Homeworld Build 06 — Turanic Attack Carrier

Francisco Duarte
3 min readNov 9, 2022


Continuing with my Homeworld builds, this week I present you what I expect to be the first element of the next fleet to be completed — the Turanic Raiders. Let’s start with the biggest one.

The Turanic Raiders are a people of pirates and mercenaries that were often employed by the Taiidan Empire. During the Homeworld War they were among the first forces launched against the Kushan.

Among these forces was one powerful Attack Carrier. This ship almost destroyed the Mothership in two occasions, before being destroyed itself. A gigantic vessel, it was equipped with two ion beam cannons underneath the hull, a battering ram under the prow, plus immense bays for fighter wings. Like other Turanic designs, this class of vessels is quite utilitarian in design, with the engines placed under the main hull, and other systems placed around it as required.

Turanic society in itself is quite the mystery. However, the existence of pirate kingdoms and the whole mercenary livestyle give the impression that each Attack Carrier is inhabited by gangs of warriors that banded together, crawling in any empty space inside the ship’s cavernous spaces. They wouldn’t be a very cohesive force, instead fighting for a common goal, be it money, loot, or even survival, and then scatterign apart if not interested in being there any more.

On occassion, the videogames imply that this may be their lifestyle. I always found them to be a fun faction and one of the things that saddened me in the Remastered games was the creators not using the chance to make them a playable faction.

With this said, this won’t be their only ship on this series. Like the other factions, they will also have a medium and a light ship. But those will come later. For now, keep an eye on this space.

See you all later!



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/metastablemachine