Cover picture with the OPO.js crowd paying attention to the stage

OPO.js meetup #9: Wrapping Up 👋

Marco Oliveira
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2019


Took us a while, but we’re finally wrapping up OPO.js #9, the latest meetup of the Porto JavaScript Community. Here’s a 1 minute recap of the event 🙌

This one brought us a couple of out of the box topics, around Open Source Software politics, and P2P networking, which generated a lot of discussion from the 120 attendees.

Pizza.js 🍕

After the amazing success of last Pizza.js, we decided to keep it and, once again, served pizza for over 100 people 🤯🍕🔥

Crowd grabbing pizza from a big table

Once again, a smashing success, generating lots of impromptu conversation, and getting people ready for a party evening 😎

Book giveaways 🎁

Giveaway participants grabbing stickers and signing up

This time, our book giveaway focused on browser networking, in line with the themes our speakers brought to us. Be sure to follow us around the web to participate on these giveaways!

The talks 🗣

Although we don’t want to be too political, with everything happening around the web, the topics of Open Source Software politics and P2P networking are as hot as ever, with many projects succeeding or failing due to their policies and underlying technological principles.

Be sure to watch our speakers’ talks to get to know a bit more on these themes.

Vasco Santos presenting on stage

Vasco Santos brought us “A decentralised world with libp2p”, in which he shows us some of the potential of libp2p, and how you can use it to develop your own custom p2p protocols.

▶️ Watch Vasco Santos — A decentralised world with libp2p

Victor Bjelkholm presenting on stage

Victor Bjelkholm brought us “Building the ideal service for Free & Open-source Software”, in which he covers a framework for designing Free & Open Source Software services, and a reference project that’s being built on it, a JavaScript Community Owned package manager.

▶️ Watch Victor Bjelkholm — Building the ideal service for Free & Open-source Software

Pictures 📷

As usual, we’ve released the photo album on Facebook, so be sure to show us some ❤️ by liking the photos and tagging yourself.

Porto Tech & Creative calendar 🗓

Another topic we talked about at OPO.js, was the monthly calendar of creative and tech events in Porto.

We send out a newsletter with all key events in Porto every month, so you don’t have to follow a thousand different pages. You’re welcome!

If you want to follow the calendar, be sure to join the newsletter.

That’s it, folks. This was the last meetup before the Summer break, see you when we’re all tanned, either from the warm sun, or the bright LCD screen 😎 Stay tuned for more.

A big thanks to ScaleUp Porto, Pólo Zero, our speakers, and everyone who helped make this awesome meetup for the Porto JavaScript Community a reality. and its meetups are supported by the Call for Activities initiative by ScaleUp Porto.

Need to get in touch? Reach out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Medium, or directly through



Marco Oliveira

Chief Innovation Officer @UpholdInc (12M+ users, $2.4B AUM), 🔙 CEO at, Host & Founder @OPOnetwork , Entrepreneur.