Archive of stories published by Programming for Social Science

R01 Paid Maternity Leave

Melissa Etehad and Jeremy C.F. Lin, The Washington Post’s reporters, wrote a story “The world is getting better at paid maternity leave. The U.S. is not” in Auguest 13, 2015, which is a good case for introducing basic skills of data analysis and visualization. I treated it as the most important start of my R for Data Journalism series.

Web Scraping projects


  • 可查詢單一市場的農產品交易行情歷史。
  • 可結合氣象或颱風資料觀察氣象對農產品的影響。
  • 氣象資料。
  • 颱風資料庫

These were the top 10 stories published by Programming for Social Science; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2017, 2018, and 2019.