Master HP70K Document Index

12 min readMar 8, 2015


The following documents are known for the HP 70000 series Modular Measurement System. As additional documents are discovered they will be added, and document submissions are welcomed.

Revision 10, Last updated on: 2020–04–21.

MMS Catalog
5965–2818E Modular Measurement System Catalog

70001A — System Mainframe
70001–90017 Operation Note
70001–90021 Installation and Verification Guide
70001–90046 Component Level Information Package [1]
70001–90060 Service Guide
70001–90061 Component Level Information Package
70001–90154 Installation and Verification

70004A — System Display
70004–90005 Installation and Verification Guide
70004–90007 Operation Manual
70004–90031 Operating Manual
70004–90046 Service Guide
70004–90047 Component Level Information Package [1]
70004–90061 User’s Guide
70004 Service Note 03
70004 Service Note 07
70004 Service Note 08
70004 Service Note 13
70004 Service Note 14
70004 Service Note 15

70100A — Power Meter
70100–90001 Operation and Programming Manual
70100–90002 Service Guide
70100–90012 Operation and Programming Manual
70100 Service Note 01
70100 Service Note 03

70110A — Digital Multimeter
70110–90012 User’s Guide

70120A — Universal Counter
70120–90007 User’s Guide

70138A — Vector Voltmeter
70138–90000 Installation and Verification
70138–90004 Operating Manual

70205A — System Display
70205–90017 Operation Note

70206A — System Display
70206–90016 Operation Note
70206–90022 Installation and Verification Guide
70206–90025 Service Manual
70206–90027 Component Level Information Package
70206–90030 Operation Manual

70207A — PC Display for MMS
70207–90001 Operation Guide (?)
70207–90008 User’s Guide

70207B — PC Display for MMS
70207–90010 User’s Guide

70300A — RF Tracking Generator
70300–90020 Operating Note
70300–90090 Service Manual
70300–90092 Component Level Information Package [1]
70300–90096 Installation and Verification Manual
70300–90107 Installation and Verification Manual

70301A — Microwave Tracking Generator
70301–90003 Installation and Verification Manual
70301–90014 Component Level Information Package
70301–90033 Service Manual [1]
70301–90039 Installation and Verification Manual

70310A — Precision Frequency Reference
70310–90001 Service Manual
70310–90008 Operation Note
70310–90059 Installation and Verification Manual
70310–90075 Component Level Information Package
70310–90090 Option H23 Service guide
70310 Service Note 05

70311A — Clock Source
70311–90000 Operation and Calibration Guide
70311–90001 Service Guide

70312A — Clock Source
See above

70320A — Synthesized Signal Generator
08644–90047 Operation, Programming and Calibration Guide

70322A — Synthesized Signal Generator
08665–90001 Operation, Programming and Calibration Guide

70325A — Agile Signal Generator

70330A — 300Mhz Pulse Generator
70330–90001 Service Guide
70330–90011 Installation, Verification and Programming Manual

70332A — 100Mhz Multiple Clock Generator
70332–90001 Service Guide
70332–90011 Installation and Verification Guide

70340A — Microwave Synthesizer
5960–7038 Calibration Guide
5960–7095 Quick Start Guide
5960–7096 Operation/User’s Guide
70340–90007 Service Guide
70340–90008 Calibration Guide
70340–90010 Component Level Information Package [1]

70340A Z40 — Frequency Doubler

70341A — Frequency Extension Module
5960–7095 Quick Start Guide
5960–7096 Operation/User’s Guide
70341–90002 Service Guide
70341–90003 Installation Guide
70341–90004 Component Level Information Package

70420A — Test Set (Part of the E5500)
70420–90004 Operation Guide
70420–90005 Service Guide
70420–90006 Component Level Information Package

70421A — Downconverter

70422A — Microwave Downconverter
70422–90002 User’s Guide
70422–90003 Service Guide
70422–90004 Component Level Information Package

