What Is Marketing Resource Management? Everything You Need to Know About MRM

GanttPRO Gantt chart maker
Published in
5 min readSep 15, 2023
All about marketing resource management MRM

Marketing projects require many resources to be successfully completed.

Efficient marketing resource management (MRM) is what helps project managers deliver their projects and campaigns on time and without borders.

What is MRM important for marketing project management?

In this post, we explore how marketing resource management enhances project workflows and takes marketing operations to the next level.

What is marketing resource management MRM?

Marketing Resource Management (MRM) is a comprehensive system of processes and tools used by organizations to plan, execute, track, and optimize their marketing activities and resources in a professional way.

MRM helps businesses streamline their marketing operations, improve collaboration among team members, allocate resources wisely, and achieve their marketing goals more successfully.

Marketing projects typically involve 4 types of resources:

  • People.
  • Money.
  • Time.
  • Technology.
Typical marketing resources

MRM has been developing in recent years. It was acknowledged by Gartner. They unveiled MRM 2.0.

The meaning of MRM 2.0

Previously, MRM solutions predominantly leaned on all-in-one platforms. They encompassed a range of marketing management requirements and processes. However, the MRM concept has changed over time.

In 2017, Gartner presented their research where they mentioned marketing tools that fall into 3 categories of marketing management:

  • Work management.
  • Asset management.
  • Performance management.

They started to call the new concept MRM 2.0.

The new concept allows marketers to manage people, money, content, and brand strategy. It includes the processes connected with marketing specialists or marketing teams, from planning to production.

The benefits of MRM

Marketing resource management helps companies achieve their strategic goals by streamlining marketing operations and enhancing their competitive advantages.

Below you can see the real benefits of marketing resource management MRM and why businesses need it.

Benefits of marketing resource management

MRM is not only characterized by benefits but also has some evident challenges that marketing teams may face.

Сommon challenges in implementing MRM

Implementing MRM practices can be challenging, especially for organizations that haven’t used technology to manage their marketing campaigns before.

Below are some of the challenges businesses face when implementing marketing resource management.

  • Inaccurate data can hinder MRM enhancement, impacting marketing results reliant on data insights. Ensuring data accuracy and accessibility is vital.
  • Frequent changes during new MRM system implementation can be time-consuming. Effective change management is crucial for employee training and support.
  • Customizing MRM practices to fit specific company needs is essential but can be challenging due to the need for a deep understanding of local marketing procedures and systems.
  • Integrating MRM with existing systems, like CRM and email marketing tools, can pose significant challenges, demanding time and resources.

Implementing marketing resource management: best practices

The MRM field involves essential practices that form its basis. It is worth considering these practices to make the right decision when selecting a professional MRM tool.

The practices described below show how marketing resource management works.

best practices of MRM

1. Detailed planning

Creating a detailed plan is vital for reaching marketing goals and aligning them with business objectives. During this stage, marketing managers run team meetings, define goals and objectives, outline­ required strategies, break goals into milestones, build a timeline, schedule deadlines, and more.

MRM plays a crucial role in facilitating the efficient planning and timely execution of projects. Its functionalities encompass task creation, staff allocation, scheduling, vendor management, and various other project-related activities.

During this phase, selecting the right marketing resource management tool becomes imperative. One of the great examples is GanttPRO.

The Gantt chart maker serves as a powerful tool for planning and task management. With its help, marketing teams can organize resources and gain complete control over schedules, staff, and finances.

The software allows for allocating resources with convenient drag-and-drop.

2. Streamlined workflow

Marketing resource management stands on par with workflow management which helps to visualize work processes, review production, and define bottlenecks.

When marketing management is consolidated, it ensures that all stakeholders operate from a unified platform.

In GanttPRO, project teams have the flexibility to arrange and oversee an unlimited number of tasks while also breaking them down into more manageable components. Additionally, they can establish milestones, define task dependencies, and set deadlines.

Workflow management in GanttPRO

3. Budgeting

Assessing marketing needs and controlling costs are also essential aspects of MRM. During the initial planning of a marketing project, it is important to evaluate resources to define budget requirements. Project managers must assign values and costs to all resource types.

With GanttPRO, marketing teams can define the cost per item for material resources, per hour for labor resources, and with a fixed value.

Budget management with GanttPRO

4. Constant collaboration

Efficient marketing resource management relies on seamless collaboration among specialists, whether in-office or remote. They require reliable tools for chat, digital asset management, file sharing, content management, event coordination, and online proofing.

GanttPRO enhances transparency and teamwork, offering advanced communication features like commenting, notifications, and file attachments for staying updated.

Team collaboration with GanttPRO

5. Role-based access

Another key aspect of MRM is ensuring that the right individuals have access to the necessary information and assets for specific projects. Project managers should prioritize this to ensure qualified specialists complete marketing tasks.

GanttPRO enables managers to work with different account roles and project rights.

Would you like to get more details about MRM marketing resource management?

Feel free to dive into the full version of this article where you’ll find more insights and statistical facts: https://blog.ganttpro.com/en/marketing-resource-management/.

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