Dying White Tribe’s Great Extinction Event

Abel Cohen
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
4 min readFeb 26, 2017
Old white, likely evangelical, self-loathing, nazi lady crazy about man who makes retard jokes and grabs chicks by the pussy.

They’ll be gone in 30 years. Max. Even if they totally halt immigration, inevitably it’s too late. Demographics will simply not tolerate rooms full of old white multimarried christian men dominating a nation that no longer reflects that at all. So take heart, women and other minorities. And a deep breath. Because this will all be over soon. Like a bad dream, we shall also awake from the nightmarish hellscape of this latest political bastardization.

Young white likely evangelical guy crazy about same proudly wears American flag shirt.
Conservative archnemesis Abbie Hoffman wears same. Gets accosted by 60s pigs.

Their long reign of political regressiveness, slave-owning, magic-believing, and war and scaremongering is about to come to a screeching halt. It will abruptly end within the next generation because they will just go away by simple virtue of dying off.

Doesn’t matter how many strapping young white dudes you see in once-offensive shirts, their numbers are insufficient compared to the bitches, blacks, and browns with whom they must ineluctably either coexist, or to whom they shall one day be forced to submit. Especially once they really are outnumbered.

Continued presence of the rabid right as an electoral threat is a testament to U.S. healthcare. How all these angry old white fuckers persist is truly a miracle. But one day soon, they’ll all be dead; sooner if they successfully dismantle the social safety net that sustains them.

Which many loudly declare they’d like to do.

And that’s why the most offensive thing our president said or did during the campaign — aside from retard jokes and pussy-grabbing — was telling the elderly and ill to “stick around long enough to vote for me; we need you.

That’s because there are now as many millennials as baby boomers. Stepping up to fill the void left by boomers’ inexorable deaths. Good news.


They may be ridiculous with all their emo safe spaces and trigger warnings, but at least hipsters weren’t around to vote for El Salvadoran death squads like their parents and grandparents. And now that they’re old enough, they’re certainly not going to vote for such ideas now either.

For this generation, the old French adage “liberal when young; conservative when old” will never be true. The only reason 37% of millennials voted for the president was because Hillary was their only alternative. More a tribute to Sanders voters’ stoic laziness than trending authentically conservative.

Well, not the only reason. A social media-powered, self-identified dangerous faggot from England also claims credit for urging and convincing this third of youth to resuscitate yesterday’s dead ideas. But he can’t actually be a conservative. He’s gay for god’s sake. Hitler would have killed him too.

He must just be an opportunist. Like the president.

Trump Youth

So don’t let the president’s voters tell you the youth are for Trump. Because if they couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Hillary after what she did to Bernie, then they voted for third party candidates or just stayed home. After all, 63% of them didn’t vote for the precedent.

That’s what makes phenomena like Jayme Liardi and the shit-you-not Trump Youth truly remarkable. Because there can’t be that many of these little nazi shits running around.

Impress friends in a few months by conjuring that name when they finally get the headlines they deserve for calling international bankers parasites.

Minorities now the majority

Yes, it’s true. Babies of other hues now predominate. And everyone loves babies. Even the most vicious, hateful clinic-bombers and abortionist-killers do it because they love babies.

So trust in tomorrow. Babies with internet will not swallow this vicious, horrid cock like their parents and grandparents are wont. Fuck off.

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