iFranz or ahiFranz? Heil Franz!

salvo fedele
Chi più sa… meno crede
3 min readJun 23, 2013


iFranz? Is it a new Apple device?

The real name is ahiFranz. You can read iFranz in english, but you have to write it in italian: “ahiFranz!”.

Do you know? The italian “Ahi!” is equal to the english “Ouch!” and you can read it as an “i”.

What is it?

It is a modern parable about our meeting report.

Where it comes from? It comes from the real experience of a young patient with a “German” mother. She was really German, it is not a fake.

Franz was a lively child and full of interest, but one day he had arrived to my clinic sad and depressed. So at least the German mother described him.

What happens Franz?

I do not want to do anything.

“He does not want to play”, the mother adds.

Don’t you want to play anymore?

Yes, I don’t want to play anymore. My mother says that every night before going to sleep I have to do a report of all the good things that happened to me… It’s boring!

“Yes, he is refusing to play because he is tired to remember everything before falling asleep. Doctor… do you think he is normal?

I prefer not to play rather than having to repeat good things every evening, Franz adds.

iFranz! (ahiFranz!)

You have the same disease people that stay in a meeting have. None want to do the report! iReport, (ahiReport).

Sorry Franz I can’t help you. A paediatrician can’t change a mother.

Don’t You?

I am very sorry, I can’t.

Could Franz help us?

Yes he can. At the end of a meeting someone can remember the great thing that happened…

At the end of the meeting, the person in charge can write the great thing that happened. What we need is only a title, a little note … to avoid having to remember before going to bed … and having to endure a German mother that says “Heil Franz”!

Heil Franz? Is that a new German device? No it is a typical sound that has different meaning in different language but that sound influences how we think so powerfully that our concepts of the named thing in that language cannot be understood in another language… perhaps in another culture.

Franz’s Protest? Socrates’ Protest!


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salvo fedele
Chi più sa… meno crede

pediatra a Palermo; mi piace scrivere, ma cerco di non abusare di questo vizio per evitare di togliere tempo al… leggere (╯°□°)