Just the Quotes: Q2

The second quarter of the year in “Pullquotes” of a 2 Year Old.

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old


This is a collection of all my daughter’s quotes for April-June 2016 in one place. (So you have them.) For more details, visit the links for each week posted below. To review the quotes from January-March 2016, check Just the Quotes: Q1.

And the rest: Just the Quotes: Q1 | Just the Quotes: Q3 | Just the Quotes: Q4

Friday Apr 1

Daughter: I pine up bus.
Daddy: Pineapples?
Daughter: Ply nupbers.
Daddy: Oh… play numbers.

Saturday Apr 2

“Oh no, big mess!”

Sunday Apr 3

Daddy: Daddy take a nap?
Daughter: Daddy, wake up!

Monday Apr 4

(to Minnie) “How was your weekend?”

Tuesday Apr 5

“Haha. I laughing.”

Wednesday Apr 6

(as Barbie) “I go to work.”

Thursday Apr 7

“Beep beep” (playing elevator in closet)

Friday Apr 8

Mommy: What colors are in the rainbow?
Daughter: Red, ah-ange, yellow, geen…