70427A — Microwave Downconverter
70427–90002 User’s Guide
70427–90004 Component Level Information Package
70427–90059 Operation Guide
70427–90060 Service Guide
70427–90061 Component Level Information Package

70428A — Microwave Source

70500A — Real-Time Controller/Embedded Controller

70590A — Shell Module

70590A H02 — Shell Module (1/8 module)

70590A H03—Shell Module (1/4 module)

70590A H04—Analogue Demodulator

70590A H05—Signal Feedthrough Module
70590–90004 Installation and Verification Manual

70590A H05—Switcher Module

70590A H07—Dual Switched Preamplifier

70590A H08—Quad Downconverter Module

70590A H09—Active Calibration Distribution Module

70590A H10—Passive Calibration Distribution Module

70590A H12—Dual 10 KHz to 50 MHz Distribution Amplifier

70590A H15—YTF Preselector Module

70590A H19—Card Cage Module

70590A H20—3 MHz to 21.4 MHz Upconverting Mixer Module

70590A H50—LO Distribution Network Module

70590A H51—LO Distribution Amplifier Module

70590A H61 — LO Splitter Amplifier Module

70590A H62—Test Module Adapter
70590–90023 Installation, Verification, Operation, Programming, and Service Manual

70590A H68—8-output LO Distribution Module

70590A H69—MATE Test Module Adapter
70590–90010 Test Module Adapter Manual

70590A H70—MATE 71210 Adapter

70590A H71—MATE Test Module Adapter with Coax Switch

70590A H72—MATE Test Module Adapter with Cal and Coax Switch
70590–90023 Installation, Verification, Operation, Programming, and Service Manual

70590A K06—Series 200 to MSIB Interface

70590A K20—Prototype of 70500A with 16 MB RAM

70590A K23—70500A with Options 002, 016 & 130

70590A K72—MATE Test Module Adapter with Cal, front panel

70590A Z01—Single Channel 70900B LO Amplifier Module

70590A Z40—40 GHz Frontend & Interface Module for 70909A Z40

70591A — 1/8 Module

70592A — 1/4 Module

70593A — 3/8 Module

70594A — 4/8 Module

70595A — MMS Mechanical Design Guides
5958–6626 Electrical Design Guide
5958–6627 Mechanical Design Guide
5958–6628 Electromagnetic Compatibility Design Guide

70596A — MMS Communication Design Guides
5958–6629 HP-MSIB Interface Design Guide
5958–6631 Communication Protocol Design Guide
5958–6653 Display Interface Design Guide

70597A — MSIB Module Interface Software
70597–90006 Component Level Information Package

70600A — Preselector
70600–90001 Technical Reference
70600–90005 Operating Note
70600–90036 Installation and Verification
70600–90053 Service Manual

70600A H26—Preselector with Bypass spec’d to 26.5 GHz

70601A — Preselector

70611A — Switch/Attenuator Driver
70611–90007 Operation and Service Guide
70611–90011 Operation and Service Guide
70611–90015 Operation and Service Guide
70611–90016 Operation and Service Guide
70611–92003 Operating and Service Manual
70611 Service Note 01
70611 Service Note 02

70611A K01—2/8 Switch/Attenuator Driver with 3 I/O Cards

70611A K02—3/8 Switch/Attenuator Driver with TTL I/O Card

70611A K03—2/8 Switch/Attenuator Driver with TTL Output Driver

70611A K11—Switch/Attenuator Driver with 9-pin D Connectors

70612A — Interface Module

70612A K02–4/8 Matrix Switch

70612A K03–1/8 Dual SPDT Front + Dual SPDT Rear Switch Module

70612A K10–2/8 Interface Module

70612A K52 — Power Amplifier

70612A K53 — Mixer Module

70612B — Interface Module

70612B K01 — MTS Transfer Switch

70612B K02 — MTS RF Switch

70612B K03 — MTS Attenuation/Detector/Noise Source

70612B K04 — MTS ID Power Source/Relay Extension

70612B K05 — Amplifier Module

70612B K06 — Three Channel Downconverter

70612B K07 — Custom RF Switch Matrix for HP 85119A-S10 System

70612B K08 — MTS Multiport Switch Module

70612B K09–3x3 DC-20 GHz Switch Matrix

70612B K15 — Output I/F

70612B K16 — Signal Combiner
70612–92040 Hardware Reference Manual

70612B K17 — Microwave Filter Unit Type 1

70612B K18 — Microwave Filter Unit Type 2
70612–92042 Hardware Reference Manual

70612B K19 — Unknown

70612B K20 — Microwave Switch Matrix (2x6, 1x8)

