katie zhu
write your sibling
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2015


thursday, dec. 3
sf, midnight

dear Nicole,

today jacob and i celebrated an early christmas. we both still wanted to get each other a decent few gifts, but didn’t want to lug them back to china, so we celebrated early. went to a nice dinner at beretta (bougie pizza place), then stopped and got some hot chocolate mix and mini marshmallows on the way home.

we each took a little bit to wrap up our presents, then i made some cocoa while jacob looked for a christmas movie. he chose DIE HARD, which is a banger. and it’s set during christmas time, so i guess they were like uh… christmas movie? sus.

anyways, onto the main event! jacob got me so many wonderful things :D :D :D and all stuff i really loved and wanted or needed. boy knows how to listen ;) he got me some cool “hot sox,” (patterned socks like koalas. v. cute), also the little footsie socks because i have like 2 pairs that i constantly run out of. he also got me this AMAZING fur throw (wolf!) from restoration hardware that is so fucking soft and warm and amazing. really wanted to buy one a couple months ago but didn’t end up getting it. and now we have one! perfect for chilling on couch. he got me a HARRISON BARNES jersey, because black falcon (his nickname) is my man, after j of course. barnes plays for the warriors fyi. and the warriors are STUPID GOOD. bc harrison is a boss. so now i can rep him when we watch games. and jacob also got me this gorgeous big wooden cutting board that is heavyweight, won’t slide around, and is beautiful. can’t wait to cook with it. it’s the one all the professional chefs use, apparently!

i got him a set of photos, some of us, him, seattle, printed on a nice card stock with a wooden box holder. he put it on his desk :) and he’s been getting into swimming so i got him a watch to track his swim laps — a GARMIN swim watch! he says he and dad are now on the same level with their garmin gifts, haha. and i got him a waterproof iPod shuffle with waterproof earbuds! hopefully make swimming a bit more enjoyable. all the fancy gear. also got him this comic book by one of his favorite artists—he has all of them, but the artist just released a new book a month ago so he hadn’t bought that one yet. then we snuggled up on the couch with our new snuggly blanket and watched die hard, which was pretty enjoyable and funny.

sorry you had a frustrating day, but glad to hear you’re feeling better. wine will do that. sometimes you need a day to vent and get all your frustration out, just to let it air our and you’ll feel better about things the next day. but try not to get yourself too worked up about it, won’t help in the long run. as our meditation instructor extraordinaire, Will Kabat-Zinn says: you can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.


you still haven’t sent me some gift ideas! get on it! :)

love and miss ya,


Read Nicole’s letter for the day: #21 drunk actually.

This letter is part of a 30-day series of handwritten letters between two sisters. Learn more about the project here. And subscribe to the publication, Write Your Sibling, for updates.

