Maybe for a month but never again.

I missed burgers!!

Brady Briggs n.
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMay 15, 2019


I have missed you my friend!

You know what? I am glad I tried something new something… interesting. But I will never, ever, ever try going vegetarian again. A piece of advice. If you’re anything like me, eating burgers twice a week, some chicken here and there, and maybe sneak a flank steak into your weekly meal plan, you should never go vegetarian. I know, its good for the environment but is it good for your state of mind seeing a neighbor biting into a juicy burger or watching as your friend cuts into his medium rare steak. However, I do feel that I made the right decision because after one month of the Do One Thing (DOT) Project the environment was benefited in many ways.

Over a period of 31 days, seven of which I recorded how many ounces of meat I ate a day before going vegetarian and 24 of the days I recorded how much meat I ate while I was vegetarian (all in ounces). I recorded all of my data on a Google sheet that you can reference to see all my calculations. As you can see I saved so much beef, chicken, and pork compared to my normal routine. I did avoid fish too but I am allergic to fish(😢) so I am always saving there.

I saved approximately 163.5 ounces of meat 🍖 in 24 days and if I continued to be vegetarian for a year I would save approximately 155 pounds of meat. That’s a lot but think about if all of the U.S. ate as much meat as I did and then made the same decision to be vegetarian. If this were to happen, the U.S. alone would save approximately 50,961,535,345 pounds of meat per year (and remember this is without fish). Cutting back on this much meat also cuts back on a lot of greenhouse gas emissions, as shown in the graph below.

On the other hand I might consider doing a different project that still benefits the environment. For example biking to school or taking shorter showers because both of these options reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Anyway I know you will make the right decision for your life and you can refer to some of my other post to see how my journey was as a vegetarian.