70612B K21 — Power Monitor

70612B K23 — SP4T Array

70612B K24 — Unknown (Customer-specific)

70612B K25 — Unknown (Customer-specific)

70612B K26 — Unknown (Customer-specific)

70612B K27–4/8 3x 84940A Driver Module

70612B K28 — Unknown (Customer-specific)

70612B K29 —2/8 BPSK Modulator, Step Attenuator and Transfer Switch

70612B K32 — Amplifier Module

70612B K33 — Compact Antenna Range Module

70612B K34 — Unknown (Customer-specific)

70612B K35 — Unknown (Customer-specific)

70612B K36 — Microwave Switch Unit
70612–92037 Hardware Reference Manual

70612B K42 — Unknown

70612B K43 — Switch Module

70612B K45 — RF Filter Module

70612C — Interface Module

70612C K02 — Step Attenuator Module

70612C K09 — 1x6 Matrix
70612–92027 Hardware Reference Manual

70612C K10 — RF Monitor
70612–92028 Hardware Reference Manual

70612C K16 — Unknown

70612C K17 — Unknown
70612–92028 Hardware Reference Manual

70612C K50 — “Project B” System Module

70612C K51 — Interface Test Port Multiplexer

70612C K52 — Unknown

70612C K53 — Unknown

70612C K54 — Stimulus Response Matrix

70612C K55 — Unknown

70612C K56 — Unknown

70612C K57 — Unknown

70612C K58 — Unknown

70612C K59 — Unknown

70612C K60 — Unknown

70612C K63 — RF Input Drawer
70612–90029 Hardware Reference Manual

70612D K01–40 GHz Interface Box with Integrated Amplifier

70612D K02–1x5 Switch Module

70612D K07 — Frequency Translator
70612–92046 Hardware Reference Manual

70612D K09 — Frequency Translator

70613A — Unknown

70613A K01—4 GHz 2x5 Common Highway Switch Matrix Module

70613C — Interface Module 2x5 Switch

70620A — Preamplifier

70620B — Preamplifier
70620–90022 Installation and Verification Guide
70620–90024 Service Manual
70620–90026 Component Level Information Package
70620–90036 Installation and Verification Guide
70620 Service Note 01

70620B — Preamplifier with CASS Modification

70621A — Preamplifier
70620–90022 Installation and Verification Guide
70620–90024 Service Manual
70620–90026 Component Level Information Package
70620–90036 Installation and Verification Guide

70621A H50 — Preamplifier with rear I/O for filters

70700A — Digitizer
70700–90001 Installation and Verification Guide
70700–90003 Operating Guide
70700–90005 Service Manual
70700–90021 Programming Manual
70700–90047 Manual Supplement

70700A H01— Digitizer with Clock & Trigger Buffer and Amp

70700A H02 — Digitizer with Single Point Discrete FFT

70700A H03 — Digitizer with Four Channel Phase Measurement

70700A H04 — Digitizer with Phase Measurement DLP

70700A H25 — GSM Digitizer

70700A K01 — Buffer and Amplifier for Multi 70700A System

70700A K04 — Phase Measurement DLP Card

70703A — Digitizing Oscilliscope
70703–90028 User’s Guide
70703–90029 Programming Guide
70703 Service Note 01

70761A — Unknown

70800A — MSIB Cable (0.5 Meter)

70800A K03— MSIB Cable (3 Meter)

70800A K04 — MSIB Cable (4 Meter)

