Aritmia respiratoria

Tag; Spettro, ECG, aritmia respiratoria



#1 La documentazione della relazione tra inspirazione e aumento del ritmo cardiaco aiuta a definire una aritmia respiratoria

#2 Il ritorno a ritmo costante quando si fa trattenere il respiro è un’utile controprova nei bambini a cui si può chiedere maggiore collaborazione

Un esempio

bambina di quasi 6 anni con aritmia sinusale

ecg: aritmia respiratoria? P di morfologia costante prima di ogni QRS, intervallo PR costante
fonospettrogramma di aritmia respiratoria

La frequenza cardiaca aumenta dopo ogni inspirazione
Lo spettrogramma documenta bene il progressivo rallentamento fino a una nuova fase inspiratoria (le frecce indicano la distanza tra due successivi primo tono)

La certezza l’avrei avuta con la controprova: facendo trattenere il respiro

link tratto da bem fin

Fonti bibliografiche

Sinus Arrhythmia — Braunwald 2014 WorldCat

Sinus arrhythmia commonly occurs in the young, especially those with slower heart rates or after enhanced vagal tone, such as following the administration of digitalis or morphine, and decreases with age or with autonomic dysfunction, such as in diabetic neuropathy.
Sinus arrhythmia appears in two basic forms. In the respiratory form, the P-P interval cyclically shortens during inspiration, primarily as a result of reflex inhibition of vagal tone, and slows during expiration.
Breath-holding eliminates the variation in cycle length
Nonrespiratory sinus arrhythmia is characterized by a phasic variation in the P-P interval unrelated to the respiratory cycle and may be the result of digitalis intoxication. Loss of sinus rhythm variability is a risk factor for sudden cardiac death [pag 791 e1]

Under normal circumstances, the heart is under parasympathetic dominance. Variations from the resting state occur with each breath because of the influence of breathing on the flow of sympathetic and vagal activity to the sinoatrial node. With inhalation, vagus nerve activity is inhibited and the heart rate begins to increase. With exhalation, this process reverses. This variation in heart rate with breathing is normal and a sign of cardiac health. Absence of change in heart rate with inspiration suggests cardiac disease and disturbed or diseased neural circulatory control. [pag 1943]

