Introducing P2PG Token

P2P Guru
Published in
6 min readJan 21, 2020

In our previous user-guide, we have covered all the items that users can add on P2P Guru and activities that they can do to help extend and maintain the platform for other users and earn back the token reward.

This user-guide will focus on P2PG token and its purpose for the P2P Guru platform.

Since you have found yourself reading this guide, you probably already know something about P2P Guru and what it is about or maybe you have already used the platform yourself, but for those who have not heard about P2P Guru yet:

P2P Guru is the multimedia platform and search engine that considers user-experience, privacy and community as its priorities and for that reason, P2P Guru provides free multimedia experience without any distracting forms of advertisements.

‘You can find everything from Movies and Tv-Shows to Games, Music or e-Books.’

Furthermore, each movie or show has its own section containing all relevant information including the timeline, actors, descriptions and images, soundtracks or even ratings from IMDB, Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes combined into ‘Guru Rating’.

The site is logically categorized and organized based on sections, genres, popularity or year of release and P2P Guru also offers many additional features such as ‘Quality Indexassessing the quality value of each torrent file or ‘Watchlist’ that allows users to share the list of their favorite movies and series with each other via their private links.

Now back on the track: So why is P2P Guru being tokenized & what is the purpose of the P2PG token?

Sharing Advertising Revenues

Advertisements of any forms demanding our attention and prompting us to take certain actions shape how today’s Internet works and it’s nearly impossible to avoid them.

P2P Guru believes that tokenization represents an alternative way to provide quality user experience without abusing users’ attention and follows the path of the Brave browser and other ambitious projects that embarked upon a mission to fix the broken Internet and honor user’s privacy.

How does advertising on P2P Guru work?

In the traditional two-party advertising concept, advertisers pay publishers for advertising their services and products and in return, publishers can monetize their websites and apps. Yet, as the Internet provides uncharted territory of endless and limitless digital spaces, many popular sites that contain great content are overwhelmed by excessive advertising practices that might look like this:

Many data studies confirm that advertising is gradually becoming more and more pervasive and at the same time people’s frustration with advertisements (especially those intrusive forms like pop-ups) is growing. Although many Internet users are trying to protect themselves by using multiple ad-blocks, this solution might put a plaster on the wound but it does not help to resolve the overall issue.

P2P Guru is a universally advertisements-free platform, but should you ever encounter an advertisement while enjoying multimedia, you can be sure that you are not only being exploited for the sake of monetization but that you are also earning back in dividends that are periodically distributed to all active users.

Many other competitive sites are full of ads for online casinos and gambling services and just recently, even the notorious PirateBay took part in advertising of a Ponzi scheme on its homepage.

On the contrary, tokenization gives P2P Guru complete freedom to advertise only projects that are aligned with the core values and vision of the platform while also taking into account its users by sharing revenues from all advertisements as payback for their activity and contribution on the platform.

Connecting the Community

Furthermore, P2PG token completes a missing link in the formation of a truly interconnected platform that serves to and is maintained by its community as P2PG token secures an internal payment and reward method.

Until now, it has been generally complicated to pay to active users from all around the globe who participated and contributed to the platform with any activities and tasks that are available and listed on P2P Guru.

Everyone prefers different payment methods, services, and currencies and thus, without the token, it would be impossible to sustain a stable growth of the platform and have an efficient interaction between P2P Guru and its users. Also, popular online payment services like Paypal charge a high amount of fees for every payment and makes it impractical to transfer smaller payments of just a few dollars for individual tasks or organize multiple payments simultaneously.

Therefore, designing a better system by leveraging today's technology like blockchain is central.

P2PG token as an internal currency enables P2P Guru to finally bridge the gap between the platform and its users, simplify the whole process, make all transactions easier, faster and completely transparent on the blockchain.

By participating in and completing specific tasks and activities on P2P Guru that are mentioned in our previous guide, users are in regular intervals rewarded in P2PG tokens to their ETH address paired with their account on P2P Guru or to the address generated directly by P2P Guru. Users can then convert their tokens to their desirable currency, use them to purchase VIP accounts or store and hold them in any hardware or software wallets that support the ERC20 token standard.

With their activity on P2P Guru, users not only maintain and extend the platform but also earn and generate a passive income for themselves.

P2PG token smoothly facilitates transactions of rewards to the users who actively helped to maintain the platform but also reinforce the quarterly distribution of dividends to those who already earned and held the token throughout the quarter. Apart from the distribution of rewards and dividends, there are many other categories that are distributed quarterly, you can explore them in this particular guide that is focused on the quarterly distribution of the token.

With P2PG token, P2P Guru takes a step forward as it provides a unique solution and approach by adopting tokenization and issuing its own token.

Tokenization not only defines an efficient payment method but also constructs a system of incentives and rewards that helps to merge the progress of the platform and users’ involvement in that process.

Disclaimer: Once again, the purpose of this user-guide is just to present a summary for easier comprehension and visualization, if you wish to gain a complete insight, please read the whitepaper.