70800A K05 — MSIB Cable (300 Meter)

70800A K10 — MSIB Cable (1000 Meter)

70800B — MSIB Cable (1 Meter)

70800C — MSIB Cable (2 Meter)

70800D — MSIB Cable (6 Meter)

70800E — MSIB Cable (30 Meter)

70810A — Lightwave Section
70810–90050 Installation, Operation and Programming Manual

70810A H01—750 nm to 870 nm Lightwave Section

70810A K01—Open Architecture Controller Kit (Prototype)

70810B — Lightwave Section
5954–9137 Application Note
70810–90055 Installation, Verification, Operation and Programming Manual
70810–90067 User’s Guide

70810B H50—Multi-mode Input Lightwave Section with Modulation Det

70820A — Microwave Transition Analyzer
70820–90005 Service Manual [1]
70820–90016 Component Level Information Package [1]
70820–90033 Tutorial
70820–90047 Quick Start Guide
70820–90049 User’s Guide
70820–90051 Reference Guide
70820–90053 Programming Manual
70820–90070 Installation and Verification Manual

70820A H10— Microwave Transition Analyzer with CASS Modification

70820A H50 — Microwave Transition Analyzer with 50 GHz Extension

70841A — Pattern Generator

70841B — Pattern Generator

70842A — Error Detector

70842B — Error Detector

70842B H50 — Error Detector

70843A — Error Performance Analyzer

70843B — Error Performance Analyzer

70843B UHF — Error Performance Analyzer

70843B UHJ — Error Performance Analyzer

70843B UHG — Error Performance Analyzer

70845A — Pattern Generator

70846A — Error Detector

70847A — Jitter and Eye-diagram Analyzer DLP card

70860A — CPU/firmware upgrade to the 70900A

70862A — Firmware Upgrade Kit for 70950A/70951A

70871A — Scalar Personality DLP card

70872A — Vector Personality DLP card

70874A — Jitter Personality DLP card
70874–90002 User’s Guide
70874–90016 User’s Guide

70874B — Jitter/Eye-Diagram Analyzer DLP card
70874–90002 User’s Guide
70874–90023 Eye-Diagram Analysis User’s Guide

70874B K01 — Kit to upgrade 70874A to 70874B

70874B K02 — Jitter s/w & memory expansion for 70820A

70874C — Jitter Personality

70874D — Jitter Personality
70874–90023 Eye Diagram Analysis User’s Guide

70875A Noise Figure Measurement Personality
70875–90001 Noise Figure Measurement Personality User’s Guide

70880A — Unknown
70880–90003 User’s Guide

70900A — Local Oscillator
5958–4233 Operation/User’s Guide
5958–6467 Language Reference
70900–90045 Installation and Verification Manual
70900–90116 User’s Guide (Large File: 58 MB)
70900–90135 Operation Manual
70900–90137 Programming Guide
70900–90141 Operation Manual
70900–90142 RAM/ROM Supplement (?)
70900–90150 Operating Guide (HP 70000XL)
70900–90160 HP 70860A High Speed Controller Board Upgrade Kit
70900–90154 Installation and Verification Manual
70900–90212 Manual Supplement
70900–90239 Operation Manual
70900–90241 Programming Guide
70900–90253 Installation and Verification Manual
70900–90263 Operation Manual
70900–90265 Programming Guide
70900–90270 Component Level Information Package
70900–90283 Installation and Verification Manual
70900–90284 Programming Guide
70900–90286 User’s Guide (Large File: 194 MB)
70900–90239 Service Guide
70900–90293 Service Guide [1]
70900–90293 Component Level Information Package [1]
70900–90312 Firmware Note
70900–90314 Installation and Verification Manual

