Fair PVP on/off-chain with ECDSA

2 min readOct 3, 2022


Goal: To achieve verifiable pvp outcomes on chain using ECDSA

At first, I had no idea how I would achieve this but after a couple of weeks, it hit me. Use ECDSA signatures before & after the fight in order to make sure all participants are recorded & submit these signatures to the chain via a centralized wallet. Web2 security here is a must. You should not try to implement a production version of this without spending a considerable amount of time on web2 security since we’re using a centralised wallet.


hashedMessage = keccak256(
bool start,
string uniqueID

I forgot to add the unique ID in. Make sure to store the ID in a mapping as used after each function call. mapping(string => bool) should be fine.


For those of you unaware about ECDSA (Eliptical Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) here is an implementation of it. The _hashedMessage is prefixed & then we recover the signer using the ecrecover function & passing in the hashed message aswell as the 3 parts of the signature _v, _r, _s.

Can you see a use case for this in your project?

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