Homeworld Build 04 — Vaygr Frigates

Francisco Duarte
3 min readAug 11, 2022


As stated elsewhere, these weeks have been overburdening me a bit with work and other responsibilities, so posts may be a bit more erratic until things stabilize again. Nevertheless, I do want to try to keep my posts going. So today I’ll make it quick and dirty so to speak.

Before finishing the classic fleets from the Homeworld universe, I think I’ll post a few more frigates as they are easy to make. Thus, we will jump a hundred years into the future to talk a bit about the Vaygr and their fleet.

These were a nomadic, conquering people that set their sights on Hiigara. Although there were cultural and religious reasons for this, this was a vast effort that required all they could throw at the Hiigarans, the descendants of the Kushan - the Exiles.

The core of their fleets was their assortment of frigate and corvette designs. For this exercise, I will present just the two main frigates.

The Assault Frigate harkens back to the original game. A simple, well-armed vessel able to engage most targets, it is a dependable workhorse. This design actually took me a long while to get done, and necessitated an intense back and forth with other creators before I was able to settle on a build that I was satisfied with.

The other half of this duo is the Heavy Missile Frigate. This was a really interesting design. All Vaygr frigates have short-range missiles for defense (which will tie wonderfully with the base damage of ships in FTW: Warfleets), but this one replaced the prior design’s guns with a larger missile launcher. This occupies most of the front and hurls massive anti-ship projectiles that can easily cripple even larger vessels.

Although not ideal to deploy in large numbers, small formations of this ship can truly make a dent in any fleet, being a good counterpoint to the classic Ion Frigate.

Again, this one also took me a long while to refine. The basic cues of this model would always tie in with the Assault Frigate, especially the keel which is always the core of my design philosophy. However, after exchanging ideas with other creators, I settled on a concept that is solid and easy to make.

There are more Vaygr designs for potential light ships, but I do not think they fit with the idea I’m going for. Nevertheless, if you want to craft your own interpretations of them, let me know. I love to see how other people tackle the same ideas.

For those of you who dabble in Lego-based wargaming, these are a good fit for Intercept Orbit, especially the Missile Frigate.

As always, let me know your thoughts!



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/metastablemachine