70900A H02— Local Oscillator with Phase Noise Enhancement

70900A H69 — Local Oscillator with MATE TMA

70900A K02 — Local Oscillator with Resistive Divider

70900A K03—Local Oscillator with 300 MHz Upconverter

70900A K50 — Local Oscillator with Sniffer Loop Test Fixture

70900B — Local Oscillator
See 70900A for documentation

70900B H03 — Local Oscillator with Phase Noise Enhancement

70900B H04 — Local Oscillator with Ref Output 1 Signal Power Boost

70900B H04 — Local Oscillator with CASS Modification

70902A — IF Section
70902–90001 Service Manual
70902–90021 Installation and Verification Guide
70902–90069 Component Level Information Package
70902–90079 Service Manual
70902–90087 Component Level Information Package [1]

70902A H01 — IF Section with 18.4 MHz LO Input and 3 MHz IF Output

70902A H02 — IF Section with 18.4 MHz LO Output and 3 MHz IF Input

70902A H10 — IF Section with CASS Modification

70902A H53 — IF Section with 18.5 MHz LO Output

70902A H54 — IF Section with External LO Input

70902A K01 — IF Section with 21.4 MHz Notch Filter

70902A 8ZE — IF Section (Unknown)

70903A — IF Section
70903–90001 Service Manual
70903–90010 Component Level Information Package [1]
70903–90024 Installation and Verification Manual

70903A H01— IF Section with Log Video Output

70903A H03 — IF Section with Aux Video Output

70903A H04 — IF Section with Log Video Output

70903A H05 — IF Section with 1 Hz Video Filter instead of 300 Hz Filter

70903A H06 — IF Section with Fixed Pole at 10 Hz for Averaging

70903A H07 — IF Section with 21.4 MHz IF Output

70903A H10 — IF Section with CASS Modification

70903A H20 — IF Section with Switch Signal Line for 70590A H20

70904A — RF Section
70904–90045 Service Manual

70904A H02 — RF Section with Rear RF In
70904–90038 Operation and Service Manual

70904A H25 — RF Section with 5 dB Attenuator and DC Coupling Only

70904A H50 — RF Section without LO Levelling Amp

70904A H51 — RF Section with 321.4 MHz Output & > 50 MHz BW

70904A Z01 — RF Upconverter

70904A Z02 — RF Upconverter

70905A — RF Section
70905–90025 Technical Reference and Schematics [1]

70905A H01 — RF Section with 100 Hz to 22 GHz Extended Range

70905A H03 — RF Section with SMA RF Input

70905A H04 — RF Section with Probe Power Output

70905A H10 — RF Section with 21.4 MHz IF Output Bandwidth

70905A H35 — RF Section with Dual 321.4 MHz IF Output, > 50 GHz BW

70905A H60 — RF Section with 3.6214 GHz IF routed through rear panel

70905A H99 — Downconverter Module with >100 MHz Res BW

70905A E60— RF Section with 3.6214 GHz IF routed through rear panel

70905B — RF Section

70905B H01— RF Section with 100 Hz to 22 GHz Extended Range

70905B H10 — RF Section with 21.4 MHz IF Output Bandwidth

70906A — RF Section

70906A H01— RF Section with extended 100 Hz Lower Frequency

70906B — RF Section

70906B H01— RF Section with 100 Hz to 26.5 GHz Extended Range

70906B H02— RF Section with Dual 321.4 MHz IF Output

70907A — External Mixer Interface
70907–90019 Operating Note
70907–90029 Installation and Verification Manual
70907–90031 Service Manual

70907A E05— External Mixer Interface with 170 GHz Over-banding

70907A E53 — External Mixer Interface with 18–140 GHz Range

70907A E78 — External Mixer Interface with 26–40 & 75–110 GHz Range

70907A E80 — External Mixer Interface with 90–140 GHz Range

70907A H01 — External Mixer Interface with Custom Attenuator

70907A H50 — High Power LO Amp and 300 MHz Distribution Amp

70907B — External Mixer Interface
70907–90029 Installation and Verification Manual
70907–90031 Service Manual

70907B — External Mixer Interface with CASS Modification

70908A — RF Section
70908–90004 Installation and Verification Manual
70908–90096 Technical Reference
70908–90193 Service Guide
70908–90194 Component Level Information Package [1]
70908 Service Note 21
70908 Service Note 25

