The Metaverse Engine 2.0

3 min readOct 15, 2022


The goal of this journey was to find a solution to interoperability. 1.0 worked in theory but it greatly took away from the user experience & would mainly be best for low effort gaming, not the vibe I was going for.

The 1000ft view

It’s hard to see Ik.

The DAO/Multi-Sig

User voting is off-chain & any actions taken upon the ecosystem has to be approved by two parties, a dev team & a community team. The dev team signs when technical specification have been met & the community team signs based on the off-chain user voting.

Management Information

To make sure we decouple as many of the required areas as possible & that we don’t hit that contract size limit all information regarding allowed minters & games should be stored on this contract.

The Ecosystem Token

Just an ERC20 token for accepting payments in.

The Stats Contract

This will be the shared database between different sources of character.


As I said earlier about the dev team this one place where the tech requirements need to be met.

For example the metadata would look something like this.

"name": "NFT #1",
"description": "This is the best you're getting",
"dna": "f585ddc968328d295b8092f12b2beb088990037f",
"edition": 1,
"date": 1641423728080,
"attributes": [
"trait_type": "Background",
"value": "Gradient Lime & Green"

The goal here is to build a Unity SDK to automate the process of retrieving a TokenURI, retrieving the metadata, downloading the images & slicing up the spritesheets(flattened 2D animation) to give the game being played on the character being requested to use. 3D is possible here just thought 2D would be quicker & easier.

The Game(Relay) Contract

Unlike my other examples in previous articles, the game logic is not on the chain this time as to enable PVP.

Okay we’ve got the boilerplate out the way but what about this pvp verification system?

By leveraging ECDSA we can allow these systems to process outcomes via authorised channels.

More info on the verification process here.

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