Genesis Set)

The Genesis Generation Mustachio is composed of 100 mustached NFT avatars created by Boii Mustache. 78 have already been minted and have begun their journey in the Mustachioverse.

Only 22 Mustachios remain. What are you waiting for? Get yours now!

Mustachios (mustachioverse.com)

Tokenized Physical Art Collection Teaser

On the last day of the month, we shared a teaser of our upcoming project in the last quarter of 2021. We’re happy to say that our company will be launching one of the earliest Tokenized Physical Art NFT collections in the country. What a great way to celebrate the talents of our local artists using the physical and digital!

Watch the teaser here.

That’s everything for now! Let’s celebrate the next update together next month so stay tuned!

Check out our NFT Collection:

Ownly Marketplace: https://ownly.io/marketplace

OpenSea: https://opensea.io/assets/ownly

Foundation: https://foundation.app/ownly

TryShowtime: https://tryshowtime.com/ownly

OnCyber Metaverse: https://oncyber.io/ownly

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Telegram link: https://t.me/ownlyio