70908A H02— RF Section with SMA RF Input

70908A H03 — RF Section with 321.4 MHz Output

70908A H03 — RF Section with CASS Modification

70908A H25 — RF Section with 5 dB Attenuator and DC Coupling Only

70908A H35 — RF Section with 321.4 MHz Output

70908A K50 — RF Section with Tune + Span Test Fixture

70908A Z01 — RF Section with 321.4 MHz Upconverter, 2.7–18 GHz Input

70909A — RF Section
70909–90002 Installation and Verification Manual
70909–90035 Service Guide
70909–90026 Component Level Information Package [1]

70909A H02— RF Section with APC 3.5 RF Input on Rear Panel

70909A H04 — RF Section with 3.214 MHz IF routed to Rear Panel

70909A Z40— RF Section with 40 GHz Range. Requires 70590A Z40

70910A — RF Section
See 70909A for documentation

70910A H02— RF Section with APC 3.5 RF Input on Rear Panel

70910A H04 — RF Section with 3.214 MHz IF routed to Rear Panel

70910A H05— RF Section with 150 MHz Wide Bandwidth for Baseband

70911A — Wideband IF Section
70911–10001 Receiver Personality (3.5" Diskette)
70911–10002 Receiver Personality ROM Card
70911–90002 Service Guide

70911A H01— Wideband IF Section with CF70 MHz Filter

70912A — Downconverter

70912B — Downconverter
70912–90007 Operation and Service Manual

70950A — Optical Spectrum Analyzer
70950–90002 Quick Start Guide
70950–90006 User’s Guide
70950–90008 Reference
70950–90010 Programming Manual
70950–90012 Installation and Verification Manual
70950–90021 Programming Manual
70950–90024 User’s Guide
70950–90025 Quick Reference
70950–90026 Reference
70950–90027 Installation and Verification Guide
70950–90038 OPT 051 EDFA User’s Guide
70950–90040 User’s Guide
70950–90041 Programming Guide
70950–90042 Reference
70950–90043 Quick Reference

70950B — Optical Spectrum Analyzer
70950–90047 Installation and Verification Guide
70950–90048 Quick Start Guide
70950–90049 User’s Guide
70950–90050 Programming Guide
70950–90052 Quick Reference
70950–90054 OSA Capture User’s Guide
70950–90070 Reference

70951A — Optical Spectrum Analyzer
70951–90012 Operation and Service Supplement

70951B — Optical Spectrum Analyzer
See above

70952B — Optical Spectrum Analyzer
70952–90001 User’s Manual for EDFA Test Personality
70952–90005 User’s Manual for EDFA TDE Personality
70952–90006 User’s Manual for EDFA Noise Gain Profile

70953A — Time Domain Extinction upgrade

71000 — MSIB Specification
71000–90026 Modular Measurement System Specification

71100A/71200A/71300A — Modular Spectrum Analyzers
5958–4233 Operating Manual

71209A — Microwave Spectrum Analyzers
71209–90001 Quick Start Guide

71400A — Lightwave Signal Analyzer
5954–9137E Application Note 317 Measuring Modulated Light

71500A — Microwave Transition Analyzer
5091–8634E Product Note 70820–10 Group Delay Personality

71600B — GBit/s Testers
71600–90004 Operating Manual
71600–90005 Installation and Verification Manual
71600–90006 Programming Manual
71600–90009 Service Manual
71600–90029 Operating Manual

71612B — GBit/s Testers
71612–90015 Operating and Programming Manual

71910A — Wide Bandwidth Receiver
5964–3586E Product Note 87400–13 Extending VSA
5964–3895E Technical Specifications
5964–4351E Configuration Guide
5967–5338E Communication & Satellite Test Instrumentation
71910–90002 User’s Guide

85110A K07 — Test Set

85110L K08 — Test Set

85110A K56 — Test Port

[1] Electronic copies available from Artek Manuals

